The nervous system

4 The nervous system

The nervous system is:

Figure 4.1 shows how the nervous system is organized into the central and peripheral nervous systems and also shows what these divisions of the nervous system are responsible for.

Nervous tissue

When nervous tissue is examined under the microscope it is seen to be composed of:

The neurone is the basic tissue of the nervous system. It has a comparatively large cell body, though both shape and size vary according to the position of the cell and its function. Each has a clearly defined nucleus and the protoplasm is granular. Nerve cells form the grey matter of the brain and spinal cord. The cell has several processes: dendrites are short branched processes through which nervous impulses enter the cell; and the axon (or axis cylinder), which is a single fibre through which impulses pass out of the cell. Axons vary considerably in length from a few millimetres to many centimetres and are continuous from cell to termination. Nerve processes, or fibres, form the white matter of the brain and spinal cord.

A neurone with many processes arising from the cell body is termed a multipolar neurone (Fig. 4.2). Other types of neurone have one process arising from the cell body, which then divides into two branches, one – the axon – conveying impulses towards the central nervous system, and one conveying impulses from an organ to the cell; these are unipolar neurones (Fig. 4.3). Bipolar neurones have two processes, one at each end of the cell; one is a dendrite carrying impulses to the cell and one is an axon conveying impulses from the cell.

Axons and some dendrites are surrounded by a thin fatty sheath composed of myelin, which lies inside the outer covering of connective tissue, called the neurilemma (Fig. 4.4). The myelin sheath is compressed at intervals and here the neurilemma dips in towards the nerve fibre; these constrictions are called the nodes of Ranvier. At these points the nerve fibre has contact with the surrounding tissue fluids, allowing exchange of nutrients and waste materials.

The myelin sheath is thought to have an insulating effect on the nerve fibre so that impulses are not transmitted to adjacent nerves or tissues except through the end of the fibre. The myelin sheath also protects the fibre from pressure and injury; fibres which have a myelin sheath are called myelinated fibres. Degeneration of the myelin sheaths around neurones in the spinal cord, optic nerve and brain is a feature of multiple sclerosis. This condition leads to double vision, muscular weakness and an unsteady gait.

Non-myelinated fibres are found in the autonomic nervous system and in certain parts of the brain and spinal cord.

Nerve cells are quickly damaged by lack of oxygen, and by toxins and poisonous substances. If they die they cannot be replaced, though it may be possible for the function to be taken over by other cells to a limited extent.

A synapse is the point of communication between one neurone and the next. The fibrils forming the axon have tiny expanded ends called end feet which are close to, but not touching, the dendrites or cell bodies of other neurones. They allow the passage of the nerve impulse in one direction only.

Also, nerve impulses can only travel in one direction, into a neurone through the cell body or dendrites and out through the axon. At the synapse there is a short pause to enable a chemical messenger to be released to fill the gap between the two neurones and to allow the impulse to pass to the next neurone.

The action potential

The distribution of electrolytes across all cell membranes is such that there is a potential difference (voltage) across the membranes. This potential difference is about 270 millivolts (mV). The cells of nerves and muscles are specialized such that they can undergo reversible changes in this potential difference, called an action potential, and this is the basis of their ability to generate and conduct electrical impulses.

When an action potential is generated in a nerve cell by the arrival of an electrical impulse from another nerve cell, positively charged sodium ions (Na+) enter the cell and reverse the potential difference across the membrane to a slightly positive potential. This process is called depolarization. The positive potential difference is rapidly reversed (in less than a millisecond), but not before the process is repeated along the nerve cell, leading to conduction of the electrical impulse. The changes in potential difference are shown in Figure 4.5.

Action potentials are not graded; in other words, they are not of different sizes in any particular nerve cell. They obey the ‘all or none’ law. Once a certain level of depolarization has taken place through the entry of sodium ions into the cell, known as the threshold potential, a full action potential is generated. The size of action potentials differs between nerve cells, and the extent of stimulation in a nerve (which is composed of many nerve cells) depends on the number of nerve cells that have been stimulated. A further feature of nerve cells (and muscle cells) with respect to action potentials is that they display a refractory period of approximately 0.5 milliseconds during which time another action potential cannot be generated.

The nervous system is composed of the central nervous system, consisting of the brain and spinal cord, and the peripheral nervous system, consisting of the cranial and spinal nerves and the autonomic nervous system.

Central nervous system

The brain

The brain, when fully developed, is a large organ which fills the cranial cavity. Early in its development the brain becomes divided into three parts, known as the forebrain, midbrain and hindbrain (Fig. 4.6).

The forebrain is the largest part and comprises the cerebrum; it is divided into right and left hemispheres by a deep longitudinal fissure (Fig. 4.7). The separation is complete at the front and the back but in the centre the hemispheres are joined by a broad band of nerve fibres called the corpus callosum. The outer layer of the cerebrum is called the cerebral cortex and is composed of grey matter (cell bodies) thrown into numerous folds or convolutions called gyri, separated by fissures called sulci. This enables the surface area of the brain, and therefore the number of cell bodies, to be greatly increased. The general pattern of the gyri and sulci is the same in all humans: three main sulci divide each hemisphere into four lobes, each named after the skull bone under which it lies. The central sulcus runs downwards and forwards from the top of the hemisphere to a point just above the lateral sulcus; the lateral sulcus runs backwards from the lower part of the front of the brain; and the parieto-occipital sulcus runs downwards and forwards for a short way from the upper posterior part of the hemisphere. The lobes of the hemispheres are the frontal lobe, lying in front of the central sulcus and above the lateral sulcus; the parietal lobe, lying between the central sulcus and the parieto-occipital sulcus and above the line of the lateral sulcus; the occipital lobe, which forms the back of the hemisphere; and the temporal lobe, lying below the lateral sulcus and extending back to the occipital lobe (Fig. 4.8).

The area lying immediately in front of the central sulcus is known as the precentral gyrus and is the motor area from which arise many of the motor fibres of the central nervous system. Immediately behind the central sulcus lies the sensory area, called the postcentral gyrus, in the cells of which several kinds of sensation are interpreted.

A longitudinal section of a hemisphere shows grey matter (cell bodies) on the outside and white matter (nerve fibres) forming the interior (Fig. 4.9). The nerve fibres connect one part of the brain with other parts and with the spinal cord; however, within the white matter groups of nerve cells can be seen forming areas of grey matter. These areas of grey matter are called cerebral nuclei (Fig. 4.10). The main function of these areas is the co-ordination of movement and posture of the body; disorders affecting these areas cause jerky movements and unsteadiness.

The cavities within the brain are called ventricles. There are two lateral ventricles, a central third ventricle and a fourth ventricle between the cerebellum and the pons. All are filled with cerebrospinal fluid.

The midbrain lies between the forebrain and the hindbrain. It is approximately 2 cm long and consists of two stalk-like bands of white matter called the cerebral peduncles, which convey impulses passing to and from the brain and spinal cord, and four small prominences called the quadrigeminal bodies, which are concerned with sight and hearing reflexes. The pineal body lies between the two upper quadrigeminal bodies.

The hindbrain has three parts:

The midbrain, the pons and the medulla have many functions in common and together are often known as the brainstem. This area also contains the nuclei from which the cranial nerves originate.

Spinal cord

The spinal cord is continuous with the medulla oblongata above and constitutes the central nervous system below the brain. It commences at the foramen magnum and terminates at the level of the first lumbar vertebra; it is approximately 45 cm long. At its lower end, it tapers off into a conical shape called the conus medullaris, from the end of which the filum terminale descends to the coccyx, surrounded by nerve roots called the cauda equina (Fig. 4.11). The cord gives off nerves in pairs throughout its length. It varies somewhat in thickness, swelling out in both the cervical and lumbar regions, where it gives off the large nervous supply to the limbs. The cord is deeply cleft back and front, so that it is almost completely divided into right and left sides like the cerebrum.

The spinal cord, like the medulla, consists of white matter on the surface and grey matter in the centre. The white matter consists of fibres running between the cord and the brain only, not to the body tissues (Fig. 4.12). The cord contains:

The grey matter, on cutting across the cord, has an H-shaped pattern, with two portions projecting forwards, one on either side, called the anterior horns, and two portions projecting backwards, one on either side, called the posterior horns.

The cranial nerves constitute 12 pairs of nerves which arise in nuclei in the brainstem. Some are purely sensory, some purely motor and some are mixed nerves carrying both sensory and motor impulses.

The spinal nerves constitute 31 pairs of nerves which arise in the spinal cord. Each has a motor and a sensory component in the anterior and posterior parts of the cord respectively, and the two fibres travel together after they leave the cord.

The autonomic nervous system is concerned with the control of internal organs; the function of these organs is not under the control of the will, though they are affected by the emotions.

The cranial and spinal nerves and the autonomic nervous system, which, as mentioned above, form the peripheral nervous system, are discussed in greater detail later in this chapter.

The motor system

The motor system is concerned with the movement of various parts of the body. The motor area is situated in front of the central sulcus in an area called the precentral gyrus. Here the body is represented upside-down. At the bottom of the gyrus is a large area for the head and eye; above that is a large area for the hand and arm, then a small area for the trunk and a large area for the leg extending over the top of the cerebral hemisphere (see Fig. 4.8). There is considerable overlap between these areas. It will be apparent that an area that can undertake a great deal of fine movement, such as the hand and arm, will require a larger area of cell bodies than an area such as the trunk which, although greater in extent, does not carry out as much detailed movement. In front of the motor area lies the premotor area which is concerned with a whole pattern of movement.

Beginning from cells in the motor area the corticospinal fibres pass downwards in a fan shape (see Fig. 4.9) and then pass through the internal capsule, which lies between the thalamus and the basal ganglia. All the motor fibres serving one side of the body are gathered together in the internal capsule so injury there will cause paralysis in the affected side (hemiplegia). The fibres then pass through the pons to the medulla oblongata where they form a long narrow projection called a pyramid. In the pyramids, most of the motor fibres cross over to the other side, at the decussation of the pyramids, so that fibres that arose in the left cerebral hemisphere will now be on the right side of the tract and will supply the right side of the body. The fibres then pass down the spinal cord as the lateral corticospinal tract. The fibres that did not cross to the opposite side at the decussation of the pyramids pass down the spinal cord in the anterior corticospinal tract and eventually cross to the opposite side in the spinal cord.

The fibres pass to the anterior horn of the spinal cord, where they form a synapse with the cell bodies situated there, and then emerge from the front of the spinal cord as the anterior root and join the corresponding posterior root of sensory fibres to form a mixed spinal nerve (see Fig. 4.12). As peripheral nerves, these end in branches to various areas, including muscles. The motor fibres divide into branches and each branch ends in a motor end plate attached to an individual muscle fibre (Fig. 4.13). Sensory fibres have their cells in the posterior root ganglion on the spinal nerves and have endings of various types within the muscles.

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