A Vision for the Future
A Vision for the Future In summary, the term safety culture is a relatively recent idea, and appears to have arisen out of the 1986 Chernobyl disaster investigations and report,…
A Vision for the Future In summary, the term safety culture is a relatively recent idea, and appears to have arisen out of the 1986 Chernobyl disaster investigations and report,…
Comprehensive SPHM Evaluation Program They make lift equipment, but the hospital doesn’t want it. They say it costs too much. Standard 8. Establish a Comprehensive Evaluation System The employer and…
SPHM in Reasonable Accommodation and Post-Injury Return to Work I have an urge to paint an abstract that depicts how itfeels to be injured and disgraced by the employer. Lots…
Integrated SPHM Assessment, Care Planning, and Technology Use I’ve had two back surgeries and two knee surgeries from pushing gurneys on those carpeted halls. It destroyed my back and knees….
SPHM Education, Training, and Competence I’m a first-year nursing student. We did clinicals at the nursing home. They had a lift but it was always way down the hall on…
SPHM Technology After I graduate, I’m going to go work where they have all the ceiling lifts and things. Standard 4. Select, Install, and Maintain SPHM Technology The employer and…
Ergonomic Design Principles in SPHM We have a lift but the problem is that rooms are too small to get it in here. Standard 3. incorporate Ergonomic Design Principles to…
Sustainable SPHM Programs I’m a doctor. I am concerned with the amount of lifting and pushing the employees do around here. Yesterday, I learned that one of our ICU nurses…
SPHM and a Culture of Safety Many of my co-workers are beginning to feel that we do not need to expose ourselves to the hazards of lifting any more than…
Safety and Quality across Practice Settings: The Emerging Role of Safe Patient Handling and Mobility In the United States, healthcare workers practice in a culture of sacrifice irrespective of discipline,…