Weight Gain Assistance

Definition: Facilitating gain of body weight


• Refer for diagnostic work-up to determine cause of being underweight, as appropriate

• Weigh patient at specified intervals, as appropriate

• Discuss possible causes of low body weight

• Monitor for nausea and vomiting

• Determine cause of nausea and/or vomiting, and treat appropriately

• Administer medications to reduce nausea and pain before eating, as appropriate

• Monitor daily calories consumed

• Monitor serum albumin, lymphocyte, and electrolyte levels

• Encourage increased calorie intake

• Instruct on how to increase calorie intake

• Provide a variety of high-calorie nutritious foods from which to select

• Consider patient’s food preferences, as governed by personal choices and cultural and religious preferences

• Provide oral care before meals, as needed

• Provide rest periods, as needed

• Ensure that patient is in a sitting position before eating or feeding

• Assist with eating or feed patient, as appropriate

• Provide foods appropriate for patient: general diet, mechanical soft, blenderized or commercial formula via nasogastric or gastrostomy tube, or total parental nutrition, as ordered by physician

• Create a pleasant, relaxing environment at mealtime

• Serve food in a pleasant, attractive manner

• Discuss with patient and family socioeconomic factors contributing to inadequate nutrition

• Discuss with patient and family perceptions or factors interfering with ability or desire to eat

• Refer to community agencies that can assist in acquiring food, as appropriate

• Teach patient and family meal planning, as appropriate

• Recognize that weight loss may be part of the natural progression of a terminal illness (e.g., cancer)

• Instruct patient and family members on realistic expected outcomes regarding illness and the potential for weight gain

• Determine patient’s food preferences regarding favorite foods, seasonings, and temperature

• Provide dietary supplements, as appropriate

• Create a social setting for food consumption, as appropriate

• Teach patient and family how to buy low-cost, nutritious foods, as appropriate

• Reward patient for weight gain

• Chart weight gain progress and post in a strategic location

• Encourage attendance at support groups, as appropriate

1st edition 1992; revised 2004


Weight Management

Definition: Facilitating maintenance of optimal body weight and percent body fat


• Discuss with individual the relationship between food intake, exercise, weight gain, and weight loss

• Discuss with individual the medical conditions that may affect weight

• Discuss with individual the habits and customs and cultural and heredity factors that influence weight

• Discuss risks associated with being overweight and underweight

• Determine individual motivation for changing eating habits

• Determine individual’s ideal body weight

• Determine individual’s ideal percent body fat

• Develop with the individual a method to keep a daily record of intake, exercise sessions, and/or changes in body weight

• Encourage individual to write down realistic weekly goals for food intake and exercise and to display them in a location where they can be reviewed daily

• Encourage individual to chart weekly weights, as appropriate

• Encourage individual to consume adequate amounts of water daily

• Plan rewards with the individual to celebrate reaching short-term and long-term goals

• Inform individual about whether support groups are available for assistance

• Assist in developing well-balanced meal plans consistent with level of energy expenditure

1st edition 1992; revised 2004


Weight Reduction Assistance

Definition: Facilitating loss of weight and/or body fat


• Determine patient’s desire and motivation to reduce weight or body fat

• Determine with the patient the amount of weight loss desired

• Use the terms “weight” or “excess” rather than “obesity”, “fatness”, and “excess fat”

• Set a realistic weekly goal for weight loss

• Post the weekly goal in a strategic location

• Weigh patient weekly

• Chart progress of reaching final goal, and post in a strategic location

• Discuss setbacks to help patient overcome challenges and be more successful

• Reward patient when attaining goals

• Encourage use of internal reward systems when goals are accomplished

• Set a realistic plan with the patient to include reduced food intake and increased energy expenditure

• Encourage self-monitoring of dietary intake and exercise by having patients keep a paper or handheld electronic diary

• Assist patient to identify motivation for eating and internal and external cues associated with eating

• Encourage substitution of undesirable habits with favorable habits

• Post reminder and encouragement signs to do health-promotion behaviors, rather than eating

• Assist with adjusting diets to lifestyle and activity level

• Facilitate patient participation in at least one energy-expending activity three times a week

• Provide information about amount of energy expended with specific physical activities

• Assist in selection of activities according to amount of desired energy expenditure

• Plan an exercise program, taking into consideration the patient’s limitations

• Advise to be active at home while doing household chores and find ways to move during day-to-day activities

• Administer medications for weight loss (e.g., sibutramine, orlistat), as prescribed

• Develop a daily meal plan with a well-balanced diet, reduced calories, and reduced fat, as appropriate

• Encourage the patient to emphasize fruits, vegetables, whole grains, fat-free or low fat milk and milk products, lean meats, fish, beans, and eggs

• Encourage use of sugar substitute, as appropriate

• Recommend adoption of diets that will lead to achievement of long-range goals for weight loss

• Encourage attendance at support groups for weight loss (e.g., Take Off Pounds Sensibly (TOPS),Weight Watchers)

• Refer to a community weight control program, as appropriate

• Refer to an online weight loss program (e.g., Weight-Control Information Network), as appropriate

• Instruct on how to read labels when purchasing food, to control amount of fat and calorie density of food obtained

• Instruct on how to calculate percentage of fat in food products

• Instruct on food selection, in restaurants and social gatherings, that are consistent with planned calorie and nutrient intake

• Discuss with patient and family the influence of alcohol consumption on food ingestion

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