Subjective: witness to mechanism of event (i.e., police, EMT, parent report, photographs), loss of consciousness (LOC), anterograde or retrograde amnesia, witnessed posttraumatic seizure, abnormal behavior or vomiting, cardiorespiratory compromise/resuscitation, immobilization of cervical spine, and improved or worsened exam after initial resuscitation
Objective: general survey for multiple traumatic injuries, including spine. Survey for cranial injury: scalp hematoma; laceration, contusion, or abrasion; and open or penetrating intracranial injury. Evidence of basal skull fracture includes Battle’s sign, raccoon eyes, otorrhea, rhinorrhea, and hemotympanum. Facial fractures (Le Fort – facial instability or step-off) may indicate serious neurologic injury
Physical examination: general assessment provides suspicion of location and severity of injury
Vital signs, LOC/mental status, GCS, orientation
Cranial nerve exam:
Olfactory nerve (CN I)
Optic nerve (CN II) – assess vision (Snellen card, finger counting, hand motion, light perception). Note: may have temporary cortical blindness 1–2 days after blow to back of the head
Oculomotor nerve (CN III) – pupillary size and reaction to light, ptosis, abducted gaze
Oculomotor (CN III), trigeminal (CN IV), and abducens (CN VI) nerves – extraocular eye movements
Trochlear nerve (CN V) – facial sensation, sensory portion of corneal reflex
Facial nerve (VII) – facial movement, motor portion of corneal reflex
Acoustic nerve (CN VIII) – hearing
Glossopharyngeal (CN IX) and vagus (CN X) nerves – intact gag and cough
Motor exam: if cooperative, assess strength ×4 extremities; if uncooperative, assess movement to noxious stimuli (caution: differentiate seizure from posturing, and avoid mistaking spinal cord reflexive movement as indication of cerebral function)
Sensory exam: if cooperative, differentiate tickle and pinch in all extremities; if uncooperative, assess for grimace and vocalization to central painful stimuli
Reflexes: DTRs, Babinski reflex, clonus
History: any previous head injury – timing, frequency, severity, other PMH such as bleeding dyscrasias, seizures, medications and allergies, NPO status, alcohol or drug use, and metabolic abnormality (i.e., IDDM)
Previous developmental or cognitive impairments
8.5 Neurologic Assessment and Deterioration in Pediatric Traumatic Brain Injury
8.5.1 General Assessment
Inspection for external trauma, such as scalp or facial swelling, abrasions, laceration, or ecchymosis, can indicate traumatic brain injury. Palpable step-off or depression indicates skull fracture, which may be associated with contusion of brain, laceration of dura or brain, and CSF leak. Open, depressed skull fracture may present with scalp laceration, CSF leak, and avulsed brain tissue. Significant scalp swelling in the highly vascular scalp of an infant may be indicative of hemorrhage and can cause anemia with pallor and tachycardia. A basilar skull fracture in the base of the anterior fossa causes “raccoon eyes” or periorbital ecchymoses and can be associated with rhinorrhea (CSF leak from the nares). Fracture in the base of the middle fossa causes “Battle’s sign,” or postauricular ecchymoses, and can be associated with otorrhea (leak of CSF from the ear). Hemotympanum (blood behind the tympanic membrane) can indicate temporal or basilar skull fracture. Otorrhea indicates disruption of the tympanic membrane (TM) related to temporal skull fracture. See Chap. 11 for spine immobilization and clearance recommendations.
8.5.2 Vital Functions
Every patient assessment must begin with evaluation of adequate airway, breathing, and circulation, which are vital to sustain life. A decreased level of consciousness after TBI can interfere with protection of the pediatric airway and adequate ventilation. Inadequate ventilation results in hypercarbia and hypoxia, which cause vasodilation and secondary ischemic brain injury. Vasodilation and resultant ischemia contribute to further increases in ICP. Vital control centers located within the brainstem regulate respiratory and cardiac functions. Brainstem pathophysiology can be identified by changes in the vital signs. The following abnormal respiratory rate and patterns indicate neurologic dysfunction secondary to progressive brainstem compression in increasing ICP (Greenberg 2016):
Cheyne–Stokes: rhythmic cycles of breaths, which gradually increase in amplitude and then trail off, followed by an expiratory pause; indicates diencephalic injury or bilateral hemispheric dysfunction.
Central neurogenic hyperventilation (rare): increased rate and depth of respirations, indicates pons dysfunction.
Apneustic (rare): a pause at full or prolonged (slow and deep) inspiration, indicates injury to the pons.
Ataxic: no pattern in rate or depth, indicates medulla or lower brainstem dysfunction with impending herniation, and injury to the respiratory centers in the medulla (also known as agonal respirations).
Apnea: respirations cease with herniation.
Following loss of autoregulation (the ability of the brain to maintain perfusion despite changes in systemic perfusion), the cerebral blood flow is dependent on the systemic blood pressure. Adequate systemic perfusion is critical following pediatric TBI because hypotension causes secondary injury and is associated with poor outcome (Badjatia et al. 2008; Krishnamoorthy et al. 2015; Stocchetti et al. 2010; Zebrack et al. 2009). Prevention and immediate correction of hypoxia and hypotension are imperative. A study by Zebrack et al. (2009) found that the odds of death and long-term disability were both more than three times higher for children who did not have their hypotension addressed in the field. In children, hypotension is a late sign, which indicates compromised systemic and likely cerebral perfusion. Other earlier indications of poor systemic perfusion include tachycardia, decreased LOC, signs of inadequate skin perfusion (capillary refill >2 s), and decreased urine output (less than 1 cm3/kg/h). Hypertension occurs as a compensatory mechanism to maintain cerebral perfusion in the face of increased ICP. This mechanism, known as Cushing’s response, is activated by decreased cerebral blood perfusion and includes increased systolic blood pressure, widened pulse pressure, and bradycardia. Cushing’s triad is a classic presentation of vital signs, including hypertension, bradycardia, and increasingly abnormal respiratory pattern, which is a late and ominous sign of severe increased ICP and impending herniation.
8.5.3 Level of Consciousness
The child’s level of consciousness (LOC), and whether it is worsening or improving, is the most important indicator of neurologic status. The neurologically intact child is awake, alert, and responsive to his/her surroundings. Level of responsiveness varies with the developmental age of the child. Infants should respond to feeding and measures to console them. Toddlers and older children should recognize and respond to their parents. Older children and adolescents should be able to follow commands. Children of all ages should localize to and withdraw from painful stimulus. After neurologic injury, pediatric head-injured victims may have degradation in LOC as follows: subtle restlessness, disorientation, and agitation, somnolence (arouses to full consciousness and resumes sleep if not stimulated), lethargy (requires vigorous stimulation to arouse to full consciousness), stupor (nearly unconscious, may moan or withdraw from pain), and finally coma (unresponsive). A worsening LOC suggests neurologic deterioration. Caution should be exercised not to mistake neurologic deterioration for pain or anxiety, as treatment of the same with narcotics or antianxiety agents will further blunt the neurologic exam and delay treatment. Any subtle change from documented baseline, including parental concern that child is “not acting right,” must be taken seriously and reported to the provider.
8.5.4 Glasgow Coma Scale
The Glasgow Coma Scale (GCS) was developed in 1974 (Teasdale and Jennett 1974) to measure the level of consciousness after TBI. As pediatric responses differ from those of adults, the GCS was modified to incorporate the young child’s developmental level of verbal and motor responses (APLS 1998). See Table 8.2. The modified GCS for the child and infant allows for reliable, serial measurements of the child’s level of neurologic responsiveness following TBI. The scale considers the child’s best response, following adequate central stimulation for eye opening, motor, and verbal responses, with each assigned a score and the three scores totaled. The scores range from 3 (lowest score indicating no response) to 15 (highest score indicating intact neurologic status). A worsening GCS and decreased level of responsiveness indicate a rise in ICP (Dias 2004). A change of two or more points on the GCS score is very significant and should be reported to the provider immediately.
Table 8.2
Modified Glasgow Coma Scale for Infants and Children
Response | Child | Infant | Score |
Eye opening | Spontaneous | Spontaneous | 4 |
Verbal stimuli | Verbal stimuli | 3 | |
Pain only | Pain only | 2 | |
No response | No response | 1 | |
Verbal response | Oriented, appropriate | Coos and babbles | 5 |
Confused | Irritable cry | 4 | |
Inappropriate words | Cries to pain | 3 | |
Incomprehensible words or sounds | Moans to pain | 2 | |
No response | No response | 1 | |
Motor response | Obeys commands | Moves spontaneously and purposeful | 6 |
Localizes painful stimulus | Withdraws to touch | 5 | |
Withdraws to pain | Withdraws to pain | 4 | |
Flexion to pain | Decorticate posture (abnormal flexion) to pain | 3 | |
Extension to pain | Decerebrate posture (abnormal extension) to pain | 2 | |
No response | No response | 1 |
It is important when assessing responsiveness for the nurse to use an adequately painful, central stimulus to elicit the child’s best response. Examples of an appropriate stimulus include application of firm pressure to the mandible, sternum, supraorbital area, or sternocleidomastoid muscle (Marcoux 2005). Peripheral painful stimulation should be avoided, as it can elicit a spinal reflex. The spinal reflex arc is a response to peripheral sensory stimulation, in which the sensory afferent fibers carry stimulation to the dorsal root and spinal cord. The signal synapses in the cord with the motor neuron in the anterior horn. Motor efferent fiber signals travel back to the neuromuscular junction, which elicits a muscle contraction (Young et al. 2015). The spinal reflex should not be confused as a demonstration of cerebral function.
GCS score should be assessed after restoration of the ABCs with correction of hypoxia and hypotension and prior to administration of sedatives. The immediate post-resuscitation modified Glasgow Coma Scale for Infants and Children score is used as a reliable indicator of the severity of pediatric TBI and should be used repeatedly to assess neurologic improvement or deterioration (Badjatia et al. 2008). Studies have also shown a relationship between GCS score and outcomes following TBI (Massagli et al. 1996; Holmes et al. 2005).
The severity of head trauma is determined by the following scale:
GCS 14–15 = mild TBI
GCS 9–13 = moderate TBI
GCS < or equal to 8 = severe TBI
Coma is defined as the inability to arouse or interact with the environment. A GCS of 8 or less is an operational definition of coma.
8.5.5 Cranial Nerve (CN) Evaluation
The cranial nerves originate in the brainstem, with CN I through IV from the midbrain, CN V through VIII from the pons, and CN IX through XII from the medulla. See Fig. 8.1. Evaluation of cranial nerve and brainstem function is valuable to locate neurologic injury. Rostral–caudal deterioration with worsening increased ICP manifests as an anatomic “picking off” (dysfunction) of the cranial nerves in chronologic order as the pressure progresses downward through the brainstem. It is critical for the nurse to recognize this subtle deterioration early so that there is potential to reverse the process before herniation and death occur.

Fig. 8.1
The image depicts the anterior surface of the brainstem and shows which cranial nerves originate from the midbrain, pons, and medulla (Reprinted with permission from Young et al. 2015)
8.5.6 Visual Acuity
Optic nerve injury (CN II) can be either direct (penetrating injury to the nerve) or indirect (injury to nerve from a blow to the head). Following TBI, it is essential to assess for the presence of bilateral vision as an indicator of bilateral optic nerve function. The methods used to assess vision in children vary with age and level of consciousness. In the conscious older child, reading of the Snellen vision chart (or printed material) is best. If the child is unable to see the chart, or unable to cooperate, vision is assessed on a continuum progressing from normal to abnormal, including finger counting, hand motion, and light perception. In an infant or small child, the ability to “fix and follow” a face or toy, squint to bright light, or blink to visual threat indicates intact vision. In the unconscious child, check for afferent pupillary defect by performing the swinging flashlight test to assess for optic nerve injury (Greenberg 2016). Children may have transient posttraumatic cortical blindness for 1–2 days following a blow to the back of the head.
Fundoscopic exam is performed to assess for papilledema or retinal hemorrhage. The presence of papilledema on a fundoscopic exam indicates the presence of increased ICP. This finding presents 12–24 h after injury, however, and its absence should not delay treatment when other findings are consistent with severe brain injury (Dias 2004). The presence of retinal hemorrhages with subdural hematomas is a classic finding in abusive head trauma (AHT) (Vinchon et al. 2005) but can also be seen with high-impact accidental injuries.
8.5.7 Pupillary Response
Pupillary response represents a balance between sympathetic and parasympathetic systems, wherein dysfunction in one system results in unopposed action of the other. Pupillary response is innervated by the optic or second cranial nerve (CN II). The pupils are normally equal in size, round, and reactive to light and accommodation, thus the acronym PERRLA. When assessing pupillary response, darken the room. Bring the light in from the periphery, and note direct (same side) and consensual (opposite side) response to light; repeat with the other eye. Accommodation maintains focused vision when gaze shifts from a near object to a far object. Three components include convergence (simultaneous inward movement of the eyes), pupillary constriction, and thickening of the lens (Young et al. 2015). The reflex is assessed by directing gaze at a distant object, which causes pupillary dilatation, and then shifting gaze to a near object, which causes the pupils to constrict and converge on the near object. The accommodation–convergence reflex is innervated by the CN II, the oculomotor or third cranial nerve (CN III), and the parasympathetic nervous system. Parinaud’s syndrome, caused by a lesion (hemorrhage, tumor) or pressure (increased ICP or hydrocephalus) exerted on the tectum of the midbrain, results in upward gaze palsy, lid retraction (“setting sun sign”), and loss of accommodation (may be associated with unreactive pupils) (Greenberg 2016).
Abnormal mydriasis (pupillary dilation) is caused by unopposed sympathetic input, whereas miosis (pupillary constriction) is due to unopposed parasympathetic input. Bilateral fixed (nonreactive) and dilated (mydriatic) pupils indicate unopposed sympathetic input, due to injury to either the Edinger–Westphal nucleus of CN III in the tectum of the midbrain or direct CN III injury from trauma or increased intracranial pressure (Dias 2004). Anisocoria (inequality of the pupil size) is a variant of normal in approximately 20% of the population. Physiologic anisocoria is a pupillary difference of <1 mm, whereas pathologic anisocoria due to increased ICP will manifest as a pupillary difference of >1 mm. Unilateral mydriasis (pupillary dilation) in TBI suggests either direct orbital trauma, transtentorial (uncal) herniation, or expanding mass hemorrhage on the same (ipsilateral) side as the dilated pupil. A new finding of pupillary inequality, even by only 1 mm, must be taken seriously and reported to the provider.
Bilateral mydriasis can also occur following seizure or administration of medications, such as atropine, that mimic the sympathetic response. A pharmacologically dilated pupil is very large (7–8 mm), whereas mydriasis due to CN III compression is typically 5–6 mm (Greenberg 2016). The nurse should be aware of what medications are given and notify other caregivers of iatrogenic pupillary dilatation. Miosis occurs with injury to the pons or carotid artery and with administration of opioids and other miotic drugs.
Hippus is a spasmodic, rhythmic pupillary response to light manifested as alternating dilation and constriction. Hippus is usually a normal variant but can indicate altered mental status. Hippus “confuses the exam” and initial response should be recorded (Greenberg 2016).
8.5.8 Extraocular Eye Movements
Eye position and movement are controlled by CN III (oculomotor), CN IV (trochlear), and CN VI (abducens), as well as the cerebral hemispheres and the brainstem. Extraocular eye movements (EOM) are assessed by having the conscious child follow the examiner’s finger in the pattern of an “H” (cardinal fields of gaze). Cranial nerve injury following TBI is manifested as extraocular eye muscle weakness, resulting in abnormal eye position in the conscious or unconscious child. The third CN innervates four of the six ocular muscles, which control all directions of gaze except downward and inward (CN IV) and lateral (CN VI). When control of eye movement in one direction is lost, there is overcompensation of positioning of the eye in the opposite direction. Table 8.3 is a limited review of abnormal eye position, which includes location of causative lesion, etiology, and associated findings (Young et al. 2015; Dias 2004). Saccadic eye movements (rapid, voluntary movements to search a field) are controlled by the frontal gaze centers, where injury causes deviation toward the lesion. Pursuit movements (slow, involuntary movements keeping the eyes fixated on a moving target) are controlled by the occipital gaze centers.
Table 8.3
Etiology of pathologic eye deviation in pediatric head trauma
Location of lesion | Pathologic eye deviation | Associated findings | Etiologies |
Frontal lobe injury | Toward lesion | ||
Expanding mass hemorrhage | Toward lesion | ||
Occipital injury | Toward lesion | Hemianopsia (contralateral loss of vision) | |
Seizure | Away from side of seizure focus, toward jerking | ||
CN III (oculomotor motor palsy) | Down and out (exotropia), ptosis, mydriasis, proptosis | Trauma, uncal herniation – extrinsic compression of nerve | |
CN IV (trochlear) | Inability to look up and in); diplopia | Tilt head to side opposite the palsy to alleviate diplopia | Isolated injury is rare |
CN VI (abducens) | Lateral rectus palsy with loss of lateral gaze; diplopia exaggerated with gaze to side of palsy | Squint and head tilt | ↑ICP secondary to trauma; sensitive due to longest intracranial course |
Parinaud’s syndrome | Upward gaze palsy and lid retraction (setting sun sign), loss of accommodation; pupils may be nonreactive | Infants unable to fix/follow | Pressure on the tectum of midbrain due to elevated ICP, hydrocephalus |
8.5.9 Brainstem Reflex Exam
Cranial nerves originate in the brainstem. See Figs. 8.1 and 8.3 and Table 8.4. Testing of CN function and the presence of brainstem reflexes is used to assess brainstem function and as part of the exam to document brain death criteria (Greenberg 2016; Young et al. 2015). Pupillary response is innervated by CN III, and intact pupillary response indicates midbrain function. The trigeminal nerve (CN V) innervates the sensory portion of the corneal reflex, where stimulation of blowing into the child’s eye elicits eye closure. The motor response of blinking is innervated by the facial nerve (CN VII). Intact corneal reflex indicates pons function. Integrity of the vestibulocochlear nerve function (CN VIII) is assessed by performing oculovestibular (“cold calorics”) and oculocephalic (“doll’s eyes”) reflex testing, which indicates the presence or absence of brainstem function in the comatose patient (Greenberg 2016; Young et al. 2015). Intact gag and cough reflexes assess continuity of the glossopharyngeal (CN IX) and vagus (CN X) nerves and function of the medulla. Table 8.4 summarizes the brainstem reflexes.
Table 8.4
Brainstem reflexes assess function between the cranial nerve nuclei and the brainstem
CN | Brainstem reflex | Conscious | Comatose | Brain death |
III | Pupillary reflex | Normal | Fixed | |
V and VII | Corneal reflex | Stimulation of cornea produces a blink | Absent | |
VIII | Oculovestibular (cold calorics). Caution: must have intact TM | Fast nystagmus (cerebral component) to side opposite of cold. “COWS” (cold opposite, warm same) | Deviate to side of irritant only. No fast (cerebral component) nystagmus | Absent |
Elevate HOB, 60–100 ml ice water instilled into ear | ||||
VIII | Oculocephalic (doll’s eyes). Caution: do not perform unless C-spine clearance obtained | Eyes move with or away from (contraversive to) lateral head rotation | Eyes move away (contraversive to) lateral rotation for classic “doll’s eyes” response | Absent |
IX and X | Gag and cough | Intact | Absent |
The vestibular system maintains equilibrium (vestibulospinal reflex) and visual fixation (vestibulo-ocular reflex). The nuclei of CN VIII are located in the brainstem at the level of the junction between the pons and the medulla (pontomedullary junction), near the fourth ventricle. Vestibular testing stimulates the vestibular reflex, which stimulates nystagmus. Nystagmus includes two components of rhythmic eye movements: slow movement of the eye away from a target (vestibular response) and fast movement of the eye back to a target (cerebral component). The results of vestibular testing are described according to the fast (cerebral) component of nystagmus. The oculovestibular reflex (“cold calorics”) is tested in a comatose patient by ensuring the TM is intact, raising the head of bed 30°, and injecting 60–100 ml ice water into the ear. The oculocephalic reflex (doll’s eyes) is tested only after clearance of the cervical spine, by assessment of the eye movements in response to lateral head movement. Table 8.4 lists the CN’s and associated brainstem reflexes and explains how to interpret results of vestibular reflex testing in conscious and comatose patients, as well as expected finding in brain death.
8.5.10 Motor Exam
The infant should have dominant flexor tone but relax to easily perform full range of motion. The older infant and toddler will cry, push away examiner, or attempt to retreat to a safe distance or to a parent. The older child has the cognitive ability to cooperate and follow verbal command. Ability to follow command is assessed by asking them to perform a purposeful and reproducible task, such as holding up two fingers. Note whether the child initiates movement spontaneously or what stimulus is required to elicit movement. Table 8.2 shows the child and infant GCS, in which the “motor response” section provides gradation of motor response from normal motor response to absence of motor response. Note the symmetry and quality of strength using the motor strength scale: 0, no muscle contraction; 1, palpation of trace contraction; 2, movement without gravity; 3, movement against gravity, but not resistance; 4, movement against some resistance; and 5, movement against full resistance. Weakness on the side opposite the lesion with hypertonicity and hyperreflexia indicates cerebral or upper motor neuron (UMN) injury. A lower motor neuron injury presents with weakness or paralysis, on the same side as the lesion or bilaterally, hypotonia, and areflexia. Cerebellar injury results in hyporeflexia, ataxia, and dysarthria (Young et al. 2015).
Abnormal flexion or extension posturing indicates severe traumatic brain injury. Posturing indicates neurologic activity (or inactivity) secondary to brainstem compression and impending herniation in comatose patients (Young et al. 2015). Remember that deterioration of neurologic status occurs in a rostral to caudal progression. This is true of cranial nerve and brainstem dysfunction with impending herniation. Decorticate posturing implies a more rostral lesion and a better prognosis (Greenberg 2016). Decorticate posture (abnormal flexion of the upper extremities with extension of the lower extremities) is indicative of disinhibition of the corticospinal pathways above the midbrain, whereas decerebrate posture (abnormal extension of the upper and lower extremities) indicates disinhibition of the pons and medulla, implying further (caudal) deterioration and impending herniation. See Fig. 8.2. Posturing may be reversible but is associated with a more ominous outcome. Progression from decorticate to decerebrate indicates worsening brainstem function, whereas progression from decerebrate to decorticate indicates improvement. Figure 8.3 illustrates the brainstem centers that are compressed by downward herniation, progressing from decorticate to decerebrate posturing, and finally herniation (brain death) (Young et al. 2015).

Fig. 8.2
(a) Abnormal posturing indicates brainstem compression in the comatose patient. Decerebrate posturing with abnormal upper extremity (UE) and lower extremity (LE) extension (late). (b) Decorticate posturing with abnormal UE flexion and LE extension (early) (Reprinted with permission from Young et al. 2015)

Fig. 8.3
Brainstem compression occurs in a rostral (head) to caudal (toe) progression. Median view of brainstem showing levels of impairment associated with abnormal posturing: Decorticate indicates a more rostral lesion (above red nucleus); decerebrate indicates a more caudal lesion (midbrain or pons) (Reprinted with permission from Young et al. 2015)
8.5.11 Deep Tendon Reflexes
A reflex is an autonomic nervous system motor response to stimulation. The stimulus (striking tendon) travels via sensory (afferent) fibers to the dorsal ganglion and anterior horn of the spinal cord. The ventral horn relays the motor (efferent) signal back to the muscle, causing a reflexive contraction. This chain of events is referred to as the reflex arc. Deep tendon reflexes (DTR) or muscle stretch reflexes are assessed to determine the presence and location of nervous system dysfunction in both conscious and unconscious children. Injury can occur to the central nervous system – brain and spinal cord (upper motor neurons) or the peripheral nervous system (PNS; lower motor neurons).
With upper motor neuron (UMN) injury, signals (both excitatory and inhibitory) from the cortex are diminished or cut off, causing the spinal cord to become hyperreflexic. Hyperreflexia indicates injury to the CNS corticospinal tract with resultant irritability in the spinal cord. UMN injury is associated with increased tone, spasticity, clonus (muscle spasm with forceful dorsal flexion of the ankle), and a present Babinski. Unilateral hyperreflexia indicates a CNS injury, such as an expanding mass hemorrhage on the opposite side of the brainstem or cerebral cortex, resulting in increased ICP. Injury to the peripheral nervous system (PNS), or lower motor neurons (LMN), is associated with hyporeflexia or areflexia (loss of efferent motor fibers), as well as muscle weakness, flaccidity, and atrophy (Greenberg 2016; Young et al. 2015). Hypotonia and atrophy occur due to the loss of LMNs, which innervate muscles and maintain normal tone. Preserved reflexes in a flaccid limb indicate CNS (UMN) injury, not a PNS (LMN) injury.
Babinski sign is present when stroking the plantar surface of the foot, results in dorsiflexion of the great toe and fanning of the other toes. This is a primitive reflex seen normally in infants and usually disappears by 10 months of age (range 6–12 months) (Greenberg 2016). The presence of a Babinski sign after age 6 months in TBI is pathologic and indicates injury to the corticospinal tract at any level.
8.6 Radiographic Imaging in Pediatric Head Trauma
For the purpose of this chapter, traumatic cranial injuries are discussed individually, but in reality any combination of lesions can and does occur. The neuroimaging modality of choice will be discussed in greater detail in Sect. 8.8.7 Types of Traumatic Brain Injuries. Table 8.5 contains a general comparison of neuroimaging modalities.
Table 8.5
Comparison of neuroimaging modalities in pediatric traumatic brain injury
X-ray | Ultrasound | CT scan | MRI | |
Timing | Early, especially if scalp swelling, trauma is present | Useful with open fontanel; portable | Gold standard for acute, posttrauma imaging | Subacute or chronic imaging |
Type of injury | Skull fracture | Hemorrhage | Extraparenchymal hemorrhage (EDH, SDH, SAH, IVH) | Nonhemorrhagic contusion |
Pneumocephalus | Ventricular size (hydrocephalus or small, obliterated ventricles with ICP) | Intraparenchymal hemorrhage (ICH, hemorrhagic contusion) | Brainstem injury | |
Foreign body | Cranial Doppler for vasospasm secondary to SAH | Cerebral swelling obliteration of ventricles and cisterns | White matter changes: diffuse axonal injury | |
Split cranial sutures with increased ICP | Shift of midline structures | Early ischemic injury (cerebral infarct) | ||
Cerebral anoxia: loss of gray-white differentiation | CT scan does not explain neurologic deficit | |||
Skull fracture/pneumocephalus/splitting of cranial sutures | Injury dating in child abuse | |||
Hydrocephalus | MRA (posttraumatic aneurysm) | |||
Follow-up | Indications for follow-up CT: within 24 h for severe TBI, within 4–6 h for EDH, within 8–12 h for SDH, persistent elevated ICP or low CPP, new focal neurologic deficit, pupillary change >2 mm | Rapid sequence MRI avoids ionizing radiation exposure; no sedation | ||
Additional considerations | Ionizing radiation exposure | Less detail, “shadows of shadows” | Ionizing radiation exposure | Longer scan time |
Window limited by size of fontanel | ||||
Often requires sedation | ||||
Safety with ferrous metal implants |
The non-contrast head computed tomography (CT) is the study of choice for evaluation of acute pediatric TBI. Obtaining CT imaging is an efficient method of imaging a child for TBI, especially when the child is acutely ill or less cooperative due to age, developmental level, or altered mental status. CT scan is sensitive to skull fracture, hemorrhage, mass effect or shift, hydrocephalus, and pneumocephalus. While CT scans are the best study for evaluation of acute TBI, practitioners should also consider that exposure to ionizing radiation during CT carries an increased risk of secondary radiation-induced cancer.
Advances in neuroimaging have led to earlier, more specific diagnoses of the full extent of TBI (Pinto et al. 2012). One such advance, the fast helical CT, has led to the use of the head CT as the study of choice for acute TBI. The ease of obtaining head CT in the USA led to a “nearly sevenfold increase in the number of CT’s performed” from 1981 to 1995 (Brenner et al. 2001). CT scan exposes the patient to a dose of radiation, which remains with the patient, and is cumulative over the patient’s lifetime. In children, the combination of higher radiation doses (for body size) and the much larger lifetime risk (number of years following exposure per unit dose of radiation) has resulted in significantly higher lifetime cancer mortality risk in children than in adults (Brenner et al. 2001). Children under the age of 2 years are most sensitive to the effects of radiation (Kupperman et al. 2009). Strategies are being implemented to reduce radiation exposure in pediatric CT, without compromising the diagnostic quality of CT images (Strauss et al. 2010; Zacharias et al. 2013). A validated “CT algorithm” was born out of the Pediatric Emergency Care Applied Research Network (PECARN) study, which helps practitioners identify children without “clinically important TBI” for whom CT scans can be omitted (Kupperman et al. 2009). See Sec.
Magnetic resonance imaging (MRI) is more sensitive and more likely than CT to show the full extent of injury in pediatric TBI. Due to longer scan times and the probable need for sedation, MRI is more useful in the subacute or chronic stage of injury. MRI should be performed if CT findings do not fully explain the extent of neurologic deficit. Skull radiographs are minimally useful. When obtained in the presence of scalp swelling or other injury, x-rays can reveal skull fractures or intracranial air, which may indicate more serious intracranial injuries. The presence or absence of skull fracture is not predictive of intracranial injury (Schutzman and Greenes 2001). In neonates and infants with open fontanels, cerebral ultrasound is useful in identifying the presence of intracerebral hemorrhage (ICH) and intraventricular hemorrhage (IVH), as well as assessment of ventricular size with hydrocephalus.
8.7 Types of Traumatic Brain Injury
8.7.1 Birth-Related Traumatic Brain Injury
Traumatic injury to the brain may occur during the birth process. Infants with greater risk for birth-related injuries include those above the 90th percentile for weight. The rate of birth injury is higher in infants weighing more than 3,500 g (Ditzenberger and Blackburn 2014). Birth injuries may also be related to the infant’s position during labor and delivery (e.g., breech presentation), as well as cephalopelvic disproportion, where the mother’s pelvis size or shape is not adequate for vaginal birth; difficult labor or delivery; prolonged labor; fetal anomalies; and very low birth weight or extremely premature infants. Some of the more common birth injuries to the neonatal head and brain include extracranial hemorrhage (caput succedaneum, subgaleal hemorrhage, or cephalohematoma), skull fracture, and intracranial hemorrhage (epidural, subarachnoid, subdural, or intracerebellar hemorrhage) (see Fig. 8.4).

Fig. 8.4
Various neonatal birth-related hemorrhages Caput Succedaneum
Caput succedaneum, a common finding in the newborn, involves soft tissue swelling of the presenting part of the head in a vertex (head first) delivery. The scalp edema consists of serum, blood, or both and may have ecchymosis, petechiae, or purpura. Caput succedaneum may occur after spontaneous delivery due to pressure of the fetal head against the uterine wall, the cervix, or the vaginal wall or after use of a vacuum extractor. The scalp edema may cross over suture lines and does not continue to increase in size after delivery. This injury heals in hours to days and rarely has complications. Nursing care involves parent education about the cause of the tissue swelling and/or discoloration (Cavaliere and Sansouci 2014). Cephalohematoma
Cephalohematoma is a subperiosteal collection of blood secondary to the rupture of blood vessels between the skull and the periosteum. It is typically over the parietal bone, and is usually unilateral, but can occur bilaterally. Cephalohematoma occurs most often in infants after a prolonged, difficult, or forceps-assisted delivery. The characteristic finding is a firm, tense mass that does not cross the suture lines. It may enlarge slightly by 2–3 days of age and takes weeks to months to resolve, occasionally with residual calcification. The calcified “lump” gradually subsides as bones grow and reshape. Approximately 10–25% of cephalohematomas have an underlying linear skull fracture (Parsons et al. 2016). Rarely, the cephalohematoma may contain enough blood to affect hematocrit and bilirubin levels. Nursing care involves monitoring and parent teaching about the expected time course for resolution. Anemic infants should also be evaluated for symptoms of intracranial hemorrhage. Generally, there are no long-term sequelae from a cephalohematoma. Subgaleal Hemorrhage
Subgaleal hemorrhage is the most serious extracranial hemorrhage in newborns, though it occurs much less frequently than caput succedaneum and cephalohematoma. Blood collects below the epicranial aponeurosis, which is a tough layer of dense fibrous tissue that covers the upper part of the cranium, and may spread beneath the entire scalp and down the subcutaneous tissue in the neck. There is a strong association between vacuum extraction and forceps-assisted delivery and subgaleal hemorrhage (Swanson et al. 2012). The hemorrhage may be from suture diastasis, linear skull fracture, or fragmentation of the superior margin of the parietal bone. Subgaleal hemorrhage presents as a firm fluctuant mass, crosses suture lines, and may increase in size after birth. Blood loss can be significant, possibly 260–280 ml, exceeding the total blood volume of a full-term infant (Colditz et al. 2015; Ditzenberger and Blackburn 2014). This volume loss into the large potential space between the galea aponeurotica and the periosteum of the skull can necessitate urgent blood transfusion and may contribute to hyperbilirubinemia (Colditz et al. 2015; Ditzenberger and Blackburn 2014). Early detection of this clinical emergency is vital, and the nurse should maintain a high level of suspicion for this injury after a difficult delivery. Nursing interventions include serial measurements of head circumference, inspection of the back of the head and neck for increasing edema, and observation of the ears being pushed forward and lateral. The nurse should also monitor for changes in LOC and decrease in hematocrit along with signs of hypovolemic shock (Barkovich and Raybaud 2012; Schierholz and Walker 2014). Parent teaching includes preparing them for the swelling and discoloration of the face, head, and neck and emotional support. Lesser lesions resolve in 2–3 weeks, while moderate to severe lesions may require intensive care, and up to 25% of these babies may die (Colditz et al. 2015). Neonatal Skull Fracture
Skull fractures, both depressed and linear, are occasionally seen in the newborn. The fetal skull is flexible, malleable, and poorly ossified when compared to the adult skull and thus is often able to tolerate mechanical stressors relatively well. Skull fractures can occur in utero, during labor, with forceps delivery (Fig. 8.5), or during a prolonged or difficult labor. The fetal skull can be compressed against the maternal ischial spines, sacral promontory, or symphysis pubis. Cerebral injury should be suspected when neurologic signs are apparent and there is a history of a difficult delivery. While neonatal skull fractures are generally diagnosed with skull x-rays, skull films are challenging to interpret in neonates, as they have widened sutures and decreased bone mineralization (Merhar et al. 2016). Low-dose CT scan may be a better first line of imaging, as it can be accomplished quickly without the need for sedation, and used to identify space-occupying hematomas and injury to the underlying brain (Fig. 8.5).

Fig. 8.5
(a–c) Neonate with significant birth trauma after vaginal delivery with forceps. (a) Infant sustained a right parietal depressed skull fracture, scalp swelling (caput succedaneum), bilateral extra-axial hematomas (SDH subdural hemorrhage), and right temporal and left cerebellar hemorrhage as seen on computed tomography (CT) images. Subarachnoid hemorrhage was also seen on the tentorium and at the vertex (not shown). (b) Diffusion-weighted magnetic resonance imaging on DOL 7 shows brain contusion with injury in the right temporal lobe and corpus callosum (not shown). (c) Fast fluid-attenuated inversion recovery (FLAIR) MRI reveals right temporoparietal SDH and scattered white matter hemorrhage bilaterally (right temporal, bilateral occipital, and left frontal). The infant was treated with observation only; the lesions resolved, and the child did well, without development of hydrocephalus
Depressed skull fractures may occur after forceps delivery but are occasionally observed after a spontaneous vaginal or cesarean delivery (Parsons et al. 2016). A birth-related depressed skull fracture is a visible and palpable dent in the skull, usually over the right parietal bone, which does not cross suture lines. This type of depressed skull fracture may be referred to as a “ping-pong” lesion, as it resembles a dent in a ping-pong ball (Fig. 8.6). There may be no other symptoms unless there is an underlying cerebral contusion or hemorrhage. Depressed skull fractures that are small or treated early have a good prognosis. The uncomplicated depressed fracture can be manually elevated if it does not resolve spontaneously in the first few days of life (Parsons et al. 2016). Manual elevation becomes more difficult later on. Methods to elevate the fracture include gentle pressure or use of a breast pump or vacuum extractor. As recently demonstrated, elevation can be accomplished by use of a pediatric CPR mask and negative pressure from a 50 mL syringe (Lopez-Elizalde et al. 2013). Surgical intervention is necessary when the depressed fracture cannot be elevated manually, when bone fragments are in the cerebrum, if neurologic deficits exist, or if intracranial pressure is increased. If there is CSF leakage, antibiotics may be prescribed for prophylaxis. Some infants will require treatment for shock and hemorrhage.
Linear skull fractures usually occur in the frontal and parietal bones and are often associated with extracranial hemorrhage, such as cephalohematoma. They are typically asymptomatic. The exact incidence is unknown as routine x-rays in otherwise healthy newborns are uncommon. Linear fractures are rarely complicated by intracranial hemorrhage (Ditzenberger and Blackburn 2014). Linear skull fractures in infants may spontaneously heal in 6 months with no sequelae (Barkovich and Raybaud 2012), unless a dural tear allows the leptomeninges to protrude into the fracture site (i.e., growing fracture of childhood). A cyst may form and grow, causing the fracture to enlarge. Leptomeningeal cyst is rare, occurring in less than 1% of linear fractures in children under age 3 years (Greenberg 2016). Larger fractures have a greater risk of sequelae, especially if treatment is delayed. Sequelae are related to the cerebral injury, from either dural hemorrhage or hypoxic event, or both, not from the fracture itself (Ditzenberger and Blackburn 2014).
Nursing interventions for neonatal skull fractures include supportive care and monitoring of the infant for signs of neurologic dysfunction, such as increased ICP from hemorrhage, seizures, apnea, and meningitis. If there is a depressed fracture, parents may be concerned about brain damage and their infant’s appearance. Parents should be educated to observe their infant for and report signs of increased ICP, which would include irritability, poor feeding, vomiting, and hypersomnolence. Parents should also report a growing bulge at the fracture site, which could indicate a growing fracture. The fracture site should be examined at each newborn visit. Intracranial Hemorrhage
Intracranial hemorrhage may occur in the neonate secondary to trauma or hypoxia in the perinatal period (epidural hemorrhage (EDH), primary subarachnoid hemorrhage (SAH), subdural hemorrhage (SDH), intracerebellar hemorrhage) or due to immature structures and hemodynamics in the premature infant (periventricular/intraventricular hemorrhage (P/IVH)), especially those under 32-week gestational age at birth. The pathophysiology of P/IVH involves disruption to the autoregulation of CBF, which is affected by hypoxia and acidosis, leaving the germinal matrix area vulnerable to systemic blood pressure changes. Systemic blood pressure changes may be caused by handling, suctioning, positive-pressure ventilation, hypercapnia, and rapid volume expansion (Ditzenberger and Blackburn 2014). Epidural Hemorrhage
EDH is a rare occurrence and may be associated with cephalohematoma. An EDH in the newborn is a blood collection above the dura mater and below the periosteum. Most cases are associated with a linear skull fracture. Nearly all affected infants have a history of difficult delivery. Signs of increased ICP, including a bulging fontanel, may be apparent within the first hours of life. An emergent CT scan should be performed, and surgical evacuation may be required, depending on the size of the EDH and the associated symptoms of increased ICP. Aspiration of any accompanying cephalohematoma has been reported as a means of reducing the epidural lesion (Smets and Vanhauwaert 2010). Significant untreated lesions may result in death within 48 h.
Nursing care involves prompt recognition and reporting, timely preparation and transport for CT scan, transfer to the appropriate facility, and preparation for surgery. Postoperative nursing care includes supportive care for oxygenation, ventilation, thermoregulation, fluids and nutrition, pain management, and monitoring of neurologic signs. Parents will need support and teaching to understand their infant’s condition and participate in the treatment plan. Complications range from none to permanent neurologic deficits and/or seizures. Subarachnoid Hemorrhage
Primary SAH is the most common intracranial hemorrhage in the neonate. SAH is more common in the premature infant but also occurs in full-term infants. Primary SAH consists of venous bleeding into the subarachnoid space, unlike SAH in older children and adults, which is usually the result of arterial bleeding. The cerebral convexities, especially in the posterior fossa, are the usual sites for SAH in the neonate (Parsons et al. 2016).
Trauma causing increased intravascular pressure and capillary rupture is associated with SAH in the full-term infant. Asphyxia may cause SAH in the premature infant. Risk factors for SAH include birth trauma, prolonged labor, difficult delivery, fetal distress, and perinatal asphyxia.
The most common presentation of SAH is the asymptomatic premature infant with a minor SAH. The SAH is discovered incidentally with a bloody lumbar puncture during a sepsis work-up or cerebral ultrasound to rule out intraventricular hemorrhage. SAH can also present in a full-term or preterm infant as seizures or apnea at 2–3 days of age. Between seizures, the infant appears healthy. Rarely, infants with a massive SAH associated with birth trauma and severe asphyxia have a rapid and fatal course (Ditzenberger and Blackburn 2014).
Ultrasonography or CT is useful to confirm the diagnosis of SAH. If the infant has seizures, other causes of seizures must be eliminated. Blood in the CSF on lumbar puncture may be from SAH or from a bloody tap. Although rare, a severe, acute SAH may require a craniotomy. Infants with minor or asymptomatic SAH survive and generally have good developmental outcomes. Up to half of infants with symptomatic SAH, with sustained traumatic and hypoxic injury, have neurologic sequelae. Occasionally, SAH results in hydrocephalus due to CSF obstruction at the level of the arachnoid villi. Periodic cerebral ultrasound evaluation for ventricular size may be indicated. Nursing care involves assessment for seizures and other neurologic signs. Parents will need support and teaching about SAH, so they can understand the needs of their infant. Subdural Hemorrhage
SDH is not unusual after vaginal delivery. Small posterior fossa subdural hematomas are common after uncomplicated vaginal deliveries (Barkovich and Raybaud 2012). The most likely site for hemorrhage is over the cerebral hemispheres. Significant bleeding over the posterior fossa causes compression of the brainstem, as do dural tears near the great vein of Galen. SDH affects full-term infants more often than preterm infants, usually as a result of precipitous, prolonged, or difficult delivery, use of forceps, cephalopelvic disproportion, breech delivery, or a large infant (Parsons et al. 2016).
Excessive head molding results in stretching of the falx (folds of dura mater that separate the two cerebral hemispheres and the two cerebellar hemispheres) and tentorium (dura mater between the cerebrum and cerebellum), and venous sinuses, with tearing of the vein of Galen or cerebral or cerebellar veins (Lynam and Verklan 2015). As with SAH, SDH diagnosis depends upon the history and presentation of the infant. If seizures are present, other causes must be excluded. SDH can occur along with SAH; cephalohematoma; subgaleal, subconjunctival, and retinal hemorrhages; skull fractures; and brachial plexus and facial palsies. MRI or CT will help to confirm the diagnosis, while ultrasound is less reliable.
Clinical signs are related to the site and severity of the bleeding. Infants with minor hemorrhage will either be asymptomatic or have minor neurological signs, such as irritability and hyperalertness. If the posterior fossa SDH is small, there may be no signs for 3–4 days. As the subdural clot enlarges, signs of increased ICP appear and the infant’s condition deteriorates. With more significant hemorrhage, the infant may demonstrate seizures in the first 2–3 days of life. These seizures are usually focal, and other neurologic signs may or may not be present, such as hemiparesis, unequal or sluggish pupils, full or tense fontanel, bradycardia, and irregular respirations. Infants with significant posterior fossa SDH have abnormal neurologic signs from birth, including stupor or coma, eye deviation, asymmetric pupil size, altered pupillary reaction to light, tachypnea, bradycardia, and opisthotonos (prolonged, sustained posture with leg extension, trunk arching, and variable arm posture, often extended). As the clot enlarges, there is rapid deterioration with signs of shock in minutes to hours. The infant becomes comatose, with fixed, dilated pupils, altered respirations and heart rate, and finally respiratory arrest.
A subset of infants have no or nonspecific signs in the neonatal period, but then present at 4 weeks to 6 months of age with increasing head size as a result of continued hematoma formation, poor feeding, failure to thrive, altered LOC, and, occasionally, with seizures due to chronic subdural effusion.
Care is primarily supportive, including oxygenation and perfusion, thermal management, and fluids and nutrition. Surgical evacuation of bleeding over the temporal convexity associated with increased ICP may be necessary for infants unable to be stabilized neurologically. Massive posterior fossa hemorrhage requires neurosurgical intervention. Infants at risk for SDH should be monitored for 4–6 months for head size, growth, feeding, activity, LOC, and seizure activity. Aside from supportive nursing care, nurses provide parents education about the cause and prognosis for their infant. Referral to early intervention services is recommended at discharge.
Prognosis varies with the size and severity of the hemorrhage. Infants with SDH, who are asymptomatic or have transient seizures in the neonatal period, do well if there is no associated cerebral injury. Minor posterior fossa hemorrhages rarely have clinical significance (Barkovich and Raybaud 2012). Early diagnosis of large posterior fossa hemorrhage with MRI and CT has improved the outcome for those infants. Most infants with massive bleeding over the tentorium or falx cerebri near the great vein of Galen die. Those who survive usually have hydrocephalus and neurologic sequelae. Intracerebellar Hemorrhage
Intracerebellar hemorrhage is more common in preterm than full-term infants. Although rare, it is generally associated with hypoxia in the preterm infant and associated with trauma in the full-term infant.
Intracerebellar hemorrhage may be caused by intravascular factors (vitamin K deficiency, thrombocytopenia), vascular factors (damage due to hypoxia, followed by hypertensive spikes, e.g., from too rapid intravenous colloid infusion), and extravascular factors (mechanical deformation of the occiput during forceps or breech delivery in the full-term infant, compression of the compliant skull during caregiving, or the use of constrictive bands around the head, especially in the preterm infant) (Lynam and Verklan 2015). Intracerebellar hemorrhage may be a primary bleed or extension of a hemorrhage into the cerebellum.
Infants with intracerebellar hemorrhage either present critically ill from birth, with apnea, a declining hematocrit, and death within 24–36 h, or present less ill with symptoms developing at up to 2–3 weeks of age. Clinical signs include apnea, bradycardia, hoarse or high-pitched cry, eye deviations, facial paralysis, opisthotonos or intermittent tonic extension of the limbs, seizures, vomiting, hypotonia, diminished or absent Moro reflex, and hydrocephalus (Ditzenberger and Blackburn 2014).
Cranial ultrasound and/or CT scan is used for diagnosis. Lack of echogenicity of the cerebellum may be an important finding (Lynam and Verklan 2015). Intracerebellar hemorrhage is frequently diagnosed at autopsy. Treatment is primarily supportive. Surgery may be indicated, including hematoma evacuation or ventriculoperitoneal shunt for hydrocephalus. Nursing care involves supportive care for the infant and care and comfort for the parents/family, including referral for early intervention services after discharge. Prognosis is poor in preterm infant survivors. Full-term infants have more favorable outcomes, but generally with subsequent neurologic deficits, especially motor and variable involvement of intellect.
8.7.2 Pediatric Traumatic Brain Injury
Concussion and mild TBI are interchangeable terms. Concussion does not necessarily involve a loss of consciousness, and imaging is typically negative. Yet it can have devastating consequences for children if not diagnosed or treated properly. A child can suffer a concussion as a result of a fall, a fistfight, a motor vehicle accident, an athletic injury, or any other accidental or non-accidental trauma. However, due to the recent interest in sports-related concussions, a separate chapter is devoted to that topic. See Chap. 9.
The question then is which children with concussion, or MTBI, meet clinical criteria to warrant CT and which can be safely observed without CT. A prospective study of over 42,000 children with minor blunt head trauma, performed by the Pediatric Emergency Care Applied Research Network (PECARN), “derived and validated highly accurate prediction rules for children at very low risk of clinically important TBI for whom CT can be avoided.” Negative predictors in children younger than 2 years were normal mental status, no scalp hematoma except frontal, no loss of consciousness or loss of consciousness for less than 5 s, non-severe injury mechanism, no palpable skull fracture, and acting normally according to the parents. In children older than 2 years, they were normal mental status, no loss of consciousness, no vomiting, non-severe injury mechanism, no signs of basilar skull fracture, and no severe headache. An algorithm was created to assist providers in deciding which patients with minor head trauma should have a CT (Kupperman et al. 2009).
Management of nonsports-related concussion or mild TBI includes admission for observation and symptomatic treatment, including intravenous fluids, analgesia for headache, and antiemetics. Children with mild TBI (GCS 14–15) and an intracranial lesion are monitored and require follow-up imaging. Recommended intervals for repeat imaging of nonsurgical lesions are as follows: EDH, 6 h; SDH, 8–12 h; and contusion, 12–24 h. A retrospective review of 118 pediatric patients with mild TBI (GCS 14–15) and traumatic ICH found that patients without EDH, IVH, coagulopathy, or concern for a high-risk neurosurgical lesion (e.g., arteriovenous malformation) were less likely to develop clinically important neurologic decline (CIND) and therefore suggests that such patients may be monitored on a general neurosurgery floor rather than in the intensive care (Greenberg et al. 2014). Skull Fractures (Pediatric)
The pediatric skull provides a protective box, which houses the brain. Forces exerted on the skull are absorbed initially in a centrifugal configuration and then directed inward toward the brain. Fractures occur when the skull cannot withstand the force of impact. As mentioned previously, the pediatric skull is thinner and more deformable when compared to the adult skull, which predisposes the child to significant traumatic brain injury with or without the presence of a skull fracture. As summarized by Pinto et al. (2012), the incidence of skull fractures in children with TBI ranges from 2% to 26%. Of these, 75% occur in severe TBI as opposed to less than 10% in mild TBI. Almost half of all intracranial injury occurs without skull fracture. The most common location for pediatric skull fracture is parietal (60–70%), followed by occipital, frontal, and temporal locations. Skull fractures are described as linear, closed/open, depressed, or basilar. The majority of pediatric skull fractures are linear.
The nursing assessment should include inspection and gentle palpation of the scalp to check for findings consistent with a skull fracture. External evidence of skull fracture includes swelling, hematoma, depression of the scalp, laceration with or without hemorrhage or cerebrospinal fluid (CSF) leak, or extruding brain. Basilar skull fractures are identified by external clinical findings. Basilar fracture of the temporal bone results in “Battle’s sign,” which is postauricular ecchymoses and can be associated with CSF leak from the ear (otorrhea). A frontal basilar fracture results in “raccoon eyes,” which is periorbital ecchymoses. CSF leak from the nares (rhinorrhea) can result secondary to frontal basilar fracture. The majority of cerebrospinal fluid leaks resolve within a few days without surgical intervention. Nursing care of the patient with CSF leak includes elevation of the head of the bed, restriction of nose blowing, and reporting of fever or other signs of meningitis. The neurosurgeon may need to place a lumbar drain to allow the leak to seal or perform surgical closure if conservative management is unsuccessful. Check with the neurosurgeon before placement of a nasogastric tube, as a frontal fracture through the cribriform plate can allow placement of the catheter into the brain.
Linear nondepressed skull fractures occur in the calvaria (upper portion of the frontal, parietal, and occipital bones) and heal without intervention (Gaynor et al. 2015). Only 15–30% are associated with intracranial injury (Schutzman and Greenes 2001). Complex fractures – multiple, stellate (multiple linear fractures radiating from the site of impact) (Farlex Medical Dictionary 2012), or crossing a venous sinus – are more often associated with intracranial hemorrhage or injury (Gaynor et al. 2015). Initial management of skull fractures is identification of any serious underlying acute hemorrhage or brain injury. While skull fractures are readily visible on skull radiographs as thin, dark lines, CT is the gold standard to determine if there is any underlying brain injury (Pinto et al. 2012). The middle meningeal artery is housed in a groove of the temporal bone. Laceration by the sharp bony edge of the fracture causes serious life-threatening epidural hematoma formation and need for emergent surgical intervention following temporal bone fracture (Greenberg 2016).
Young children with a diastatic skull fracture (occurring along or widening a cranial suture line) and an underlying dural tear may develop a leptomeningeal cyst or growing fracture of childhood. This is rare, occurring less than 1% of the time in children less than 3 years of age. The opening in the dura allows the cerebrospinal fluid (CSF), dura, and brain to pulse outwardly into the area of the fracture, preventing healing and causing outward eversion or “growth” of the fracture margins. A new soft, pulsatile swelling on the scalp is suspicious for a growing skull fracture and requires imaging with a head CT to assess the fracture and brain MRI to determine the extent of brain changes and dural tear (Pinto et al. 2012). Leptomeningeal cysts require early craniotomy, repair of the torn dura, and cranioplasty, as delayed diagnosis or surgical correction may lead to progressive skull defect and brain damage (Pinto et al. 2012).
Depressed skull fractures (bone depressed below the inner table of the skull) occur in 7–10% of children with head injury. The depressed fragment can cause hemorrhage secondary to tearing of a venous sinus and injury (contusion) to underlying brain (Pinto et al. 2012). Minimally depressed fractures (less than full thickness of skull), without skin laceration or underlying brain injury, do not require surgery. Nonsurgical management in this case is not associated with increased risk for seizures, neurologic impairment, or cosmetic deformity (Gaynor et al. 2015). In younger children with growing skulls, these fractures tend to remodel to a cosmetically pleasing appearance. Closed, open (compound) depressed skull fractures with skin laceration, dural tear, parenchymal injury, CSF leak, brain extruding through laceration, and focal neurologic deficit require surgical elevation, debridement of pulped brain, evacuation of hemorrhage, and dural repair. The case study in this chapter (see case study and Fig. 8.11a–f) gives an example, including radiographic imaging, of a patient with a depressed skull fracture and severe underlying brain injury.
Ping-pong fractures are a subset of depressed skull fractures which occur in newborns and young infants due to the thin, pliable skull and consist of a greenstick fracture and skull depression which resembles a depression in a ping-pong ball (see Fig. 8.6). Due to rapid skull growth, most ping-pong fractures heal well without surgery and mold to become cosmetically acceptable. Elevation is required for underlying brain injury, parenchymal bone fragments, neurologic deficit, or cosmesis in older infants (Gaynor et al. 2015).

Fig. 8.6
Ping-pong skull fractures occur in newborns and young infants due to the thin, pliable skull and consist of a greenstick fracture and skull depression which resembles a depression in a ping-pong ball
Basilar skull fractures occur in the anterior, middle, or posterior fossa at the base of the skull and frequently extend from temporal bone or from paranasal sinus fractures. They occur in about 6–14% of pediatric traumas, and 80% of those have associated complications (Pinto et al. 2012). Cerebrospinal fluid leak via the ear or nose occurs in about a quarter of basilar skull fractures and most often resolves within a few days. Persistent CSF leak requires surgical closure. Meningitis can occur secondary to CSF leak. The use of antibiotics is controversial and not often recommended due to the risk of selecting out resistant organisms. Structures at the skull base are susceptible to injury and include the carotid artery (dissection), venous sinus, cranial nerves, and the middle ear (Gaynor et al. 2015). Basilar skull fractures may be difficult to see on CT, but findings of pneumocephalus and opacification of the mastoid air cells are suggestive. Plain films and clinical findings such as CSF otorrhea or rhinorrhea, hemotympanum, Battle’s sign, raccoon eyes, and cranial nerve injuries are more sensitive indicators (Greenberg 2016).
Temporal bone fractures are classified as transverse (extending across the petrous portion) or longitudinal (extending lateral to medial). Complications associated with transverse temporal bone fracture include sensorineural hearing loss (CN VIII) and facial nerve dysfunction (CN VII), whereas longitudinal temporal fracture can cause hemotympanum, torn tympanic membrane, CSF leak, and conductive hearing loss secondary due to bony disruption. In most cases, the hearing loss resolves, but it can be permanent. Most basilar skull fractures resolve without surgery (Pinto et al. 2012). Inner ear injury and hearing loss are typically referred to an ENT specialist. Extra-axial Hematomas
Extra-axial hematomas are those occurring outside the brain itself and are defined by etiology (venous, arterial), location in relationship to the meninges (epidural, subdural, subarachnoid), speed of occurrence, and size. The presentation and acuity level varies based on the child’s age, as well as location and size of the hemorrhage. Rapidly expanding hemorrhage results in an increase in intracranial volume and causes mass effect with shift of the midline brain structures. Mass effect compounded with associated cerebral swelling and injury results in increased ICP. The classic presentation in a child with a rapidly expanding mass lesion is reduced level of consciousness, ipsilateral mydriasis (same-side, fixed, and dilated pupil), and contralateral hemiparesis (opposite-side weakness). Small hemorrhages with minimal or no clinical deterioration may be observed with close monitoring and follow-up imaging. Venous-origin hematomas can present in delayed fashion (Figaji 2015), making serial neurologic assessment and follow-up imaging important in order to catch deterioration early. Hematomas of arterial origin (accumulate rapidly), posterior fossa location (small space, pressure on brainstem, hydrocephalus secondary to occlusion of fourth ventricle), and those that are large or associated with underlying brain swelling are higher risk lesions (Figaji 2015). Large hematomas with significant mass effect, underlying brain injury, and in a deteriorating or comatose patient require emergent craniotomy and surgical decompression.
Epidural Hemorrhage
Bleeding separates the dura and the inner table of the skull, creating a virtual space above the dura, where mass hemorrhage accumulates. EDHs occur in 3% of all head traumas, with the highest incidence in children 10 years and older (Pinto et al. 2012). Mortality rate is ~5% (Greenberg 2016). The typical locations of pediatric EDHs are parietotemporal and in the posterior fossa (Pinto et al. 2012). Epidural hematomas can be either venous or arterial in origin. Arterial EDHs develop rapidly in the first 6–8 h following trauma. Classic arterial EDH results from a tear of the middle meningeal artery (MMA), which is housed within a groove of the temporal and parietal bones. The MMA is lacerated by a depressed sharp bony edge at the time of impact. EDHs are less common in infants and young children than in adults due to anatomic adherence of the dura to the inner table of the skull, and the MMA lies loosely in a more shallow skull groove, allowing it to be easily displaced rather than torn. In children, EDHs are more common in the posterior fossa than in adults, occur with or without occipital skull fracture, are frequently venous secondary to tearing of the dural venous sinus, and have mortality rates as high as 26% (Greenberg 2016). Venous-origin EDHs develop slowly over 24 h, along the dural sinuses, and are associated with better outcomes than arterial EDHs.
The hallmark presentation is brief loss of consciousness (child may only appear stunned), followed by “lucid interval,” and then rapid neurologic deterioration to obtunded with unequal pupils and hemiparesis. Other presenting symptoms may include headache, vomiting, unilateral seizure, hemi-hyperreflexia, unilateral Babinski, and in young children, a 10% drop in hematocrit (Greenberg 2016). Clinical presentation of EDH in pediatrics can be delayed due to venous origin, and, to a point, the plasticity of the child’s skull. The volume of a rapidly expanding mass lesion (or hemorrhage) is not well tolerated, however, even in the more plastic pediatric cranium. The increased intracranial volume results in increased intracranial pressure. Posterior fossa EDHs present with rapid loss of consciousness and cardiorespiratory collapse, due to small anatomic space in the posterior fossa and direct compression on the vital centers in the brainstem. Compression on the outlet of the fourth ventricle can also cause acute obstructive hydrocephalus.
Radiographic evaluation of EDH is best accomplished with a CT scan, which reveals a lentiform, hyperdense (bright white), extraparenchymal fluid collection that is contained within the cranial suture lines (see Fig. 8.7b). The blood is contained within the sutures because of the attachment of the dura to the periosteum. Epidural hematomas are often also associated with CT scan findings of scalp swelling and the presence of a skull fracture in the frontal, temporal, or parietal regions (Barkovich 2012). Common practice is to repeat the radiographic imaging within 6 h for small, nonsurgical EDH. Indications for conservative, neurosurgical management are listed in Table 8.6.

Fig. 8.7
(a, b) Extraparenchymal hemorrhage. (a) Subdural hematoma shown on CT scan as an acute, crescent-shaped blood collection that crosses suture lines. (b) Epidural hematoma seen on CT scan as a hyperdense, lentiform collection, contained within the suture lines. Also note significant scalp swelling
Requirements for nonsurgical management of EDH |
Minimal mass effect (<1–1.5 cm thickness) |
An awake patient |
Close neurologic observation |
Repeat imaging within 6 h |
Small posterior fossa clot without compression of cortex, fourth ventricle, or brainstem (Greenberg 2016) |
Most EDHs are emergent surgical lesions. Management priorities are resuscitation and control of ICP, early imaging, and emergent craniotomy for evacuation, as delay leads to herniation, cerebral ischemia, and death (Figaji 2015). There is little or no underlying brain injury, so timing of surgery is critical in determining survival and outcome (Figaji 2015). Expedient evacuation can result in full recovery. Epidural hematomas in the posterior fossa of children are more dangerous due to the smaller anatomic space and potential for direct mass effect on the brainstem; thus surgery is highly recommended (Greenberg 2016). Complications, and therefore nursing assessments and nursing care, vary depending on the location of the EDH. Location, supratentorial (above) or infratentorial (below) the tentorium cerebelli, results in varied clinical presentation and neurologic deterioration (see Sect. 8.3.2, “Location of Injury”).

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