Chapter 8 Petra Brown The aim of this chapter is to provide the reader with an overview of the nervous system, and an understanding of the pathophysiological changes that are associated with disorders of this system. In conjunction with the endocrine system, the nervous system interacts with all body systems to maintain homeostasis. It is a complex system which co‐ordinates and controls voluntary and involuntary action. It orientates us to the internal and external environment through sensory mechanisms. The nervous system assimilates experiences and information through memory, intelligence, learning and dreaming. It provides us with instinctual information and reflexes, at birth and beyond. While the nervous system functions as a whole, it is useful to subdivide its anatomical structure and physiological components (Table 8.1, Fig. 8.1), to assist in understanding its complexity. Table 8.1 Anatomical structure of the nervous system Figure 8.1 Organisation of the nervous system. The nervous system may be divided into the central nervous system (CNS) and peripheral nervous system (PNS). Physiologically, the nervous system is subdivided and organised as shown in Fig. 8.1. Highly specialised neurone (nerve) and neuroglia (nerve fibre) cells provide the cellular building blocks of the nervous system. Neurones are nerve cells primarily involved with the transmission of information, while neuroglial cells provide a variety of supportive functions. There are three types of nerve impulse transmission in the nervous system. Simple linear transmission passes electrical action potentials along neurones, through the exchange of sodium and potassium across cell membranes. This causes polarisation and depolarisation along the neurone. Saltatory conduction passes electrical action potentials along myelinated neurones. The action potential jumps between the nodes of Ranvier, thus travelling much faster than by simple linear transmission. The third type of transmission occurs via chemical neurotransmitters at synaptic endings. These include acetylcholine in the CNS and at neuromuscular junctions. Dopamine and norepinephrine (noradrenaline) are found within the CNS and autonomic nervous system. Other common synaptic neurotransmitters include serotonin and GABA (gamma‐aminobutyric acid). This section will outline some of the common neurological disorders encountered in childhood. The term applies to any condition that is caused by a dysfunction in the brain or nervous system, resulting in physical, behavioural and cognitive symptoms. The nervous system is a highly complex and integrated system and disorders are categorised by their causative nature. These include neurological dysfunction, cerebral dysfunction, head and spinal trauma, motor dysfunction, neurological tumours, infection and seizures. These occur in the womb during pregnancy. To recap, the nervous system develops early in the third week of embryonic development to form a neural tube, in a process called neurulation. During the fourth and eleventh week, distinct areas of the brain are formed. The peripheral nervous system develops from the neural crest at around 4 weeks, alongside the spinal, cranial and autonomic nervous system. Growth continues until at birth, all the major structures of the nervous system are present. Exposure to factors, which may hinder neural development in pregnancy, may cause intellectual, behavioural and developmental problems. Genetic abnormalities can lead to a variety of neurological disorders. In the main, genetic disorders are inherited rather than mutations of normal DNA. Inheritance is through an equal combination of parental chromosomes that create the fetal DNA. Human cells have 22 pairs of autosomes and 1 pair of sex chromosomes making a total of 46 chromosomes. This DNA contains the ‘code’, which makes us who we are and a number of factors can interact, in complex ways, to cause neurological and other disorders. These develop after birth and may be caused by trauma, infection, exposure to toxins, autoimmune disorders, epilepsy and neurological tumours. Cerebral dysfunction may be focal or global and alters the function of the brain and cerebral processes. Focal or localised dysfunction is caused by structural abnormalities such as tumours, local haemorrhage, congenital and acquired malformations. Global cerebral dysfunction affects the whole brain and is caused by metabolic, hypoxic, toxic, infective, haemorrhagic or traumatic events There are four interconnected cerebral ventricles in the brain. They are filled with cerebrospinal fluid (CSF) which continuously circulates through the ventricles and in the subarachnoid space around the brain and spinal cord. ICP is one of the main sequela of cerebral dysfunction (Fig. 8.2). It may be caused by an increase in the volume within the cranium such as tumour growth, oedema, inflammation (meningitis), developmental abnormalities, excessive cerebrospinal fluid (hydrocephalus) or bleeding (haemorrhage). Figure 8.2 Raised intracranial pressure (ICP). The CSF has four main functions, which include mechanical protection of the delicate brain tissue against sudden contact with the hard bones of the skull. CSF supports the mass of the brain, preventing ischaemia in the lower parts. Chemical protection against fluctuations in pH and ionic composition and circulation of oxygen, nutrients and removal of waste products from cerebral metabolic processes, such as carbon dioxide. Abnormal changes in ICP will influence cerebral blood flow. A raised ICP will lead to reduced blood flow, preventing adequate delivery of oxygen (O2) and nutrients such as glucose to the brain cells. This lack of oxygen rapidly leads to brain tissue hypoxia. Concurrently carbon dioxide (CO2) removal is impaired by a reduced blood flow and its accumulation will result in acidosis and a fall in pH. Autoregulation and chemoregulation become impaired, leading to vasodilation of the cerebral blood vessels. This is initially the brain’s attempt to increase blood, O2 and nutrient flow to cerebral cells. In the confined space of the skull, there is nowhere for this increase in blood volume to go, causing fluid to ‘leak’ out of the cerebral arteries. This oedema formation leads to a further increase in ICP, causing blood flow to become more impaired. The brain is extremely sensitive and a lack of oxygen for more than 3 minutes will result in cerebral cell death. As the ICP rises, CSF is prevented from draining from the ventricles into the subarachnoid space, leading to a further increase in ICP. If this pressure persists, the fluid build‐up compresses and damages brain tissue. Raised ICP ultimately causes herniation of brain tissue through the foramen magnum at the base of the skull. This compression and herniation of the brain stem, through the space where the spinal cord enters, is also referred to as coning and inevitably results in death. Initially, clinical signs of raised ICP include: In later stages, if condition worsens and ICP continues to rise: Treatment of a raised ICP will vary depending on the causative condition. The overall aim is to decrease ICP and this may be achieved in several ways, such as reducing the cerebral volume caused by a tumour or inflammation. Draining excess CSF and decreasing the cerebral blood volume, will reduce a raised ICP. Lowering the brain’s metabolic rate will reduce cerebral demand of oxygen and nutrients and can be achieved through administration of prescribed sedation, anti‐emetics and pharmacological seizure management. Hydrocephalus causes global cerebral dysfunction, due to increased levels of cerebrospinal fluid (CSF) in the brain and spinal cord. It can be congenital or acquired after birth. Congenital hydrocephalus is present at birth and can be caused by conditions such as spina bifida, inflammation or tumours. Maternal infections during pregnancy such as mumps or rubella can also be a cause. Acquired hydrocephalus occurs after birth and usually develops after an injury, illness or development of a brain tumour. In both, the CSF volume increases, leading to an increase in intracranial pressure (ICP). If this increased pressure persists, the fluid build‐up compresses and damages brain tissue. Specific clinical signs of hydrocephalus are caused by the increasing CSF volume and pressure inside the cranium that result in: Hydrocephalus is an acute life‐threatening emergency, which must be treated promptly. Early diagnosis is critical in the older child, whose skull bones have fused, leaving little room for swelling and which will rapidly lead to raised ICP. Treatment involves implanting a thin tube, called a shunt, in the brain. The excess CSF in the brain runs through the shunt to another part of the body, usually the peritoneal cavity. From here, the CSF is absorbed into the blood stream. The shunt has a valve inside it to control the flow of CSF and to ensure it does not drain too quickly (Corns & Martin, 2012). Skull fractures can be linear, depressed or open. Linear fractures show no signs of skull depression and are treated conservatively. Depressed skull fractures with a depression of more than 1 cm and open skull fractures may need surgical intervention and repair of the damaged structure. Evidence of a meningeal tear, CSF leakage, cranial nerve damage, seizure activity or a risk of infection make this more likely. Table 8.2 illustrates specific signs and symptoms that may be present in a child with a fractured skull. Table 8.2 Vital signs and symptoms of a fractured skull Source: Glasper et al., 2011. Urgent assessment using an ABCDE approach and a full neurological assessment, including Paediatric Early Warning System (PEWS), AVPU (alert, voice, pain, unresponsive) and Glasgow Coma Scale (GCS), is imperative to assess the level of consciousness and awareness (Table 8.3). Table 8.3 Investigations to assess level of consciousness Source: Glasgow Coma Scale 2014. Emergency nursing care includes assisting with intubation and ventilation if the airway and breathing are compromised by damage to the respiratory centre in the brain. Immobilise the cervical spine if a fracture is suspected. Continuously monitor vital signs for indications of rising ICP, using the GCS and PEWS chart (Table 8.3). A full neurological assessment should include level of consciousness, cranial nerves, motor and sensory function and cerebellar function. Assess for other injuries and open wounds, including a fractured skull. Only treat/suture if this will not delay further investigations/transfers. Assess pain levels, using an age‐appropriate pain tool and administer analgesia. Administer an anti‐emetic as prescribed because vomiting can raise ICP further. Assess the efficacy of analgesia and anti‐emetic. Ensure family‐centred care is implemented, through effective communication and liaison with the child, family and carers. Offer reassurance and support if the child needs to be prepared for transfer to an intensive care or neurological unit (Glasper, McEwing & Richardson, 2011). This occurs when trauma to the head results in damage to the brain. There are three main types of traumatic brain injury (TBI). Brain injuries may be classified as either focal or diffuse (see Fig. 8.3). Focal injuries are localised to one area, whereas diffuse injuries occur throughout the brain and CNS. Figure 8.3 Focal and diffuse brain injury types. Contusions or bruising, occur as the brain comes into contact with the hard inner skull. The most common areas of injury are the frontal and temporal lobes. The cerebral trauma results in the leakage of blood from microscopic vessels and the possibility of a tear in the delicate meninges, causing a haemorrhage. Lacerations are tears in the brain tissue. A fractured skull or the entrance of a foreign object, such as a bullet into the skull, usually causes a laceration. This will result in the rupture of large blood vessels causing bleeding into the brain leading to haemorrhage, haematoma formation, cerebral oedema and raised ICP. Haemorrhage occurs when large or small blood vessels are damaged causing bleeding into the brain. Blood is supplied to the brain from the aorta via the internal carotid and vertebral arteries. Venous blood returns to the heart via the jugular veins and superior vena cava. The brain is very susceptible to interruption in blood supply, which leads to rapid O2 and glucose deprivation of the delicate neural tissues. A haemorrhage is classified according to the space it occurs in (Fig. 8.4). Figure 8.4 Anterior view of frontal section through the skull showing the cranial meninges. Source: Tortora & Nielsen 2009. Diffuse head injuries include concussion, acute axonal and hypoxic injury. Concussion is usually a mild diffuse injury and is the most common brain injury. It may cause temporary loss of consciousness (lasting minutes to hours), confusion, amnesia, visual disturbances, vestibular imbalance, headaches and nausea and vomiting. Axonal injury is usually caused by high‐speed acceleration/deceleration injuries. It causes diffuse haemorrhages throughout the brain and may cause the patient to become deeply unconscious. Hypoxic injury is caused by oxygen deprivation such as a cardiac arrest or near drowning and may not be associated with a head injury. However, it must be noted that hypoxic injury may compound the effects of a brain injury.
Disorders of the nervous system
Structure of the nervous system
Central nervous system (CNS)
Peripheral nervous system (PNS)
Central and peripheral nervous system
Cellular structure of the nervous system
Transmission of nerve impulses
Disorders of the nervous system
Causes of neurological dysfunction
Prenatal causes
Congenital causes
Acquired causes
Cerebral dysfunction
Pathophysiology of raised intracranial pressure (ICP)
Cerebral trauma
Fractured skull
Symptoms can include:
Signs depend on the area of injury and can include:
Consider a C‐spine injury in all head injuries.
GCS stimuli include:
A the patient is awake
V the patient responds to verbal stimulation
P the patient responds to painful stimulation
U the patient is completely unresponsive.
Each response has a value and these should be considered individually and as a combined score. A combined score of less than eight represents a significant risk of mortality. The GCS should be recorded regularly on a GCS chart. This will allow the nurse to observe trends that can indicate improvement or deterioration of the patient’s condition.
Head injury
Focal head injuries include contusions, lacerations and haemorrhage

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