Dying in Peace
Dying in Peace Melodie Olson Lynn Keegan Nurse Healer OBJECTIVES Theoretical Use theories of grief, self-transcendence, and culture to guide the process of helping the dying to experience their deaths…
Dying in Peace Melodie Olson Lynn Keegan Nurse Healer OBJECTIVES Theoretical Use theories of grief, self-transcendence, and culture to guide the process of helping the dying to experience their deaths…
Relationships Mary Blaszko Helming Nurse Healer OBJECTIVES Theoretical Define three areas in which nurses are required to develop effective relationships. List seven issues that either strengthen or interfere with relationships….
Touch and Hand-Mediated Therapies Christina Jackson Corinne Latini Nurse Healer OBJECTIVES Theoretical Describe various types of touch therapies. Compare and contrast the various touch therapies. Articulate physiologic changes that can…
Music: A Caring, Healing Modality Shannon S. Spies Ingersoll Ana Schaper Nurse Healer OBJECTIVES Theoretical Discuss the current state of research evidence on music in developing best nursing practice. Review…
Relaxation Jeanne Anselmo Nurse Healer OBJECTIVES Theoretical Learn the definitions of relaxation and selfregulation. Compare and contrast different relaxation exercises. List the body-mind-spirit changes that accompany profound relaxation. Clinical Describe…
Humor, Laughter, and Play Patty Wooten Nurse Healer OBJECTIVES Theoretical Define humor, laughter, and play, and explain how they interrelate. Describe the psychosocial and physiologic benefits of laughter and play….
Exercise and Movement Francie Halderman Christina Jackson Nurse Healer OBJECTIVES Theoretical Differentiate among exercise, fitness, and movement. Discuss the benefits of exercise and movement both in illness and in health….
Self-Reflection Jackie D. Levin Jennifer L. Reich Nurse Healer OBJECTIVES Theoretical Define the concept of self-reflection. Define reflective practice. Discuss theories integral to self-reflection: Newman, Rogers, Barrett, Watson, Dossey, and…