CHAPTER 23 Assistive technology
opportunities and implications
It is important to recognise the role of technology and the impact on the lives of people who mostly do not understand how much this technology is already shaping the future.
There is no shortage of data that informs us that we are living longer, and as we get older, we are increasingly living alone and with disabilities. Over the next 40 years, the ageing of the population is projected to slow economic growth at the same time that spending pressures in areas such as health, age pensions, and aged care are projected to rise (Australian Government 2007). The major influence on government spending on aged care is the number of people aged 85 and over and this number is projected to more than quadruple by 2047 (Australian Government 2007). The costs to society are increasing and individuals, families and heath care providers are looking at ways to reduce this burden while maintaining a preferred quality of life.
At the same time we are witnessing a technological revolution. Increasingly, the most innovative uses of technology are taking place in the home. Terms like ‘intelligent home’, ‘smart home’, ‘digital home’ and ‘connected home’ are being used to describe the convergence of a range of technologies and their increased use (Essen & Conrick 2007).
The ageing of the population and improvements in technology are creating a growing interest in the use of technology and its potential role to help support older people to stay independent and in their own homes for as long as possible by service providers, carers and health professionals. Connected home (that is a home with embedded technologies that support independent living and connect to families and carers) and related technologies are increasingly being employed to help older people and people with disabilities to live more independent and productive lives. Such connections also provide benefits beyond the individual and their home. They can assist health care professionals to manage data and improve communication; assist in the monitoring and treatment of chronic conditions; enable the delivering of services beyond the walls of a health institution; and facilitate responses to a critical event (Essen & Conrick 2007).
Assistive technology (AT) can be defined as:
Understanding the role of assistive technology
Control of one’s life, empowerment, integration and full participation in society, independence, autonomy, self-determination, self-respect and self-reliance, as well as participation in diagnosis, treatment and decisions about care, all relate in one way or another to the concept of human dignity (Comyn et al 2006).
The application of AT should therefore aim to:
Categories and approaches across the sector
The role of technology
Philipson & Roberts (2007) identified four key areas where digital technologies can be used to improve the lives of the aged, disabled and chronically ill. These include: self-management of health care in home settings with potential savings and other benefits; home automation, which will enhance security, safety and independence at home, and will help maintain quality of life and decrease the demand for carer support hours; communication technologies, which will provide important benefits for people whose mobility is limited, or who live alone; and finally, the various home automation and digital technologies can benefit the aged and the disabled, improving their quality of life by enhancing their independence. Technology has the potential to extend the physical independence of the aged, so they can stay for longer in their homes. It gives them a more dignified life, and it saves public and private money.
When we consider how pervasive computer controls are in modern cars or aircraft it is perhaps surprising that computer-aided technology is not already more readily available in our own homes. Cars commonly contain many intelligent controls for security, engines and braking. Displays can show global positioning, fuel consumption, distance calculation and can provide cameras or alerts to assist in reversing or parking. All doors can be locked remotely with a single press of a button and the car itself can turn off all interior and external lights. Much of the technology in cars has come from the highly sophisticated aviation industry.
Selection of assistive technologies
Whilst there are many examples of AT in use there is also a high rate of abandonment of existing AT (Reimer-Reiss & Wacker 2000). There is little research into the reasons for abandonment, however Reimer-Reiss and Wacker (2000) recommend that users be involved in any decisions on AT that they are expected to use. It will be important to learn from experiences in use of non-intelligent technologies in planning for the evaluation and adoption of intelligent AT. Issues to consider include: the availability of support for the technology; any stigma or embarrassment about its use; availability of people to respond to alerts such as a professional call centre or family carer; whether the potential user has been directly involved in the acquisition; whether it fits conveniently into the living arrangements of the user; and whether our care organisations are ready for the work practice and care model changes that may be necessary for adoption of the technology and realisation of the benefits. Older persons’ accommodation can be quite small and limit the introduction of, for example, lift chairs.
When considering the selection and implementation of AT one may be confronted by a plethora of vendor claims and glossy brochures for their products. To facilitate more judicious choices, particularly for care provider organisations, the following steps are suggested.
Steps for selection of assistive technologies
Understanding and acceptance
For the individual
There is growing evidence to show that supporting self-care leads to a number of positive outcomes:
Carers are usually partners or other family members. Their responsibilities for the dependent person can severely restrict their own activities. They may be unable to leave the dependent person alone if they are prone to wandering, falling or putting themselves at risk in other ways. As a consequence, they can become isolated. Carers often neglect their own nutritional needs and other aspects of their health as they may be too tired to prepare their own meals. They may also be at risk of injury through lifting the dependent person and assisting them in slippery areas like bathrooms.
Examples of AT that may assist the individual are outlined below.
Smart toilet
Incontinence is a major issue in aged care and a significant factor in decisions regarding admission to aged care homes (Commonwealth of Australia 2006).
Robots perform much of the work in manufacturing, including automobile assembly. Work has been underway for many years to build a humanoid robot personal assistant or carer. Honda’s Asimo robot may be the most advanced to date and suggests that a robot assistant in homes may not be far off ( In France, the Alcatel-Lucent research laboratory has enhanced Sony’s Aibo robot dog so that it can continuously monitor a person’s safety and wellbeing (Gass & Hill 2007) and become a personal carer. The dog has a camera, microphone and wireless connection. It can provide reminders and alerts and through pattern recognition it will know its owner. If, for example, a carer was unable to contact an older person, the dog could be contacted and could search for its owner. The carer could see through the dog’s camera ‘eyes’. REVES (Robot visant à Embellir la Vie des Enfants en chambre Stérile) was originally designed as a robot companion for children in hospital and particularly for those in isolation rooms. The robot dog would provide a companion to an isolated child patient as well as a multimedia terminal complete with camera, microphone, loudspeaker, gaming and links to clinicians, friends and family that the child could use (Gass & Hill 2007). The potential for similar use in the care of older people is obvious.
Wearable technology
An Australian company ( is an example of several companies that produce devices for both athletes as well as people with disabilities and the frail elderly. These companies produce wearable or portable devices for heart monitoring, oximetry and diabetes management.
A system called MagIC (Maglietta Interattiva Computerizzata) was developed in Milan. It is a textile-based system for unobtrusive monitoring of cardiorespiratory and motion signals. Sensors are embedded in a vest and can measure ECG, respiratory activity and other vital signs. The system also includes a portable electronic board for motion detection, data pre-processing, and wireless communication with a remote monitoring station (Pandian et al 2007).