


Figure 27.1 Effective partnership

It is vital that nurses and the multidisciplinary team (MDT) realize that parents are the experts with regard to their child and that valuable knowledge and skills can be gained from parents regarding their child’s routines.

The partnership model of care recognizes that the family are expert carers with regard to their child (Casey and Mobbs 1988). Care of the child needs to be negotiated with the child, family members and the nurse. The nurse’s role is supporting, teaching and assisting the family to make informed decisions about their child’s care (Casey 1995). Parents are the child’s advocate and nurses provide support to ensure that the child’s wishes and feelings are taken account of.

A plan of care is discussed and agreed. Direct care is carried out as planned. The nurse shares information, provides support, monitors progress and, with the family’s consent, coordinates care with other professionals (Casey 1995). Parents will be concerned about the effects that hospital admission will have on the child and his/her siblings.

Effective partnership

For partnership care to be effective, nurses must have a positive attitude, respect for the family, good communication skills and an understanding of the complexity of the parents’ role (Lee 2007).

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Jun 7, 2018 | Posted by in NURSING | Comments Off on Partnership

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