Validation Therapy

Definition: Use of a method of therapeutic communication with elderly persons with dementia that focuses on emotional rather than factual content


• Determine the patient’s stage of cognitive impairment (e.g., malorientation, time confusion, repetitive-motions, or vegetation)

• Avoid using validation strategies when the confusion is due to acute, reversible causes, or in the vegetation stage of confusion

• Listen with empathy

• Refrain from correcting or contradicting the patient’s perceptions and experiences

• Accept the client’s reality

• Avoid using “feeling” words

• Ask nonthreatening factual questions (e.g., Who? What? Where? When? How?)

• Avoid asking “Why?”

• Rephrase statements, repeating their key words, while picking up their tempo

• Maintain eye contact while reflecting the look in the patient’s eyes

• Match and express the client’s emotion (e.g., love, fear, grief)

• Sing and interact using music familiar to the patient

• Observe and mirror body movements

• Use supportive touch (gentle touch to cheek, shoulder, arm, or hand)

• Speak the client’s language by listening carefully to the verbs the client uses, and use their preferred sense (auditory, visual, kinesthetic)

• Link behavior to needs such as love, safety, activity, and usefulness

• Reminisce with the patient by reviewing the past

• Help the person find a familiar coping method

5th edition 2008


Values Clarification

Definition: Assisting another to clarify her/his own values in order to facilitate effective decision-making


• Consider the ethical and legal aspects of free choice, given the particular situation before beginning the intervention

• Create an accepting, nonjudgmental atmosphere

• Encourage consideration of issues

• Encourage consideration of values underlying choices and consequences of the choice

• Use appropriate questions to assist the patient in reflecting on the situation and what is important personally

• Assist patient to prioritize values

• Use a value sheet clarifying technique (written situation and questions), as appropriate

• Pose reflective, clarifying questions that give the patient something to think about

• Avoid use of cross-examining questions

• Encourage patient to make a list of what is important and not important in life and the time spent on each

• Encourage patient to list values that guide behavior in various settings and types of situations

• Develop and implement a plan with the patient to try out choices

• Evaluate the effectiveness of the plan with the patient

• Provide reinforcement for actions in the plan that support the patient’s values

• Help patient define alternatives and their advantages and disadvantages

• Help patient to evaluate how values are in agreement with or conflict with those of family members/significant others

• Support the patient in communicating own values to others

• Avoid use of the intervention with persons with serious emotional problems

1st edition 1992; revised 2008


Vehicle Safety Promotion

Definition: Assisting individuals, families, and communities to increase awareness of measures to reduce unintentional injuries in motorized and nonmotorized vehicle


• Determine current awareness of vehicular safety, as appropriate

• Identify the safety needs of target audience

• Identify individuals and groups at high risk for vehicular injury

• Identify safety hazards in environment

• Eliminate safety hazards in the environment, when possible

• Give information about risks associated with motorized or nonmotorized vehicle use, as indicated

• Teach high-risk populations about vehicular hazards and risks (e.g., drinking, risk-taking behaviors, noncompliance with laws)

• Collaborate with community agencies in educational efforts to promote vehicle safety (e.g., schools, police, local health department, child safety coalitions)

• Provide literature about importance and methods to increase vehicle safety

• Educate about rules of the road for drivers of motorized and nonmotorized vehicles

• Educate about the importance of proper and regular use of protective devices to decrease risk of injury (e.g., car seats, seat belts, helmets)

• Emphasize importance of always wearing seat belts

• Encourage drivers not to start automobile until all passengers are restrained

• Encourage adults to role-model the use of seat belts and safe driving practices

• Provide information about proper adjustment so seat belts are comfortable and safe

• Monitor parents’ use of approved child safety seats and seat belts

• Educate about proper installation of child safety seats

• Instruct parents to secure infants in child safety seats and children under 13 years of age in the back seat of automobile

• Encourage parents to take child safety seats when traveling (e.g., airplane, train, bus)

• Demonstrate strategies parents can use to keep children occupied while restrained in seat belts or child safety seats

• Praise children and families for proper and regular use of safe practices in vehicles

• Make child safety seats available to all families through community service agencies

• Inform parents of the importance of selecting a bicycle that fits child properly and adjusting it periodically as the child grows

• Encourage use adaptive devices to increase vehicle safety (e.g., mirrors, horns, reflective devices, lights)

• Stress importance of always wearing helmets and bright or reflective clothing on bicycles, motorcycles, and other motorized vehicles (e.g., all terrain vehicles, snow mobiles)

• Emphasize importance of wearing shoes and protective clothing while on motorized and nonmotorized vehicles

• Monitor community injury rates to determine further educational need

• Support legislative initiatives that promote and enforce vehicular safety

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