
Jun 15, 2021 by in MEDICAL ASSISSTANT Comments Off on Oncology

Introduction to oncology Cancer remains a leading cause of death in the United States despite a steady decline in overall cancer mortality from 1999 to 2016. This downward trend in…

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Jun 15, 2021 by in MEDICAL ASSISSTANT Comments Off on Dermatology

Introduction Dermatology became a distinct medical subspecialty at the end of the 18th century; however, many dermatologic disorders were first described more than 2000 years ago. When confronted with a…

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Emergency medicine

Jun 15, 2021 by in MEDICAL ASSISSTANT Comments Off on Emergency medicine

Patient approach Emergency medicine practitioners have one overarching goal for each patient: to answer the question, “Does my patient have a threat to life, limb, or sight today?” Emergency departments…

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Jun 15, 2021 by in MEDICAL ASSISSTANT Comments Off on Surgery

In cognitively demanding fields, there are no naturals. Nobody walks into an operating room straight out of a surgical rotation and does world-class neurosurgery. MALCOLM GLADWELL Patient approach Whenever a…

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Jun 15, 2021 by in MEDICAL ASSISSTANT Comments Off on Pediatrics

History Pediatrics gained recognition as a distinct medical discipline in the United States in the mid-19th century as an appreciation of the burden of infant mortality and awareness of the…

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Women’s health

Jun 15, 2021 by in MEDICAL ASSISSTANT Comments Off on Women’s health

Introduction From the beginning of the physician assistant (PA) profession, primary care has been a key focus in training PA students. The special health care needs of women are an…

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Internal medicine

Jun 15, 2021 by in MEDICAL ASSISSTANT Comments Off on Internal medicine

Learning outcomes 1. Describe the practice of internal medicine. 2. Define the role of the physician assistant student on an internal medicine rotation. 3. Describe the challenges and rewards of…

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Family medicine

Jun 15, 2021 by in MEDICAL ASSISSTANT Comments Off on Family medicine

Introduction As a specialty in the United States, family medicine outnumbers all other medical specialties for both physicians and physician assistant (PAs). Physicians practicing in family medicine make up the…

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Success in the clinical year

Jun 15, 2021 by in MEDICAL ASSISSTANT Comments Off on Success in the clinical year

Introduction to the clinical phase Welcome to the clinical phase of your education! This year is the critical link between being a student and graduate physician assistant (PA). Through the…

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