Chapter 10 As you learned in Chapter 8, setting realistic goals is the path to a better life and improved self-esteem. If you know what you want to achieve in life, and you feel you are working on a plan to achieve those goals, your self-esteem will rise. Visualize a future full of meaning, success, and satisfaction. Imagine it as richly as you can, using all your senses to think about all the areas of your life. Do not let past failures and disappointments interfere with your opinion of yourself. Those mistakes are over and should be used as learning opportunities. Move on. If you embrace the present—the only place where you can be effective—and take actions that move you closer to the future that you envision and desire, you will have positive self-esteem. When anxiety goes beyond mild, however, it impairs performance. Anxiety triggers the stress response, discussed in Chapter 3. It clouds your thinking process, creates rapid, shallow breathing, raises your heart rate, and imposes a sense of panic. More severe is chronic anxiety, which is a constant and general feeling of dread about everything, and phobias, which are anxieties in response to specific triggers such as spiders (arachnophobia) or closed spaces (claustrophobia). If you suffer from chronic anxiety or phobias, you should seek treatment.
Building Personal Emotional Strengths
Evaluate the state of your self-esteem.
Create a plan to boost and sustain your self-esteem.
Explain the irrational basis of anxiety.
Connect patience to long-term results.
Be able to adapt to change without being rigid.
Relate control to internal and external events.
Differentiate between an optimistic and a pessimistic mindset.
Building Self-Esteem
How to Build Self-Esteem
Make the Right Comparisons; Set the Right Goals
Controlling Anxiety
Learning Objectives for Controlling Anxiety
Manage internal thought processes.
Manage interactions with individuals at work.
Identify and manage irrational anxiety-provoking thoughts.
Effectively follow through on behaviors that produce positive outcomes.
What Is Anxiety?
Building Personal Emotional Strengths