Vitamins and Minerals

Vitamins and Minerals


When you reach the end of this chapter, you will be able to do the following:

Drug Profiles

Key Terms

Beriberi A disease of the peripheral nerves caused by a dietary deficiency of thiamine (vitamin B1). Symptoms include fatigue, diarrhea, weight loss, edema, heart failure, and disturbed nerve function. (p. 865)

Coenzyme A nonprotein substance that combines with a protein molecule to form an active enzyme. (p. 857)

Enzymes Specialized proteins that catalyze biochemical reactions. (p. 857)

Fat-soluble vitamins Vitamins that can be dissolved (i.e., are soluble) in fat. (p. 857)

Minerals Inorganic substances that are ingested and attach to enzymes or other organic molecules. (p. 857)

Pellagra A disease resulting from a deficiency of niacin or a metabolic defect that interferes with the conversion of tryptophan to niacin (vitamin B3). (p. 865)

Rhodopsin The purple pigment in the rods of the retina, formed by a protein, opsin, and a derivative of retinol (vitamin A). (p. 859)

Rickets A condition caused by a deficiency of vitamin D. (p. 862)

Scurvy A condition resulting from a deficiency of ascorbic acid (vitamin C). (p. 869)

Tocopherols Biologically active chemicals that make up vitamin E compounds. (p. 863)

Vitamins Organic compounds essential in small quantities for normal physiologic and metabolic functioning of the body. (p. 857)

Water-soluble vitamins Vitamins that can be dissolved (i.e., are soluble) in water. (p. 857)


Anatomy, Physiology and Pathophysiology Overview

For the body to grow and maintain itself, it needs the essential building blocks provided by carbohydrates, fats, and proteins. Vitamins and minerals are needed to efficiently utilize these nutrients. Vitamins are organic molecules needed in small quantities for normal metabolism and other biochemical functions, such as growth or repair of tissue. Equally important are minerals, inorganic elements found naturally in the earth. Enzymes are proteins secreted by cells; they act as catalysts to induce chemical changes in other substances. A coenzyme is a substance that enhances or is necessary for the action of enzymes. Many enzymes are useless without the appropriate vitamins and/or minerals that cause them to function properly. Both vitamins and minerals act primarily as coenzymes, binding to enzymes (or other organic molecules) to activate anabolic (tissue-building) processes in the body. For example, coenzyme A is an important carrier molecule associated with the citric acid cycle, one of the body’s major energy-producing metabolic reactions. However, it requires pantothenic acid (vitamin B5) to complete its function in the citric acid cycle.

Vitamins and minerals are essential in our lives, whether or not we are conscientious in our food choices. Under most circumstances, daily requirements of vitamins and minerals are met by ingestion of fluids and balanced meals. Ingesting food maintains adequate stores of essential vitamins and minerals, serves to preserve intestinal structure, provides chemicals for hormones and enzymes, and prevents harmful overgrowth of bacteria.

Various illnesses can cause acute or chronic deficiencies of vitamins, minerals, electrolytes, and fluids. These conditions require replacement or supplementation of these nutrients. Common examples include extensive burn injuries and acquired immunodeficiency syndrome (AIDS). Excessive loss of vitamins and minerals may also be the result of poor dietary intake, an inability to swallow after cancer chemotherapy or radiation, or mental disorders such as anorexia nervosa. Poor dietary absorption can also be caused by various gastrointestinal (GI) malabsorption syndromes. In addition, drug and alcohol abuse are frequently associated with inadequate nutritional intake that warrants vitamin and mineral supplementation. Deficiencies in dietary protein, fat, and carbohydrates are also common. These nutrients are discussed in Chapter 55. Because of some of their distinct properties and functions in the body related to blood formation, iron and the vitamin folic acid (vitamin B9) are discussed separately in Chapter 54.

Pharmacology Overview

The human body requires vitamins in specific minimum amounts on a daily basis, and these can be obtained from both plant and animal food sources. In some cases, the body synthesizes some of its own vitamin supply. Supplemental amounts of vitamin B complex and vitamin K are synthesized by normal bacterial flora in the GI tract. Vitamin D can be synthesized by the skin when the skin is exposed to sunlight.

An inadequate diet will cause various nutrition-related vitamin deficiencies. In 1941, the Food and Nutrition Board of the National Academy of Sciences published its first list of recommended daily allowances (RDAs) of essential nutrients. A newer published standard is the list of dietary reference intakes (DRIs). Whereas the RDAs represented minimum nutrient requirements, the DRIs are designed to represent optimal nutrient amounts for good health. The United States requires that detailed nutritional information be listed on any packaged food product. The values that appear on the labels are the percentage daily values and indicate what percentage of the DRI for a specific nutrient is met by a single serving of the food product. Information regarding DRIs is available from the following sources:

Vitamins are classified as either fat-soluble or water-soluble. Water-soluble vitamins can be dissolved in water and are easily excreted in the urine. Fat-soluble vitamins are dissolvable in fat and tend to be stored longer in the liver and fatty tissues. Because water-soluble vitamins (B-complex group and vitamin C) cannot be stored in the body in large amounts, daily intake is required to prevent the development of deficiencies. Conversely, fat-soluble vitamins (vitamins A, D, E, and K) do not need to be taken daily unless one is deficient, because substantial amounts are stored in the liver and fatty tissues. Deficiencies of these vitamins occur only after prolonged deprivation from an adequate supply or from disorders that prevent their absorption. Table 53-1 lists the fat-soluble and water-soluble vitamins.

One controversial topic related to vitamins is that of nutrient “megadosing,” as a strategy both for health promotion and maintenance and for treatment of various illnesses. Some cancer patients elect to use supplemental megadosing of specific nutrients in hopes of strengthening their body’s response to more conventional cancer treatments. The American Dietetic Association defines megadosing as “doses of a nutrient that are 10 or more times the recommended amount.” A related term was coined in 1968 by the Nobel Prize–winning chemist Linus Pauling. He defined orthomolecular medicine to be “the preventive or therapeutic use of high-dose vitamins to treat disease.” The best-known claim of Dr. Pauling was that megadoses of vitamin C (at more than 100 times the U.S. RDA) could prevent or cure the common cold and cancer. Many studies since have not substantiated this claim. However, there are some situations in which nutrient megadosing are known to be helpful, including the following:

• When concurrent long-term drug therapy depletes vitamin stores or otherwise interferes with the function of a vitamin. A common clinical example is the use of vitamin B6 (pyridoxine) supplementation in patients receiving the drug isoniazid for treatment of tuberculosis (see Chapter 41).

• In GI malabsorption syndromes such as those seen in patients with severe colitis and cystic fibrosis (all major nutrient classes, including protein, fat, carbohydrates, vitamins, and minerals).

• For the treatment of pernicious anemia, which results from cyanocobalamin (vitamin B12) deficiency. The GI tract uses a fairly complex mechanism to drive cyanocobalamin absorption. Specifically, a glycoprotein known as intrinsic factor is secreted by the parietal cells of the gastric glands (see Chapter 50). Intrinsic factor facilitates absorption of cyanocobalamin in the intestine. When this process is compromised (e.g., by disease), administration of megadoses of cyanocobalamin can bypass this absorption mechanism by allowing a small amount of the vitamin to diffuse on its own through the intestinal mucosa.

• When the vitamin acts as a drug when megadosed. The most common example is niacin (vitamin B3, also called nicotinic acid). At dosages of up to 20 mg daily, it functions as a vitamin, but at dosages 50 to 100 times higher, it reduces blood levels of both triglycerides and low-density lipoprotein cholesterol (see Chapter 27).

In contrast with the aforementioned examples, there are some situations in which nutrient megadosing is known to be harmful. For example, any excess of one or more nutrients can result in deficiencies of other nutrients due to their chemical competition for sites of absorption in the intestinal mucosa. This is likely to be the case with megadosing of minerals, such as calcium, copper, iron, and zinc, and is less likely to result from vitamin megadosing. Vitamin megadosing can lead to toxic accumulations known as hypervitaminosis, especially with the fat-soluble vitamins A, D, and K. Vitamin E appears safer, however, even at doses 10 to 20 times the recommended DRI. Hypervitaminosis is less likely to occur with the water-soluble vitamins (B complex and C) because they are readily excreted through the urinary system. Nevertheless, it is known that megadosing with vitamin B6 (pyridoxine) at 50 to 100 times the DRI can cause nerve damage.

Persons with an illness may be less tolerant of nutrient megadosing, although megadosing regimens are often prescribed for them. For example, megadosing may be more of a strain for a GI tract that is already weakened by illness. Megadosing can even interfere with chemotherapy drugs as well as radiation treatments, because these therapies work to destroy cancer cells through oxidation processes. Nutritional supplementation with antioxidants may impede such treatment mechanisms. Patients need to tell their health care providers any unusual nutritional regimens that they plan to try, especially if they have a serious illness.

Fat-Soluble Vitamins

Fat-soluble vitamins are not readily excreted in the urine and are stored in the body. Thus, daily ingestion of these vitamins is not necessary to maintain good health and, in fact, is more likely to result in hypervitaminosis.

The fat-soluble vitamins are A, D, E, and K. As a group, they share the following characteristics:

Vitamin A

Vitamin A (retinol) is derived from animal fats such as those found in dairy products, eggs, meat, liver, and fish liver oils. Vitamin A is also derived from carotenes, which are found in plants (e.g., green and yellow vegetables, yellow fruits). Therefore, vitamin A is an exogenous substance for humans because it must be obtained from either plant or animal foods. There are more than 600 naturally occurring carotenoid compounds in plant-based foods. Of these, 40 to 50 occur commonly in the human diet. Beta carotene is the most prevalent of these, followed by alpha carotene and cryptoxanthin. These are known as provitamin A carotenoids, because they are all metabolized to various forms of vitamin A in the body. Table 53-2 lists the food sources for several nutrients.

TABLE 53-2


vitamin A Liver; fish; dairy products; egg yolks; dark green, leafy, yellow-orange vegetables and fruits
vitamin D Dairy products, fortified cereals and fortified orange juice, liver, fish liver oils, saltwater fish, butter, eggs
vitamin E Fish, egg yolks, meats, vegetable oils, nuts, fruits, wheat germ, grains, fortified cereals
vitamin K Cheese, spinach, broccoli, brussels sprouts, kale, cabbage, turnip greens, soybean oils
vitamin B1 (thiamine) Yeast, liver, enriched whole-grain products, beans
vitamin B2 (riboflavin) Meats, liver, dairy products, eggs, legumes, nuts, enriched whole-grain products, green leafy vegetables, yeast
vitamin B3 (niacin) Liver, turkey, tuna, peanuts, beans, yeast, enriched whole-grain breads and cereals, wheat germ
vitamin B6 (pyridoxine) Organ meats, meats, poultry, fish, eggs, peanuts, whole grain products, vegetables, nuts, wheat germ, bananas, fortified cereals
vitamin B12 (cyanocobalamin) Liver, kidney, shellfish, poultry, fish, eggs, milk, blue cheese, fortified cereals
vitamin C (ascorbic acid) Broccoli, green peppers, spinach, Brussels sprouts, citrus fruits, tomatoes, potatoes, strawberries, cabbage, liver
calcium Dairy products, fortified cereals and calcium-fortified orange juice, sardines, salmon
magnesium Meats, seafood, milk, cheese, yogurt, green leafy vegetables, bran cereal, nuts
phosphorus Milk, yogurt, cheese, peas, meat, fish, eggs
zinc Red meats, liver, oysters, certain seafood, milk products, eggs, beans, nuts, whole grains, fortified cereals

Adapted from USDA: Dietary guidelines for Americans, 2010, available at, accessed March, 2012.

Mechanism of Action and Drug Effects

Vitamin A is essential for night vision and for normal vision, because it is part of one of the major retinal pigments called rhodopsin. Beta carotene is metabolized in the body to retinal (retinaldehyde), and some of this retinal is reduced to the alcohol compound known as retinol. The remainder of the retinal may be oxidized to the carboxylic acid compound retinoic acid. Unlike retinal, retinoic acid has no direct role in vision, but it is essential for normal cell growth and differentiation and for the development of the physical shapes of the body’s many parts—a process known as morphogenesis. It is also involved in the growth and development of bones and teeth and in other body processes, including reproduction, maintenance of the integrity of mucosal and epithelial surfaces, and cholesterol and steroid synthesis.


Supplements of vitamin A may be used to satisfy normal body requirements or an increased demand, such as in infants and pregnant and nursing women. A normal diet usually provides adequate amounts of vitamin A, but in cases of excessive need or inadequate dietary intake, vitamin A supplementation is indicated. Symptoms of vitamin A deficiency include night blindness, xerophthalmia, keratomalacia (softening of the cornea), hyperkeratosis of both the stratum corneum (outermost layer) of the skin and the sclera (outermost layer of eyeball), retarded infant growth, generalized weakness, and increased susceptibility of mucous membranes to infection. Vitamin A–related compounds, such as isotretinoin, are also used to treat various skin conditions, including acne, psoriasis, and keratosis follicularis.


Contraindications to vitamin A supplementation include known allergy to the individual vitamin product; known current state of hypervitaminosis; and excessive supplementation beyond recommended guidelines, especially during pregnancy or in oral malabsorption syndromes.

Adverse Effects

There are very few acute adverse effects associated with normal vitamin A ingestion. Only after long-term excessive ingestion of vitamin A do symptoms appear. Adverse effects are usually noticed in bones, mucous membranes, the liver, and the skin. Table 53-3 lists some of the symptoms of long-term excessive ingestion of vitamin A.

Toxicity and Management of Overdose

The major toxic effects of vitamin A result from ingestion of excessive amounts, which occurs most commonly in children. A few hours after administration of an excess dose of vitamin A, irritability, drowsiness, vertigo, delirium, coma, vomiting, and/or diarrhea may occur. In infants, excessive amounts of vitamin A can cause an increase in cranial pressure, resulting in symptoms such as bulging fontanelles, headache, papilledema, exophthalmos (bulging eyeballs), and visual disturbances. Papilledema is the presence of edematous fluid, often including blood, in the optic disc. This is the portion of the eye in the back of the retina, where nerve fibers converge to form the optic nerve. Over several weeks, a generalized peeling of the skin and erythema (skin reddening) may occur. These symptoms seem to disappear a few days after discontinuation of the drug, which is the only treatment necessary in situations of overdose.


Vitamin A is absorbed less when used together with lubricant laxatives and cholestyramine. In addition, the concurrent use of isotretinoin and vitamin A supplementation can result in additive effects and possible toxicity.


For dosage information on vitamin A, see the table below.

Selected Vitamins

Vitamin D–Active Compounds
calcifediol (hydroxyvitamin D3) (Calderol) Fat-soluble Adult and pediatric 2-10 yr
PO: 50 mcg once daily
Hypocalcemia in hemodialysis patients
calcitriol (dihydroxyvitamin D3) (Rocaltrol, Calcijex) Fat-soluble Adult and pediatric 6 yr and older
PO/IV: 0.5-2 mcg/day
Hypoparathyroidism; hypocalcemia in patients receiving regular hemodialysis
dihydrotachysterol (DHT, Hytakerol) Fat-soluble (a form of vitamin D) Adult and pediatric 12 yr and older
PO: 0.75-2.5 mg/day × 4 days, then 0.2-1 mg/day
ergocalciferol (vitamin D2) (Drisdol, Calciferol) Fat-soluble Pediatric/Adult
PO: 300-12,500 mcg/day (equals 12,000-500,000 units/day)
Rickets, hypoparathyroidism, renal failure
Vitamin B–Active Compounds
vitamin B1 (thiamine) (Thiamilate) Water-soluble, B-complex group Adult
100 mg/day until normal dietary intake is established

Alcohol-induced deficiency
    5-30 mg/day × 30 days Beriberi
vitamin B2 (riboflavin) (Lactoflavin) Water-soluble, B-complex group Adult
PO: 5-30 mg/day
3-10 mg/day
vitamin B3 (niacin, nicotinic acid) (Nicotinex) Water-soluble, B-complex group Adult
PO: 1-6 g/day
PO: Up to 500 mg/day
IV: Up to 300 mg/day
Pellagra (deficiency)
vitamin B6 (pyridoxine) (Aminoxin, Vitelle) Water-soluble, B-complex group Adult
PO/IV: 2.5-10 mg/day
PO/IV: 5-25 mg/day × 3 wk, then give multivitamin product
PO/IV: 100-200 mg/day
10-50 mg/day
Drug-induced neuritis (e.g., isoniazid for tuberculosis)
vitamin B12 (cyanocobalamin) (Nascobal) Water-soluble, B-complex group Adult and pediatric
IM/subcut: 100 mcg/mo
Adult and pediatric
PO: 50-100 mcg/day
Adult only
Intranasal gel: 500 mcg/wk
Deficiency; anemia
Vitamins A, C, E, and K
vitamin A (Aquasol A, others) Fat-soluble Adult and pediatric older than 8 yr
PO: 100,000 units/day × 3 days, then 50,000 units/day for 14 days
vitamin C (ascorbic acid) (Vita-C, Dull-C, others) Water-soluble Adult and pediatric
PO/IV/IM/subcut: 100-250 mg 1-2 times daily
Deficiency; scurvy
vitamin E (d-alpha tocopherol) (Aquavit E, others) Fat-soluble Adult
PO: 60-75 units/day
1 unit/kg/day
Nutritional supplementation
vitamin K (phytonadione) (Mephyton, AquaMEPHYTON) Fat-soluble Adult
PO: 2.5-10 mg/day
IM/IV: 1-10 mg single dose
Warfarin-induced hypoprothrombinemia
    Infant and pediatric
PO: 2.5-5 mg/day
IM/IV: 1-2 mg single dose
Deficiency; hemorrhagic disease of newborn infant


IM, Intramuscular; IV, intravenous; PO, oral; subcut, subcutaneous; mo, month.

Dosages are individualized. Higher doses may be required based on response to therapy.

Drug Profile

There are three forms of vitamin A: retinol, retinyl palmitate, and retinyl acetate. Medications containing vitamin A may require a prescription, but many over-the-counter (OTC) products, such as vitamin A–containing multivitamins, are also available. All vitamin A products are classified as pregnancy category A.

vitamin A

Vitamin A (Aquasol A), also known as retinol, retinyl palmitate, and retinyl acetate, is available in a variety of oral forms as well as an injectable form. Doses for vitamin A are expressed as retinol activity equivalents (RAEs). One RAE is approximately equal to the following:

Vitamin D

Vitamin D, also called the sunshine vitamin, is responsible for the proper utilization of calcium and phosphorus in the body. The two most important members of the vitamin D family are vitamin D2 (ergocalciferol) and vitamin D3 (cholecalciferol). They have different sites of origin but similar functions in the body. Ergocalciferol (vitamin D2) is plant derived and is therefore obtained through dietary sources. The natural form of vitamin D produced in the skin by ultraviolet irradiation (sun) is chemically known as 7-dehydrocholesterol. It is more commonly referred to as cholecalciferol (vitamin D3). This endogenous synthesis of vitamin D3 usually produces sufficient amounts to meet daily requirements. Vitamin D is obtained through both endogenous synthesis and consumption of vitamin D2–containing foods such as fish oils, salmon, sardines, and herring; fortified milk, bread, and cereals; and animal livers, tuna fish, eggs, and butter. Normal serum levels are 12 to 50 ng/mL.

Mechanism of Action and Drug Effects

The basic function of vitamin D is to regulate the absorption and subsequent utilization of calcium and phosphorus. It is also necessary for the normal calcification of bone. Vitamin D in coordination with parathyroid hormone and calcitonin regulates serum calcium levels by increasing calcium absorption from the small intestine and extracting calcium from the bone. Ergocalciferol and cholecalciferol are inactive and require transformation into active metabolites for biologic activity. Both vitamin D2 and vitamin D3 are biotransformed in the liver by the actions of parathyroid hormone. The resulting compound, calcifediol, is then transported to the kidney, where it is converted to calcitriol, which is believed to be the most physiologically active form of vitamin D. Calcitriol promotes the intestinal absorption of calcium and phosphorus and the deposition of calcium and phosphorus into the structure of teeth and bones.

The drug effects of vitamin D are very similar to those of vitamin A and essentially all vitamin and mineral compounds. It is used as a supplement to satisfy normal daily requirements or an increased demand, as in infants and pregnant and nursing women.


Vitamin D can be used either to supplement dietary intake or to treat a deficiency of vitamin D. In the case of supplementation, it is given as a prophylactic measure to prevent deficiency-related problems, and it is recommended for breastfed infants. Vitamin D may also be used to treat and correct the result of a long-term deficiency that leads to such conditions as infantile rickets, tetany (involuntary sustained muscular contractions), and osteomalacia (softening of the bones). Rickets is specifically a vitamin D deficiency state. Symptoms include soft, pliable bones, which causes deformities such as bowlegs and knock knees; nodular enlargement on the ends and sides of the bones; muscle pain; enlarged skull; chest deformities; spinal curvature; enlargement of the liver and spleen; profuse sweating; and general tenderness of the body when touched. Vitamin D can also help promote the absorption of phosphorus and calcium. For this reason, its use is important in preventing osteoporosis. Because of the role of vitamin D in the regulation of calcium and phosphorus, it may be used to correct deficiencies of these two elements. Other uses include dietary supplementation and treatment of osteodystrophy, hypocalcemia, hypoparathyroidism, pseudohypoparathyroidism, and hypophosphatemia. Many patients have low vitamin D levels, and it is common to see doses of 1000 to 2000 units daily prescribed.


Contraindications to vitamin D products include known allergy to the product, hypercalcemia, renal dysfunction, kidney stones, and hyperphosphatemia.

Adverse Effects

Very few acute adverse effects are associated with normal vitamin D ingestion. Only after long-term excessive ingestion of vitamin D do symptoms appear. Such effects are usually noticed in the GI tract or the central nervous system (CNS) and are listed in Table 53-4.

Toxicity and Management of Overdose

The major toxic effects from ingesting excessive amounts of vitamin D occur most commonly in children. Discontinuation of vitamin D and reduced calcium intake reverse the toxic state. The amount of vitamin D considered to be toxic varies considerably among individuals but is generally thought to be 1.25 to 2.5 mg of ergocalciferol daily in adults and 25 mcg daily in infants and children.

The toxic effects of vitamin D are those associated with hypertension, such as weakness, fatigue, headache, anorexia, dry mouth, metallic taste, nausea, vomiting, abdominal cramps, ataxia, and bone pain. If not recognized and treated, these symptoms can progress to impairment of renal function and osteoporosis.


Reduced absorption of vitamin D occurs with the concurrent use of lubricant laxatives and cholestyramine.


For dosage information on vitamin D, see the table on p. 860.

Drug Profiles

There are four forms of vitamin D: calcifediol, calcitriol, dihydrotachysterol, and ergocalciferol. Vitamin D is available in OTC medications, such as multivitamin products, or by prescription. Although various pharmaceutical manufacturers may list their individual vitamin D products as pregnancy category C, these products are generally considered to be category A or B as long as the patient is not dosed at higher levels than recommended.


Calcifediol (Calderol) is the 25-hydroxylated form of cholecalciferol (vitamin D3). It is a vitamin D analogue used primarily for the management of hypocalcemia in patients with chronic renal failure who are undergoing hemodialysis. Calcifediol is also used for signs of hyperparathyroid disease. It is available only for oral use.


Calcitriol (Rocaltrol) is the 1,25-dihydroxylated form of cholecalciferol (vitamin D3). It is a vitamin D analogue used for the management of hypocalcemia in patients with chronic renal failure who are undergoing hemodialysis. Calcitriol is also used in the treatment of hypoparathyroidism and pseudohypoparathyroidism, vitamin D–dependent rickets, hypophosphatemia, and hypocalcemia in premature infants. It is available in both oral and injectable forms.


Dihydrotachysterol (Hytakerol) is a vitamin D analogue that is administered orally once daily for the treatment of any of the previously mentioned conditions. Intramuscular use is indicated for patients with GI, liver, or biliary disease associated with malabsorption of vitamin D analogues. It is available orally and parenterally.


Ergocalciferol (Drisdol) is vitamin D2. It is indicated for use in patients with GI, liver, or biliary disease associated with malabsorption of vitamin D analogues. It is available orally and parenterally.

Vitamin E

Four biologically active chemicals called tocopherols (alpha, beta, gamma, and delta) make up the vitamin E compounds. Alpha tocopherol is the most biologically active natural form of vitamin E and can come from plant and animal sources.

Mechanism of Action and Drug Effects

Vitamin E is a powerful biologic antioxidant and an essential component of the diet. Its exact nutritional function has not been fully demonstrated. The only recognized significant deficiency syndrome for vitamin E occurs in premature infants. In this situation, vitamin E deficiency may result in irritability, edema, thrombosis, and hemolytic anemia.

The drug effects of vitamin E are not as well defined as those of the other fat-soluble vitamins. It is believed to protect polyunsaturated fatty acids, a component of cellular membranes. It has also been shown to hinder the deterioration of substances such as vitamin A and ascorbic acid (vitamin C), two substances that are highly oxygen sensitive and readily oxidized; thus it acts as an antioxidant.


Vitamin E is most commonly used as a dietary supplement to augment current daily intake or to treat a deficiency. Premature infants are those at greatest risk for complications from vitamin E deficiency. Vitamin E has received much attention as an antioxidant. Preventing the oxidation of various substances prevents the formation of toxic chemicals within the body, some of which are believed to cause cancer. There is a popular but unproved theory that vitamin E has beneficial effects for patients with cancer, heart disease, premenstrual syndrome, and sexual dysfunction. However, the American Heart Association no longer recommends the use of high-dose vitamin E to prevent heart disease. In fact, recent studies have shown no benefit and possible harm.


Contraindications for vitamin E include known allergy to a specific vitamin E product. There are currently no approved injectable forms of this vitamin.

Adverse Effects

Very few acute adverse effects are associated with normal vitamin E ingestion, because it is relatively nontoxic. Adverse effects are usually noticed in the GI tract or CNS and are listed in Table 53-5.

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