

(my coe fen’ oh late)

Mycophenolate Mofetil


Mycophenolate Sodium



Drug class


Therapeutic Actions

Immunosuppressant: Inhibits T-lymphocyte activation; exact mechanism of action unknown, but binds to intracellular protein, which may prevent the generation of nuclear factor of activated T cells, and suppresses the immune activation and response of T cells; inhibits proliferative responses of T and B cells.


  • Prophylaxis of organ rejection in patients receiving allogeneic renal, hepatic, and heart transplants; intended to be used concomitantly with corticosteroids and cyclosporine; Myfortic used for renal transplants only

  • Unlabeled uses: Refractory uveitis as 2 g/day alone or in combination therapy; second-line agent for Churg-Strauss syndrome; combined with prednisolone for diffuse proliferative lupus nephritis

Available Forms

Capsules—250 mg; tablets—500 mg; DR tabletsDNC—180, 360 mg (Myfortic); powder for oral suspension—200 mg/mL; powder for injection—500 mg/vial



  • Renal transplantation: 1 g bid PO or IV (administered over at least 2 hr) starting as soon as possible after transplant; 720 mg PO bid on an empty stomach (Myfortic).

  • Cardiac transplantation: 1.5 g PO bid or IV (IV over at least 2 hr).

  • Hepatic transplantation: l g IV bid (over at least 2 hr) or 1.5 g PO bid.

Pediatric patients

  • Renal transplantation: 600 mg/m2 oral suspension PO bid (up to a maximum daily dose of 2 g/10 mL oral suspension); 400 mg/m2 PO bid to a maximum 720 mg bid (Myfortic).

Geriatric patients

Maximum recommended dose is 720 mg PO bid (DR tablets) (Myfortic).

Patients with severe renal or hepatic impairment

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Jul 21, 2016 | Posted by in NURSING | Comments Off on Mycophenolate

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