Drugs for deficiency anemias


Drugs for deficiency anemias

Anemia is defined as a decrease in the number, size, or hemoglobin content of erythrocytes (red blood cells [RBCs]). Causes include blood loss, hemolysis, bone marrow dysfunction, and deficiencies of substances essential for RBC formation and maturation. Most deficiency anemias result from deficiency of iron, vitamin B12, or folic acid. Accordingly, this chapter focuses on anemias caused by these deficiencies. To facilitate discussion, we begin by reviewing RBC development.

Red blood cell development

RBCs begin developing in the bone marrow and then mature in the blood. As developing RBCs grow and divide, they evolve through four stages (Fig. 55–1). In their earliest stage, RBCs lack hemoglobin and are known as proerythroblasts. In the next stage, they gain hemoglobin and are called erythroblasts. Both the erythroblasts and the proerythroblasts reside in bone marrow. After the erythroblast stage, RBCs evolve into reticulocytes (immature erythrocytes) and enter the systemic circulation. Following the reticulocyte stage, circulating RBCs reach full maturity and are referred to as erythrocytes.

Development of RBCs requires the cooperative interaction of several factors: bone marrow must be healthy; erythropoietin (a stimulant of RBC maturation) must be present; iron must be available for hemoglobin synthesis; and other factors, including vitamin B12 and folic acid, must be available to support synthesis of DNA. If any of these is absent or amiss, anemia will result.

Iron deficiency

Iron deficiency is the most common nutritional deficiency, and the most common cause of nutrition-related anemia. Worldwide, people with iron deficiency number in the hundreds of millions. In the United States, about 5% of the population is iron deficient.

Biochemistry and physiology of iron

In order to understand the consequences of iron deficiency as well as the rationale behind iron therapy, we must first understand the biochemistry and physiology of iron. This information is reviewed below.

Fate in the body

The major pathways for iron movement and utilization are shown in Figure 55–2. In the discussion below, the numbers in parentheses refer to the circled numbers in the figure.


As Figure 55–2 depicts, iron associated with hemoglobin undergoes continuous recycling. After hemoglobin is made in bone marrow, iron re-enters the circulation (4) as a component of hemoglobin in erythrocytes. (The iron in circulating erythrocytes accounts for about 70% of total body iron.) After 120 days of useful life, RBCs are catabolized (5). Iron released by this process re-enters the plasma bound to transferrin (6), and then the cycle begins anew.

Daily requirements

Requirements for iron are determined largely by the rate of erythrocyte production. When RBC production is low, iron needs are low too. Conversely, when RBC production is high, iron needs rise. Accordingly, among infants and children—individuals whose rapid growth rate requires massive RBC synthesis—iron requirements are high (relative to body weight). In contrast, the daily iron needs of adults are relatively low. Adult males need only 8 mg of dietary iron each day. Adult females need considerably more (15 to 18 mg/day), in order to replace iron lost through menstruation.

During pregnancy, requirements for iron increase dramatically, owing to (1) expansion of maternal blood volume and (2) production of RBCs by the fetus. In most cases, the iron needs of pregnant women are too great to be met by diet alone. Consequently, iron supplements (about 27 mg/day) are recommended during pregnancy and for 2 to 3 months after parturition.

Table 55–1 summarizes the recommended dietary allowances (RDAs) of iron as a function of age. Of note, the RDA values in the table are about 10 times greater than actual physiologic need. Why? Because, on average, only 10% of dietary iron is absorbed. Hence, if physiologic requirements are to be met, the diet must contain 10 times more iron than we need.

Iron deficiency: causes, consequences, and diagnosis

Oral iron preparations

As shown in Table 55–2, iron for oral therapy is available in multiple forms. Of these, the ferrous salts (especially ferrous sulfate) and carbonyl iron are used most often. Accordingly, discussion below is limited to these iron preparations.

Ferrous iron salts

We have two basic types of iron salts: ferrous salts and ferric salts. Discussion here is limited to the ferrous iron salts. Why? Because the ferrous salts are absorbed 3 times more readily than the ferric salts, and hence are more widely used. Four ferrous iron salts are available: ferrous sulfate, ferrous gluconate, ferrous fumarate, and ferrous aspartate. All four are equally effective, and with all four, GI disturbances are the major adverse effect.

Ferrous sulfate

Adverse effects. 


Iron in large amounts is toxic. Poisoning is almost always the result of accidental or intentional overdose, not from therapeutic doses. Death from iron ingestion is rare in adults. By contrast, in young children, iron-containing products are the leading cause of poisoning fatalities. For children, the lethal dose of elemental iron is 2 to 10 gm. To reduce the risk of pediatric poisoning, iron should be stored in childproof containers and kept out of reach.


Ferrous sulfate is available in standard tablets, and in enteric-coated and sustained-release formulations. The enteric-coated and sustained-release products are designed to reduce gastric disturbances. Unfortunately, although side effects may be lowered, these special formulations have disadvantages. First, iron may be released at variable rates, causing variable and unpredictable absorption. Second, these preparations are expensive. Standard tablets do not share these drawbacks.

Some iron products are formulated with vitamin C. The goal is to improve absorption. Unfortunately, the amount in most products is too low to help: More than 200 mg of vitamin C is needed to enhance the absorption of 30 mg of elemental iron.

Trade names for ferrous sulfate products include Feosol, FeroSul, Slow FE, and Ferodanimage.

Dosage and administration. 

General considerations.

Dosing with oral iron can be complicated in that oral iron salts differ with regard to percentage of elemental iron (Table 55–3). Ferrous sulfate, for example, contains 20% iron by weight. In contrast, ferrous gluconate contains only 11.6% iron by weight. Consequently, in order to provide equivalent amounts of elemental iron, we must use different doses of these iron salts. For example, if we want to provide 100 mg of elemental iron using ferrous sulfate, we need to administer a 500-mg dose. To provide this same amount of elemental iron using ferrous fumarate, the dose would be only 300 mg. In the discussion below, dosage values refer to milligrams of elemental iron, and not to milligrams of any particular iron compound needed to provide that amount of elemental iron.

Food affects therapy in two ways. First, food helps protect against iron-induced GI distress. Second, food decreases iron absorption by 50% to 70%. Hence, we have a dilemma: Absorption is best when iron is taken between meals, but GI distress is lowest when iron is taken with meals. As a rule, iron should be administered between meals, thereby maximizing absorption. If necessary, the dosage can be lowered to render GI effects more acceptable.

For two reasons, it may be desirable to take iron with food during initial therapy. First, since the GI effects of iron are most intense when treatment commences, the salving effects of food can be especially beneficial early on. Second, by reducing GI discomfort during the early phase of therapy, dosing with food can help promote adherence.

Use in iron deficiency anemia.

Dosing with oral iron represents a compromise between a desire to replenish lost iron rapidly and a desire to keep GI effects to a minimum. For most adults, this compromise can best be achieved by giving 65 mg 3 times a day, yielding a total daily dose of about 200 mg. Since there is a ceiling to intestinal absorption of iron, doses above this amount provide only a modest increase in therapeutic effect. On the other hand, at dosages greater than 200 mg/day, GI disturbances become disproportionately high. Hence, elevation of the daily dose above 200 mg would augment adverse effects without offering a significant increase in benefits. When treating iron deficiency in infants and children, a typical dosage is 5 mg/kg/day administered in three or four divided doses.

Timing of administration is important: Doses should be spaced evenly throughout the day. This schedule gives the bone marrow a continuous iron supply, and thereby maximizes RBC production.

Duration of therapy is determined by the therapeutic objective. If correction of anemia is the sole objective, a few months of therapy is sufficient. However, if the objective also includes replenishing ferritin, treatment must continue another 4 to 6 months. It should be noted, however, that drugs are usually unnecessary for ferritin replenishment: In most cases, diet alone can do the job. Accordingly, once anemia has been corrected, pharmaceutical iron can usually be stopped.

Prophylactic use.

Pregnant women are the principal candidates for prophylactic therapy. A total daily dose of 27 mg, taken between meals, is recommended. Other candidates include infants, children, and women experiencing menorrhagia.

Ferrous gluconate, ferrous fumarate, and ferrous aspartate

In addition to ferrous sulfate, three other oral ferrous salts are available: ferrous gluconate [Fergon], ferrous fumarate [Ferro-Sequels, Hemocyte, Palaferimage, others], and ferrous aspartate [FE Aspartate]. Except for differences in percentage of iron content (see Table 55–3), all of these preparations are equivalent. Hence, when dosage is adjusted to provide equal amounts of elemental iron, ferrous gluconate, ferrous fumarate, and ferrous aspartate produce pharmacologic effects identical to those of ferrous sulfate. All four agents produce equivalent therapeutic responses, and all four cause the same degree of GI distress. Patients who fail to respond to one will not respond to the others. Patients who cannot tolerate the GI effects of one will find the others intolerable too.

Carbonyl iron

Carbonyl iron is pure, elemental iron in the form of microparticles, which confer good bioavailability. Therapeutic efficacy equals that of the ferrous salts. Because of the microparticles, iron is absorbed slowly, and hence the risk of toxicity is reduced. Compared with ferrous sulfate, carbonyl iron requires a much higher dosage to cause serious harm. Because of this increased margin of safety, carbonyl iron should pose a reduced risk to children in the event of accidental ingestion.

Carbonyl iron is available in several formulations, including (1) 45-mg tablets, marketed as Feosol; (2) 65-mg tablets, marketed as Ircon; (3) 90-mg film-coated tablets marketed as Ferralet 90; (4) 15-mg chewable tablets, marketed as Icar; and (5) a suspension (15 mg/1.25 mL), also marketed as Icar. Because these products contain 100% iron, rather than an iron salt, there should be no confusion about dosage: 100 mg of any formulation provides 100 mg of elemental iron. The usual dosage is 50 mg, 3 times a day.

Parenteral iron preparations

Iron is available in four forms for parenteral therapy. However, only one of these forms—iron dextran—is approved for iron deficiency of all causes. Approval of the other three forms—iron sucrose, sodium–ferric gluconate complex, and ferumoxytol—is limited to treating iron deficiency anemia in patients with chronic kidney disease.

Iron dextran

Iron dextran [INFeD, DexFerrum, Infuferimage, Dexironimage] is the most frequently used parenteral iron preparation. The drug is a complex consisting of ferric hydroxide and dextrans (polymers of glucose). The rate of response to parenteral iron is equal to that of oral iron. Iron dextran is dangerous—fatal anaphylactic reactions have occurred—and hence should be used only when circumstances demand.

Adverse effects

Anaphylactic reactions.

Potentially fatal anaphylaxis is the most serious adverse effect. These reactions are triggered by dextran in the product, not by the iron. Although anaphylactic reactions are rare, their possibility demands that iron dextran be used only when clearly required. Furthermore, whenever iron dextran is administered, injectable epinephrine and facilities for resuscitation should be at hand. To reduce risk, each full dose should be preceded by a small test dose. However, be aware that even the test dose can trigger a fatal reaction. In addition, even when the test dose is uneventful, patients can still die from the full dose.

Jul 24, 2016 | Posted by in NURSING | Comments Off on Drugs for deficiency anemias

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