Page numbers followed by “f” indicate figures, “t” indicate tables, and “b” indicate boxes.
A delta fiber, 41-43
AAA, See Abdominal aortic aneurysm
ABC assessment
in abdominal trauma, 1258
in esophageal trauma, 1218
in spinal cord injury, 969
in traumatic brain injury, 1025
in upper gastrointestinal bleeding, 1231b
ABCDE skin assessment, 459
for coronary artery disease, 839
for peripheral arterial disease, 790-791
for venous thromboembolism, 802
Abdominal aorta, 1466f
Abdominal aortic aneurysm, 792
in colorectal cancer, 1246-1247
in Crohn’s disease, 1281
in hematologic assessment, 863
in herniation, 1244
in kidney evaluation, 1475-1476
in spinal cord injury, 970
in urinary incontinence, 1500
Abdominal bruit, 1184
Abdominal distention
in diverticular disease, 1285
in enteral nutrition, 1346
in gastroenteritis, 1271b
in intestinal obstruction, 1255
in irritable bowel syndrome, 1241
in strangulated hernia, 1243
Abdominal fistula in chronic pancreatitis, 1328
Abdominal mass, 1183b
in ovarian cancer, 1626
Abdominal myocutaneous flap, 1604t
Abdominal pain
in acute pancreatitis, 1322-1324
in black widow spider bite, 144
in botulism, 1290
bromocriptine-related, 1375
in cholecystitis, 1317
in chronic pancreatitis, 1326
in coral snake envenomation, 142
in Crohn’s disease, 1281
in diverticulitis, 1285
evaluation of, 1182
in gastric cancer, 1235
in hydronephrosis, hydroureter, and urethral stricture, 1522-1523
in intestinal obstruction, 1255
in irritable bowel syndrome, 1240-1241
in pancreatic cancer, 1330
in pelvic inflammatory disease, 1664
in peritonitis, 1269
in sickle cell disease, 872
in systemic lupus erythematosus, 345
Abdominal radiography
in acute kidney injury, 1543
in acute pancreatitis, 1324
in cirrhosis, 1299
in intestinal obstruction, 1256
in peritonitis, 1269
Abdominal surgery
delayed peristalsis after, 290
for peritonitis, 1269
skin preparation for, 255f
Abdominal thrust maneuver, 588f
Abdominal ultrasonography
in diverticular disease, 1285
in pelvic inflammatory disease, 1664
in reproductive assessment, 1584
Abdominoperineal resection, 1248
Abducens nerve, 912t
Abduction, 1112f
ABGs, See Arterial blood gases
ABI, See Ankle-brachial index
AbioCor Implantable Replacement Heart, 754f
Ablative surgery
for bone cancer, 1136
for cervical cancer, 1625b
for dysfunctional uterine bleeding, 1613
for liver cancer, 1311
percutaneous alcohol septal ablation in, 768
percutaneous radiofrequency catheter ablation in, 728
for renal cell carcinoma, 1533
for thyroid cancer, 1405-1406
transurethral needle ablation in, 1635
Abnormal heart sounds, 700-701
ABO system, 899t
Above-knee amputation, 1163f
Abrasion, corneal, 1057
in amebiasis, 1288-1289
brain, 1036
hepatic, 1310
inadequate antimicrobial therapy and, 443-444
intra-abdominal, 1444
lung, 658
pancreatic, 1328-1329
peritonsillar, 644
prostatic, 1649
in pyelonephritis, 1523-1524
regional anesthesia-associated, 276
in ulcerative colitis and Crohn’s disease, 1273t
Absence seizure, 932
Absolute granulocyte count, 307
Absolute homelessness, 32
Absolute neutrophil count, 307
Absorbable sutures, 281
Absorption, 1178-1179
Abstinence syndrome, 44-45
Acalculia, 1009
Acalculous cholecystitis, 1316
Acarbose, 1423b-1427b, 1429
ACC/AHA staging system, 745
Accelerated graft atherosclerosis, 315
Acceleration-deceleration injury, 131-132
Accessory duct of Santorini, 1180f
Accessory muscles of respiration, 547
Accessory nerve, 912t
Accidental extubation, 675
Acclimatization, 151
Accolate, See Zafirlukast
Accommodation, 1043
Accutane, See Isotretinoin
ACE inhibitors, See Angiotensin converting enzyme inhibitors
Acebutolol, 723b-726b
Acetaminophen, 51
for fever, 446
for lupus, 346
for migraine, 929-930
nephrotoxicity of, 1475
for osteoarthritis pain, 322
for sinusitis, 642
Acetazolamide, 152
Acetoacetic acid, 1420
Acetylcholine, 941
Acetylcholine receptor antibodies, 992
Acetylcysteine, 619
Achilles’ reflex, 917f
Achilles tendon rupture, 1172
Achlorhydria, 1234
Acid burn, 518
Acid suppression
in peptic ulcer disease, 1231-1232
in Zollinger-Ellison syndrome, 1234
Acid-base balance, 196-201
bases and, 197
kidney role in regulation of, 1468
postoperative assessment of, 289
chemical, 200
compensation process and, 201
kidney and, 201
sources of acids and bicarbonate, 199
Acid-base imbalance, 202-209
combined metabolic and respiratory, 204
history in, 204
metabolic, 202-203
psychosocial assessment in, 205
in chronic kidney disease, 1548
older adult and, 202b
in abdominal trauma, 1259
in chronic glomerulonephritis, 1529
in chronic kidney disease, 1548
in chronic obstructive pulmonary disease, 613
combined metabolic and respiratory, 204
in diabetic ketoacidosis, 1456
history in, 204
in hypovolemic shock, 813
in chronic kidney disease, 1551
combined respiratory and, 197-198
in diabetes mellitus, 1413
in intestinal obstruction, 1254
in pulmonary embolism, 664
psychosocial assessment in, 205
combined metabolic and, 197-198
in pulmonary embolism, 664
kidney formation of, 201
sources of, 199
Aciphex, See Rabeprazole
Acitretin, 353
Acorn cardiac support device, 754
Acquired immunodeficiency syndrome, 358-380
antibody tests in, 368-369
community-based care in, 378-380
complementary and alternative medicine for, 375
confusion in, 377-378
diarrhea in, 376-377
genetic considerations in, 360b
health care resources for, 380
history in, 365
HIV genotype test in, 369b
immune enhancement for, 375
key features of, 365b
lymphocyte counts in, 368
nutrition and, 376
oral disorders in, 1193
oral hairy leukoplakia in, 1195
oxygenation enhancement in, 375-376
pain management in, 376
parenteral transmission of, 362-363
perinatal transmission of, 363
postexposure prophylaxis to, 363b-364b
progression of, 361
psychosocial assessment in, 368
psychosocial preparation in, 379-380
self-esteem and, 378
skin integrity and, 377
social contact and, 378
viral load testing in, 369
women and, 361b
Actemra, See Tocilizumab
ACTH, See Adrenocorticotropic hormone
Acticoat, 534b-535b
Actinic lentigo, 456f
Activated partial thromboplastin time
perioperative assessment of, 249b-250b
in pulmonary embolism, 665
Activated protein C, 824
Active euthanasia, 119
Active range of motion, 1111-1112
Activities of daily living
bone cancer and, 1136
dyspnea and, 551t
myasthenia gravis and, 994
peripherally inserted central catheter and, 217
pressure ulcer and, 482
rehabilitation and, 94
spinal cord injury and, 974
after hysterectomy, 1620
in asthma, 611
coronary artery disease and, 833
heart failure and, 756-757
postoperative, 294
Activity therapist, 91
Activity tolerance
in chronic obstructive pulmonary disease, 621-622
Activity-exercise pattern
in acid-base assessment, 204b
in cardiovascular assessment, 693b
in endocrine assessment, 1366b
in hematologic assessment, 861b
in musculoskeletal assessment, 1110b
in neurologic assessment, 914b
in respiratory assessment, 550b
Actonel, See Risedronate
Actoplus Met, 1423b-1427b
Actos, See Pioglitazone
Acular, See Ketorolac
Acu-Moxa, See Acupuncture and moxibustion
Acupoints, 12-13
Acupressure, 12-13
for migraine, 931
Acupuncture, 12-13
for migraine, 931
for pain management, 61
Acupuncture and moxibustion, 1242
Acute abdomen series, 1185-1186
Acute adrenal insufficiency, 1381-1382
in Cushing’s disease, 1389
emergency care in, 1382b
Acute bacterial prostatitis, 1649
Acute care center in disaster, 159
Acute compartment syndrome
in abdominal trauma, 1259
Acute gastroduodenal ulcer after burn injury, 517
Acute glaucoma, 1063
Acute gout, 349
Acute hematogenous osteomyelitis, 1131
Acute idiopathic polyneuritis, 987
Acute inflammatory bowel disorders, 1266-1272
peritonitis in, 1268-1270, 1268b-1269b
Acute inflammatory demyelinating polyneuropathy, 987
Acute ischemic stroke, 1014
Acute kidney injury, 1538-1541
abdominal aortic aneurysm resection-related, 794
after liver transplantation, 1312t
characteristics of, 1538t
continuous renal replacement therapy for, 1546
etiology of, 1540
health promotion and maintenance in, 1540-1541
history in, 1541
imaging assessment in, 1543
incidence and prevalence of, 1540
kidney biopsy in, 1543
nutrition therapy for, 1543-1545
pathophysiology of, 1538-1540
phases of, 1540t
posthospital care in, 1546
potentially nephrotoxic substances and, 1540t
in tumor lysis syndrome, 432-433
volume depletion in, 1541b
Acute low back pain, 962
Acute lymphocytic leukemia, 881
Acute mountain sickness, 151
Acute myelogenous leukemia, 881
Acute myocardial infarction, 829-831
chest pain in, 696t
COX-2 inhibiting drugs and, 322b
electrocardiographic changes and patterns in, 831f
fibrinolytic drugs for, 862
home care management after, 850b
key features of, 835b
older adult and, 835b
reperfusion therapy for, 839-840
risk in diabetes mellitus, 1413
during surgery, 243-244
twelve-lead electrocardiogram in, 835
Acute nephritic syndrome, 1527
Acute normovolemic hemodilution, 901
Acute otitis media, 1092
Acute pain, 41
characteristics of, 40t
fentanyl for, 52
in peptic ulcer disease, 1229-1230
physical assessment in, 46
psychosocial assessment in, 40
Acute pancreatitis, 1321-1322
community-based care in, 1325-1326
etiology and genetic risk in, 1322
history in, 1322-1323
imaging assessment in, 1324
incidence and prevalence of, 1322
nutrition in, 1325
pain management in, 1324-1325
psychosocial assessment in, 1323
respiratory status in, 1325b
Acute paronychia, 465
Acute pericarditis, 765
Acute pharyngitis, 642
Acute phase of burn, 530
cardiopulmonary assessment in, 530
musculoskeletal assessment in, 530
neuroendocrine assessment in, 530
positioning to prevent contractures in, 537b
supporting self-image in, 538
weight loss control in, 536
Acute protein-energy malnutrition, 1340
Acute radiation cystitis, 1640
Acute rehabilitation, 90
Acute rejection, 315
of liver transplant, 1312t
Acute renal failure, See Acute kidney injury
burn-related, 529-530
in septic shock, 823
Acute sialadenitis, 1200-1201
Acute thyroiditis, 1404
Acute transfusion reactions, 900-901
Acute viral rhinitis, 641
for Bell’s palsy, 1001
for genital herpes, 1657
for herpes simplex stomatitis, 1195
for viral encephalitis, 941
for viral skin infection, 494
Adalat PA, See Nifedipine
for Crohn’s disease, 1282
for ulcerative colitis, 1275
Adam’s apple, 545f
Adaptive immunity, 312
Addiction, 44-45
Addisonian crisis, 1381-1382
Add-on device in infusion therapy, 221
Adduction, 1112f
colorectal, 1245
esophageal, 1211-1212
gastric, 1234
prostate, 1637
renal, 1532
Adenocard, See Adenosine
Adenoidectomy, 644
pituitary, 1374
testicular, 1643
Adenosine triphosphate, 862
ADH, See Antidiuretic hormone
Adhesive transparent film dressing, 486t
Adiponectin, 1349
Adjuvant therapy
for breast cancer, 1604-1607
for cancer, 414
Administrative review after critical event, 163
Adrenal crisis, 1381
Adrenal Cushing’s disease, 1385
hyperfunction of, 1384-1385
hyperaldosteronism in, 1390
pheochromocytoma in, 1390-1391
hypofunction of, 1381-1382
emergency care in, 1382b
history in, 1382
imaging assessment in, 1383
psychosocial assessment in, 1383
Adrenal glucocorticoids
for rheumatoid arthritis, 340
role in bone growth and metabolism, 1108
Adrenal insufficiency
in acquired immunodeficiency syndrome, 367
after nephrectomy, 1533
Adrenal steroids, 1362
Adrenalectomy, 1387
Adrenalin, See Epinephrine
Adrenal-mediated hypertension, 777
Adrenergic agonists for glaucoma, 1066b-1067b
paraneoplastic syndromes associated with lung cancer and, 631t
Adrenocorticotropic hormone stimulation test, 1383
Adriamycin, See Doxorubicin
Adrucil, See 5-Fluouracil
Adsorbocarpine, See Pilocarpine
Adult health nursing, 1
Adult respiratory distress syndrome, 671
Advanced cirrhosis, 1296
Advanced Disaster Life Support, 158
Advanced older adult population, 16
Advancing Research and Clinical Practice through Close Collaboration model of evidence-based practice, 83-84
Adverse event during emergency care, 125
Advicor, 775
Aerophagia, 1211
Aesthetic plastic surgery, 505
Afferent loop syndrome, 1237
Afferent neuron, 906
Afferent pathway, 910
Afinitor, See Everolimus
Africanized bees, 145
After-drop in hypothermia, 149
bone healing and, 1145b
coronary artery disease and, 831b
increased surgical risk with, 244t
potassium loss and, 184
urinary tract infection and, 1490t
Age-related macular degeneration, 1068
Aggrastat, See Tirofiban
fluid balance changes with, 170b
hematologic changes with, 860
immune function changes with, 304b
increasing complications in burn and, 521b
with spinal cord injury, 975b
in Alzheimer’s disease, 953
in Alzheimer’s disease, 948
in stroke, 1009-1011
Agraphia, 1009
AIDS, See Acquired immunodeficiency syndrome
AIDS dementia complex, 368
AIDS wasting syndrome, 368
Air embolism
central venous catheter-related, 231t
changing administration set and, 225
in severe acute respiratory syndrome, 653
Airborne transmission, 436
Air-fluidized therapy, 101
direct injury in burn, 521
Airway assessment
after discharge from PACU, 288b
in facial trauma, 583
Airway management
in burn injury, 525-526
in lung cancer, 637-638
postoperative, 293-294
in bariatric surgery, 1354
in head and neck surgery, 592
burn-related, 521t
in facial trauma, 583
in head and neck cancer, 590-594
in pharyngitis, 643b
in pneumonia, 651
respiratory acidosis and, 203
in status asthmaticus, 611
in tonsillitis, 644
in vocal cord paralysis, 585
Akarpine, See Pilocarpine
AKI, See Acute kidney injury
Akinesia, 941
Akinetic seizure, 932
Alanine aminotransferase
in acute pancreatitis, 1323-1324
in gastrointestinal assessment, 1185
in hepatitis, 1308
normal adult range for, 1186b

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