CHAPTER 32 Urinary problems in females and children
Diagnostic reasoning: focused history
Acute pain
Acute pain in the back or abdomen suggests upper UTI and pyelonephritis. Flank pain occurs with stretching of the renal capsule associated with parenchymal swelling, and may indicate infection, obstruction, or primary renal disease.
Primary symptoms
Dysuria is the cardinal symptom of uncomplicated lower urinary tract infection (acute bacterial cystitis). In children, it may also be the first indication of an anatomical lesion such as obstruction of the urinary tract or VUR. Other common symptoms include frequency, mild nausea, nocturia, urgency, and voiding small amounts. Fever is notably absent. Infants may have strong-smelling urine and continuously damp diapers.
Suprapubic discomfort and urinary incontinence
Discomfort in the suprapubic area is indicative of bladder involvement and urinary incontinence and is characteristic of bladder neck irritability caused by inflammation. Local causes of incontinence can also include pelvic relaxation and impaired bladder muscle activity. Preschool-age children with UTIs frequently have enuresis (see Chapter 31).
Foreign objects
Could this be genitourinary in origin?
Key questions
Are you sexually active? How frequently do you engage in sexual activity?
Have you had a new sexual partner recently?
How many sexual partners do you have?
Does your sexual partner have any symptoms?
Do you have any vaginal discharge?
If a postmenopausal woman: Are you on hormone replacement therapy?
Vaginal discharge and hormone therapy
Vaginal infections are a common cause of dysuria, particularly in college-age women. Atrophic vaginitis can also cause dysuria. Postmenopausal women who are not on hormone therapy are more likely to have atrophic vaginitis.
Are there any specific risk factors to point me in the right direction?
Key questions
Have you had this or similar problems before? If yes, when and how many times?
Have you had recent catheterization or urinary tract procedures performed?
Is there a family history of kidney or urinary problems?
How much spicy food, caffeinated beverages/food, carbonated beverages, or alcohol do you consume?
Do you suppress the urge to urinate (postpone urination)?
Do you use bubble baths, shampoos, feminine hygiene products, powders, and soaps?