Cognitive and Neurologic Function

Cognitive and Neurologic Function

Meredith Wallace Kazer, PhD, APRN-BC

The number of Americans 65 years or older is growing rapidly. Currently, more than one in every eight Americans is older than age 65. People older than the age of 65 years represented 12.6% of the population in the year 2007 (Administration on Aging, 2008). In light of these statistics, it is imperative that nurses keep abreast of the most recent findings regarding the development, manifestations, and treatment of cognitive and neurologic problems among older adults. This knowledge will assist nurses in providing safe, effective, and evidence-based nursing interventions.

The brain is a complex web of tissue and structures that allows for a series of intricate functions that continues to astonish the most advanced neuroscientists. Understanding the brain and its function has long been an interest for health care providers. For nurses caring for older persons, the understanding of basic neurologic changes and common disorders is crucial.

Structural Age-Related Changes of the Neurologic System

The nervous system is a network of complex structures that undergo many neurophysiologic changes as an individual ages. Some changes that occur in the brain do not affect all elderly individuals equally, and the individual presentation of neurologic changes varies from person to person. An individual’s lifestyle, nutritional intake, genetic makeup, and tissue perfusion are some of the many factors that affect the neurologic system. To appreciate the significant changes that take place with aging, one requires a brief review of the neurologic system.

The central nervous system (CNS) is divided into three major functional components: higher level brain or cerebral cortex, lower level brain (basal ganglia, thalamus, hypothalamus, brainstem, and cerebellum), and spinal cord. The brain is divided into three major areas, which include the cerebrum, brainstem, and cerebellum. The cerebrum consist of two hemispheres (right and left); each hemisphere is divided into lobes (frontal, temporal, parietal, and occipital) (Fig. 29–1). Specialized neurons located within the lobes include the hippocampus and the basal ganglia. These are the neurons that undergo structural and physiologic changes during the aging process. Another area of the CNS that undergoes significant changes in the normal aging process is the brainstem (midbrain, pons, and medulla oblongata). The reticular formation (RF) is a complex network of gray matter located primarily in the brainstem area of the CNS. The RF assists and controls many functions, including skeletal muscle movement and the sleep–wake cycle, another aspect that is altered in aging (Black, Hawks, & Hogan, 2005).

Cellular and Structural Changes


The neuron is the basic unit of the CNS and functions to transmit impulses. Some neurons are motor, and some are sensory. Each neuron has a cell body (soma), dendrites, and a single axon (Fig. 29–2). Synapses are structural and functional junctions between two neurons. These are the points at which the nerve impulse is transmitted from one neuron to another or from neuron to efferent organ. The two types of synapses are electrical and chemical.


Neurotransmitters are chemical substances that enhance or inhibit nerve impulses. These substances are necessary in the synaptic transmission of information from one neuron to another. In aging the function of these substances is altered because of the decrease of neurons. With aging there is also a decreased number of neurons in various areas of the brain and deposits of abnormal substances on neuronal cellular structure (dendrites) (National Institute on Aging [NIA], 2006). The loss of neurons is not as extensive in the process of aging as previously believed. In actuality, large neurons appear to shrink and few are lost. The changes in neuron function are associated with accumulation of lipofuscin (dark fluorescent pigment) granules and neuritic plaques in the cell body of some neurons and some cellular debris in neuroglia cells (Keller, 2006) (Table 29–1).

Neuroglia and Schwann Cells

Neuroglia and Schwann cells are the supportive cells of the CNS, making up approximately half of the brain and spinal cord tissue. Their role is to protect the neurons. As individuals age, the number of these protective cells increases. Each of these cells serves a different function.

Neuroglia cells vary in size and shape and are divided into two main classes: the microglia and macroglia (Fig. 29–3). The microglias are phagocytic scavenger cells related to macrophages that respond to infection or trauma to the CNS. The macroglia cells include astrocytes, oligodendrocytes, and ependymal cells. Astrocytes (astroglia) are star-shaped cells that provide the physical support for the neurons. They also regulate the chemical environment and nourish the neurons. These cells respond to brain trauma by forming scar tissue.

Oligodendrocytes and Schwann cells produce myelin within the CNS and peripheral neurons, respectively. Ependymal cells form the lining of the ventricles, choroid plexuses, and central canal of the spinal cord. These cells help in the regulation of the cerebrospinal fluid (CSF) and blood–brain barrier.

Cerebrospinal Fluid and Ventricular System

CSF is a clear, colorless fluid. Approximately 135 mL of CSF circulates through the ventricles—a system of cavities within the brain—and within the subarachnoid space (80 mL in ventricles and 55 mL in the subarachnoid space). The brain and spinal cord float in the CSF, which absorbs shocks, cushions the CNS, and prevents the brain from tugging on meninges, nerve roots, and blood vessels. The choroid plexus (CP) is a group of blood vessels (capillaries) covered with a thin layer of epidermal cells. The CP is responsible for producing approximately 500 mL of CSF per day (Figs. 29–4 and 29–5).

Several physiologic changes are known to occur in the CNS of aging individuals. These may include sensory motor changes such as difficulty retrieving explicit memories and altered vision, hearing, taste, smell, vibratory sensations, and position sense. As a result of neurotransmitters and hypothalamic changes in the aging process, the reticular activating system (RAS) that controls arousal and consciousness from the brainstem to the cerebral cortex is also altered. The neuroendocrine system plays a vital role in the function of the hippocampus. When there is an alteration in this system, gradual changes in memory may be seen.

Hippocampus and the Hypothalamic–Pituitary–Adrenal Axis

The hippocampus is a part of the temporal lobe that plays an important role in memory and learning. Normal aging is associated with changes in the ability to consciously learn and retain new information easily. This occurs as a result of structural changes, synapse loss in the neurons, decreased microvascular integrity, reduction in glucose metabolism, and alterations in the neuroglia cells with aging. As a result of changes in the secretory pattern of the hypothalamic–pituitary–adrenal (HPA) axis, additional alterations occur in the hippocampal area of the brain. The hippocampal area is strongly influenced by HPA hormones. The specific aspects altered by the aging process are the explicit memory (e.g., delayed recall), the ability to learn new information quickly, memory storage, and memory retrieval (Keller, 2006).

Cerebrospinal Fluid

A reduction in the turnover of CSF with age decreases the distribution and efficiency by which the necessary substances are delivered from the CP to the brain target sites. These substances include the hormones necessary for metabolism and appetite and the nutrients (e.g., transferrin, glucose, amino acids, and vitamins) necessary for nerve function. A reduction in the turnover of CSF can affect the removal of waste products, toxins (e.g., amyloid peptides and lactate), and drugs. The accumulation of these substances resulting from age-related changes may contribute to diseases causing cognitive decline. One significant factor that reduces the turnover secretion rate of CSF is the age-related increase in resistance from the vascular (sagittal venous sinus) system in the arachnoid (Redzic, Preston, Duncan, et al 2005). These changes occur in various degrees among aging individuals.

Reticular Formation and Sleep Patterns

The RF is a set of neurons that extends from the upper level of the spinal cord through the brainstem up to the cerebral cortex. The RF contains both motor and sensory tracts that are closely connected with the thalamus, basal ganglia, cerebellum, and cerebral cortex. This group of neural fibers has both excitatory and inhibitory capability. The RF contains a physiologic element, the RAS, which regulates sensory impulses that are transmitted to the cerebral cortex. The lower portion of the RAS in the brainstem assists in the regulation of the wake–sleep cycle and consciousness. Sleep disorders are common in aging individuals. Risk factors for sleep disturbances include physical illness, medications, changes in social patterns (e.g., retirement or death of a spouse or loved one), and changes in circadian rhythm. Some sleep disturbances may also be part of the normal aging process resulting from neural changes in the RAS.

Normal sleep is organized into different stages that cycle throughout the night. The sleep stages are classified into the following categories (Brannon, 2008):

As individuals age, they spend more time in bed to get the same amount of sleep they obtained when younger; however, the total sleep time is only slightly decreased, with an increase in nocturnal awakenings and daytime napping. Hence older persons often report having earlier bedtimes and an increased sleep latency (time to fall asleep).

Excessive daytime somnolence is not part of normal aging. Somnolence indicates the presence of a pathologic condition. In the aging process there is a decrease in hypothalamic function; as a result, older clients have been observed to be more easily aroused from sleep by auditory stimuli, which suggests increased sensitivity to environmental stimuli and altered neuroendocrine function (Brannon, 2008).

Sensorimotor Function

The nervous system depends on specialized sensory receptors to gather information about the internal and external environment. These receptors include those needed for vision, hearing, smell, touch, equilibrium, and pain sensation. Gradual changes occur in these sensory receptor sites as the aging process take place.

Vision changes that occur with aging are significant. The lens of the eye thickens, becoming yellow, cloudy, and less elastic. The thickening of the lens reduces the amount of light passing through the lens. As the lens becomes less elastic, it loses its ability to focus on close objects. The change in elasticity also narrows the visual field and diminishes depth perception. The yellowing of the lens and changes in size and thickening of the cornea make it difficult to see at night. In aging the fluid of the eye also becomes cloudy, reducing light sensitivity. These changes in the eyes lead to a gradual decrease in color perception, potentially affecting the ability of older individuals to distinguish between blues, greens, and violets.

The ear consists of the outer ear, middle ear, and inner ear. Presbycusis is the hearing loss associated with the aging process. With presbycusis older persons are unable to hear high frequencies and are unable to clearly hear consonant sounds such as f, g, s, z, t, sh, and ch. Other age-related auditory changes involve the collapse and narrowing of the auditory canal and thickening of earwax, which increase hearing difficulty.

With aging, there is a decrease in the number of taste and smell receptors and slower nerve transmissions, although these losses are highly variable. The loss of taste and smell receptors means that food is not as appetizing to the older adult. Aging adults are also less likely to detect the bad taste or smell of spoiled food. Their reduced ability to smell also may make them unable to rapidly detect smoke, gas leaks, or other toxic fumes.

The somatic receptors respond to touch, pressure, cold, pain, and body position. These receptors also become less sensitive as aging occurs. Older individuals therefore experience a decreased ability to feel pain and cope with temperature changes. These and additional age-related changes are presented in Table 29–1.

Assessment of Cognitive Function

The assessment of neurocognitive function is an essential part of a comprehensive assessment in older adults. Neurocognitive function assessment includes several components and can be easily incorporated into the general assessment of older adults through history taking, physical examination, and the use of selected screening instruments. A complete mental status assessment should include attention, memory, orientation, perceptions, thought processes, thought content, insight, judgment, affect, mood, language, and higher cognitive functions (see Chapter 14 for the components of a cognitive or mental status assessment). Neurologic assessment includes the evaluation of cranial nerves, gait, balance, distal deep tendon reflexes, plantar responses, primary sensory modalities in the lower extremities, and cerebrovascular integrity. Complete neurocognitive examinations should be performed on all older adults to establish baseline function and to detect potentially reversible conditions causing mental and behavioral disturbances.

Few older adults recognize the symptoms of cognitive decline in themselves. It is often a friend or family member who reports these symptoms to the nurse or physician caring for the client. An interview with the friend or family member, physical assessment, and the use of structured mental status assessments assist the nurse in identifying cognitive decline in older adults (Elliott, Horgas, & Marsiske, 2008).

One of the early manifestations of cognitive decline may be observed in the functioning of older adults. It is important to include functional assessment as part of the assessment of older adults. Simple questions that may be asked in the history include their ability to perform activities of daily living (ADLs), such as bathing, dressing, toileting, and eating. Instrumental activities of daily living should also be addressed. These activities include the ability to clean house, shop, pay bills, and perform other functions that would allow clients to remain independent within their homes.

Selected Cognitive Function Screening Instruments

Functional Assessment

One screening tool that has been used to identify the presence and severity of dementia symptoms based on level of function and cognition in older adults is the Dementia Severity Rating Scale (DSRS) (Harvey, 2005). The DSRS is an 11-item instrument that can be easily and quickly administered and covers the areas of memory, orientation, judgment, community affairs, home activities, personal care, speech and language recognition, feeding, incontinence, and mobility or walking. A normal score on this instrument is four or less; the score increases as the older person’s cognition decreases.

Mental Status Examination

The MiniMental State Examination (MMSE) is one of the most widely used instruments in all settings and is useful for the assessment of orientation, immediate and recent memory, attention, calculation, and language and motor skills (Folstein, Folstein, & McHugh, 1975). Cognitive impairment is identified in individuals with scores of less than 24; however, educational level and age may have an impact on the results and must be taken into consideration when interpreting the results. The Mental State Questionnaire (MSQ) is a 10-item list, one of the shortest instruments used to assess cognitive function. This test is reliable in identifying clients with moderate to severe cognitive impairment. The MSQ is not beneficial for all client evaluations (Alexopoulos & Mattis, 1991). The Blessed Dementia Scale or Short Blessed Test (SBT) is another frequently used screening tool for the assessment of dementia; however, both aging and depression have an effect on Blessed Orientation-Memory-Concentration (BOMC) test performance (Jorm & Jacob, 1989). The BOMC test is a reduced version of the SBT and consists of six questions. This shortened version of the SBT is used by many disciplines.

Depression Assessment

The Geriatric Depression Scale is widely used to identify depression in older adults (Yesavage et al, 1983). Patients answer 30 statements on this screening tool with either “yes” or “no.” A score of 11 or greater indicates possible depression and the need for more in-depth evaluation. See Chapter 14 for an in-depth discussion on the evaluation of depression in older adults.

Cognitive Function and Memory in Typical Aging

Forgetfulness as an inevitable consequence of aging is a myth that has had significant influence on society’s views of aging. Forgetfulness may affect both the young and old but should not be confused with true cognitive impairment. In reality, memory and delayed recall are not substantially decreased in older persons. If allowed time to learn new material, older persons experience no more memory loss than younger persons. Cognitive impairment involves mental status changes in addition to higher level cognitive functional changes such as failure to correctly spell common words, compute simple sums, balance a checkbook, drive a car safely, plan a meal, or follow grammatical conventions. A decline in cognitive function is an effect of disease, not an effect of the normal aging process.

Cognitive Disorders Associated with Altered Thought Processes

Several cognitive disorders are associated with altered thought processes in older adults. These include the three Ds of depression, delirium, and dementia, as well as cranial tumors, subdural hematomas, and normal pressure hydrocephalus. It is often difficult to accurately diagnose the underlying cause of altered thought processes in older adults because of the similarity in their presentations. Nevertheless, accurate assessment and diagnosis are essential for ensuring appropriate treatment to improve or potentially reverse the underlying pathophysiologic condition contributing to the individual’s impaired cognition.


The rate of depression among older adults has remained relatively stable over the past decade with approximately 12% of individuals older than the age of 65 reporting depressive symptoms (Federal Interagency Forum on Aging-Related Statistics, 2008). However, as one ages the rate of depression increases. The percentage of men older than the age of 85 reporting depressive symptoms is almost double that of men aged 65 to 74 (Federal Interagency Forum on Aging-Related Statistics, 2008). In older age, depression is associated with higher suicide rates than in the younger depressed population. Although older Americans make up 13% of the U.S. population, they account for 16% of all suicide deaths (National Institute of Mental Health, 2009). White men older than 50 years of age have the highest rate of suicide at approximately 50 suicide deaths per 100,000 men (National Institute of Mental Health, 2009). Dombrovski and Szanto (2005) report that older adults in the United States, especially the depressed elderly, are more likely to commit suicide than any other age group, although it is difficult to estimate the true incidence of suicide.

Clinical Manifestations

Depression may manifest itself through signs such as fatigue; constipation; psychomotor retardation; depressed mood; loss of interest, energy, libido, or pleasure; changes in appetite, weight, and sleep patterns; and agitation; anxiety; or crying (American Psychiatric Association [APA], 2004). Depression often is first seen in older adults as cognitive impairment, particularly in the areas of attention and concentration. Depressed older adults may neglect eating or caring for a chronic medical condition, predisposing them to the development of delirium.

Depression is also a common response to serious illness of any kind, particularly multiple sclerosis, hypothyroidism, lupus, hepatitis, acquired immunodeficiency syndrome (AIDS), vitamin deficiencies, and anemia. These conditions may produce depression in a more direct biologic sense. Drugs can also contribute to depressive symptoms (Box 29-1). Older adults require a careful medical history and physical examination before the diagnosis of depression can be made.

Late-life depression is often similar in presentation or may be concomitant to cognitive impairment and dementia caused by neurochemical changes and awareness of the loss of physical or intellectual functioning. Symptoms common to both depression and dementia include irritability, inability to concentrate or feel pleasure, loss of interest in life, and lack of energy and initiative. The term pseudodementia has been used to describe depression masquerading as dementia. Pseudodelirium is the term used when an older adult is seen with an acute confusion found to be due to depression. With a careful assessment, it is possible to make the appropriate diagnosis. Individuals with dementia are more likely to show signs of disorientation and loss of short-term memory and are less likely to feel sadness or guilt or to complain about pain, insomnia, and poor appetite. Table 29–2 offers a comparison of selective features associated with dementia, delirium, and depression. Refer to Chapter 14 for a comprehensive discussion of depression among older persons.


Delirium is described in the Diagnostic and Statistical Manual of Mental Disorders (DSM-IV-TR) (APA, 2000) as a transient, organic mental syndrome characterized by a reduced level of consciousness, reduced ability to maintain attention, perceptual disturbances, and memory impairment. The onset of delirium is short, generally ranging from hours to days. Delirium occurs in all settings, including homes, assisted living facilities, nursing facilities, and hospitals. Frequently, when an older adult becomes delirious in a community setting, it precipitates a hospital admission, in part because of the underlying illness causing the delirium. Delirium occurs in 7% to 61% of older hospitalized clients, with associated morbidity rates ranging from 6% to 18% within this group (Royal College of Psychiatrists, 2005).


Early delirium research focused on the timely identification of delirium in hospitalized older adults. Current research focuses on the identification of risk factors and prevention strategies. Multiple instruments have been developed to assess for delirium. The acute confusion assessment instruments for nursing include the Clinical Assessment of Confusion-A&B (Vermeersch, 1986; 1992), the VAS-AC (Nagley, 1986), and the NEECHAM Confusion Scale (Neelon et al, 1996). There are also several medical-model delirium assessment scales, including the Delirium Rating Scale (Trzepacz, Baker, & Greenhouse, 1988), Delirium Symptom Interview (Levkoff, Besdine, & Wetle, 1986), and Confusion Assessment Method (CAM) (Inouye et al, 1990). All these instruments have demonstrated sensitivity and specificity for use with hospitalized older adults.

In one study, a program was developed for the early detection and treatment of older persons who developed symptoms of delirium during hospitalization (Inouye et al, 2007). Among the study participants older than the age of 70, 11.8% had delirium on discharge as measured by the CAM. The predictive model used in this study found five risk factors for delirium: cognitive impairment, visual impairment, functional impairment, comorbidity, and the use of physical restraints. The study validated the previously studied predictive model, and the authors concluded that at least four of the five risk factors for delirium are amenable to intervention. Table 29–3 outlines the assessment and intervention protocols used in the care of patients with delirium.

TABLE 29–3


Cognitive Impairment    
All patients, protocol once daily; patients with baseline MMSE score of <20 or orientation score of <8, protocol 3 times daily
Change in orientation score
Sleep Deprivation    
All patients: need for protocol assessed once daily
Change in rate of use of sedative drugs for sleep
All patients: ambulation whenever possible and range-of-motion exercises when patients chronically nonambulatory, bed or wheelchair bound, immobilized (e.g., because of extremity fracture or deep venous thrombosis), or prescribed bedrest Early mobilization protocol: ambulation or active range-of-motion exercises three times daily; minimum use of immobilizing equipment (e.g., bladder catheters or physical restraints) Change in ADL score
Visual Impairment    
Patients with <20/70 visual acuity on binocular near-vision testing Vision protocol: visual aids (e.g., glasses or magnifying lenses) and adaptive equipment (e.g., large illuminated telephone keypads, large-print books, and fluorescent tape on call bell), with daily reinforcement of their use Early correction of vision, ≤48 hr after admission
Hearing Impairment    
Patients hearing ≤6 of 12 whispers on Whisper Test Hearing protocol: portable amplifying devices, earwax disimpaction, and special communication techniques, with daily reinforcement of these adaptations Change in Whisper Test score
Patients with ratio of blood urea nitrogen to creatinine ≥18, screened for protocol by geriatric nurse-specialist Dehydration protocol: early recognition of dehydration and volume repletion (i.e., encouragement of oral intake of fluids) Change in ratio of blood urea nitrogen to creatinine


Orientation score consisted of results on first 10 items on the MiniMental State Examination (MMSE).

Sedative drugs included standard hypnotic agents, benzodiazepines, and antihistamines, used as needed for sleep.

From Inouye SK: Risk factors for delirium and intervention protocols, N Engl J Med 340(9):669, 1999.

There are a number of interventions to prevent delirium in hospitalized clients. Assessment with the use of a validated instrument such as the CAM is the first line in preventing and treating delirium. Modifying risk and maintaining safety are key features of delirium care (Fick & Mion, 2008). An early study by Inouye (1999) resulted in the development of a broad spectrum of preventive interventions that may be modestly effective, including psychiatric or medical assessment, support, education, and reorientation. Inouye also found that interventions by nurses alone were as effective as interventions by physicians. Delirium management includes rapid diagnosis and treatment of the underlying cause, management of disruptive behaviors, and supportive care. As discussed in the Inouye et al study (2007), assessment of changes in older persons’ cognition is paramount. A thorough history and physical examination are essential for the identification of the onset, cause, direct physiologic manifestation of a general medical condition, or intoxication with or withdrawal from substances that may be contributing to the onset of delirium (American Psychiatric association, 2004).

The treatment of delirium entails the identification and treatment of the underlying cause. These treatment interventions may be categorized as pharmacologic and nonpharmacologic. Nonpharmacologic approaches include promoting activity, improving nutritional and fluid intake, decreasing sensory overstimulation or deprivation, and reassuring the older adult and his or her family members (Fick & Mion, 2008). Pharmacologic approaches may include antibiotics to treat underlying infections and the removal of potentially contributory medications. It may be necessary to use medications for the management of agitation and hallucinations (haloperidol) or alcohol withdrawal symptoms (benzodiazepines). The former can be used judiciously in the treatment of agitation and hallucinations, but polypharmacy should be avoided (see Evidence-Based Practice Box).


In 2002, roughly 2.5 million Americans were diagnosed with dementia. By 2030, Thurman reports in the State of Aging and Health in America that the number of Americans diagnosed with dementia will more than double to 5.2 million (Centers for Disease Control and Prevention [CDC], 2007). Not included in these statistics is the phenomenon of potentially reversible dementia. The primary types of dementia include Alzheimer’s disease (AD), vascular dementia (VaD), dementia with Lewy bodies (DLB), and frontotemporal dementia (FTD).

Dementia is a syndrome of gradual and progressive cognitive decline. It has been defined as an alteration in memory in addition to acquired persistent alteration in intellectual function (e.g., orientation, calculation, attention, and motor skills) compromising multiple cognitive domains. In dementia, individuals are unable to do the things they used to do because of the mental changes associated with this disease process. Dementia may involve language deficits, apraxia (difficulty with the manipulation of objects), agnosia (inability to recognize familiar objects), agraphia (difficulty drawing objects), and impaired executive function (Alzheimer’s Association, 2007).

Although dementia is more common in older persons than in younger persons, it is not part of the normal aging process. Dementia is usually a condition occurring in later life because of changes in neurologic function caused by a disease process. Dementia has been linked to a variety of conditions. Research of the problem has been difficult because of the lack of a standard definition of mild dementia and difficulty in detecting symptoms of early dementia.

Alzheimer’s Disease

AD is the most common form of dementia in older persons and accounts for 60% to 80% of individuals participating in research on dementia (Alzheimer’s Association, 2007). AD is a progressive, neurodegenerative disease characterized by the presence of neurofibrillary tangles composed of misplaced proteins within the brain, cortical amyloid plaques, and granulovascular degeneration of neurons in the pyramidal cell layer of the hippocampus. An estimated 5 million Americans have AD, and it is predicted that by 2050 the number of individuals with AD could rise to 13.4 million (Alzheimer’s Association, 2006). AD is the seventh leading cause of death in the United States (CDC, 2007). The personal and public price of AD is high. Medicare costs for beneficiaries with AD are expected to exceed the ability to absorb the cost (Alzheimer’s Association, 2007).

Risk Factors

Research has focused on genetic, nutritional, viral, environmental, and other causes of AD. Age is the single most important risk factor for the development of AD, as the number of people with the disease doubles every 5 years beyond age 65.

Genetic Factors

One risk factor for the development of AD is genetics, particularly in cases of presenile dementia, or dementia seen in individuals younger than the age of 65. Other genetic mutations causing excessive accumulations of amyloid protein are also associated with age-related (sporadic) AD (Waring & Rosenberg, 2008). AD may show autosomal dominant inheritance in families with presenile dementia. Chromosome 14 has been linked to early-onset familial AD in more than 70% of cases, and chromosome 19, closely associated with the gene responsible for the encoding of apolipoprotein E, has been linked to late-onset familial AD


Using Trained Volunteers with Delirium Patients


Delirium is a common issue for hospitalized elderly patients. It is associated with an increased risk of mortality and overall poor patient outcomes. This study sought to examine the effectiveness and cost impact of a volunteer-mediated delirium prevention program by looking at two main components. In the first study patients were the focus of the data collection. The second study focused on how the nursing unit functioned as a result of the volunteer-mediated delirium program.

From Caplan GA, Harper EL: Recruitment of volunteers to improve vitality in the elderly: the REVIVE study, Intern Med J 37:95, 2007.

(Waring & Rosenberg, 2008). Mutations in chromosome 21, the gene associated with Down syndrome (trisomy 21), have also been linked with development of the disease. All persons with Down syndrome who survive to the third or fourth decade develop the pathologic condition of AD (Jones et al, 2008). In spite of these data, AD is not an exclusively inherited disease.

Diagnostic Studies

Currently no validated test is available for the diagnosis of AD. Although autopsy remains the gold standard for the diagnosis of AD, clinical diagnosis has become increasingly accurate over the past several years (Alzheimer’s Association, 2007). Magnetic resonance imaging (MRI) and positron emission tomography (PET) scans have been used to identify the hippocampal atrophy associated with the diagnosis AD. Because the costs are prohibitive and the findings are similar to those of clinical examination for the diagnosis of AD, these tests are not routinely recommended (Alzheimer’s Association, 2007).


At this time there is no cure for AD. Several pharmacologic options have been introduced to slow the progression of the disease in its early stages. These new medications have transformed the care of AD clients. Tacrine (Cognex) was the first of the cholinesterase inhibitors, but because of the need to frequently monitor a client’s liver function, its use is limited. Donepezil (Aricept), rivastigmine (Exelon), and galantamine (Reminyl), all cholinesterase inhibitors, were originally found to have fewer side effects and demonstrated greater cognitive and global functional improvement in early and midstage AD. These medications may keep some symptoms from becoming worse for a limited time. However, recently a study of 19,803 community-dwelling older adults with dementia receiving cholinesterase inhibitors had more frequent hospital visits for syncope and syncope-related events compared with 61,499 healthy control subjects (Gill et al, 2009). A fifth drug, memantine (Namenda), was approved for use in the United States. Combining memantine with other AD drugs promises to be more effective than any single therapy. Although cholinesterase inhibitors have been useful for older adults with AD, they have not been shown to have the same effects in older adults with other types of progressive dementia.

An herbal plant extract from Ginkgo biloba has shown promise in stabilizing and occasionally improving cognitive performance and function in demented older adults for 6 months to a year (Birks & Grimley Evans, 2009). It has been used as a standardized form in Europe for many years but is sold in the United States as a nutritional supplement. Vitamin supplementation has been attempted and studied, but there is no consensus on the efficacy of this intervention. In a research review by Jia, McNeill, and Avenell (2008), there was insufficient evidence to support the efficacy of vitamin B12 in improving the cognitive function of people with dementia and low serum B12 levels. In another review, Malouf and Grimley Evans (2008) found no benefit from folic acid with or without vitamin B12 in comparison with placebo on any measures of cognition or mood in the clinical trials they reviewed. The results of a 2004 metaanalysis of the role of vitamin E in the treatment of AD were inconclusive (Isaac, Quinn, & Tabet, 2008).

Although nonsteroidal antiinflammatory medications (NSAIDs) have been suggested in the treatment of AD, no evidence exists from randomized double-blind and placebo-controlled trials demonstrating their benefit (Vlad, Miller, Kowall, & Felson, 2008). Because ibuprofen and other NSAIDs have a significant side effect profile, including gastrointestinal bleeding, it needs to be demonstrated that the benefits of such a treatment outweigh the risk of side effects before ibuprofen can be recommended for AD treatment.

Vascular Dementia

VaD is the second most frequently occurring type of dementia among older persons (Schneck, 2008). Often referred to as multiinfarct dementia, VaD is defined as a loss of cognitive function resulting from ischemic, hypoperfusive, or hemorrhagic brain lesions resulting from cerebrovascular disease or cardiovascular pathologic conditions. VaD is associated with the progressive loss of brain tissue as a result of a series of small brain attacks (infarcts) caused by occlusions and blockages within the arteries to the brain. Individuals who have experienced a cerebrovascular accident (CVA) have an even greater risk of VaD.

Pathophysiologically, asymmetric regions of cerebral softening and hemorrhage are diffuse and irregular. If there is a series of brain attacks, the rate of decline in function increases. Some recovery of function may occur over time, but there is never full recovery. As the damage from the infarcts progresses and accumulates, more widespread evidence of diminished mental ability exists.

Clinical Manifestations

The onset of VaD may be gradual or abrupt. Gradual onset VaD occurs as a result of small lacunar infarcts that affect a very small area of the brain, causing memory, motor, or sensory perceptual function deficits. This phenomenon may not be obvious until several small infarcts have occurred. Abrupt onset VaD presents with immediate neurologic symptoms, such as one-sided weakness, gait abnormalities, or focal neurologic signs. Destruction of the brain tissue resulting from small emboli or brain attacks may be localized or diffuse. The usual progression of VaD follows a stepwise decline rather than the slow, steady decline associated with AD. Patients with VaD have an infarct, decline in function, and then experience a functional plateau before experiencing another insult and subsequent decline.

Symptoms of VaD depend on the location of the infarct and may include

These impairments generally interfere with work and social functioning. Other symptoms may include wandering, getting lost in familiar places, moving with rapid, shuffling steps, losing bladder or bowel control, inappropriately displaying emotions, and having difficulty following instructions. Not all brain attacks result in intellectual impairment; some affect movement, vision, or other functions.


Research on the use of donepezil for improving cognitive function, clinical global impression, and ability to perform ADLs in patients with mild to moderate VaD has been promising (Dichgans et al, 2008). Nimodipine (Nimotop), a calcium channel blocker, has also demonstrated short-term benefit in the treatment of VaD; however, little evidence supports its efficacy with long-term use in VaD (Pantoni et al, 2005). There is insufficient evidence to support interventions for the tertiary prevention of VaD. Zekry (2009) supports the need for well-designed, rigorous clinical trials with better defined assessment criteria for VaD.

Lewy Body Dementia

DLB is a progressive, degenerative brain disorder named after an intracytoplasmic neuronal inclusion, which may be found in the brainstem, diencephalon, basal ganglia, and cerebral cortex (Kalra, Bergeron, & Lang, 1996). DLB is estimated to account for up to 30% of all dementia cases (Zaccai, McCracken, & Brayne, 2005). Individuals with Parkinson’s disease (PD) have a sixfold increased risk for the development of DLB compared with the general population (Buter et al, 2008).


Management of patients with DLB focuses on symptomatic relief when psychiatric and behavioral symptoms become distressing. Treatment for PD is essential in the event of gait and balance alterations. The use of cholinesterase inhibitors has also been supported in DLB (Bhasin, Rowan, Edwards, & McKeith, 2007). It is important to note that recent case reports reveal a possible exacerbation of DLB related to administration of memantine (Ridha, Josephs, & Rossor, 2005). Thus, careful diagnosis and care management is essential for preventing this drug–disease interaction. Caregiver education and support are important aspects of disease management because of the unique pattern of psychiatric symptoms and motor and cognitive deficits that these patients display.

Frontotemporal Dementia

FTD is a clinical syndrome of exclusion associated with non-AD pathologic conditions and is relatively rare in the clinical setting. This syndrome includes the spectrum of non-AD dementias and is characterized by focal atrophy of the frontal and anterior temporal regions. Pathologically, FTD is variable; some cases may show tau-positive disease (with or without classic Pick bodies), whereas others show ubiquitin-positive inclusions, and still others may lack distinctive histologic features (Mendez et al, 2008).

Clinical Manifestations

Two major clinical presentations of FTD include frontal or aphasic variants. Frontal behavioral variant FTD is associated with progressive changes in personality and social cognition, disinhibition, loss of empathy, changes in eating patterns, ritualized or stereotypic behaviors, and apathy. Aphasic variants of FTD include progressive fluent or nonfluent aphasia (loss of ability to use language), depending on the frontal or temporal focus (Mendez et al, 2008). Either of these main variants may be associated with motor neuron disease, although the behavioral features typically precede motor symptoms (Mendez et al, 2008).

Other Dementia-Related Diseases

Normal Pressure Hydrocephalus

Normal pressure hydrocephalus (NPH) is a rare but potentially reversible condition; if left untreated, it leads to permanent cognitive impairment. In NPH the CSF circulates to the cerebral subarachnoid space, enlarging the ventricles but causing no rise in the CSF pressure. It is believed that the majority of cases of NPH are related to prior cerebral insults such as traumatic injury, viral insult, or previous surgery. NPH has a triad of symptoms that present together: gait disturbance (e.g., ataxic or magnetic gait), urinary incontinence, and cognitive dysfunction (Shprecher, Schwalb, & Kurlan, 2008). Clients who develop dementia before the gait disturbance have poorer outcomes. Treatment involves placing a shunt to drain the CSF (Shprecher, Schwalb, & Kurlan, 2008).

Dementia may also result from other diseases, including Huntington’s disease (formerly called Huntington’s chorea), Creutzfeldt-Jakob disease, and infection with human immunodeficiency virus (HIV). These diseases are less common among the older adult population.

Subdural Hematomas

A subdural hematoma is bleeding between the cranium and the cerebral cortex. The pressure created by this bleeding can cause cognitive impairment and neurologic deficits. Older adults are at risk for the development of subdural hematomas caused by brain atrophy and corresponding vascular changes that occur with normal aging and are also at risk for falls and subsequent head injuries.

There are two types of subdural hematomas: acute and chronic. Symptoms of acute subdural hematomas develop within 48 to 72 hours after a head injury but are not seen with the typical signs of increased intracranial pressure. Instead, the presentation includes insidious changes in mentation and focal neurologic signs. Chronic subdural hematomas may be due to trauma but often are not noticed until 3 or more weeks after the initial injury because of slow bleeding into the intracranial space.

Treatments for both acute and chronic subdural hematomas include the evacuation of the hematoma, usually with the use of burr holes and a closed drainage system. Unfortunately, recurrence is not uncommon.

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Nov 26, 2016 | Posted by in NURSING | Comments Off on Cognitive and Neurologic Function

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