Apr 13, 2020 by in NURSING Comments Off on B

B BLADDER IRRIGATION, CONTINUOUS Continuous bladder irrigation can help prevent urinary tract obstruction by flushing out small blood clots that form after prostate or bladder surgery. It may also be…

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Skin, Hair, and Nails

Apr 12, 2020 by in NURSING Comments Off on Skin, Hair, and Nails

Skin provides an elastic, self-regenerating, protective covering for the body. The skin and its appendages are the primary means by which we are viewed in the world and physical appearances…

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Musculoskeletal System

Apr 12, 2020 by in NURSING Comments Off on Musculoskeletal System

The musculoskeletal system provides the stability and mobility necessary for physical activity. Physical performance requires bones, tendons, ligaments, muscles, and joints that function smoothly and effortlessly. Because the musculoskeletal system…

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Ears, Nose, and Throat

Apr 12, 2020 by in NURSING Comments Off on Ears, Nose, and Throat

Examination of the ears, nose, and throat provides information about their integrity and function, as well as the associated respiratory and digestive tracts. The special senses of smell, hearing, equilibrium,…

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Female Genitalia

Apr 12, 2020 by in NURSING Comments Off on Female Genitalia

Examination of the female genitalia is typically performed when a patient presents with a specific concern, as part of the newborn examination, for the sexually active adolescent, or as part…

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Neurologic System

Apr 12, 2020 by in NURSING Comments Off on Neurologic System

The nervous system, with its central and peripheral divisions, maintains and controls all body functions by its voluntary and autonomic responses. The evaluation of motor, sensory, autonomic, cognitive, and behavioral…

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Male Genitalia

Apr 12, 2020 by in NURSING Comments Off on Male Genitalia

Examination of the male genitalia is typically performed when a patient presents with a specific concern, as part of the newborn examination, or as part of an overall child or…

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Apr 12, 2020 by in NURSING Comments Off on Abdomen

The abdominal examination is performed as part of the comprehensive physical examination or when a patient presents with signs or symptoms of an abdominal disease process. It involves the core…

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Breasts and Axillae

Apr 12, 2020 by in NURSING Comments Off on Breasts and Axillae

The breast examination is typically performed when a patient presents with a specific breast concern, as a follow-up to an abnormal examination or increased risk for breast cancer, or as…

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Putting It All Together

Apr 12, 2020 by in NURSING Comments Off on Putting It All Together

This chapter asks that you integrate all you have learned about interviewing, building a history, and performing the physical examination. It offers a suggested approach and sequence for performing all…

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