

(proe jess’ ter own)

Progesterone in oil (parenteral):

Progesterone aqueous


Crinone, Prometrium

Vaginal insert: Endometrin



Drug Classes



Therapeutic Actions

Endogenous female progestational substance; transforms proliferative endometrium into secretory endometrium; inhibits the secretion of
pituitary gonadotropins, which prevents follicular maturation and ovulation; inhibits spontaneous uterine contractions; may have some estrogenic, anabolic, or androgenic activity.


  • Treatment of primary and secondary amenorrhea

  • Treatment of abnormal uterine bleeding

  • Prevention of endometrial hyperplasia

  • Treatment of endometrial hyperplasia in non-hysterectomized women who are receiving conjugated estrogens

  • Vaginal: To support embryo implantation and early pregnancy by supplementation of corpus luteal function as part of an assisted reproductive technology treatment program for infertile women

  • Gel: Infertility, as part of assisted reproductive technology for infertile women

  • Unlabeled uses: Treatment of PMS, prevention of premature labor and habitual abortion in the first trimester, treatment of menorrhagia (intrauterine system)

Available Forms

Injection—50 mg/mL; vaginal gel—45 mg (4%), 90 mg (8%); capsules—100, 200 mg; vaginal insert—100 mg


Administer parenteral preparation by IM route only.


  • Amenorrhea: 5–10 mg/day IM for 6–8 consecutive days. Expect withdrawal bleeding 48–72 hr after the last injection. Or use 400 mg PO in the evening for 10 days. Spontaneous normal cycles may follow.

  • Secondary amenorrhea: Using 4% gel, 45 mg vaginally every other day to maximum of 6 doses. For women who do not respond, trial of 8% gel every other day to maximum of 6 doses.

  • Uterine bleeding: 5–10 mg/day IM for six doses. Bleeding should cease within 6 days. If estrogen is being given, begin progesterone after 2 wk of estrogen therapy. Discontinue injections when menstrual flow begins.

  • Endometrial hyperplasia: 200 mg/day PO in the evening for 12 days per 28-day cycle in combination with a daily conjugated estrogen.

  • Infertility: 90 mg vaginally daily in women requiring progesterone supplementation; 90 mg vaginally bid for replacement—continue for 10–12 wk into pregnancy if it occurs.

  • Support for implantation: 100 mg inserted vaginally two to three times daily starting at oocyte retrieval and continuing for up to 10 wk.

Jul 21, 2016 | Posted by in NURSING | Comments Off on Progesterone

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