Chapter 26. Caring for children with genitourinary problems
Kevin McFarlane
• Discuss common genitourinary tract conditions with reference to:
• pathology
• presenting symptoms
• diagnosis
• nursing management
• medical management
• potential complications
• education and prevention.
Urinary tract infections (UTI) occur in 1% of boys and 3% of girls before they are 11 years old (Stull & Lipuma 1991). Overall, urinary tract infection is more common in girls but in the first 3 months after birth it is more common in boys. The term ‘urinary tract infection’ refers to an infection anywhere in the renal tract. It is convenient to categorise urinary tract infections into two groups:
• Lower urinary tract infection: involves the bladder and urethra and tends not to be associated with long-term sequelae.
• Upper urinary tract: involves the ureters and kidneys. Acute pyelonephritis (APN) is the most serious upper urinary tract infection. It is associated with arterial hypertension and chronic renal failure (Jodal 1987).
Escherichia coli
The most common causative organism associated with urinary tract infection is Escherichia coli ( E. coli). This organism is responsible for 80% of infections. E. coli is normally found in the large bowel, where it is involved in vitamin K production. The bacteria enter the urethra via the perineum. The cell membrane of the E. coli bacterium contains protein structures called adhesions, which facilitate bacterial adhesion to the surface of urogenital cells. This adhesion prevents the bacteria from being washed away during micturition. The infection ascends the urethra and enters the bladder, where the bacteria adhere to the cells that line the internal surface.
Susceptibility to urinary tract infection
Some children are more susceptible than others to urinary tract infection. Uncircumcised boys under 1 year old are more prone than circumcised boys; the short female urethra increases susceptibility in girls. Constipation is linked to repeated urinary tract infection. Constipation impairs voiding by compressing the urethra or the bladder neck. It leads to a high urine residual. This creates the conditions in which bacteria can flourish. Treatment of constipation may result in the resolution of urinary tract infection (Loening-Baucke 1997). Finally, congenital abnormalities of the renal tract place the child at risk. Vesicoureteric reflux is the most common congenital abnormality of the genitourinary tract. Obstructive uropathies are also significant causes of urinary tract infection (Roth et al 2002b).

Access the companion PowerPoint presentation, where you will find information on the common obstructive uropathies.
Diagnostic problems
Urinary tract infection in children is problematic because it is not always obvious. In addition, when it is identified it may be difficult to distinguish between a lower and upper urinary tract infection. The younger the child, the more likely these problems are to occur.
Diagnosis in an older child tends to be a little more obvious. An older child with a lower urinary tract infection may present with specific symptoms such as frequency, urgency, dysuria and secondary enuresis. If the infection is in the upper urinary tract, e.g. pyelonephritis, the child may present with fever, flank pain and is obviously ill.
Babies and infants are more difficult to diagnose. This is because presenting symptoms are often non-specific and may not particularly point to genitourinary origins. Possible non-specific symptoms are irritability, vomiting, diarrhoea, poor feeding and failure to thrive. These signs do not generally allow medical staff to predict whether the infection is in the upper or lower genitourinary tract. Fever is the only factor that may point to an upper urinary tract infection but its absence does not negate the possibility.
Collecting urine
In children older than 3 years, a midstream specimen of urine is the method of choice. The logic underpinning the collection of a midstream specimen is that the initial passage of urine flushes bacteria from the urethral orifice and thus reduces the likelihood of contamination. For those younger than 3 years who cannot or are unable to cooperate, an alternative approach is to obtain a clean-catch specimen. The procedure can be time consuming so it is helpful if a parent can be the person collecting the urine. The baby or infant is positioned over a sterile container until voiding takes place.
The use of U-bags is controversial. Collections made by this method are notorious for becoming contaminated; as many as one-third of specimens taken in this way yield false-positive results (Li et al 2002). Uncircumcised boys are particularly at risk. U-bags are commonly used for non-toilet trained children but should not be used in high-risk cases (Al-Orifi 2000).
Urine can also be gathered from absorbent collection pads placed inside nappies. The pads are checked every 10 minutes until the child is found wet. A syringe is then used to aspirate urine from the pad. Although pad specimens are still prone to contamination, there is some evidence that they are more effective than bag specimens (Feasey 1999). There is also evidence that parents prefer to use the pad method when home collection is required (Liaw et al 2000).
The most effective means of attaining an uncontaminated specimen of urine from a child is by suprapubic stab or by catheterisation. Because of pain and the invasive nature of these procedures, they are reserved for high-risk cases. Febrile babies less than 3 months old should have specimens taken by these means. Older non-toilet trained children with features of upper urinary tract infection or a history of urinary tract infection or with known abnormalities should be catheterised to obtain a specimen.
Irrespective of the method of obtaining urine for culture, the specimen should be transferred to a specimen bottle within 30 minutes of collection. It can then be stored in a fridge at 4°C until processing.
Reflect on your practice

• What methods of urine collection are you familiar with?
• Are you totally familiar with the manufacturer’s recommendations concerning applying a U-bag?
• Are there times when you use U-bags when a more effective method could be used?
Urine testing
Urine should be screened at ward level. The nurse should be alert to the amount of urine that is produced; it may be diminished in urinary tract infection. The colour is also significant. Healthy urine will lie somewhere between clear and straw coloured. Infected urine is commonly cloudy. The smell of urine is traditionally thought to be a significant factor but it appears not to be a reliable indication of urinary tract infection in children (Struthers et al 2003).
Dipstick testing may prove positive for blood and/or protein. These substances are not particularly predictive of a urinary tract infection; they may be present but equally they may not. Much more predictive is the presence of nitrite and leucocyte esterase. Nitrate is a substance that is normally found in urine. Most bacteria convert nitrate to nitrite; it takes them around 4 hours to do this. This is why morning testing for nitrite is a good idea. A dipstick can also be used to detect the presence of leucocyte esterase. This is an enzyme produced by white blood cells; its presence indicates infection. A urine sample that is positive for leucocyte esterase and nitrites strongly suggests urinary tract infection. Definitive diagnosis is on urine culture.
Antibiotic therapy
Neonates (0–2 months) have immature immune systems. There is a likelihood that an infection could spread beyond the urinary tract. These babies are managed as if they have systemic sepsis and are prescribed parenteral antibiotics that are given for 2–3 weeks.
Children between 2 months and 2 years may also be hospitalised to receive intravenous antibiotics. A child who is unwell, with features such as fever, rigors, vomiting or dehydration, should be admitted. Rapid treatment is required because delay increases the risk of renal damage (Smellie et al 1994). Parenteral antibiotics are administered for a period of 24–48 hours. This should be followed by a 7–10-day course of oral antibiotics.
Children who are considered to have a lower urinary tract infection and do not appear ill can be managed at home. They are prescribed oral antibiotics. There is a debate about how long the course should be. Some physicians prefer to prescribe a 7–10-day course whereas others prescribe a short course of 2–4 days. There is conflicting evidence in the literature (Keren and Chan, 2002 and Michael et al., 2003) and the debate remains unresolved. Amoxicillin, trimethoprim-sulfamethoxazole and cephalosporin are the drugs of choice (Riccabona 2003).
Nursing considerations
Assessment must include pain, hydration stasis and temperature. The type of pain and the location varies. Pain may occur only on micturition. Bladder spasms may occur. Loin pain may be present. Non-pharmacological methods such as distraction and heat pads should be considered. Analgesia should be prescribed and administered as required. The child may be dehydrated because of reduced intake and increased insensible loss. It is necessary to observe for signs of dehydration and record input and output. The child’s weight should also be recorded. Older children can be encouraged to consume adequate fluids but younger children might require intravenous support. Temperature control may be necessary. Children with lower urinary tract infections may have a mild temperature rise. Those with upper urinary tract infections may have more substantial temperature rises. Cooling measures should be implemented and antipyretics administered.
Imaging is used during the acute illness and later to identify any damage to the kidneys and any predisposing causes of urinary tract infection. Babies and infants are most likely to be in danger of renal damage associated with genitourinary abnormalities (American Academy of Pediatrics (AAP) 1999). This age group is more likely to be investigated intensively. The diagnostic imaging methods that are usually considered include ultrasonography, dimercaptosuccinic acid scanning and voiding cystourethrogram.
Ultrasonography is a non-invasive test that provides information about the structure of the renal tract and dilation of the collecting system. It can identify dilated or duplicated ureters, ureteroceles and horseshoe kidneys. The test is limited because it cannot identify acute pyelonephritis or subsequent renal scarring. It may also fail to detect hydronephrosis.
Dimercaptosuccinic acid (DMSA) scanning is used during an acute urinary tract infection when an upper urinary tract infection is suspected. It can detect inflammation of the kidney substance and confirms the diagnosis of acute pyelonephritis. Later DMSA scanning can be used to determine the presence of any scarring. It is estimated that between 60 and 65% of children will have a renal scar following an initial insult of acute pyelonephritis (Jakobsson et al 1992).
Micturating cystourethrogram (MCU) provides information about the bladder and flow of urine. It identifies the presence of vesicoureteric reflux and the grade of reflux. An MCU can be carried out before or after the child has completed their initial antibiotic course (Mahant et al 2001). The procedure involves catheterisation and instillation of contrast media. Preparing the child and family before investigation can reduce the distress associated with the procedure. Story-telling and play have both been found to be effective (Phillips et al 1998).
Education and prevention
Children who have had one urinary tract infection are at risk of further infections. There are means of limiting the likelihood of a second infection. Detailed discussion concerning these means must take place. Information given to parents (and children) should be verbal and reinforced on paper.
Reflect on your practice

• Do you provide parents with information sheets on prevention of urinary tract infection?
• Are you satisfied with the clarity of these documents?
• Is the information comprehensive and accurate?
Parents and children should be taught the gross anatomy of the urinary tract and the nature of ascending infection. From this point they can then appreciate the recommended hygiene habits that must be practised. If a child is in nappies, these should be changed as soon as possible after soiling. Perineal hygiene is important in girls, stroking away from the urethra is recommended. Cotton underwear is advisable because synthetic materials may increase heat and sweating and encourage bacterial growth. Bubble baths should not be added to bath water and perfumed soaps are inadvisable. Using bubble baths and perfumed soaps may disturb the urethral flora and encourage bacteria to ascend.
Stasis of urine should be avoided so the child should drink frequently and also be given the opportunity to void every hour or two. Cranberry juice has been recommended as a suitable fluid because of its ability to acidify the urine, this is said to prevent binding of E. coli. Some authors find in its favour (Kontiokari et al 2001) whereas others debate its efficacy (Schlager 1999).
It is also necessary to teach parents to look for the features of a urinary tract infection. They may also have to learn how to obtain specimens and test them for nitrite and leucocyte esterase. Finally, the importance of complying with antibiotic therapy should be discussed and the necessity to attend follow-up clinic appointments and investigations should be stressed.
The nephrotic syndrome
The most common form of the nephrotic syndrome (NS) is idiopathic, which accounts for over 85% of presentations (International Study of Kidney Disease in Children 1978) and is the subject of this section. However, there are other causes: in a small number of cases the disorder is congenital, the most common congenital presentation being Finnish-type, an autosomal recessively inherited disease (Holmberg et al 1996). The nephrotic syndrome may also be a consequence of another disease; glomerulonephritis is most commonly implicated.
Substances filter from the glomerulus into the nephron through a selective barrier called the basement membrane. Substances move through the barrier on the basis of size and electrical charge. In the nephrotic syndrome the selectivity of this membrane is impaired and the glomerulus allows albumin to escape from the blood into the filtrate. Urine therefore tests positive for protein; the amount of protein lost is often described as massive. The loss of albumin interferes with the body’s ability to balance fluids between the various body compartments. Normally, albumin levels provide oncotic pressure that counterbalances the effect of hydrostatic pressure at capillary level. In effect, normal levels of albumin are necessary to maintain fluid within the vascular space. When albumin is lost in the filtrate, hypoalbuminaemia occurs and oncotic pressure falls. The effect is that hydrostatic pressure acts with minimum opposition, fluid shifts into the interstitial space and oedema results.
Sodium levels also play a role in oedema formation. Sodium retention occurs. Traditionally, it was thought that fluid shifts cause hypovolaemia, which triggers the renin-angiotensin mechanism, which, in turn, promotes sodium retention. An alternative view is that nephrotic syndrome causes a primary defect at the tubular level, and that this causes sodium retention (Orth & Ritz 1998).

Access the companion PowerPoint presentation for a full explanation of fluid movement at the tissue level.
Hypoalbuminaemia is one consequence of the nephrotic syndrome; hyperlipidaemia is another. The levels of cholesterol and triglycerides in the blood rise as a result of increased synthesis by the liver and decreased clearance by the kidneys. Although the exact mechanisms for this are unknown, the potential consequences are a cause for concern. High cholesterol levels have a known association with atherosclerosis and high triglyceride levels may also have atherogenic properties and can cause further renal injury (O’Donnell 2001).
Nephrotic syndrome should be suspected when a child presents with oedema and proteinuria. In the paediatric age group, urinary protein loss of 50 mg/kg per 24 hours or greater is a firm diagnostic criterion (Roth et al 2002a); other markers are hypoalbuminaemia and hyperlipidaemia. Diagnosis is usually made without resorting to biopsy during the initial illness. This approach is taken because the majority of children have idiopathic nephrotic syndrome and their biopsies reveal the same results: they demonstrate damage to the glomerular epithelial foot processes. This is called minimal change nephrotic syndrome. A biopsy is reserved for children who do not respond to treatment. Although biopsy in these cases is still likely to reveal minimal change nephrotic syndrome (International Study of Kidney Disease in Children 1978), a few will identify other microscopic changes that might signify a different approach to treatment and different long-term outlook.
Medical treatment
Corticosteroids are used to treat nephrotic syndrome, prednisolone being the drug of choice. The standard course is 8 weeks. A typical protocol might be 2 mg/kg daily for 4 weeks, then 1.5 mg/kg on alternate days for 4 weeks. Some children will relapse and require long-term maintenance. The earliest predictor that suggests a relapsing course is the time it takes the child to enter remission after prednisolone treatment is initiated (Constantinescu et al 2000). The child on long-term maintenance may receive prednisolone daily or every second day. There is evidence that alternate day regimes may be more beneficial and produce fewer side effects (Hiraoka et al 2003). If the child is commenced on long-term maintenance then the parents must be aware of possible side effects, such as increased appetite, weight gain and cushingoid symptoms. Parents also have to know about possible psychological side effects. Anxiety, depression and difficult behaviour are all possibilities (Soliday et al 1999).
Some children may be resistant to steroid therapy and others may suffer unacceptable side effects because of prolonged use. These children are likely to be prescribed immunosuppressive or immunomodulator drugs such as cyclosporine A, cyclophosphamide or levamisole. All these agents are associated with significant potential adverse effects and there is no consensus as to which is the most appropriate (Durkan et al 2001).
Diuretics are reserved for treating substantial oedema. Furosemide (Lasix) a loop diuretic is commonly prescribed. It is used judiciously because it may result in hypovolaemia, which in turn might increase the likelihood of thrombosis. Albumin may be used in conjunction with furosemide if severe oedema and complications such as pleural effusion or ascites are present.
Distribution of hydrostatic and oncotic pressure across the pleural and peritoneal membranes is altered. Fluid may shift into the pleural space and cause a pleural effusion. It may also shift into the peritoneal space and cause ascites. Both conditions impair lung expansion and respiratory distress may result. Treatment involves administration of diuretics and albumin.
Children with the nephrotic syndrome are prone to infection; chickenpox is a particular threat. Chickenpox is caused by the varicella-zoster virus and can have devastating effects on an immune-suppressed child. The child’s immune status should be checked and, if not immune to varicella-zoster and exposed to chickenpox, then varicella-zoster immune globulin should be administered. Acyclovir prophylaxis may also be administered as an adjunctive (Goldstein et al 2000).
Peritonitis is also a potential threat. Any abdominal pain must be carefully assessed with this complication in mind. The causative organism is usually a pneumococcus and pneumococcal immunisation is recommended for all children. Penicillin prophylaxis may be given to some subgroups (McIntyre & Craig 1998).
The final complication is thromboembolism. Children are prone to both arterial and venous thrombosis. Disturbances in clotting and fibrinolytic systems occur; antithrombin III levels may be depleted and fibrinogen levels raised. High cholesterol and triglyceride levels and low levels of albumin are other risk factors. The presence of dehydration and the use of diuretic also increase susceptibility. Nurses should be cognisant of the features of deep venous thrombosis and pulmonary embolism. With regard to the latter, the development of tachypnoea should raise concern because this might be a sign of pulmonary embolism (van Ommen et al 1998). Thromboembolism requires immediate anticoagulant treatment.
Nursing management

A 10-year-old boy is admitted with significant oedema. His face, abdomen, legs and feet are particularly swollen. He reveals that his scrotum is also oedematous:
• What nursing interventions would you consider appropriate?
Check your answer with the companion PowerPoint presentation.
As the activity above suggests, caring for a child with oedema is a major focus when caring for a child with nephrotic syndrome. Fluid balance is also important. Fluid intake is normally controlled, the child’s previous day’s input and output being two of the factors that influence the amount prescribed. Diets high in protein (to increase albumin) or low in protein (to rest the kidneys) have been used in the treatment of this condition but they tend to be ineffective. The current approach is to determine the child’s normal dietary protein requirements and ensure that these are met. Carbohydrate intake has to be sufficient to ensure that protein intake can be utilised appropriately and not used for energy purposes. Hyperlipidaemia is not generally a cause for concern during the initial illness. If the child does not respond to treatment and hyperlipidaemia becomes a chronic state, dietary measures such as reduced saturated fat and cholesterol intake are advisable. Medications to reduce cholesterol and triglycerides may also be recommended. Finally, because sodium levels may be elevated in the nephrotic syndrome, dietary sodium has to be controlled. Foods high in sodium should not be consumed and salt should not be added to foods during cooking or at meal times.
Measures must be taken to protect the child from infection and identify it if it occurs. To this end, visitors should be infection free and the number of visitors must be controlled. The child should also be observed for signs of infection such as cough, runny nose and sore ears. Temperature, pulse and respiration should also be recorded regularly.
Deaths due to the nephrotic syndrome are rare but do occur. These deaths are normally attributed to peritonitis and thrombus. Most children with idiopathic nephrotic syndrome respond within 10–14 days of treatment; of these, two-thirds will relapse. The parents need to know about this possibility and be in the position to recognise it. They should monitor the child’s weight and test urine for protein. These children will require repeated courses of steroids, often for a prolonged period of time. Most will return to normal, although it may take many years.

Obtain a fact sheet on the nephrotic syndrome at the Great Ormond Street Hospital website:
Poststreptococcal glomerulonephritis
Glomerulonephritis is an inflammation of the glomeruli of the kidneys. Poststreptococcal glomerulonephritis (PSGN) is the most common cause of acute glomerulonephritis in children and, as its name suggests, develops after a streptococcal infection. The site of infection is usually the pharynx or the skin. There is a latent period between the original infection and the presentation of poststreptococcal glomerulonephritis. If the source of infection is the pharynx the period is 1–2 weeks, whereas if the source is the skin it is 2–4 weeks. The condition is most often seen in boys and the age of onset is between 3 and 15 years (Simckes & Spitzer 1995).
The pathogenesis of poststreptococcal glomerulonephritis is not fully elucidated. There is evidence that a streptococcal component becomes lodged in the glomerular basement membrane (Cu et al 1998); this is the ‘planted antigen’ theory. Antibodies then fix to the component/antigen, forming an immune complex. The immune complex triggers a second phase, which involves activation of complement. Complement triggers a cascade of events that result in glomerular inflammation. Glomerular capillaries become blocked and impairment of glomerular filtering function occurs. Protein and blood are lost in the urine. The glomerular filtration rate (GFR) falls and urine output diminishes. In some patients, the reduction in the glomerular filtration rate may be significant and the child may develop acute renal failure. The fall in the glomerular filtration rate results in sodium and water retention and the expansion of the blood volume. Body fluid is redistributed and oedema results. Hypertension also occurs. This is partially due to sodium and water retention but other factors are thought to be involved.

Access the companion PowerPoint presentation for a full explanation of glomerular filtration rate.
Signs and symptoms
The clinical severity of poststreptococcal glomerulonephritis is variable, with some children having mild disease and being asymptomatic (Tasic & Polenakovic 2003). When children have symptoms the onset is usually abrupt. The child suffers from haematuria, mild to moderate proteinuria and oedema. The degree of oedema varies. Mild periorbital oedema may occur or it may be more extensive. In some cases it may be severe with accompanying ascites or pleural effusion. Urine assumes a dark colour because of the presence of blood and protein. Urine output is diminished, some children are oliguric and, as mentioned above, may present with acute renal failure. Hypertension is common; this might be mild but can be severe. If severe, associated symptoms such as headache and visual disturbance occur. The child is usually fatigued. Anaemia, uraemia and hypervolaemia contribute to feelings of tiredness.
Diagnosis is made on history, examination and a number of investigations. Urinalysis reveals blood, protein and high specific gravity. Throat swabs (or skin swabs) may be positive for streptococcal infection. Blood samples are taken and examined for antibody to streptococci and their extracellular products (Lang & Towers 2001). Antistreptolysin O (ASO) is one example. The normal ASO is < 166 Todd units, in poststreptococcal glomerulonephritis this is raised. Blood is also examined for evidence of complement activity. A reduction in complement elements C3 and C4 are suggestive of poststreptococcal glomerulonephritis.
Antibiotics are administered to eliminate any persistent streptococcal infection; penicillin is the drug of choice. Hospitalisation is not always required but when hypervolaemia, oedema or hypertension are concerns the child is admitted.
Hypervolaemia and the resultant oedema make fluid balance an important focus. All input and output should be accurately documented. The child’s weight should also be recorded. Hypervolaemia and oedema can be addressed by restricting fluids and sodium intake. The child’s diet should not contain salty foods and salt should not be added. Dietary manipulation alone may be insufficient to deal with more severe problems and diuretics may be required. Loop diuretics such as furosemide act quickly and effectively.
Hypertension may be mild, moderate or severe. The frequency of recording will differ depending on the circumstance. The dietary measures and administration of diuretics taken to relieve oedema and hypervolaemia may be all that is required to reduce the blood pressure. If hypertension is not alleviated by these means then antihypertensive agents are employed. Severe rises in blood pressure require intravenous antihypertensive agents.
The prognosis of poststreptococcal glomerulonephritis is excellent (Kasahara et al 2001). Most children who develop the condition will recover, with blood pressure and renal function returning to normal. However, a small number of children do not recover and go on and develop renal failure (Baldwin et al 1974).
Vesicoureteric reflux
Vesicoureteric reflux (VUR) is the abnormal back flow of urine from the bladder into the ureter or into the ureter and kidneys. The condition may be unilateral or bilateral. VUR is usually a primary disorder caused by an anatomical defect at the junction between the ureter and the bladder. There is solid evidence that VUR has a familial basis (Noe et al 1992). Primary VUR is thought to be an autosomal dominant disorder with incomplete penetrance and variable expression.
The ureters enter the bladder at an oblique angle on the posterior right and left lateral surface. The oblique course is continued through the bladder wall. Each ureter terminates in a ureteral orifice found at both sides of the upper level of the trigone. When the intravesical pressure is increased during micturition the detrusor muscle contracts and the intravesical section of the ureters are passively compressed. This valvular mechanism normally prevents reflux. The effectiveness of this mechanism is dependent on an adequate length of intravesical ureter (Belman 1997).
Reflux, urinary tract infection and scarring
VUR predisposes to urinary tract infection because urine that is refluxed into the ureter(s) trickles back into the bladder, producing an increased urine residual, which provides the conditions for an infection to take place. Reflux then provides a route by which the infection can reach the kidney. Urinary tract infection with VUR is associated with renal scarring and is an important cause of hypertension and chronic renal failure in later life.
Children with urinary tract infection must be investigated promptly to determine VUR. Young children are particularly at risk and are usually prescribed prophylactic antibiotics until imaging is complete. One of the mainstays in the diagnosis of VUR is micturating cystourography (MSU). This is an invasive procedure involving the trauma of catheterisation, the potential for infection and exposure to radioactivity. There is controversy concerning when it should be used and protocols vary. Because children under 3 years are more prone to VUR, they tend to routinely undergo the procedure. Abdominal X-ray and ultrasound are also usually carried out. Older children, who are not as at risk, may be spared MCU, although this is not always the case. Primary investigation of these children may include abdominal X-ray, ultrasound and DMSA scanning. If these tests suggest reflux then MCU may be required. A positive MCU allows reflux to be graded. Grading influences management.

Access the companion PowerPoint presentation for further information about grading.
The objective of medical management is to keep the urine infection-free while waiting for spontaneous resolution. This is an effective treatment and can work in all grades of reflux, but the higher the grade the less likely spontaneous resolution is. Medical management involves the prescription of continuous low-dose antibacterial prophylaxis. The drugs are usually given in a single nightly dose.
Prophylaxis is usually discontinued when reflux disappears. This can be expected between 6 and 10 years (Huang & Tsai 1995). Management also emphasises the importance of measures designed to minimise the likelihood of urinary tract infection. The parent/child is taught the importance of adequate fluid intake, appropriate wiping action, regular toileting, double voiding to expel refluxed urine, and avoidance of constipation.
Surgery is considered for patients with grade IV and V reflux. It is considered as an option because spontaneous resolution is less likely. Surgery is also considered when prophylaxis fails to prevent urinary tract infection or further renal damage. Open surgery involves re-implantation of the offending ureter or ureters. The aim of re-implantation is to create an adequate intravesical tunnel, to allow compression of the ureter against the detrusor muscle. The success rate of reimplanation is 95% (Birmingham Reflux Study Group 1984).

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