

(men oh troe’ pins)

Menopur, Repronex


Drug Classes

Fertility drug


Therapeutic Actions

A purified preparation of human gonadotropins; in women, produces ovarian follicular growth; when followed by administration HCG, produces ovulation; used with HCG for at least 3 mo to induce spermatogenesis in men with primary or secondary pituitary hypofunction who have previously achieved adequate masculinization with HCG administration.


  • Given with HCG sequentially to induce ovulation and pregnancy in anovulatory infertile patients without primary ovarian failure; used with HCG to stimulate multiple follicles for in vitro fertilization programs

  • Unlabeled use: Treatment of male infertility caused by hypogonotropic hypogonadism

Available Forms

Powder or pellet for injection—75 international units FSH/75 international units LH


To achieve ovulation, HCG must be given following menotropins when clinical assessment indicates sufficient follicular maturation as indicated by urinary excretion of estrogens.

Menopur, Repronex

225 units IM; then 75–150 units/day by subcutaneous injection up to a maximum of 450 units/day for no longer than 12 days (Repronex) or 20 days (Menopur). Base actual dose on follicular development.

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Jul 21, 2016 | Posted by in NURSING | Comments Off on Menotropins

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