Magnesium plays a fundamental role in many functions of the cell, including energy transfer, storage, and use; insulin release; protein, carbohydrate, and fat metabolism; maintenance of normal cell membrane function; and regulation of parathyroid hormone (PTH) secretion (Guerrero-Romero & Rodriguez-Moran, 2006; Tong & Rude, 2005; Topf & Murray, 2003; Rubeiz et al., 1993). It also has been linked to more than 300 enzymatic reactions. Approximately two thirds of magnesium stores are located in the bones, about one third is found in voluntary and involuntary muscles, and less than 1% is measurable in the extracellular space (Agraharkar & Fahlen, 2002; Dacey, 2001; Topf & Murray, 2003).
Plasma concentrations of magnesium are kept within a very narrow range and are regulated by adjustment in renal excretion, bone uptake, intestinal uptake, and soft tissue stores. Magnesium differs from other ions in two major respects: (1) it is not hormonally regulated, and (2) bone, as the principal storage site for magnesium, does not readily exchange with extracellular magnesium. This inability to mobilize magnesium stores means that in states of negative magnesium balance, initial losses come from the extracellular space, and equilibrium from bone stores does not begin for several weeks (Agraharkar & Fahlen, 2002).
The body contains an average of about 24 total grams of magnesium. Approximately 60% of magnesium is bound to protein, but it is the ionized, unbound magnesium that is ionically active (Topf & Murray, 2003). Despite this fact, ionized calcium levels have not proven to reliably reflect magnesium depletion, and no albumin correction factor has been defined (Topf & Murray, 2005; Dacey, 2001). Magnesium may be reported in mg/dL, mmol, or mEq/L. Plasma concentrations are usually reported in mEq/L, but replacement therapy is administered in units or grams.
The normal plasma magnesium concentration is 1.4 to 1.7 mEq/L (0.7 to 0.9 mmol, or 1.7 to 2.1 mg/dL) (Agraharkar & Fahlen, 2002). Hypomagnesemia is defined as a plasma level less than 1.4 mEq/L (0.7 mmol or 1.6 mg/dL). It is an accepted concept that plasma levels do not always indicate the body’s true status of depletion, yet there are no established methods to define the body’s total magnesium level (Topf & Murray, 2003; Dacey, 2001). Because so little magnesium is located extracellularly, plasma hypomagnesemia often indicates a more severe underlying cellular deficiency. Inability to readily recognize increases in plasma magnesium levels in response to replacement therapy may indicate this intracellular deficiency.
The average American diet contains approximately 360 mg (15 mmol) of magnesium; healthy individuals ingest 0.15 to 0.2 mmol/kg each day to maintain balance (Agraharkar & Fahlen, 2002). Magnesium is absorbed via the small intestine, and the amount absorbed depends on the amount ingested. When dietary ingestion is normal, approximately 30% to 40% is absorbed; when intake is low, approximately 80% is absorbed; if intake is increased (as with oral replacement therapy), only about 25% is absorbed.
The two major pathophysiologic mechanisms of hypomagnesemia are losses via the kidney or gastrointestinal tract. Because the exchange of stored and ionized active magnesium is a slow process, magnesium deficiency is apparent even with minimal losses. Uncommon disorders of metabolism cause a selective defect in magnesium absorption; these have been described as both an X-linked recessive trait and an autosomal recessive disorder linked to chromosome 9 (Chubanov et al., 2005; Schlingmann et al., 2005). There is a physiologic change in the TRPM6 gene that encodes proteins present in intestinal epithelia and kidney tubules that is similar to the receptor channels for magnesium and calcium (Schlingmann et al., 2005; Voets et al., 2004).
Studies of the incidence of hypomagnesemia in the general population are sparse, but its prevalence is estimated to be 1.5% to 15% (Mouw, 2005; Topf & Murray, 2003). Dietary evaluations suggest that magnesium deficiency may be even more prevalent than estimated because of the effects of low dietary intake and the inability of standard testing measures to reflect true intracellular magnesium deficiency (Mouw, 2005; Topf & Murray, 2003). Hypomagnesemia occurs in approximately 12% of hospitalized patients, with the highest incidence in the critically ill (60% to 65%) (Agus, 2006a; Mouw, 2005; Tong & Rude, 2005; Topf & Murray, 2003). A proposed reason for this high incidence in the critically ill is the extent of oxidative stress and inflammation experienced by these patients (Guerrero-Romero & Rodriguez-Moran, 2006).
• Reduced magnesium intake may be the etiology of hypomagnesemia in chronically malnourished individuals. Individuals who have an inadequate intake, an increased fat intake, or a poorly balanced diet that does not include adequate nuts, seeds, fish, or vegetables are more likely to become magnesium deficient. Water in some areas can supplement magnesium.
• Gastrointestinal losses: The upper gastrointestinal tract has higher levels of magnesium than the lower intestinal tract (15 mEq/L versus 1 mEq/L), therefore depletion of magnesium is more pronounced with small intestinal disorders such as small bowel obstruction, small bowel resection, or Crohn’s disease (Agus, 2006a). The amount of small bowel resected may directly influence the severity of magnesium deficiency (Topf & Murray, 2003).
• Renal losses of magnesium occur as a result of primary or secondary defects in tubular reabsorption.
• Magnesium deficiency may accompany inhibition of sodium reabsorption, because magnesium passively follows sodium transport (Topf & Murray, 2003).
• Loop and thiazide diuretics inhibit net magnesium reabsorption (Topf & Murray, 2003).
• Volume expansion leads to mild hypomagnesemia as a result of decreased passive transport.
• An excessive alcohol intake has been linked to an approximate 30% incidence of hypomagnesemia as a result of alcohol-induced tubular dysfunction. This tubular abnormally is viewed as temporary and reverses after approximately 4 weeks of abstinence (Elisaf et al., 1995).
• Excess calcium competes with magnesium for reabsorption in the ascending loop of Henle, and higher levels of calcium lead to decreased magnesium reabsorption (Tong & Rude, 2005).
• Gitelman’s syndrome is a autosomal recessive familial defect in the sodium-chloride transporter mechanism in the loop of Henle (also called the thiazide-sensitive Na-Cl channel). It is associated with concomitant hypocalciuria. A few case reports of this syndrome have been associated with a history of treatment with cisplatin (Agus, 2006a; Panichpisal et al., 2006).
• Bartter’s syndrome is an X-linked genetic disorder of tubular reabsorption that causes hypocalciuria and hypomagnesemia (Agus, 2006a). The hypomagnesemia is less severe in this familial syndrome than in others (Topf & Murray, 2003).
• Manz syndrome is a rare disorder of absorption in the ascending loop of Henle that causes hypocalcemia and hypomagnesemia with polyuria, nystagmus, and tetany (Akhtar et al., 2006).
• Pancreatitis causes hypomagnesemia accompanied by hypocalcemia through the mechanism of saponification of magnesium and calcium in necrotic fat tissue (Agus, 2006a; Dacey, 2001).
• Hyperparathyroidism-induced hypocalcemia is often linked to concomitant hypomagnesemia. When this etiology is present, the hypocalcemia is refractory to calcium replacement therapy unless magnesium is also repleted (Topf & Murray, 2003).
• Diabetes mellitus, particular with uncontrolled hyperglycemia, causes excessive renal excretion of magnesium, resulting in an incidence of hypomagnesemia of approximately 25% to 40% in patients with diabetes mellitus of any etiology (Tong & Rude, 2005; Topf & Murray, 2003). It has been proposed that hypomagnesemia contributes to impaired glucose utilization and may be instrumental in the pathophysiology of complications of diabetes, such as nephropathy, vascular disease, and retinopathy (Sales & Pedrosa, 2006; Pham et al., 2005).
• The risk of hypomagnesemia with diabetes mellitus is greater in type 2 diabetes (Pham et al., 2005).
• Factors associated with an increased incidence of hypomagnesemia in patients with diabetes mellitus include high plasma triglycerides, waist circumference, and albuminuria (Corica et al., 2006). Glucosuria has also been associated with increased magnesium wasting.
• Uncontrolled glucose levels and the metabolic syndrome are associated with a higher incidence of hypomagnesemia (Sales & Pedrosa, 2006; Corica et al., 2006).
• Postoperative hypomagnesemia may occur as a result of several distinctly different etiologic mechanisms (Agus, 2006a).
• Chelation of circulating free fatty acids (especially after pancreatic and hepatobiliary surgery) causes decreased renal excretion (Topf & Murray, 2003).
• Transfusion of citrate-rich blood products causes hypocalcemia and accompanying hypomagnesemia. This has been noted after traumatic injury and liver transplantation.
• Postoperative parathyroidectomy patients have an induced “hungry bone syndrome” characterized by increased bone uptake of magnesium during bone remineralization, with plasma depletion (Dacey, 2001).
• Postoperative bowel resection causes hypomagnesemia in approximately 20% of patients.
• Variables that influence the incidence of this complication include the preoperative bowel cleansing regimen and the extent of bowel resection (Schwarz & Nevarez, 2005; Topf & Murray, 2003).
• Inflammation of the bowel may exacerbate this problem in the immediate postoperative period.
• Nephrotoxins disrupt the loop of Henle and distal tubular reabsorption of magnesium (Table 30-1). * Some agents, such as the platinol antineoplastics, also alter gastrointestinal absorption of magnesium. With some drugs (e.g., cetuximab), the renal tubular injury resolves, as does the hypomagnesemia (Fakih et al., 2006). However, hypomagnesemia associated with cisplatin therapy has been reported as permanent (Bashir et al., 2006).
*Stohr et al., 2007; Thomson Healthcare, 2007; Fakih et al., 2006; Navaneethan et al., 2006; Aisa et al., 2005; Nawaz et al., 2005; Pearson & Woolsley, 2005; Schrag et al., 2005; Topf & Murray, 2003.
Drug Category | Examples of Agents |
Antibiotics | Amikacin Daptomycin Gentamycin Pentamidine Tobramycin |
Antifungals | Amphotericin B Amphotericin lipid complex Itraconazole |
Antineoplastics | Arsenic trioxide Busulfan Gallium nitrate Methotrexate |
Antiretrovirals, nucleoside reverse transcriptase inhibitors | Didanosine Zalcitabine |
Antiviral agents | Foscarnet |
Biologics | Aldesleukin Sargramostim |
Bisphosphonates | Ibandronate Pamidronate Zoledronic acid |
Bowel stimulants | Docusate Glycerin Lactulose Sorbitol |
Diuretics, loop type and thiazide type | Acetazolamide Amsacrine Clopamide Furosemide Hydrochlorothiazide Urea |
Immunosuppressive agents | Cyclosporine Mycophenolic acid Tacrolimus |
Miscellaneous azgents | Albuterol Amifostine Dextrose solution Glycine Ibutilide Lenalidomide Neseritide Vasopressin |
Monoclonal antibody antineoplastic agents | Cetuximab Panitumumab |
Opiates | Methadone |
Platinols | Cisplatin Carboplatin |
• Transdermal losses: Excessive sweating or massive burns cause loss of magnesium in as many as 40% of patients (Mouw, 2005; Topf & Murray, 2003; Dacey, 2001).
• Magnesium depletion has been associated with a number of other medical conditions, including acidosis, attention deficit disorder, elevated bilirubin levels, fibromyalgia, hemolysis, hyperglycemia, hypertension, migraine headaches, menopause, pre-eclampsia, stroke, and ulcerative colitis. Symptoms of these disorders may improve with magnesium repletion (Agus, 2006a; Mouw, 2005; Topf & Murray, 2003; Dacey, 2001).
Patients with acute onset of hypomagnesemia from a clearly identifiable cause have an excellent prognosis for complete recovery from this condition. In conditions of chronic loss, correction of the disorder and its symptoms may be a continuous challenge, although death attributable solely to hypomagnesemia is rare. Despite this lack of evidence regarding the importance of magnesium contributory to death, studies of intensive care patients have shown that the mortality rate is two to three times higher among patients with hypomagnesemia (Topf & Murray, 2003; Rubeiz et al., 1993).
1. The primary clinical manifestations of hypomagnesemia are neuromuscular in nature. Increased or hyperactive neuromuscular function is the predominant feature. This is manifested similarly to findings of hypocalcemia and hypokalemia. Common symptoms include:
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• Mood disturbances, such as apathy and depression (Agus, 2006c; Perrin et al., 2006).
• Seizures (in more severe deficiency, defined as a plasma magnesium less than 1 mEq/L) (Dharnidharka & Carney, 2005; Dacey, 2001).
• Aphasia (Dharnidharka & Carney, 2005).
• Extrapyramidal symptoms (e.g., nystagmus, tremors).
• Cortical blindness (reversible with magnesium replenishment) (Topf & Murray, 2003).
• Tetany (prolonged, painful muscle contraction).
• Respiratory muscle weakness, which can lead to shallow breathing, decreased respiratory effort, and hypercarbia.
• Paresthesias
• Increased skeletal muscle sensitivity to nerve stimulation, as evidenced by tetany in response to nerve pressure. Although these clinical findings are classic symptoms of hypocalcemia, they may be present with hypomagnesemia even without depleted calcium.

• Chvostek’s sign: Facial muscle twitching in response to tapping the facial nerve on the side of the face.

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