Chapter 15 Liz Gormley‐Fleming The aim of this chapter is to enable the reader to develop their understanding and knowledge of the musculoskeletal system. This will include understanding the function and malfunction of the system. Musculoskeletal disorders of childhood occur as a result of trauma, infection, malignancies or are congenital in nature. Some may occur for no known reason. Bone disorders can range from those that cause extreme pain and restrict mobility to those that have little effect on the child’s life. Musculoskeletal injury is common due to the active nature of children and their associated developmental stage. The skeleton of the child continues to develop post birth and will do so until adulthood is reached. This series of adaptations is essential to facilitate walking and ossification of the bones. Bone growth occurs from the growth plates. This is a vulnerable area of the bone so any interference with this process can have lifelong consequences, hence an understanding of this is important for the healthcare professional when undertaking a physical assessment of the child who presents with a potential musculoskeletal disorder. The child’s skeleton is more pliable and elastic than that of an adult. The bones have a greater tolerance and permit a greater degree of deformity so may simply bend or buckle (torus fracture) making diagnosis challenging. The periosteal sleeve is greater in diameter that that of an adult so the child’s bone has the ability to remodel; the child’s skeleton has the innate ability to heal itself. Remodelling of the bones leads to old bone being removed, which is replaced by new bone. During this process other bone disorders may occur which can either improve or remain constant as the child grows. It is these distinguishing features of the child’s musculoskeletal system that leads to the distinct musculoskeletal conditions that are unique to childhood. This chapter provides an outline of a number of musculoskeletal conditions and the associated care is discussed. For detailed revision of the anatomy of the child’s skeleton and muscles, please refer to Chapters 16 and 17 in Peate and Gormley‐Fleming (2015). A fracture is a break or discontinuity in the bone. In children, the management and diagnosis of fractures is distinct from that of adults due the uniqueness of the anatomy of their bones. In children, bones heal more rapidly than those of adults as bone growth is more rapid. Fractures are very common in children and account for 25% of all childhood injuries, with a fractured radius and ulna being the most common type of injury. Boys sustain significantly more fractures than girls (Hart, Luther & Grottkau, 2006; Cooper et al., 2004). Fractures in children usually occur as a result of a traumatic incident and tend to be age‐related, for example, toddlers from falls, running into objects or climbing; school‐age children – falls from bicycle, skateboard, scooter or motor vehicle accidents, and from climbing; young people – motor vehicle accidents, skateboard, and sport injuries. As the child matures, the incidence of fractures peaks at the 10–16 years age group. Figure 15.1 Ross’s PEWS chart. Reproduced by kind permission of NHS Innovations. When a bone fractures it will consist of fragments of bone. These fragments will either lie distally (further from the midline) or proximally (closer to the midline) to the middle of the bone. If the fragments are separated it will be a complete fracture or incomplete when the fragments remain partially attached. Fractures are either simple or complicated, open, or closed. A complicated fracture will have bone fragments that may damage underlying organs, for example, lungs. An open fracture will have exposed bone visible through a wound in the skin. This is usually as a result of high‐impact trauma and will necessitate surgical intervention. If the fracture is across the bone it is called a transverse fracture. An oblique fracture is slanting but straight. A spiral fracture is slanting and circular twisting around the shaft of the bone (Fig. 15.2). A spiral fracture may result from physical abuse as a result of twisting a limb and will always warrant further investigation. Figure 15.2 Fracture types. A comminuted fracture occurs when small fragments of bone from the fractured shaft lie in the surrounding tissues. A Greenstick fracture occurs when the bone is angulated beyond its capacity to bend and is an incomplete fracture. This is common in young children due to the pliability of their bones. Torus or buckle fractures occur when one side of the bone buckles on itself without disrupting the other side. They heal more quickly than greenstick fractures. An impacted fracture occurs when a fragment of bone is firmly driven into the other. This is usually as a result of landing feet first from a height. A fissure is a crack on the surface of a bone but not extending through the bone. An avulsion fracture is the separation of a small segment of bone from the cortex at the insertion site of a ligament or tendon. Table 15.1 outlines the type, cause and features of fractures in children in relation to their location. Table 15.1 Location and features of fractures Adapted from Nettina 2010. In addition to the history taken and systematic assessment, radiological imaging will be required. This is normally an X‐ray in the first instance, and in the case of serious trauma a CT scan will be performed. The signs of a fracture include (Dandy & Edwards, 2003): Certain age groups and fractures may not necessarily display classic signs and can be missed. The young child may not be able to communicate their injury so signs of injury need to considered, for example, refusal to use a limb. In cases of physical abuse the parents or carers may not volunteer information or may give false information in relation to the presenting signs and symptoms. Equally the older child may not identify the exact mechanism of injury if risk‐taking behaviour has been involved. An undisplaced fracture may have no evidence of a deformity; a fracture within a capsule may not have any sign of bruising. Some fractures, such as those of the radial head and scaphoid, are difficult to diagnose (Whiteing, 2008). Non‐verbal children will be unable to report pain so changes in behaviour should not be ignore. Untreated fractures can lead to life‐changing consequences. A bone fractures when a force is applied to it and the bone is unable to absorb the force. Once the fracture has occurred, the muscles immediately contract in an attempt to splint the injured area (Hockenberry, Wilson & Winkelstein, 2005). A result of this is deformity of the bone produced secondary to the muscles pulling the bone out of place. Bleeding occurs at the site of injury resulting in haematoma formation, which is essential to healing. Healing occurs in three or four distinct but overlapping stages (Fig. 15.3): Figure 15.3 Stages in bone healing. In the inflammatory stage a haematoma develops from the fracture site in the immediate aftermath of the fracture. Macrophages, monocytes, lymphocytes, polymorphonuclear cells and fibroblasts infiltrate the bone under prostaglandins mediation (Kalfas, 2001). Granulation tissue forms and mesenchymal cells arrive at the injured site. Nutrients and oxygen supply are provided by the exposed cancellous bone and muscle. Vascular ingrowth is supported by the presence of fibroblasts. A collagen matrix is laid down and osteoid is secreted and mineralises with calcium salts, which leads to the formation of very soft callus around the fracture. On X‐ray this has a cloud‐like appearance. The callus is very weak and needs to be protected during this stage, which usually takes 4–6 weeks by internal fixation, traction or a cast. Failure to protect the newly formed callus could result in unstable fibrous union leading to deformity. The callus then ossifies and a bridge of woven bone is formed between the ends of the fracture fragments. Remodelling is when the fractured bone has healed to its original shape, structure and strength (Kalfas, 2001; McRae & Esser, 2002; McRae, 2006). This is a slow process and takes place over a period of months to years. The amount of stress placed on the bone during this phase is important in remodelling. Bone is laid down where it is required as the fracture site is exposed to the axil loading force. Adequate strength is normally achieved within 3–6 months. The use of traction has somewhat gone into demise as technology has evolved to produce fixation devices that allow partial or full mobility. Surgical interventions are now used more frequently further reducing the length of time and use of traction. However, it is important that the healthcare professional understands the principles of traction to be able to provide appropriate care for children who may still be required to be immobilised by this method. Traction means to pull and in order to be effective there must be a counter‐traction (pull in the opposite direction) (Fig. 15.4). Figure 15.4 Application of traction to maintain bone alignment. The general purpose of traction is to provide rest to a limb, treat a dislocation or correct a deformity, immobilise a specific area of the body, promote alignment either pre‐ or post‐operatively. Traction can be applied to the upper extremities, lower extremities or to the cervical area (Table 15.2). It can be applied manually by hand, directly to the skin surface via adhesive bandages, or to the skeleton by wire, pins or tongs inserted through the diameter of the bone. Table 15.2 Types of traction and examples of each The care of a child in traction includes: If a fracture cannot be reduced and managed by traction or the application of a cast, then external fixation may be used. This is now common when there is associated soft tissue involvement and bone loss. The external fixator holds the bone in alignment as the bone and bone fragments are held in place by metal pins, which are attached to an external metal frame. This frame can be in situ for a number of months thus restricting mobility and activity. An important aspect of caring for a child with an external fixator in place is to ensure their neurovascular status is intact and that the pin sites are inspected and cleaned as per local policy. Early detection of pin‐site infection will need prompt treatment. Management of pain is essential as is the provision of psychological care as acceptance of the external frame and the altered body image associated with this may take some time for the child and family. Distraction is the process of separating opposing bone to encourage regeneration of new bone. Distraction osteogenesis is used to treat non‐union of fractures, for limb lengthening and malalignment. The bone is surgically ‘broken’, K wires are inserted proximal and distally to the fracture. Manual distraction is achieved by adjusting the telescopic rods on the rings to increase the distance between the rings. A percutaneous ostomy is performed to create a false growth plate at the same time. Histogenesis of muscle, nerves and skin occurs simultaneously with the development of the new bone (Ilizarov & Rozbruch, 2007). The Ilizarov frame (Fig. 15.5) has been used since the 1960s and its use has been extended to manage acute trauma to the limb where skin integrity has been reduced. Figure 15.5 Ilizarov frame. Scrupulous pin care is essential and the child and family will often assume responsibility for this once the child has recovered post‐operatively. They will need to be taught to recognise signs of infection and for loosening of the pins. The child and family will also learn how to adjust the frame to achieve distraction. The child will be able to mobilise partially weight‐bearing on crutches. As the Ilizarov frame will be in situ for months, the child will need support to return to their normal activities of living. Significant support is often required as the device is obvious, thus body image and self‐esteem are challenged. The Ilizarov frame is removed under general anaesthetic and the child will need to carry on using crutches post removal for up to 4–6 weeks. A systematic and holistic assessment is required and initial interventions are directed at assessing and managing airway, breathing, circulation, disability and exposure prior to dealing with the fracture (Frazer, 2007). Once the child is stable the fracture can be assessed. The extent of the injury may be assessed using the 5 Ps to identify vascular compromise. These are: Neurovascular status should be rechecked on a frequent basis. The principles of management are the same for all fractures: Open wounds should be covered with a sterile dressing initially. It is likely that open wounds will require surgical intervention. Antibiotics will need to be administered to prevent infection and the development of osteomyelitis. Avoid moving the affected limb if possible, particularly if it has not been splinted. Soft splints, such as folded towels, may be used until a more definitive splint is applied. The child may require sedation prior to the application of any splinting device and will need continuous cardiovascular monitoring during this procedure. The child and family are likely to be very anxious and traumatised by the events that have brought them to the hospital and they will need reassurance and an explanation of the plan of care. Once the plan of care is established, it is likely that parental involvement will be significant in relation to personal care, play, and in passive exercises of the limbs. Education in the use of mobility aids will be required as will preparation for discharge. There are a number of conditions that present with a limping child. Limps can be classed as either painful or painless (Lissauer & Clayden, 2007). The cause of the limp will need to be investigated and treated accordingly. Limps can present at any stage in childhood from age 1 year up to adulthood. Table 15.3 outlines some of the causes. Table 15.3 Some causes of limp in childhood Slipped capital femoral epiphysis (SCFE) is a relatively common disorder of the child or young person’s hip, but it is a condition where correct diagnosis and immediate treatment is critical if bone integrity is to be maintained (Katz, 2006). There is displacement of the epiphysis of the femoral head postero‐inferiorly (Fig. 15.6) (Lissauer & Clayden, 2007). The metaphysis also slips downwards and backwards. Figure 15.6 Normal femur and femur with slipped capital femoral epiphysis. Occurrence is more common in boys than girls, usually between 10 and 16 years of age. A downward trend in the age of occurrence has been reported, and the suggested rationale for this is the phenomenon of children maturing at a younger age (Azzopardi, Sharma & Bennet, 2010). The risk of SCFE is increased in children who are obese. Children with Down syndrome, adiposogenital syndrome, hypothyroidism, pituitary tumours and decreased growth hormone levels are also more predisposed to developing SCFE. One hip or both may be involved, with 20% of children having bilateral involvement. Of the children who present with one‐sided SCFE initially, 20–30% will develop a contralateral SCFE within 12–18 months (Nettina, 2010). The child may present with hip pain, mid‐thigh pain, knee pain, sudden, insidious onset of a limp and a decreased range of motion in the hip.
Disorders of the musculoskeletal system
Types of fractures
Features of fractures in children
Location of fracture
Skull and facial bones
Requires significant impact to fracture skull. Types of fractures include:
linear: straight line fracture
depressed: bone is pushed inwards towards brain (may require surgical involvement)
diastatic: a fracture that has spread to more than one bone of the skull as they are not yet fused properly
basilar: a fracture in the base of the skull; can lead to spinal cord damage.
Facial bone injury is usually as a result of high‐energy trauma
Wrist and forearm
Common injury in the over 5 age group
Usually resulting from a fall on an outstretched arm
Midshaft and distal fractures of radius usually; ulna frequently involved
Majority are simple transverse fractures requiring immobilisation in a cast or splint for 4–6 weeks
Epiphyseal injuries
Accounts for up to a quarter of all skeletal injuries
Radius and ulna are the most frequent sites of injury
10–15‐year age group most affected
Usually resulting from a fall on an outstretched arm
Clavicle fracture
Shaft of clavicle usually affected
Common injury from falls and sport injury as a result of excessive compression to the shoulder
Treatment is supportive in the form of analgesia and application of a sling to immobilise
Reduction is required in extreme cases of displacement only
Can occur during the birth process if baby is large and mother has small pelvis
Supracondylar fractures are the most common usually as result of impact to the elbow from a fall; can lead to significant vascular injury and compromise
10% of humeral fractures occur at the shaft – in the infant and young child this may be as a result of twisting so requires detailed investigation. In the older child it maybe as a result of direct trauma
The mechanism of injury in fractures of the humerus is usually a fall onto an outstretched hand
Proximal humeral fractures are rare with distal humeral fractures involving the lateral epicondyle more than the medial
Treatment will depend on the injury with supracondylar fractures usually requiring open reduction
Rib cage
Rare but could occur as a result of high‐energy impact or direct physical trauma (physical abuse)
Spinal fractures
Rare in childhood
Resulting from significant trauma: fall from a height, motor vehicle accidents, diving, and sports injury
Cervical spine most likely to be injured
Rare but associated with crush injury (horse‐riding fall) and motor vehicle accidents
Expect damaged to associated organs: bladder, bowel, blood supply
Rare but may occur as a result of motor vehicle accidents or fall from a height
Can lead to avascular necrosis of the femoral head and damage to the growth plates
Common site of injury in young children. Peaks at 2–3 years of age. Usually femoral shaft involved. Motor vehicle accident or fall from a significant height is the usual cause. Management will depend on the age of the child and the type of injury and fracture
Rare but may occur as a result of high‐energy trauma
May be a single crack or multiple cracks, which is called a ‘stellar’ fracture
More common in males than females
Tibia and fibula
Most common lower extremity fracture is midshaft of tibia and fibula
Majority are non‐displaced and will be managed in a cast and non‐weight bearing
Tibia fractures in preschool children are commonly as a result of a rotating mechanism injury to the lower limb
Young people most likely to fracture ankles
Growth plate involved in 1 of every 6 fractures
Males more likely to fracture ankles
Direct trauma (sport) is most common cause
Metatarsals account for 50% of fractures of the foot. Most are non‐displaced
Mechanism of injury is as a result of direct and indirect trauma, falls and jumping from a height and twisting injuries
Diagnosis of a fracture
Pathophysiology of a fracture
Early inflammatory stage
Repair stage (Fig. 15.3)
Upper extremity
Dunlop traction
Lower extremity
Halo brace
Halo vest
Crutchfield tongs
External fixation
Care and management
Limping in childhood
Painful limp
Painless limp
1–3 years of age
Trauma both accidental and non‐accidental
Septic arthritis
Transient synovitis
Developmental dysplasia of the hip
Neuromuscular defects, e.g., cerebral palsy
Juvenile idiopathic arthritis
3–10 years
Trauma both accidental and non‐accidental
Septic arthritis
Transient synovitis
Perthes disease
Malignant disease
Juvenile idiopathic arthritis
Juvenile idiopathic arthritis
Developmental dysplasia of the hip
Neuromuscular defects – Duchenne’s muscular dystrophy
11–18 years
Slipped capital femoral epiphysis
Juvenile idiopathic arthritis
Septic arthritis
Bone tumours
Juvenile idiopathic arthritis
Slipped capital femoral epiphysis
Dysplastic hip
Neuromuscular defects, e.g., cerebral palsy
Slipped capital femoral epiphysis
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