Acute neurological problems

Ensuring the safety of the patient 100

Prioritising the initial management: GCS and ABCDE 101

Managing ‘medical’ and ‘neurological’ coma 107

Responding to neurological deterioration 195

Stroke and stroke-like emergencies 112

Cerebral infarction 113

Transient ischaemic attacks 116

Intracerebral haemorrhage 118

Subarachnoid haemorrhage 118

Subdural haemorrhage 120

Extradural haemorrhage 120

Nursing the patient with a stroke: the first 24h 121

Meningococcal meningitis 130

Acute severe headache 137

Subarachnoid haemorrhage 138

Lumbar puncture 140

Sudden loss of consciousness: faints and fits 144

The basic mechanisms: syncope 145

The basic mechanisms: epileptic seizures 147

Pseudoseizures (non-epileptic seizures) 152

Acute paralysis of the lower limbs 153

Spinal cord compression 153

Guillain–Barré syndrome 154

Role of the Acute Medical Unit in Acute Neurological Problems

Prioritising the Initial Management

GCS and ABCDE: Assessing and keeping the patient alive

Protection of the airway, ensuring adequate ventilation and maintaining the circulation are the immediate priorities in any patient. At the most basic level this means:

• ensuring the upper airway is patent

• giving sufficient oxygen

• securing i.v. access and maintaining the blood pressure

Warning: At this first stage, if meningococcal meningitis is suspected appropriate i.v. antibiotics must be given straight away.

If there is any suspicion of a neck injury (an example would be a patient who had been found at the bottom of some steps, having had an apparent fall), the neck must be protected and immediately X-rayed. If there is a cervical spine fracture, manipulating an unsupported neck either to establish an airway or to move a patient around in bed can damage the spinal cord beyond repair. At least be aware of the risk, know how to apply a stiff collar and use sand bags to support the neck, and if there is any doubt protect the neck and log-roll the patient until the neck films have been cleared by a radiologist.

Critical nursing observations

Blood sugar

Hypoglycaemia is the most important cause of a fully reversible neurological disorder. At blood sugars below 3mmol/L the patient becomes comatose and may fit, but any neurological picture can be caused by hypoglycaemia. Providing the patient has not suffered irreversible damage from sustained hypoglycaemia, correction of the blood sugar will lead to a full and rapid recovery.


In the right context, an increased temperature should be considered strong evidence of intracranial sepsis: meningitis, more rarely meningo-encephalitis, or even a collection of intracranial pus (intracerebral abscess).

Not every fever in a neurological emergency is due to intracranial sepsis, as there may be infection elsewhere such as aspiration pneumonia. High temperatures also characteristically occur in brain stem strokes. Nonetheless, intracranial infection should be the first consideration because of the need for immediate action.


The rhythm and rate of the pulse are important. They may draw attention to non-neurological problems that need to be addressed. Extreme bradycardia, for example, may be the cause of an unexplained blackout. Atrial fibrillation is recognised by the irregularity of the pulse and its presence increases the likelihood that an acute stroke is due to a clot of blood finding its way from the left atrium (a fibrillating atrium encourages clot formation) to the brain: an embolic cerebral infarction. Changes in the pulse can be important: progressive slowing can indicate increasing ICP and is often accompanied by an increasing blood pressure.

Blood pressure

Hypertension is commonly seen as an acute response to neurological events such as intracranial haemorrhage or large cerebral infarction. Severe hypertension can also complicate coma caused by self-poisoning with sympathomimetic recreational drugs such as ecstasy, amphetamines and cocaine, and may need urgent correction. However, in most neurological conditions, including stroke, lowering the blood pressure acutely to ‘normalise’ it is fraught with danger. The brain is usually fairly impervious to changes in blood pressure as the cerebral blood flow ‘autoregulates’: if the blood pressure drops, the vessels open up to allow greater flow through them. If there is a major neurological insult this autoregulation is lost, so if the blood pressure falls the blood supply also decreases, which may worsen the neurological deficit. Therefore in acute situations, especially in strokes, the temptation to ‘treat’ a high blood pressure should in most situations be resisted. The only exceptions are in special situations when very high levels, say around 230/140mmHg, are considered dangerous. Nonetheless, any change in blood pressure must be gradual.

As already explained, the combination of a progressively falling pulse and an increasing blood pressure may, in the appropriate circumstances (such as the aftermath of a major intracranial bleed), be a sign of increased ICP.

Respiratory rate

The respiratory rate remains an essential observation in the patient who is critically ill, whatever the cause. It is particularly important to document any changes in respiratory rate. Thus in the neurological emergency a falling respiratory rate may reflect deepening coma. If the change in consciousness level is due to increasing ICP, the slowing respiration is accompanied by a falling pulse and rising blood pressure. It is instructive to contrast this with the signs that are seen in shock, in which a change in consciousness level is accompanied by an increase in the respiratory rate, an increase in the pulse and a decrease in the blood pressure.

Glasgow Coma Score

The GCS was described in 1974 as a way to assess any patient with an altered level of consciousness. It is based on three categories of response: eye opening, the best motor response and the best verbal response (→Table 4.1; Fig. 4.1). The GCS is the universal measurement of the depth of coma. It is simple to carry out and score and, provided it is performed properly, the result should be the same whoever makes the measurement.

Table 4.1 Glasgow Coma Score
Response Score
Eye opening (E)
Spontaneously E4
To verbal command E3
To pain E2
No response E1
Best motor response (M)
Obeys commands M6
Localises pain M5
Withdraws to pain M4
Abnormal flexion to pain M3
Extension to pain M2
No response M1
Best verbal response (V)
Orientated and converses V5
Disorientated and converses V4
Inappropriate words V3
Incomprehensible sounds V2
No response V1
Total score (3 to 15)

Coma is defined as a GCS of less than 9.

The initial GCS, often performed by the paramedics outside hospital, acts as a baseline. A low initial GCS score (less than 9) will mean the airway is vulnerable and the patient is at risk from aspiration.

A change in the GCS is the single most important observation in the acute neurological patient. A fall in GCS needs immediate attention. Deepening coma may need increased supportive measures, perhaps involving a move to ITU with a view to ventilation. More critically, a fall in GCS is often the first sign of increasing ICP, which occurs in active intracranial bleeding, intracranial sepsis and during the development of brain oedema following a cerebral infarct.

Some triage systems use an abbreviated assessment of the consciousness level based on the acronym AVPU:

A Alert
V Responds to voice
P Responds to pain
U Unresponsive

This is quick to perform and easy to recall. It is useful as part of a rapid primary assessment, but it is not detailed enough to use for serial observations.

Top to toe examination

Those closely involved with the care of acute neurological disorders should be aware of the importance of quite subtle physical signs in giving clues, particularly of head injury and infection. A head injury can result in local bogginess or scalp bruising, perhaps a palpable depressed skull and bleeding or loss of CSF from the ears and nose. Fractures to the base of the skull characteristically produce bruising around the eyes (‘raccoon eyes’) and behind the ears (Battle’s sign). All these can and will be missed by clerking doctors, particularly if a ‘stroke’ label has been attached to the patient and the examination is less than thorough because of the pressures of time. Be particularly careful to look at any sites that appear to be the source of pain. Severe sinus sepsis is tender to the touch and very painful; falls from whatever cause lead to fractured hips; and grand mal fits can produce shoulder dislocation. A widespread haemorrhagic skin rash will clinch the diagnosis in meningococcal septicaemia, but it can appear with alarming speed, sometimes even after the patient has been clerked in.

A reliable history

It is not advisable to make ‘stroke’ the initial diagnosis in a patient in coma, even if there is a past history of cerebrovascular disease. This is particularly the case in elderly patients. It is a dangerous tendency to attribute all changes in the consciousness level, all funny turns and all episodes of dizziness to a ‘CVA’ just because the patient is 80 years old.

Recent causes of coma initially labelled as stroke on our Acute Medical Unit included:

• post-ictal state

• respiratory failure

• overdose

• subarachnoid bleed

To make an accurate diagnosis, the history and eyewitness accounts are absolutely critical. By their nature, acute neurological problems are difficult to assess. The patients are often confused or uncooperative, making history taking and examination difficult. Nonetheless, these are the very patients in whom a correct diagnosis is paramount. Skills that are needed to assess patients with confusion or impaired consciousness levels must be perfected. Exact histories must be obtained from relatives and eyewitnesses, in particular to establish whether there is a possibility of trauma to the head or cervical spine. The typical sequence of events leading to a post-traumatic brain haemorrhage is of a head injury with transient loss of consciousness followed by amnesia for the event. The patient then becomes confused and aggressive and may fit. The GCS then starts to fall as a result of the haemorrhage. The patient may present at any of these stages. Intracranial infection is also easy to miss: here the critical questions are concerned with recent sinus or middle ear infections. Collections of pus in and around the brain present with stroke-like illnesses and are frequently missed because a proper history has not been taken and the conditions not even considered.

Managing ‘Medical’ and ‘Neurological’ Coma

Coma is defined as a GCS of 8 or less. Broadly there are two types: ‘medical’ coma, which is coma due to conditions such as liver failure, respiratory failure and DKA, in which the management is primarily aimed at the underlying disease; and ‘neurological’ coma due to conditions such as stroke, subarachnoid haemorrhage and meningitis.

The underlying mechanism in coma

Several features of the patient’s initial observations can be used to identify coma that is due to causes other than a stroke (→Box 4.3). This has a practical purpose, because coma due to stroke has an extremely poor prognosis, whereas some of the other causes may be reversible.

Importance of an eyewitness in coma

Any relatives or eyewitnesses must be kept on the ward and interviewed (or if necessary telephoned). Their information may provide vital clues to the likely diagnosis. It is unacceptable for the doctor or the nurse ever to conclude that a history is either unobtainable or unavailable. Cerebral malaria is the classic example to emphasise this point: fatal if undiagnosed, curable with drugs, but too rare to remember to consider as a cause of coma. Only the patient’s relatives will tell you of the safari holiday taken a week before the onset of headaches, fever and confusion. Patients who are most at risk are the least able to provide a good history for themselves. It is critical to ascertain whether there is a possibility of trauma. Patients with head injuries and trauma to the cervical spine are not usually admitted to the medical wards, but you should not lower your guard: in neurology the most challenging and difficult problems are those in which a history is unavailable and for which preadmission clinical details are scanty. Review all the details in the paramedics’ record. Their information is often comprehensive and systematic and dates from soon after the event. A good paramedic assessment will give you important data on the circumstances in which the patient was found, the initial GCS and their clinical course in the critical early stages of the illness.

Responding to Neurological Deterioration

Stroke and Stroke-Like Emergencies

The World Health Organisation’s definition of a stroke is a syndrome of rapidly developing clinical signs of focal (e.g. hemiplegia) or global (e.g. coma) disturbance of function, with symptoms lasting 24h or longer (or leading to death) with no apparent cause other than of vascular origin.

Two factors have had a major impact on improving the outlook after a stroke in terms of mortality and long-term disability: the introduction of Acute Stroke Teams who become involved at, or soon after, emergency admission, and the increased availability of stroke rehabilitation in specialist Stroke Units. Nonetheless, stroke remains the most frequent cause of major disability in adults.

There is increasing emphasis on drugs that improve the outcome of stroke or prevent further damage. Aspirin, given as soon as a diagnosis of ischaemic stroke has been confirmed, reduces the risk of recurrence. Emergency thrombolysis (which needs to be given within three hours of the onset of symptoms) significantly improves the neurological outcome in cerebral infarction and should now be standard practice in the UK. Recent studies have shown that, after a stroke, lowering the blood pressure (for example with the combination of the ACE inhibitor, perindopril, and the diuretic, indapamide) and lowering the cholesterol with a statin improve the outlook – and that this benefit is obtained even if the initial blood pressure and cholesterol level were normal. High blood sugars after a stroke may also be harmful and careful sugar control is likely to become a routine part of emergency stroke management.


Most typical strokes are caused either by a cerebral infarction (an area of brain tissue death) or by an intracerebral haemorrhage (bleeding into and around the brain). Stroke-like illnesses are also caused by subarachnoid haemorrhage, subdural haemorrhage and extradural haemorrhage. Subarachnoid haemorrhage is an important cause of sudden severe headache and collapse and requires neurosurgical input. Subdural and extradural haemorrhages are rare but important causes of stroke-like illnesses that can be treated successfully if they are recognised in time.

Cerebral infarction (approximately 80% of all strokes)

A cerebral infarction occurs when the blood supply to part of the brain is cut off, resulting in a focal area of brain-tissue death (an ischaemic stroke). There are two ways in which the blood supply can be interrupted: by a clot that travels through the arterial system and becomes lodged somewhere critical in the cerebral circulation (cerebral embolus), or by a clot that forms within the cerebral arteries themselves (cerebral thrombosis).

Cerebral embolus

Left atrial clot. The most common cause of left atrial clot is atrial fibrillation. In atrial fibrillation, normal regular atrial contraction is replaced by irregular, uncoordinated atrial activity more akin to muscular shivering than proper contraction. As a result blood stagnates and can form a clot within the atrium. There is a particular risk of this happening if there is also heart disease in the form of heart muscle damage (which leads to further stagnation) or diseased valves (which can act as a focus for clot formation). Atrial fibrillation is a common age-related arrhythmia. It is found in around 8% of people older than 80 years and constitutes a major risk factor for stroke. However, the risk can be significantly reduced by anticoagulating patients who have atrial fibrillation so that there is less chance of clot formation, or by trying to restore a normal heart rhythm.

Left ventricular clot. It is quite common for a clot to form on the inside of the heart chamber over the scar of a recent myocardial infarction. In most cases the clot stays put, but there is always a risk of it breaking loose and travelling to the cerebral circulation. This is a particular problem in the first week or two after a myocardial infarction, when the clot is new.

Carotid artery clot. Atheromatous hardening of the carotid arteries has two relevant consequences for stroke formation. It may lead to critical narrowing (carotid artery stenosis) with a reduction in the blood supply to the brain. More importantly, blood clots form on the abnormally roughened arterial wall and can break off to lodge within the cerebral arterial tree. Small emboli produce minor stroke-like symptoms (TIAs), which are warning signs of a subsequent major stroke.

Clinical picture of a cerebral infarction

Posterior circulation infarcts

POCI, also termed a ‘brain stem CVA’, result in symptoms that often affect both sides of the body (the brain stem transmits information to and from both sides of the brain) and characteristically affect coordination in four vital functions: talking, swallowing, looking and balancing. These patients have combinations of dysarthria (slurred speech), dysphagia (difficulty swallowing), double vision and dizziness.

Site of the cerebral infarction and the outlook

Patients who suffer a TACI have a poor outcome: a high initial mortality and high levels of long-term dependence. Patients who have suffered a PACI have a much better outlook, with a low mortality but a high recurrence rate. A LACI is associated with a good outcome, low mortality and a low recurrence rate.

Posterior circulation strokes have the best overall outlook, although the swallowing difficulties need to be managed carefully to prevent the development of aspiration pneumonia. There is also a high recurrence rate.

Transient ischaemic attacks

The areas of narrowing and roughening within the carotid arteries from which the emboli usually arise can, in time, give rise to a major stroke. Someone who suffers a TIA is at more than 10 times the normal risk of having a major stroke and the risk is highest immediately after the event. As an approximate guide, the chances of a major stroke after a TIA or minor stroke are 8–12% at 7 days and 11–15% at 1 month. Treatment can significantly reduce these chances, but the situation is urgent and systems should be in place for those with TIAs and minor strokes to have specialist assessment within 24–48h.

The ABCD2 scale (→Table 4.2) is used in patients admitted with a TIA, but who have recovered, to identify those at high risk of an early stroke:

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Jun 15, 2016 | Posted by in NURSING | Comments Off on Acute neurological problems

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Table 4.2 The ABCD2 Scale to Assess the Risk of Stroke TIA

A age = or > 60 1
B BP > 140/90 1
C Clinical: unilateral weakness 1

speech only 1
