Pentamidine Isethionate

Pentamidine Isethionate

(pen ta’ ma deen ess thye’ oh nate)

Parenteral: Pentam 300

Inhalation: NebuPent


Drug Class


Therapeutic Actions

Antiprotozoal activity in susceptible Pneumocystis jiroveci pneumonia infections; mechanism of action is not fully understood, but the drug interferes with nuclear metabolism and inhibits the synthesis of DNA, RNA, phospholipids, and proteins, which lead to cell death.


  • Treatment of P. jiroveci pneumonia, especially in patients who do not respond to therapy with the less toxic trimethoprim-sulfamethoxazole combination (injection)

  • Inhalation: Prevention of P. jiroveci pneumonia in high-risk, HIV-infected patients

  • Unlabeled use (injection): Treatment of trypanosomiasis, visceral leishmaniasis

Available Forms

Injection—300 mg/vial; powder for injection—300 mg; aerosol—300 mg


Adults and pediatric patients older than 4 mo


4 mg/kg once a day for 14–21 days by deep IM injection or IV infusion over 60–120 min.


300 mg once every 4 wk administered through the Respirgard II nebulizer.

Jul 21, 2016 | Posted by in NURSING | Comments Off on Pentamidine Isethionate

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