APPENDIX B I. GENERAL HISTORY OF PATIENT Name______________Age______________Sex ______________ Racial and ethnic data ______________ Marital status ______________ Number and ages of children/siblings Living arrangements ______________ Occupation ______________ Education ______________ Religious affiliations ______________ II. PRESENTING PROBLEM A. Statement in the patient’s own words of why he or she is hospitalized or seeking help B. Recent difficulties/alterations in: 2. Usual level of functioning 3. Behavior 4. Perceptions or cognitive abilities C. Increased feelings of: 2. Anxiety 3. Hopelessness 4. Being overwhelmed 5. Suspiciousness 6. Confusion D. Somatic changes, such as: 2. Insomnia 3. Lethargy 4. Weight loss or gain 5. Palpitations III. RELEVANT HISTORY—PERSONAL A. Previous hospitalizations and illnesses ______________ B. Educational background ______________ C. Occupational background ______________ 1. If employed, where? ______________ 2. How long at that job? ______________ 3. Previous positions and reasons for leaving ______________ 4. Special skills ______________ D. Social patterns 1. Describe friends ______________ 2. Describe a usual day ______________ E. Sexual patterns 1. Sexually active? ______________ 2. Sexual orientation ______________ 3. Sexual difficulties ______________ 4. Practice safe sex or birth control? ______________ F. Interests and abilities 1. What does the patient do in his or her spare time? ______________ 2. What is the patient good at? ______________ 3. What gives the patient pleasure? ______________ G. Substance use and abuse 2. Any herbal or over-the-counter medications? ______________ 3. What psychotropic drugs does the patient take? ______________ 4. How many drinks of alcohol does the patient take per day? ______________ Per week? ______________ 5. Does the patient identify use of drugs as a problem? ______________ H. How does the patient cope with stress? ______________ 1. What does the patient do when he or she gets upset? ______________ 2. Who can the patient talk to? ______________ 3. What usually helps to relieve stress? ______________ 4. What did the patient try this time? ______________ IV. RELEVANT HISTORY—FAMILY 1. Who was important to the patient growing up? ______________ 2. Was there physical or sexual abuse? ______________ 3. Did the parents drink or use drugs? ______________ 4. Who was in the home when the patient was growing up? ______________ B. Adolescence 1. How would the patient describe his or her feelings in adolescence? ______________ 2. Describe the patient’s peer group at that time. ______________ C. Use of drugs 2. What was the effect on the family? ______________ D. Family physical or mental problems 1. Is there any family history of violence or physical/sexual abuse? ______________ 2. Who in the family had physical or mental problems? ______________ 3. Describe the problems. ______________ 4. How did it affect the family? ______________ E. Was there an unusual or outstanding event the patient would like to mention? ______________ 2. MENTAL AND EMOTIONAL STATUS B. Behavior C. Speech D. Mood E. Affect F. Thought process 2. Cognitive ability G. Thought content 1. Central theme: What is important to the patient? ______________ Describe ______________ 2. Self-concept: How does the patient view himself or herself? ______________ 3. Insight: Does the patient realistically assess his or her symptoms? ______________ 4. Suicidal or homicidal ideation? ______________ ASK PATIENT: I. Cultural influences Adapted from Varcarolis, E. M. (2002). Foundations of psychiatric mental health nursing (4th ed.). Philadelphia: Saunders, pp. 203-205; reprinted by permission. Deficient Diversional Activity (00097) Sedentary Lifestyle (00168) Class 2: Health Management Deficient Community Health (00215) Risk-Prone Health Behavior (00188) Ineffective Health Maintenance (00099) Readiness for Enhanced Immunization Status (00186) Ineffective Protection (00043) Ineffective Self-Health Management (00078) Readiness for Enhanced Self-Health Management (00162) Ineffective Family Therapeutic Regimen Management (00080) Insufficient Breast Milk (00216) Ineffective Infant Feeding Pattern (00107) Imbalanced Nutrition: Less Than Body Requirements (00002) Imbalanced Nutrition: More Than Body Requirements (00001) Readiness for Enhanced Nutrition (00163) Risk for Imbalanced Nutrition: More Than Body Requirements (00003) Impaired Swallowing (00103) Class 2: Digestion Class 3: Absorption Class 4: Metabolism Risk for Unstable Blood Glucose Level (00179) Neonatal Jaundice (00194) Risk for Neonatal Jaundice (00230) Risk for Impaired Liver Function (00178) Class 5: Hydration Risk for Electrolyte Imbalance (00195) Readiness for Enhanced Fluid Balance (00160) Deficient Fluid Volume (00027) Excess Fluid Volume (00026) Risk for Deficient Fluid Volume (00028) Risk for Imbalanced Fluid Volume (00025) Functional Urinary Incontinence (00020) Overflow Urinary Incontinence (00176) Reflex Urinary Incontinence (00018) Stress Urinary Incontinence (00017) Urge Urinary Incontinence (00019) Risk for Urge Urinary Incontinence (00022) Impaired Urinary Elimination (00016) Readiness for Enhanced Urinary Elimination (00166) Urinary Retention (00023) Class 2: Gastrointestinal Function Perceived Constipation (00012) Risk for Constipation (00015) Diarrhea (00013) Dysfunctional Gastrointestinal Motility (00196) Risk for Dysfunctional Gastrointestinal Motility (00197) Bowel Incontinence (00014) Class 3: Integumentary Function Class 4: Respiratory Function Sleep Deprivation (00096) Readiness for Enhanced Sleep (00165) Disturbed Sleep Pattern (00198) Class 2: Activity/Exercise Risk for Disuse Syndrome (00040) Impaired Bed Mobility (00091) Impaired Physical Mobility (00085) Impaired Wheelchair Mobility (00089) Impaired Transfer Ability (00090) Impaired Walking (00088) Class 3: Energy Balance Disturbed Energy Field (00050) Fatigue (00093) Wandering (00154) Class 4: Cardiovascular/Pulmonary Responses Risk for Activity Intolerance (00094) Ineffective Breathing Pattern (00032) Decreased Cardiac Output (00029) Risk for Ineffective Gastrointestinal Perfusion (00202) Risk for Ineffective Renal Perfusion (00203) Impaired Spontaneous Ventilation (00033) Ineffective Peripheral Tissue Perfusion (00204) Risk for Decreased Cardiac Tissue Perfusion (00200) Risk for Ineffective Cerebral Tissue Perfusion (00201) Risk for Ineffective Peripheral Tissue Perfusion (00228) Dysfunctional Ventilatory Weaning Response (00034) Class 5: Self-Care Impaired Home Maintenance (00098) Readiness for Enhanced Self-Care (00182) Bathing Self-Care Deficit (00108) Dressing Self-Care Deficit (00109) Feeding Self-Care Deficit (00102) Toileting Self-Care Deficit (00110) Self-Neglect (00193) Class 2: Orientation Impaired Environmental Interpretation Syndrome (00127) Class 3: Sensation/Perception Class 4: Cognition Chronic Confusion (00129) Risk for Acute Confusion (00173) Ineffective Impulse Control (00222) Deficient Knowledge (00126) Readiness for Enhanced Knowledge (00161) Impaired Memory (00131) Class 5: Communication Readiness for Enhanced Communication (00157) Impaired Verbal Communication (00051) Risk for Compromised Human Dignity (00174) Risk for Loneliness (00054) Disturbed Personal Identity (00121) Risk for Disturbed Personal Identity (00225) Readiness for Enhanced Self-Concept (00167) Class 2: Self-Esteem Chronic Low Self-Esteem (00119) Situational Low Self-Esteem (00120) Risk for Chronic Low Self-Esteem (00224) Risk for Situational Low Self-Esteem (00153) Class 3: Body Image Ineffective Breastfeeding (00104) Interrupted Breastfeeding (00105) Readiness for Enhanced Breastfeeding (00106) Caregiver Role Strain (00061) Risk for Caregiver Role Strain (00062) Impaired Parenting (00056) Readiness for Enhanced Parenting (00164) Risk for Impaired Parenting (00057) Class 2: Family Relationships Risk for Impaired Attachment (00058) Dysfunctional Family Processes (00063) Interrupted Family Processes (00060) Readiness for Enhanced Family Processes (00159) Class 3: Role Performance Ineffective Relationship (00223) Readiness for Enhanced Relationship (00207) Risk for Ineffective Relationship (00229) Parental Role Conflict (00064) Ineffective Role Performance (00055) Impaired Social Interaction (00052) Class 2: Sexual Function Ineffective Sexuality Pattern (00065) Class 3: Reproduction Ineffective Childbearing Process (00221) Readiness for Enhanced Childbearing Process (00208) Risk for Ineffective Childbearing Process (00227) Risk for Disturbed Maternal-Fetal Dyad (00209) Class 1: Post-Trauma Responses Risk for Post-Trauma Syndrome (00145) Rape-Trauma Syndrome (00142) Relocation Stress Syndrome (00114) Risk for Relocation Stress Syndrome (00149) Class 2: Coping Responses Ineffective Activity Planning (00199) Risk for Ineffective Activity Planning (00226) Anxiety (00146) Defensive Coping (00071) Ineffective Coping (00069) Readiness for Enhanced Coping (00158) Ineffective Community Coping (00077) Readiness for Enhanced Community Coping(00076) Compromised Family Coping (00074) Disabled Family Coping (00073) Readiness for Enhanced Family Coping (00075) Death Anxiety (00147) Ineffective Denial (00072) Adult Failure to Thrive (00101) Fear (00148) Grieving (00136) Complicated Grieving (00135) Risk for Complicated Grieving (00172) Readiness for Enhanced Power (00187) Powerlessness (00125) Risk for Powerlessness (00152) Impaired Individual Resilience (00210) Readiness for Enhanced Resilience (00212) Risk for Compromised Resilience (00211) Chronic Sorrow (00137) Stress Overload (00177) Class 3: Neurobehavioral Stress Risk for Autonomic Dysreflexia (00010) Disorganized Infant Behavior (00116) Readiness for Enhanced Organized Infant Behavior (00117) Risk for Disorganized Infant Behavior (00115) Decreased Intracranial Adaptive Capacity (00049) Readiness for Enhanced Hope (00185) Class 2: Beliefs Readiness for Enhanced Spiritual Well-Being (00068) Class 3: Value/Belief/Action Congruence Readiness for Enhanced Decision-Making (00184) Decisional Conflict (00083) Moral Distress (00175) Noncompliance (00079) Impaired Religiosity (00169) Readiness for Enhanced Religiosity (00171) Risk for Impaired Religiosity (00170) Spiritual Distress (00066) Risk for Spiritual Distress (00067) Class 2: Physical Injury Ineffective Airway Clearance (00031) Risk for Aspiration (00039) Risk for Bleeding (00206) Impaired Dentition (00048) Risk for Dry Eye (00219) Risk for Falls (00155) Risk for Injury (00035) Impaired Oral Mucous Membrane (00045) Risk for Perioperative Positioning Injury (00087) Risk for Peripheral Neurovascular Dysfunction (00086) Risk for Shock (00205) Impaired Skin Integrity (00046) Risk for Impaired Skin Integrity (00047) Risk for Sudden Infant Death Syndrome (00156) Risk for Suffocation (00036) Delayed Surgical Recovery (00100) Risk for Thermal Injury (00220) Impaired Tissue Integrity (00044) Risk for Trauma (00038) Risk for Vascular Trauma (00213) Class 3: Violence Risk for Other-Directed Violence (00138) Risk for Self-Directed Violence (00140) Self-Mutilation (00151) Risk for Self-Mutilation (00139) Risk for Suicide (00150) Class 4: Environmental Hazards Risk for Contamination (00180) Risk for Poisoning (00037) Class 5: Defensive Processes Risk for Adverse Reaction to Iodinated Contrast Media (000218) Latex Allergy Response (00041) Risk for Allergy Response (00217) Risk for Latex Allergy Response (00042) Class 6: Thermoregulation Risk for Imbalanced Body Temperature (00005) Hyperthermia (00007) Hypothermia (00006) Ineffective Thermoregulation (00008) Class 2: Environmental Comfort Class 3: Social Comfort Readiness for Enhanced Comfort (00183) Nausea (00134) Acute Pain (00132) Chronic Pain (00133) Social Isolation (00053) Risk for Disproportionate Growth (00113) Class 2: Development Delayed Growth and Development (00111) Risk for Delayed Development (00112) Health-Seeking Behaviors (00084); retired 2009-2011 Disturbed Sensory Perception (Specify: Visual, Auditory, Kinesthetic, Gustatory, Tactile, Olfactory) (00122); retired 2012-2014 Before each disorder name, ICD-9-CM codes are provided, followed by ICD-10-CM codes in parentheses. Blank lines indicate that either the ICD-9-CM or the ICD-10-CM code is not applicable. For some disorders, the code can be indicated only according to the subtype or specifier. ICD-9-CM codes are to be used for coding purposes in the United States through September 30, 2014. ICD-10-CM codes are to be used starting October 1, 2014. Following chapter titles and disorder names, page numbers for the corresponding text or criteria are included in parentheses. Note for all mental disorders due to another medical condition: Indicate the name of the other medical condition in the name of the mental disorder due to [the medical condition]. The code and name for the other medical condition should be listed first immediately before the mental disorder due to the medical condition.
Classification Full Assessment
How often? ______________ How much? ______________
How often? ______________ How much? ______________
Restless ______________ Agitated
______________ Lethargic ______________
Mannerisms ______________
Facial expressions ______________
Other ______________
Clear ______________ Mumbled
______________ Rapid ______________
Slurred ______________
Constant ______________
Mute or silent ______________
Barriers to communications ______________
Specify (e.g., patient has delusions or is confused, withdrawn, or verbose) ______________
What mood does the patient convey? ______________
Is the patient’s affect bland, apathetic, dramatic, bizarre, or appropriate? Describe ______________
Proverbs: Concrete ______________
Abstract ______________
Serial sevens: How far does the patient go? ______________
Can the patient do simple math? ______________
What seems to be the reason for poor concentration? ______________
Orientation to time (?), place (?), person (?) ______________
What does the patient want to change about himself or herself? ______________
Realistically appraise his or her situation. ______________ Describe ______________
What is suicide potential? ______________
Family history of suicide or homicide attempt or successful completion? ______________ Explain ______________
Preoccupations. Does the patient have hallucinations? ______________ Delusions? ______________ Obsessions? ______________
Rituals? ______________
Phobias? ______________
Grandiosity? ______________
Religiosity? ______________
Worthlessness? ______________
Describe ______________
With what cultural group do you identify? ______________
Have you tried any cultural remedies or practices for your condition? If so, what? ______________
Do you use any alternative or complementary medicines/herbs/practices? ______________
Domain 1: Health Promotion
Domain 2: Nutrition
Domain 3: Elimination and Exchange
Domain 4: Activity/Rest
Domain 5: Perception/Cognition
Domain 6: Self-Perception
Domain 7: Role Relationships
Domain 8: Sexuality
Domain 9: Coping/Stress Tolerance
Domain 10: Life Principles
Domain 11: Safety/Protection
Domain 12: Comfort
Domain 13: Growth/Development
Intellectual Disabilities (33)

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