Traumatic Spine Injury
Traumatic spine injuries occur in varying degrees of severity, ranging from mild cervical strain to complete spinal cord injury. Injuries to the spine may be caused by trauma, such as a car or diving accident, or a disease process, such as a tumor or abscess. Because spinal cord injuries may have devastating effects on the patient and family, a multidisciplinary team of health care providers (e.g., surgeons; nurses; occupational, speech, and physical therapists; medical staff; and case managers) is needed to ensure optimal recovery and rehabilitation.
Keywords: autonomic dysreflexia, cauda equina syndrome, central cord syndrome, spinal cord injury, spinal fractures, spinal shock
12.1 Traumatic Spine Injury
A traumatic spine injury involves damage to the spinal cord, spinal nerves, supporting ligaments, vertebral bodies, blood vessels, or a combination of these. Many cases of traumatic spine injury result in serious implications for patients, both initially and long term. Long-term outcomes are influenced by the type, level, and severity of the injury. Of all traumatic spine injuries, an injury to the spinal cord is the most calamitous.
12.2 Spinal Cord Injury
Spinal cord injury (SCI) is a devastating, life-changing event that may result from trauma, neoplasm, hemorrhage, infection, or a degenerative spine condition. Bony fracture or dislocation is frequently associated with SCI (Video 12.1). It results in major morbidity and is costly for the health care system (▶ Table 12.1). SCI does not take only a physical toll; it also results in significant psychological stress and can bring about major lifestyle changes. Injury to the spinal cord will alter the patient’s independence, economic security, body image, lifestyle, and overall quality of life.
Injury type | First year | Each subsequent year |
C1–C4 injury | $1,044,197 | $181,328 |
C5–C8 injury | $754,524 | $111,237 |
Paraplegia | $508,904 | $67,415 |
Incomplete motor | $340,787 | $41,393 |
In 2013, the estimated annual indirect cost of SCI (i.e., loss of wages, employment benefits, and productivity) was $70,575 | ||
Abbreviation: SCI, spinal cord injury. Note: Data from the National Spinal Cord Injury Statistical Center, |
Patients with SCI pose a unique set of challenges for the bedside nurse. The many emotional and physiologic responses associated with this type of injury may affect different systems in the body. The ability to recover from SCI depends on a host of variables, including the level of injury; the patient’s personal characteristics; the receipt of timely, evidenced-based medical care; and access to neurorehabilitation. Some patients may have no identifiable neurologic impairment, whereas, sadly, others experience severe and permanent disability.
12.2.1 Etiology of Spinal Cord Injury
Spinal cord injury can be caused by accidents, diseases, or developmental anomalies (Box 12.1 Etiology of Spinal Cord Injury). Following are some common causes:
Motor vehicle accidents
Acts of violence (e.g., gunshot wounds)
Sports injuries
Etiology of SCI
Vehicle accidents: 38%
Falls: 30%
Violence: 14%
Sports-related injuries: 9%
Medical/surgical: 5%
Other: 4%
Less than 10% of SCI result from medical causes (e.g., neoplasm or hemorrhage from a vascular abnormality)
Since 2000, SCI categories at time of hospital discharge are as follows:
Incomplete tetraplegia: 45%
Complete tetraplegia: 14%
Incomplete paraplegia: 21%
Complete paraplegia: 20%
Data from the National Spinal Cord Injury Statistical Center,
Epidemiology of Spinal Cord Injury
About 12,500 new cases of SCI occur annually in the United States alone (Box 12.2 Risk Factors for Spinal Cord Injury)
In 2014, over 275,000 people in the United States had an SCI
About 80% of patients with SCI are men
Most are white, followed by African American, then Hispanic
Box 12.2 Risks Factors for Spinal Cord Injury
Male sex (80% of people in the United States who sustain SCI are men)
Age between 16 and 30 years
Participation in certain sports, especially
Football, rugby, wrestling, gymnastics, horseback riding, diving, surfing, roller skating, in-line skating, ice hockey, downhill skiing, and snowboarding
Underlying bone or joint disorder
A relatively minor accident can cause an SCI in someone who has arthritis or osteoporosis
12.2.2 Types of Spinal Cord Injury
Caused by a blow to the spinal column that jars or shakes the spinal cord
Results in temporary loss of neurologic function; this impairment can last for just a few hours or many days
Bruising of the spinal cord caused by fracture, dislocation, or direct trauma
Necrosis of spinal cord tissue may result from initial trauma or from later compression caused by bleeding or edema
Resulting dysfunction depends on the severity of the contusion
Caused by constriction or pressure on the spinal cord
Pressure may be brief (e.g., hyperextension injury) or prolonged (e.g., mass effect from bone fragments, neoplasm, hemorrhage, or disk herniation)
Compression may cause contusion, concussion, laceration, or transection of the spinal cord
Partial tear or cut into the spinal cord
Deficits are permanent and irreversible
Complete tear or cut through the spinal cord, severing it
Permanent loss of neurologic function below the level of injury
Bleeding within the spinal cord or its surrounding tissues
Compression of the spinal cord, causing irritation to spinal nerves
Ischemia of the spinal cord due to interrupted blood flow
Results from compression of the spinal cord or injury to the blood vessels that perfuse it
12.2.3 Mechanisms of Spinal Cord Injury
Occurs when the head and neck are violently forced forward
Deceleration injury. Occurs when a person in motion is abruptly stopped, as in a head-on motor vehicle collision or diving accident
C5 and C6 typically experience the greatest amount of stress
Compression fracture and wedge fractures are the most common fractures associated with hyperflexion (discussed in greater detail later)
Neurologic deficits are expected only if the posterior ligament is torn and facets are dislocated (fracture or dislocation)
Occurs when the head and neck are suddenly forced backward
Acceleration injury. Occurs when a person is suddenly pushed into motion from a stopped state, as in a rear-end motor vehicle collision or forward fall onto the face, with the chin forced backward (common in the elderly population)
C4 and C5 experience the most stress
Soft-tissue strain (i.e., whiplash) is common; contusion or ischemia of the spinal cord from stretching is less likely but possible
Neurologic deficits may result if the spinal cord is damaged
Plain radiographs are nondiagnostic because ligaments usually remain intact and neither fractures nor dislocations occur with this type of injury
Injury results from axial loading, or force applied straight down on the vertebrae (▶ Fig. 12.1)
Can result from a fall from a height, with the person landing on her feet or buttocks
Compression injuries usually result in a burst fracture or wedge fracture in the thoracic or lumbar spine
Usually no associated neurologic deficits.
Fig. 12.1 Compression fracture.
Occurs when there is extreme twisting of the head or neck
Posterior ligaments may tear or rupture, resulting in dislocation of one or more facet joints
No neurologic deficit is expected if only one facet joint is involved; however, neurologic deficit is expected if two or more facets are locked
Results when a foreign object (e.g., a bullet or knife) pierces the spinal column
Damages soft tissue and may involve vertebrae or spinal cord transection
Neurologic deficits are expected if the spinal cord is involved
12.2.4 Classification of Spinal Cord Injury
Complete Spinal Cord Injury
Complete loss of voluntary motor and sensory functions below the level of injury
Irreversible, permanent damage to the spinal cord
Tetraplegia (also called quadriplegia) (▶ Fig. 12.2)
Caused by injury to the cervical spinal cord
Results in loss of motor and sensory function of both upper extremities, both lower extremities, and bladder and bowel function
Results from injury to the thoracic or lumbar spinal cord
Results in loss of motor and sensory function in both lower extremities and bladder/bowel function (▶ Fig. 12.3).
Fig. 12.2 Complete spinal cord injury at cervical spine level.
Fig. 12.3 Complete spinal cord injury at lumbar spine level.
Incomplete Spinal Cord Injury
Some sensory or motor function is preserved below the level of injury
Spared spinal cord tracts allow some neurotransmission
The SCI syndromes below are descriptive classifications of different types of incomplete SCI (▶ Table 12.2)
Central cord syndrome
Most common subset of incomplete SCI (▶ Fig. 12.4)
Can occur at any age, but it is most common in older patients with cervical bony degeneration and cervical stenosis; see also Chapter 11: Spinal Disorders
Often caused by hyperextension injury, with damage to the center of the spinal cord where the nerve fibers that lead to the upper extremities are located
Loss of motor and sensory function is more severe in the upper extremities than in the lower extremities (e.g., the patient can walk to the door, but cannot open it); bladder dysfunction may or may not result
Function is usually restored in the lower extremities first, then bladder function is restored
Recovery of hand intrinsic function is variable and is often the last function to return
Anterior cord syndrome
Caused by direct injury to the anterior portion of the spinal cord or by disruption of the anterior spinal artery, anterior cord syndrome results in ischemia and infarction of the anterior two-thirds of the spinal cord (▶ Fig. 12.5)
Direct injury may result from an acute disk herniation or hyperextension injury with fracture dislocation of the vertebrae
Paralysis and loss of pain and temperature sensation are evident below the level of injury
Light touch, vibration, and proprioception are preserved, because these nerve tracts are located in the dorsal columns of the spinal cord, which are perfused by the posterior spinal arteries
Prognosis for recovery varies, but it is generally unfavorable
Cauda equina syndrome
A neurosurgical emergency requiring urgent intervention, cauda equina syndrome is caused by compression of the lumbar nerve roots below L1 (Box 12.3 Clinical Alert: Cauda Equina Syndrome)
Most commonly occurs when large disk herniations at L4/L5 exert mass effect on the lumbar nerve roots descending through the spinal canal
Deficits vary depending on the specific nerve roots involved, but may include loss of motor and sensory functions of the pelvic organs (i.e., bladder, bowel, and sexual dysfunction) and the lower extremities
Recovery is variable, but early diagnosis and prompt surgical treatment are associated with improved outcomes
Conus medullaris syndrome
Caused by pressure on the conus medullaris. Tumor growth, spinal trauma, infection or abscess, degenerative arthritis, or another element may be responsible for pressure exerted on the conus medullaris
Symptoms include low back pain, numbness of the groin or inner thigh, numbness or weakness of the leg or foot, urinary incontinence, difficulty walking, and impotence
Treatment depends on the underlying cause and may include corticosteroids to reduce swelling, decompressive surgery, or radiotherapy for spinal tumor
Brown-Séquard syndrome
Accounts for less than 4% of all SCIs and rarely occurs alone
Results from an inflammatory SCI or from a penetrating injury with transverse hemisection of the spinal cord (▶ Fig. 12.6)
Paralysis and loss of proprioception occur on the side of injury (the spinal tracts responsible for motor function and proprioception do not cross the spinal cord as they travel to the brain)
Pain and temperature sensation is lost on the contralateral side (the spinal tracts responsible for conveying pain and temperature cross to the opposite side of the spinal cord as they travel to the brain)
Functional recovery varies but is often favorable
SCI without radiographic abnormality
Includes SCI following a traumatic event without signs of fracture, dislocation, or ligamentous injury on plain radiography, computed tomography (CT), or myelography
Magnetic resonance imaging (MRI) will reveal soft tissue or spinal cord abnormalities not evident on standard radiography
Common in elderly patients who have stenosis of the spinal canal.
Fig. 12.4 Central cord syndrome.
Fig. 12.5 Anterior cord syndrome.
Fig. 12.6 Brown-Séquard syndrome.
Table 12.2 Spinal cord injury: clinical syndromes
Area of injury
Clinical symptoms
Central cord
Center of spinal cord
Upper extremity weakness
Anterior cord
Anterior spinal cord
Paralysis, loss of pain and temperature sensation below level of injury
Vibration, light touch, and proprioception are preserved
Variable, but generally poor
Transverse hemisection of spinal cord
Ipsilateral paralysis and loss of proprioception below level of injury
Contralateral loss of pain and temperature sensation
Variable, but generally favorable
Cauda equina
Nerve roots below L1
Lower extremity weakness and/or sensory loss
Loss of bowel/bladder/sexual function
Saddle anesthesia
Symptoms may vary depending on specific nerve roots involved
Can be excellent, early surgical intervention is critical
Conus medullaris
Conus medullaris
Lower extremity weakness and/or sensory loss
Loss of bladder/sexual function
Variable with treatment
Box 12.3 Clinical Alert: Cauda Equina Syndrome
Symptoms of cauda equina syndrome may include any or all of the following:
Saddle anesthesia (reduced or total loss of sensation to perineum/buttocks)
Weakness in both legs
Loss of bowel or bladder control
Report immediately if your patient develops any of these symptoms because emergency surgical decompression may be required
Symptoms left untreated for more than 24 hours may become permanent
12.3 Conditions Associated with Spinal Cord Injury
12.3.1 Cervical Strain (Whiplash Injury)
Hyperextension injury
Common in the United States, with about 1 million cases per year from high-velocity (whiplash type) injuries
Can occur after high- or low-velocity injuries
High-velocity injuries cause the neck muscles and ligaments to stretch due to the traumatic mechanisms that cause rapid whipping of the head
Low-velocity injuries are not as easy to attribute to one precise event and can vary from acute to chronic
Cervical strain can be caused by unnatural cervical postures (e.g., painting overhead or sitting in the front row at the theater)
Plain radiographs are nondiagnostic
Treatment may include a cervical soft collar, rest, analgesics, and nonsteroidal anti-inflammatory drugs (NSAIDs)
12.3.2 Vertebral Fractures
Types of Fractures
Usually a single break in one vertebral body, spinous process, facet, or pedicle (▶ Fig. 12.7)
No resultant alteration in vertebral alignment
Usually no neurologic compromise.
Fig. 12.7 Simple lumbar fracture.
Caused by axial loading (▶ Fig. 12.8)
May be further classified as a burst (▶ Fig. 12.9), wedge, or teardrop fracture (all discussed in greater detail later).
Fig. 12.8 Compression fracture.
Fig. 12.9 Burst fracture.
Occurs when one vertebra slides over another with disruption of one or both facets (▶ Fig. 12.10)
May occur with or without fracture
Partial dislocation
May cause SCI.
Fig. 12.10 Fracture and dislocation of the cervical spine.
Cervical Fractures
A break in one or more cervical vertebrae
Cervical fractures account for most spinal injuries and may cause injury to the spinal cord, spinal nerve, or vertebral artery
Brief Review of Anatomy
Seven cervical vertebrae compose the cervical spine (C1 through C7)
Occipital condyles of the skull rest upon lateral masses of C1, forming the atlanto-occipital joint; this joint allows most of the flexion and extension of the neck (about 25 degrees)
Together, C1 (the atlas) and C2 (the axis) form the upper cervical spine
The atlantoaxial region (i.e., the joint between C1 and C2) is uniquely shaped, extremely mobile, and stabilized by surrounding ligamentous structures
The ring of C1 has no vertebral body; the odontoid process of C2 (also called the dens) projects up from the vertebral body to form the joint with C1 that provides most lateral head and neck rotation
The vertebral artery passes through C1 and is susceptible to injury in cases of neck trauma
C3 through C7 form the lower cervical spine
The primary motion of the lower cervical spine is flexion-extension, but the anatomy of the cervical spine allows motion in all planes
The cervical spine is composed of an anterior and a posterior column (▶ Fig. 12.11)
The anterior column is responsible for load bearing and includes the posterior longitudinal ligament and all structures anterior to it
The posterior column of the cervical spine includes the pedicles, laminae, facet joints, spinous processes, and posterior ligament complexes (ligamenta flava, interspinous ligaments, and supraspinous ligaments)
Tension is resisted by the posterior column, which fails under extreme flexion and may be associated with injury to the anterior column.
Fig. 12.11 Cervical spine.
Etiology of Cervical Fractures
Usually caused by trauma to head and neck
Common causes include diving into a shallow pool, high-velocity trauma from motor vehicle accidents or falls, or a sudden severe twist of neck (Box 12.4 Risk Factors for Cervical Fractures)
Box 12.4 Risk Factors for Cervical Fracture
Weak neck muscles
Not wearing a seat belt
Old age
Rheumatoid arthritis
Participation in contact sports (e.g., football, soccer, hockey, wrestling)
Clinical Manifestations of Cervical Fractures
Limited ability to move the neck or head
Neck pain, stiffness, or spasm
Neck bruising and swelling
Loss of sensation in the arms or hands
Burning or aching pain that radiates to the shoulders or arms
Headache or pain in the back of the head
Weakness in extremities
Types of Cervical Fractures
Atlanto-occipital dislocation (cervical–cranial disruption)
Accounts for about 1% of cervical spine injuries; occurs when a traumatic event causes severe flexion and distraction of the head and neck, resulting in instability (▶ Fig. 12.12)
Dissociation may be complete (dislocation) or incomplete (subluxation)
Often fatal because injury to the lower brainstem frequently causes respiratory arrest
Nontraumatic atlanto-occipital subluxation may occur; this is usually related to Down’s syndrome and rheumatoid arthritis; see also Chapter 11: Spinal Disorders
Treatment is a halo orthosis (e.g., halo ring and vest brace) (Fig. 12.19) or occipitocervical fusion
Atlantoaxial dislocation (atlantoaxial instability)
Caused by bony or ligamentous abnormality, results in excessive movement at the junction between C1 and C2
Treatment may include a halo orthosis or cervical fixation
C1 (atlas) fracture
Jefferson’s fracture of C1 (C1 burst fracture)
These fractures account for 10% of cervical spine injuries and result from axial loading on the head through the occiput, leading to a burst-type fracture of C1 (▶ Fig. 12.13)
Most frequently caused by diving into shallow water, being thrown against the roof of a moving vehicle, and falling directly onto one’s head
May include unilateral or bilateral fractures of the anterior or posterior arches of C1
Elements of the posterior column can be displaced into the spinal cord
Neurologic injury rarely occurs because the spinal cord is very wide at C1; however, vertebral artery injury is possible
Treated with an external orthosis to immobilize the head and neck
Unstable fracture that may require surgical stabilization
C2 (axis) fractures
Odontoid fractures
Result from extreme flexion, rotation, or extension of the head and neck
The odontoid process is increasingly susceptible to fracture with age (▶ Fig. 12.14)
Rarely associated with SCI
Occipital pain and neck muscle spasms are common symptoms (▶ Table 12.3)
Hangman’s fracture (▶ Fig. 12.15)
This is so named as this injury can occur as the result of hanging
In older adults, this type of injury can occur after falls, but it is also seen after motor vehicle accidents
Caused by hyperextension of the neck and axial load onto the C2 vertebra (▶ Table 12.4)
Involves fracture through the pedicles of C2, with or without subluxation on C3
The spinal cord is crushed only in cases of severe subluxation of C3 from C2
Lower cervical spine fractures (subaxial fractures)
Involve fractures from C3 to C7
High-energy trauma (e.g., motor vehicle accidents, sporting activities, or violence) is the likely cause of lower cervical spine fractures in younger patients (i.e., 15–24 years)
Low-energy trauma (e.g., ground-level falls) is most common in patients over age 55 years
Age-associated cervical spondylosis narrows the spinal canal and may predispose an individual to cervical cord injury
Teardrop fractures
Named for the teardrop-shaped bone chips from the anterior edge of the vertebral body
Result from compression and flexion of the neck (e.g., from diving accidents or falling directly onto the head)
Unstable due to disruption of ligaments and disk
Often results in quadriplegia from posterior displacement of bone fragments into the spinal canal
Posterior fusion is the most common treatment
Locked facets (also called perched or jumped facets)
Caused by neck flexion and distraction
Occur when the facet joint ruptures and the facet of the superior vertebra is displaced anteriorly over the lower vertebra (▶ Fig. 12.16)
May be unilateral or bilateral and can result in herniation of adjacent-level disk
Often results in SCI
Unstable fractures are usually treated with closed reduction, followed by surgical stabilization.
Fig. 12.12 Atlanto-occipital dislocation.
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