Chapter 10 Evidence and Current Best Evidence: Historical Perspective Steps of the Evidence-Based Process Step 1: Formulate a Measurable Clinical Question Step 2: Search the Literature for Relevant Studies Step 3: Critically Appraise and Extract Evidence Step 4: Implement Useful Findings in Clinical Decision Making From Policy to Practice: Tips for Achieving Meaningful Changes in Practice Based on Current Best Evidence Evidence-based practice (EBP) is defined as the conscientious, explicit, and judicious use of current best research-based evidence when making decisions about the care of individual patients (Sackett et al., 1996). It has evolved into a dominant approach for clinical decision making and a core competency for advanced practice nursing (see Chapter 3). Although components tend to overlap, three levels of this core competency can be identified: (1) interpretation and use of EBP principles in individual clinical decision making; (2) interpretation and use of EBP principles to determine policies for patient care; and (3) use of EBP to evaluate clinical practice. Evidence-based practice is based on a four-step process: (1) formulation of a clinical question; (2) identification and retrieval of pertinent research findings based on literature review; (3) extraction and critical appraisal of data from pertinent studies; and (4) clinical decision making based on results of this process. Principles of EBP are used for clinical decision making for individual patients, constructing and applying clinical practice guidelines, and determining policies for delivering care to large groups (Gerrish et al., 2011; Stiffler & Cullen, 2010). Despite widespread acceptance of the concept of EBP, clinician understanding of this process and its application to direct patient care remains limited. For example, a cross-sectional analysis of 37 primary care practices revealed that when caring for patients with heart failure, 87% and 62% appropriately prescribed an angiotensin-converting enzyme inhibitor or beta blocker, respectively, but only 16% and 8% reached the target dose recommended by the clinical practice guideline for managing this condition (Peters-Klimm et al., 2008). Similarly, a cross-sectional survey of 720 primary care physicians revealed that only 26.9% and 4.3% adhered fully to evidence-based guidelines for managing acute lower back pain with and without sciatica (Webster et al., 2005). A number of factors are thought to influence clinician acceptance and application of this problem-solving approach to direct patient care, including a lack of knowledge of the principles of EBP. This chapter will define EBP, differentiate it from concepts of research and quality improvement, and define three levels of advanced practice nurse competency related to EBP: (1) use of evidence in individual APN practice; (2) use of evidence to change practice; and (3) use of evidence to evaluate practice (Table 10-1). Exemplars 10-1, 10-2, and 10-3 provide examples of each of these EBP-related competencies. Overview of Evidence-Based Practice Competencies and Levels The term evidence-based practice represents a blending of several related concepts, including evidence-based nursing and evidence-based medicine. The original term, evidence-based medicine, traces its historical roots to a strategy for educating medical students developed by the faculty at McMaster Medical School in Hamilton, Ontario (Rosenberg & Donald, 1995). Evidence-based nursing is defined as the process that nurses use to make clinical decisions using the best available research evidence, their clinical expertise, and patient preferences (Dicenso, Cullum, & Ciliska, 2002). The explicit inclusion of patient preference and clinical expertise are significant for APNs because they reflect the holistic approach central to nursing practice while maintaining the focus on current, research-based evidence. EBP offers several advantages for clinical decision making when compared with previous models. For example, tradition-based practice is based on clinical and anecdotal experience, combined with received tradition from experienced clinicians, and expert opinion. Tradition-based clinical decision making is based on received wisdom, often provided by instructors or clinical preceptors and expert opinion from those perceived as experts in a given area of care. By substituting a standard of current best evidence for received wisdom or expert opinion, EBP encourages the advanced practice nurse to update and refine clinical practice continually as newer evidence is generated and published. EBP also offers distinctive advantages when compared with rationale-based clinical decision making. Rationale-based clinical decision making relies on identifying a rational explanation for an intervention (Gray et al., 2002). This form of clinical decision making relies on findings from a wide variety of studies, including the following: pathophysiologic research designed to identify the principal action of an intervention or the main reason it exerts a particular effect; and in vitro or in vivo research models that measure outcomes in animals, tissues, or individual cell lines. Although these types of studies are enormously valuable to our overall understanding of health, disease, and the reasons that interventions exert a particular effect, EBP limits its search for evidence to studies that directly measure the efficacy or effectiveness of a particular intervention, predictive power of diagnostic studies, and presence and severity of adverse side effects. EBP differs from research and quality improvement (QI) projects. Research can be defined as a systematic investigation designed to generate or contribute generalizable knowledge to health care or advanced practice nursing in particular (Arndt & Netsch, 2012). EBP combines findings from multiple research studies that focus on the efficacy of a particular intervention or accuracy of a specific assessment technique to aid APNs and other clinicians when making decisions about the care of an individual patient or group of patients. EBP has been described as the study of studies; its goal is the synthesis of existing knowledge generated from multiple research studies, whereas the goal of an individual research study is to generate new knowledge about an intervention or assessment technique (Gray et al., 2002). QI is a systematic activity guided by outcome data to achieve rapid improvements in health care delivery in a specific setting (Arndt & Netsch, 2012; Glasziou, Ogrinc, & Goodman, 2010). Both QI projects and research studies are driven by outcome data but QI is an intensely localized activity. The data generated during a QI project is designed to improve specific outcomes within a local facility, clinic, or community. Unlike the data generated by a research study, the results of a QI project can only be generalized to the specific patient population that comprised the project setting. Despite these differences, the APN should remember that research, EPB, and QI projects share a common goal—improvement of patient care. Further, research, EBP and QI should be viewed as complementary and combined in a manner that improves individual clinical decision making and care processes affecting an entire facility, health care system, or larger community. For example, an acute care APN may observe that the ventilator-associated pneumonia (VAP) incidence in her facility’s critical care unit is higher than published benchmarks. As a result, the APN elects to complete a QI project designed at reducing the incidence of VAP. Initially, the APN should review the unit’s current prevention protocol to determine whether it is based on current best evidence, such as routine oral hygiene, regular evaluation for readiness to extubate, elevation of the head of the bed, and prophylaxis for peptic ulcer disease and deep vein thrombosis (Tablan et al., 2004). This review may incorporate principles of EBP and findings from individual research studies to answer two questions: • Are the preventive interventions used by local staff based on current best evidence? • Does existing research suggest that combining these interventions into a prevention bundle actually reduce the incidence of ventilator-associated pneumonia? In reference to the first question, a review of current best evidence suggests that bundled interventions are effective for reducing the incidence of VAP (Ramirez, Bassi, & Torres, 2012; Wip & Napolitano, 2009). When examining individual interventions, the acute care APN may note that current best evidence supports regular oral hygiene that incorporates chlorhexidine as effective for preventing VAP (Wip & Napolitano, 2009). In contrast, limited evidence suggests that ongoing elevation of the head of the bed may not affect VAP incidence, even though it is associated with an increased likelihood of sacral pressure ulcer formation. Finally, the APN also may identify findings from an individual study, the NASCENT randomized clinical trial. This study demonstrated that a silver-coated endotracheal tube reduced the incidence of VAP (Kollef et al., 2008) in 9417 critically ill adults from 54 facilities in North America. Although the concept of “best evidence” may appear transparent on initial consideration, a more careful analysis of the historical roots of evidence generation in health care is needed. The Oxford English Dictionary Online (2012) defines evidence as an object or document that serves as proof. Within the context of EBP, the objects that clinicians seek to establish evidence for the efficacy and safety of an intervention, or the predictive power of an assessment, are studies. Although the search for evidence can be traced back more than 2000 years, definitions for what constitutes sufficient evidence to reach these conclusions have evolved significantly over time. The gold standard research design for generating evidence in the twenty-first century remains the RCT (Yoshika, 1998). This research design is based on three critical elements: (1) manipulation of an experimental intervention; (2) comparison of the experimental intervention to a control or comparison group that receives a placebo, sham device, or standard intervention, depending on ethical considerations; and (3) random assignment of subjects to the intervention or control group. Random allocation, advocated since the early 1930s, is an essential element of an RCT because it is the most effective technique for spreading potentially confounding factors evenly among treatment and control groups (Hill, 1937). A well-known RCT that compared streptomycin with standard care at the time (bed rest) is usually cited as the world’s first, large-scale, controlled trial (Streptomycin treatment, 1948). Randomization was achieved using a closed envelope system and subjects were blinded to treatment group. However, at least one trial was completed and published before this landmark study. Amberson and associates (1931) compared the antibiotic sanocrysin for the treatment of pulmonary tuberculosis with a placebo. In addition to random allocation of subjects by flipping a coin, they also blinded physician data collectors to group assignment to minimize bias, another important design feature of the modern RCT. Based on this historical legacy and guided by the pioneering efforts of Archibald Cochrane, current best evidence is now defined as the best available studies evaluating the efficacy and safety of an active or preventive intervention or the predictive accuracy of an assessment (Gray et al., 2004; van Rijswijk & Gray, 2012). These studies must directly evaluate the effect of an intervention, compare the intervention with a placebo, standard care, or sham device, and document adverse side effects associated with the intervention. Studies used to establish current best evidence must be executed in human (rather than animal) subjects and must measure the most direct outcome of treatment, rather than relying on interim outcomes based on convenience. For example, a study of the efficacy of a topical wound therapy should measure wound closure rather than concluding efficacy based on the percentage of wound closure completed at an arbitrary point after the initiation of treatment (van Rijswijk & Gray, 2012). This definition of current best evidence raises a corollary question: What criteria must be fulfilled to define an intervention as “evidence-based?” At least two major regulatory groups, the U.S. Food and Drug Administration (FDA) and European Medicines Agency (EMEA), have established specific criteria for labeling an intervention as evidence-based (Cormier, 2011). For a drug to receive an indication for clinical use, the FDA requires results from two well-designed RCTs with consistent results, both of which must compare the agent with a placebo- or sham-based control group. The EMEA criteria are similar (EMEA, 2000). Although these groups provide well-defined criteria for defining an intervention (administration of a drug) as evidence-based, achieving this level of evidence is complex and enormously costly. For example, the total costs of achieving a new drug indication are estimated to vary from $55 million to more than $800 million (U.S. dollars; Adams and Brantner, 2006; DiMasi et al., 2003). Based on these rigid criteria, only a minority of interventions that APNs use to manage their patients would qualify as evidence-based, and limited research in this area has suggested that 40% of clinical decisions used in daily practice are unsupported by evidence (Gray, 2002; Greenhalgh, 2001). As a result, APNs often must search the literature and identify relevant evidence to support clinical decision making in a particular case, or retrieve this information from EBP resources, such as clinical practice guidelines or best practice documents. This chapter will describe the four steps of the evidence-based process and identify resources that the APN can identify and use when making clinical decisions. The APN also may be tasked with formulating, and answering clinical questions in response to the need to formulate evidence-based policies for prevention of never events. For example, in 2008, the Centers for Medicare and Medicaid Services (CMS) began a list of “never events” to reduce potentially preventable facility-acquired conditions that included VAP; this list continues to be updated (Chicano & Drolshagen, 2009). For example, in 2007, Gastmeier and Geffers reported on the work of a group of clinicians, including APNs, who were asked which interventions were effective for the prevention of ventilator-associated pneumonia. Their original search for current best evidence identified clinical practice guidelines first released in 2003 and published in 2004 (Tablan et al., 2004). However, they also queried whether newer evidence warranted changes or additions to the preventive interventions recommended in these guidelines. They specifically questioned whether two interventions—oral decontamination via topical chlorhexidine and drainage of subglottic secretions—delay the onset of or prevent VAP. A subsequent literature search revealed recent evidence supporting these interventions that was not included in the 2003 clinical practice guidelines. Clinical questions may arise from a need to identify evidence supporting the role of the APN in response to a specific disease or disorder. For example, Evans (2010) asked about the effect of adding a follow-up telephone intervention by an APN on blood glucose control when compared with standard treatment. This question was used to identify and retrieve evidence from five RCTs and one systematic literature review to design and implement a protocol that resulted in clinically relevant and statistically significant reductions in fasting blood glucose levels in patients receiving the APN-directed intervention. After identifying the general topic to be scrutinized, the APN must formulate a measurable question that can be meaningfully addressed using evidence-based clinical decision strategies. Results of several studies have suggested that application of the PICO model aids nurses in formulating clinically relevant and measurable questions (Balakas & Sparks, 2010; LaRue, Draus & Klem, 2009; Smith-Strom & Nortvedt, 2008; Table 10-2). PICO stands for: PICO Model for Generating EBP Clinical Questions Adapted from Smith-Strom, H., & Nortvedt, M. W. (2008). Evaluation of evidence-based methods used to teach nursing students to critically appraise evidence. Journal of Nursing Education, 47, 372–375; and Sackett, D. L., Strauss, S. E., Richardson, W. S., Rosenberg, W., & Haynes, R. B. (2000). Evidence-based medicine: How to practice and teach EBM. (2nd ed.). London: Churchill-Livingstone. P: Who is the patient population? I: What is the potential intervention or area of interest? C: Is there a comparison intervention or control group? Thus, as shown, the P in PICO indicates patient or population (Sackett, et al., 2000), although the P is sometimes expanded to include primary problem (Balakas & Sparks, 2010). This element of the formula alerts the APN to define the population to be studied and the nature of the problem to be scrutinized carefully. The population may comprise a subgroup of patients in a facility, such as critically ill patients receiving artificial ventilation or all patients with an indwelling urinary catheter, but it often incorporates much larger populations, such as any individual with a wound or any patient recently diagnosed with diabetes mellitus. As these examples illustrate, identification of the primary problem is closely tied to the population under scrutiny. Examples of primary problems may be a disease such as sinusitis, a disorder such as chronic osteoarthritis, or a predisposition to a potentially preventable condition such as a pressure ulcer. The I in the PICO model represents the main intervention to be considered. In many cases, the APN will examine a single intervention such as the follow-up telephone intervention for reduction of the fasting blood glucose level in patients with diabetes mellitus described earlier (Evans, 2010). In contrast, the combined effect of more than one intervention used to prevent or treat a specific disorder will be evaluated. In this case, the APN will identify a protocol or bundle of interventions and analyze their effect on a given outcome. Searching for evidence that evaluates the combined effect of multiple interventions is clinically useful, but presents unique challenges. For example, Hagiwara and coworkers (2011) studied whether decision support tools decrease the time to receive definitive care in acutely ill or trauma patients prior to hospital admission. They operationally defined decision support tools as active knowledge systems that use two or more items to generate case-specific advice. They further classified these tools as electronic or nonelectronic. However, their literature search retrieved only 2 of 33 studies that specifically addressed this clinically relevant question. Despite the use of a well-accepted definition for decision support tools, the authors observed that a number of studies were excluded because it was not possible to classify the study intervention as a decision support tool. Nayan and coworkers (2011) faced a similar challenge when studying whether smoking cessation rates were higher in oncology patients who receive smoking cessation interventions as compared with usual care. Their initial search identified a meta-analysis of data from eight RCTs that detected no differences in self-reported cessation rates when these interventions were compared with usual care. However, subclassifying smoking interventions into pharmacologic, behavioral, and combined interventions suggested that cessation protocols that combine pharmacologic and behavioral interventions appeared to increase cessation rates when compared with usual care or single-intervention protocols. A final element, T, indicating time, may be added to the PICO conceptual framework. The time frame is meant to indicate the relevant observation period for outcomes; it may be short, such as the first 24 to 48 hours following surgery, or long, such as years to decades following the onset of a chronic condition such as dementia or diabetes mellitus (Balakas & Sparks, 2010; LaRue, Draus, & Klem, 2009; Smith-Strom & Nortvedt, 2008). Evidence-based clinical decision making relies on identifying research-based evidence. Therefore, it is essential for the APN to develop expertise in searching the literature to identify and retrieve appropriate studies. Fortunately, the development of modern electronic databases has revolutionized our ability to search the published literature rapidly and access pertinent research reports. A number of electronic databases are now available to the APN (Table 10-3). Although full access to these databases usually requires a paid subscription, APNs may access these electronic databases via a facility-based subscription. Specifically, the vast majority of health system, university, or college libraries maintain institutional subscriptions to OVID, ensuring access to multiple electronic databases such as MEDLINE or CINAHL. In addition, access to PubMed, a service of the MEDLINE database, is available without charge on the Internet. Electronic Databases for Identifying and Retrieving Pertinent Research Administered by the U.S. National Library of Medicine, MEDLINE is the world’s largest electronic database of health-related research and literature (U.S. National Library of Medicine, 2012). There are articles from a number of professions, including medicine, nursing, dentistry, veterinary medicine, and associated disciplines such as physiology, pharmacology, and molecular biology. Approximately 5600 journals are indexed. MEDLINE can be accessed via various strategies, including keywords. However, the MEDLINE database is primarily organized around MESH terms (medical subject headings). Entering a MESH term, such as “coronary artery disease” or “osteoporosis,” will trigger a number of subheads that are potentially useful to identify evidence for answering a clinical question, such as “diagnosis,” “drug therapy,” “diet therapy,” and “nursing.” The MEDLINE database may also be searched using various keywords that are not official MESH terms; these searches retrieve articles that include the keyword in its title, abstract, or list of identifying keywords, but they will not provide the subheads available when a MESH term is accessed. The MEDLINE database includes articles published in 39 languages; 91% are printed in English and 83% of those published in other languages have English language abstracts, greatly increasing access for English-speaking searchers. MEDLINE has particularly robust Boolean functions, allowing the APN to focus or narrow a search based on combining two or more MESH terms or keywords using the functions “AND,” “OR,” and “NOT” (U.S. National Library of Medicine, 2012). For example, an APN might pose a question about the effectiveness of administering an angiotensin-converting enzyme (ACE) inhibitor for the prevention of mortality and disease progression in patients with heart failure. In this case, the APN might initially select the MESH term “heart failure” along with the MESH term “angiotensin-converting enzyme inhibitors.” By using the “AND” Boolean function, the database will retrieve articles that merge the intervention (ACE inhibitor agents) with the primary patient problem under scrutiny (heart failure). The PubMed web page provides free access to the MEDLINE database; it can be accessed at The basic search engine will retrieve articles based on keywords. Clinicians searching PubMed can click on an advanced search icon and access a site that allows combination of keywords or keyword and author or journal using the Boolean function “AND.” However, the PubMed database does not have the robust search functions characterized by MEDLINE. In addition, although a limited number of articles can be downloaded directly from the PubMED site, access to most articles is restricted to the complete citation and abstract.
Evidence-Based Practice
TABLE 10-1
Fundamental Level
Expanded Level
I: Interpretation and use of research and other evidence in clinical decision making
Incorporate evidence-based practice (EBP) principles and processes into individual practice.
Incorporate EBP practices and principles on a unit, clinic, department, facility, health care system, national, or international level; function as member of an expert panel on a facility, health care system, national, or global level to create clinical practice guidelines of best practice statements.
II: Changing practice
Incorporate best practice changes according to EBP principles into own practice.
Design and implement a process for changing practice beyond the scope of individual practice on a unit, clinic, facility, health care system, or national basis.
III: Evaluation of practice
Identify benchmarks for evaluating own practice.
Design and implement a process to evaluate pertinent outcomes of practice beyond the scope of individual practice (e.g., generic nursing practice, group APN practice, interdisciplinary team practice, facility-wide or health care system–wide practice).
Evidence and Current Best Evidence: Historical Perspective
Steps of the Evidence-Based Process
Step 1: Formulate a Measurable Clinical Question
TABLE 10-2
Patient population—identify the population of interest.
Problem—identify the primary problem.
Intervention—identify the intervention(s) to be considered.
Comparison—identify to what the intervention will be compared.
Outcome—identify the goal of the intervention(s).
Time—time frame for measuring outcomes.
Step 2: Search the Literature for Relevant Studies
TABLE 10-3
Largest online database for nursing, medical, and allied health journals
Freely accessible online version of MEDLINE database; lacks the robust Boolean features of MEDLINE
Cumulative Index for Nursing and Allied Health Literature (CINAHL)
Largest database for nursing and allied health literature; includes multiple nursing journals not indexed in the MEDLINE database
Education Resource Information Center (ERIC)
Linked to more than 320,000 articles from 1966 to the present; focuses on educational literature, including undergraduate and graduate nursing
Contains more than 3 million resources dating back to 1888; excellent resource for the APN who specializes in providing mental health care
MD Consult
Incorporates approximately 80 health care journals; includes access to patient education handouts and clinical practice guidelines; accessible via smartphone; administered by Elsevier
Web of Science
Includes journals in the basic and clinical sciences drawn from approximately 9300 journals with impact factors; administered by Thomson-Reuter
MEDLINE and PubMed
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Evidence-Based Practice
