
Chapter 16


Dianne Thames, RN, DNS

The importance of investigating infections in the elderly cannot be overstated. Infection is one of the 10 most common causes of death in clients older than age 65 (Kane, Ouslander, Abrass, & Resnick, 2009). Infections in the elderly are often masked in their presentation, which can lead to delayed treatment. The immune system, which enables the body to defend itself against outside infections and altered cells such as neoplasms within the body, is vital to human survival. Yet with aging this system exhibits a diminished ability to provide such protection (Newson, 2007). Considering this system’s fundamental importance to maintaining health, a clear understanding of the age-related changes in the immune system is crucial.

The immune system has two primary functions: (1) to discriminate between that which is self and that which is nonself and (2) to remove from the body that which is recognized as nonself. The system accomplishing this comprises several organs, cells, and proteins (Porth, 2004). Furthermore this system interacts with the neurologic and endocrine systems in a highly complex manner to modulate function of the human immune response. Thus immunologic functioning can be mediated by psychologic and behavioral factors. There is an increasing awareness of the impact of mood, activity level, stress, and nutrition on the capacity of this system to provide optimum protection.

This chapter examines the age-related changes in the immune system. The influence of other factors, such as psychosocial influences and nutrition, on the immune status of older adults is also discussed. Cancer, autoimmune diseases, human immunodeficiency virus (HIV), and significant nosocomial pathogens are presented.

The Chain of Infection

For an infection to occur there must be a reservoir of an infectious disease, a portal of entry, and a susceptible host. The source of an infectious disease is the reservoir or substance from which the infectious agent was acquired. The source may be a person’s own microbial flora (endogenous) or something in the environment (exogenous), such as water, air, food, soil, or another person. Infectious diseases passed from other animal species to humans are zoonoses; these include cat-scratch disease and rabies. Infections acquired in the hospital are called nosocomial; those acquired outside the health care facility are called community acquired. The source of transmission may also be a body substance, such as feces, blood, and body fluids. Infections can be transmitted from person to person through shared inanimate objects (fomites) contaminated with infected body fluids. Examples of this mechanism of transmission would include Clostridium difficile infection from a contaminated rectal probe or an electronic thermometer and HIV infection from the use of shared syringes by intravenous drug users.

The portal of entry is the way a pathogen enters the body and gains access to susceptible tissues to cause disease. A portal of entry may be gained through penetration, direct contact, ingestion, or inhalation. Any disruption or penetration in the integrity of the skin and mucous membranes is a potential portal of entry. The break may be accidental (e.g., an abrasion or a burn), the result of a medical procedure (e.g., surgery or catheterization), or the result of direct inoculation from animal or arthropod bite (e.g., Lyme disease or malaria). In direct contact, pathogens are transmitted directly from infected tissue or secretions to exposed intact mucous membranes. Sexually transmitted diseases such as gonorrhea and chlamydia are examples of direct contact transmission. A more efficient portal of entry is through the oral cavity and gastrointestinal tract. The pathogens are ingested and successfully compete with the normal bacterial flora to cause infection. Cholera, food poisoning, and hepatitis A are examples of diseases that occur through ingestion. Pathogens must be able to survive low pH and the enzymes of the gastric acid secretions to establish infection. People with reduced gastric acidity (because of disease or medications) are more susceptible to this route of infection because more types of pathogens survive the gastric environment in larger numbers.

A number of pathogens can invade the body through inhalation into the respiratory tract and can cause disease. These diseases include influenza, the common cold, and bacterial pneumonia. The portal of entry does not limit the site of infection. Ingested pathogens may penetrate the mucosa, disseminate through the circulatory system, and cause disease in other organs (Porth, 2004). Hepatitis A and vancomycin-resistant enterococci (VRE) are examples of ingested pathogens causing infection in the liver and bloodstream, respectively. The host and the condition of the host are important factors in determining whether a pathogen will succeed in causing infection and clinical disease.

Age-Related Changes in the Immune System

Some researchers believe that much of the illness seen in older adults may be the direct consequence of changes in “both cell-mediated and antibody-mediated immune response” (Townsend, 2008). Alterations in immune status can be responsible for infections, cancer, and autoimmune processes, all of which can be life threatening (Porth, 2004). Scientists have tried to determine whether the diminished immunocompetence noted with age is a result of decreased numbers of immune cells or merely decreased functioning of the cells. However, because immunocompetence is affected by numerous other factors, it has been difficult to isolate changes that are related to age alone. Thymic atrophy, which occurs naturally with aging, affects T-lymphocyte function. Diminished cellular (T cell–mediated) and humoral (B-lymphocyte) immunity have both been associated with aging. Box 16–1 summarizes age-related changes in the immune system (Townsend, 2008).

Cell-mediated immunity is the ability of the host to differentiate between self and nonself. Diminished cell-mediated immunity in older adults is generally associated with declining T-cell function. In addition, T-cell response also diminishes. Functional responses can occur in older adults, but these responses tend to be weaker than earlier in life (Goldman & Ausiello, 2004). The effect of aging on B cells is less clear.

The skin is the largest immunologically active system of the body, and the body’s first line of defense. With aging, the skin becomes more fragile and prone to breakdown or abrasion. Current immunity theories attempt to explain a relationship between decreased immune functioning and elevated autoimmune response. Is there a connection between functioning of the immune system and age-related conditions such as Alzheimer disease or cardiovascular disease (Miller, 2004)?

Factors Affecting Immunocompetence

Nutritional Factors

Nutritional and dietary status is of critical importance to immune function. This is especially true in the older adult population. Older adults are at high risk for nutritional deficits in that at least one third of individuals older than age 65 having nutritional deficiencies (review Chapter 10). Risks associated with the development of a nosocomial infection include poor nutrition, unintentional weight loss, low serum albumin levels, decreased fluid intake, poor oral hygiene, and altered mental status. Numerous factors that may contribute to this tendency toward inadequate nutrition include altered taste, social isolation, physical inability to prepare food, altered absorption, and poverty. Individuals with nutritional deficiencies have been shown to have significant reductions in delayed cutaneous hypersensitivity (Eliopoulos, 2005). Nutritional supplements have been found to allow older individuals to handle activities of daily living and to decrease a patient’s susceptibility to infection (Nowson, 2007).

Protein-Energy (Caloric) Malnutrition

Significant deprivation of protein and energy (caloric) nutrients has been shown to result in alteration in immune function (Nowson, 2007). These, along with other changes, result in increased susceptibility to infectious disease. Restoring nutritional balance, especially protein balance, can improve older adults’ immune status (Nowson, 2007).

Psychosocial Factors

Awareness is growing of the potential impact of psychosocial factors on immune status. These factors include chronic and acute stress, depression, bereavement, and social relationships. Recognition that such factors influence immune status is relatively recent, and our understanding of the nature of these relationships is constantly changing. Therefore the clinical relevance of these changes remains a source of investigation and controversy.

Older adults endure so many psychosocial assaults that the potential impact on immune status must be considered. Older adults often have to deal with bereavement as they lose family and friends. They also often endure a shrinking sphere of social relationships and exhibit a high incidence of depression.


Depression has also been associated with decreased immune capacity. This is significant because approximately 15% of community-dwelling older adults have symptoms of depression (review Chapter 14). Furthermore, adults older than 65 years represent 13% of the population but make up 18% of all suicides (Vance, Moneyham, & Farr, 2008). There is some evidence that the negative impact of depression on the immune system increases with age. Thus older adults who are depressed may be at risk for greater immune deficiencies than younger depressed individuals.


A variety of medications can affect the immune system; these include immunosuppressants and immunoenhancers. Many drugs given for therapeutic purposes have an immunosuppressant effect. Some of these drugs include corticosteroids, cyclosporine, and chemotherapeutics for cancer. Corticosteroids such as prednisone are given for a variety of reasons, including treatment of autoimmune processes such as rheumatoid arthritis. Individuals receiving corticosteroids have a diminished inflammatory process and decreased immunity. People taking these drugs in high doses or over prolonged periods probably have greater levels of immunosuppression than those individuals taking lower doses for shorter periods. Similarly, individuals taking cyclosporine after a transplant to diminish the chance of organ rejection or individuals taking certain anticancer drugs are at higher risk for infection.

Common Problems and Conditions

The immune deficits seen so often in older adults make this population more vulnerable to both infection and cancer, thus contributing to increased rates of infections such as pneumonia and influenza, as well as a wide variety of malignancies. As people age, the likelihood increases that autoimmune antibodies will be found in serum, which suggests an increased likelihood of autoimmune processes. However, there is controversy over whether such autoimmune processes are actually age related (Kane et al, 2009).

Numerous infections are possible for individuals with diminished immune capacity. Some of the more common infections in older adults include influenza, pneumonia, tuberculosis, urinary tract infections (especially in women), and shingles (herpes zoster). (See Chapter 24 for additional information.) With diminished IgA production, the barriers of skin and mucous membranes are less effective. Furthermore, as these barriers become more fragile with aging, the entry of pathogens is more easily achieved. Medical management of infections consists primarily of determining the source of the infection and prescribing the appropriate antibiotic or antiviral medication. See Box 16–2 for examples of autoimmune diseases.

Influenza and Pneumonia

Pneumonia and influenza are ranked as the fifth leading cause of death in the elderly (Kane et al, 2009). More deaths from influenza occur in the 65 or older age group than in any other age group (Eliopoulos, 2005). The predominant portal of entry is inhalation of small droplets transmitted through sneezing, coughing, or talking. Closed populations such as those in long-term care facilities provide an ideal setting for the spread of influenza. The social environment in these institutions also facilitates transmission of influenza through group activities, communal dining rooms, and rehabilitation activities.

The most effective measure to control influenza is the vaccination of persons at high risk. Influenza vaccination is a Medicare-covered benefit for older adults, yet only approximately 60% of the population 65 years or older is vaccinated. If an individual has had a reaction to a previous vaccination or is allergic to eggs, caution should be used (Wallace, 2008). Other strategies to control the nosocomial spread of influenza include the early identification and grouping of infected clients, careful hand washing, and the use of barrier precautions when handling bodily substances, especially respiratory secretions.

Pneumonia may follow influenza or develop independently. Fifty percent to 75% of community-acquired pneumonias are caused by pneumococcal infections. More than 80% of nosocomial pneumonias are caused by gram-negative microorganisms (Wachtel & Fretwell, 2007).

The major host factor associated with community-acquired pneumonia is advanced age (Wachtel & Fretwell, 2007). Smoking, alcohol abuse, chronic lung disease, recent history of viral upper respiratory tract infection, and neurologic disease (which may contribute to microaspiration of secretions from the oropharynx) are other contributing factors. Pneumonia follows aspiration of the organism into the lungs. The aging lung has impaired functioning, which allows the organisms to survive and multiply. Social environments such as congregate housing, communal dining rooms, churches, crowded shopping centers, day care centers, or nursing facilities place older adults at risk for exposure and infection. However, social isolation is not recommended because of its negative psychologic consequences. Older adults should be encouraged to select activities that may reduce the infection risk during the colder months.

Vaccination against pneumococcal infection is the primary prevention strategy, even though its effectiveness is still arguable (Eliopoulos, 2005). Infection control measures should be implemented immediately. Hand washing, monitoring fluids and nutritional intake, and proper disposal of bodily secretions help to manage infection (Eliopoulos, 2005). Older adults and their families should be instructed to seek early medical attention for subtle changes that may signal the onset of infection. For example, pneumonia may be seen in patients with confusion or tachypnea and no other findings. Signs and symptoms may not exist or, at least, be diminished on presentation. Nursing care is similar to that of younger patients. Because of the importance of early detection of subtle changes, nursing care of older patients must be attentive (Eliopoulos, 2005). (See Chapter 24 for more information.) Precautions recommended to individuals throughout their lives take on added importance with aging. For example, older adults need to maintain tetanus immunization every 10 years because their immune response may be diminished.


Neoplasms occur with greater frequency in older adults. Common types of cancer in older adults include lung cancer, breast cancer, and prostate cancer. However, the potential for numerous other forms of cancer should not be overlooked. A wide variety of types of cancer are possible in older adults. (See Chapter 19 for more information.)

The presence of the cancer itself reveals the presence of an immune deficiency. Cancer cells are normally detected by the immune system and eliminated after being recognized as abnormal cells. It is only when the immune system fails to carry out this function that cancer occurs. However, the cancer and the cancer treatment can induce additional immune deficits. For example, cancer is often accompanied by a decrease in appetite, which increases the possibility of malnutrition. Furthermore, anticancer drugs often deplete immune cells, causing further debilitation of the immune system. Because many of these drugs have their greatest effect on rapidly dividing cells, the rapidly dividing immune system cells are attacked concurrently with the cancer cells. Because each client’s response to treatment is so individual, decisions about treatment need to be personalized. The prognosis for cancer is highly variable depending on the time of diagnosis, the client’s general health, and the type of cancer.


Older adults may have autoimmune diseases such as rheumatoid arthritis; these cannot necessarily be considered age associated. Older adults with autoimmune diseases are more likely to take immunosuppressant drugs as treatment for their disease processes, and they still risk the immune deficits that accompany aging. Therefore these older adults carry higher risks for infection than other older adults without autoimmune disease. Criteria for identifying autoimmune disease are based on (1) evidence of autoimmune reaction, (2) determination that immunologic findings are not secondary to another condition, and (3) lack of other identified causes for the disorder.

Systemic Lupus Erythematosus

SLE can affect many parts of the body, including the joints, skin, kidneys, heart, lungs, blood vessels, and brain. The most common symptoms are extreme fatigue, painful or swollen joints, unexplained fever, skin rashes, and kidney problems. The antinuclear antibody (ANA) is one of the more specific tests for lupus; clients with lupus have a positive ANA test. There is no cure for lupus at this time. The management objectives are controlling the severity of symptoms and preventing a flare. The warning signs of a flare are increased fatigue, pain, rash, fever, stomach discomfort, headache, and dizziness. Clients must monitor their health and learn to recognize symptoms of disease activity. Avoiding the sun, exercising, complying with medications, limiting stress, and having regular health care visits are important.

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Nov 26, 2016 | Posted by in NURSING | Comments Off on Infection

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