The Immune System

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The immune system is arguably the most diverse and intrinsically active of all of the body’s physiologic processes. In fact, there may not be another physiologic system that makes an individual, individual. During the past three decades, a virtual explosion of information about the immune system has occurred. As a result of medical research, diseases once believed to be based in other physiologic systems are now found to have origins in the immune system. Through this improved understanding, the immune system is better viewed as a constellation of responses to a foreign invasion. These responses summarily result in the ability of the body to resist the effects of most toxins and organisms that may cause damage. The perianesthesia nurse is likely to encounter patients with severe compromise of the immune system. Immunosuppression, hypersensitivity-type reactions, or immune diseases such as acquired immunodeficiency syndrome (AIDS) and, most recently, COVID-19 have become commonplace in the postanesthesia care unit (PACU). An informed appreciation of the physiology and pathophysiology of the immune system is essential for the appropriate perianesthesia care of the surgical patient.


Acquired Immunity The ability of the human body to develop an extremely powerful specific immunity against most invading agents.

Active Acquired Immunity Immunity that develops when a person comes into direct contact with a pathogen either by contracting the disease produced by the pathogen or by vaccination against the disease.

Antibody A globulin molecule with the potential to attack agents foreign to the host.

Antigen A protein, large polysaccharide, or large lipoprotein complex that stimulates the process of acquired immunity.

B Lymphocytes or Bursa-Dependent Cells Immunocompetent lymphocytes named for the preprocessing that occurs in the bursa of Fabricius of birds and is responsible for humoral immunity.

Cellular or Cell-Mediated Immunity A type of acquired immunity that uses sensitized lymphocytes as the primary defense.

Clone A group of cells that originate from a single parent cell.

Humoral Immunity A type of acquired immunity that uses antibodies as the primary defense.

Immunity The ability of the human body to resist almost all types of organisms or toxins that can damage tissues and organs.

Immunodeficiency Disease Immunosuppression that results from a deficiency of a single humoral antibody group or from a combined deficiency of both T cell and B cell systems.

Immunosuppression A state of nonresponsiveness of the immune system to antigenic challenge.

Innate Immunity General processes in the human body, other than those of acquired immunity, responsible for protection against organisms and toxins.

Lymphopenia Decreased function of the lymphoid organs.

Passive Acquired Immunity Immunity that results when a person receives immune cells or immune serum produced by someone else.

Phagocytosis The envelopment and digestion of bacteria or other foreign substances.

Sensitized Lymphocytes Lymphocytes made competent by processing to facilitate immunologic activity such as attachment to and destruction of a foreign agent.

Stem Cells Unspecialized cells that give rise to specific specialized cells such as T and B lymphocytes.

T Lymphocytes Sensitized lymphocytes responsible for cellular immunity.

Physical and chemical barriers

The primary immunologic defense is provided by the body’s largest organ, the skin. The skin provides a mechanical barrier against foreign microbes (bacteria, fungi, and parasites) and viruses. In the respiratory system, the epithelium has specialized surfaces with cilia and the mucus that will sweep out foreign antigens. Sebaceous glands in the skin secrete an oil called sebum through hair follicles. The sebum coats the skin and acts as a sealant for pores and hair follicles. Sebum is also food for the bacterium Propionibacterium acnes, a component of the microbiome. The metabolism of the sebum results in the byproduct, oleic acid, creating an inhospitable acidic acid for other bacteria. Other chemical mediators, such as hydrochloric acid and saliva, are thought to have bactericidal action. Obviously, surgical incisions, intravenous cannulation, and many other invasive procedures can cause major breaks in the first line of defense. Therefore, good aseptic or sterile techniques are critical to prevent overwhelming bacterial invasion through the boundary tissues.

Innate immunity

Innate or nonspecific immunity is the body’s second line of immunologic defense against foreign material. In this type of immunity, activation occurs during each exposure to an invading substance. The primary function of the innate immune system is discriminating self from nonself; however, the mechanisms of innate immunity cannot identify the specific invader.1

Phagocytosis is the primary mechanism of innate immunity. The cells in the body that carry out the phagocytic functions of innate immunity are monocytes, which are macrophages, and neutrophils (polymorphonuclear leukocytes), which are microphages. The overall immunologic functions of phagocytes are to localize the antigen and to destroy, inactivate, or process it for handling by other components of the immune system. Antigens are usually a protein with a molecular weight of at least 10,000 Daltons. The process of phagocytosis can be enhanced with the combination of an antigen and a plasma protein called opsonin, a substance associated with the immune system. Finally, phagocytosis gives transitory protection to the body so that it is not overwhelmed by foreign materials before the immune system (acquired immunity) is activated.

Acquired immunity

Acquired or adaptive immunity is the body’s third line of immunologic defense. Acquired immunity is mediated by the capability of specific antibodies or sensitized lymphocytes to recognize and to react to antigens from the offending agent.1 Two closely allied types of acquired immune mechanisms occur in the body: humoral immunity and cellular (cell-mediated) immunity.

Humoral Immunity

Humoral immunity is conferred by circulating antibodies found in the globulin fraction of blood proteins; therefore, these antibodies are called immunoglobulins (Ig). Production of the immunoglobulin begins with the lymphocytic stem cells in the bone marrow. These stem cells, which are incapable of forming antibodies, make pre–B lymphocytes that are taken up by the lymph nodes and processed in the as-yet-unidentified “bursa-equivalent” tissue. These processed B lymphocytes are then released into the blood where they become entrapped in the lymphoid tissue. On stimulation with an antigen, the B lymphocyte-specific for that antigen enlarges, divides, and differentiates into plasma cells that have specificity for that antigen. The plasma cells then produce and secrete an antibody or sensitized lymphocyte.

During the first exposure to the antigen, lymphocytes from one specific type of lymphoid tissue form clones. The clones are responsive only to the antigen responsible for initial development. On the second stimulation by the same antigen, the clones proliferate rapidly, thus leading to the formation of a large number of antibodies. Some cells in this clone mature to form plasma cells, whereas other cells of the clone become B lymphocyte memory cells (Fig. 18.1)

Schematic illustration shows the secretion of antibodies from developing B cell (bone marrow). Developing B cell leads to the formation of three different clones, B 1, B 2, and B 3. Antigens bind to specific B 2 cell, followed by proliferation and differentiation of B 2 lymphocytes. In the next step, four B 2 cells are formed, which secrete antibodies.

Schematic illustration shows the secretion of antibodies from developing B cell (bone marrow). Developing B cell leads to the formation of three different clones, B 1, B 2, and B 3. Antigens bind to specific B 2 cell, followed by proliferation and differentiation of B 2 lymphocytes. In the next step, four B 2 cells are formed, which secrete antibodies.

Fig. 18.1 An antigen activates only the lymphocytes that have cell surface receptors that are complementary and recognize a specific antigen. Millions of different clones of lymphocytes exist (shown as B1, B2, and B3). When the lymphocytes clone (B2 in this example) is activated by its antigen, it reproduces to form large numbers of duplicate lymphocytes, which then secrete antibodies. (From Hall JE, Hall ME. Guyton and Hall Textbook of Medical Physiology. 14th ed. Elsevier; 2021. p. 462, Fig. 35.2.)

When the immune system responds to the first presentation of the antigen, the immune system remembers the antigen by means of the B lymphocyte memory cell. The immune system can remember the antigen for years. In other words, on the first stimulation by an antigen, the plasma cells produce antibodies (immunoglobulins) as the primary response. The primary response is usually evident approximately 4 to 10 days after the initial exposure to the antigen.

On the second stimulation by the same antigen, a second response occurs. This secondary response, in which a massive amount of antibody specific to the antigen is produced within 1 or 2 days, lasts for months. The secondary response is more rapid, stronger, and more persistent than the primary response because of the memory cells and clones produced by the initial exposure to the antigen. If the T lymphocytes are activated by the same antigen, the T lymphocyte helper cells enhance the response of the B lymphocytes; therefore, because of this cooperative effort, the total number of lymphocytes in the lymphoid tissue increases markedly. On second exposure to an antigen, the same plasma cell can produce the particular antibody needed and convert from one type of antibody secretion to another as needed. When the specific antibodies from the plasma cells are no longer needed, further production of the antibodies is suppressed by the antibodies themselves or by T lymphocyte suppressor cells (Fig. 18.2).

Schematic illustration summarizes cell-mediated immunity and humoral Immunity. Bone on the left has common lymphoid progenitor cell formed from hematopoietic stem cells that also forms common lymphoid progenitor cell and then developing B cell. Cell-mediated immunity: Common lymphoid progenitor cell enters thymus, which leads to the formation of T lymphocyte that further enters peripheral lymphoid tissue. An arrow from antigen points toward T lymphocytes that lead to the formation of activated T lymphocytes. Humoral immunity: Developing B cell leads to B lymphocyte. An arrow from antigen points toward B lymphocyte, followed by the formation of plasma cell. Antibodies are secreted.

Schematic illustration summarizes cell-mediated immunity and humoral Immunity. Bone on the left has common lymphoid progenitor cell formed from hematopoietic stem cells that also forms common lymphoid progenitor cell and then developing B cell. Cell-mediated immunity: Common lymphoid progenitor cell enters thymus, which leads to the formation of T lymphocyte that further enters peripheral lymphoid tissue. An arrow from antigen points toward T lymphocytes that lead to the formation of activated T lymphocytes. Humoral immunity: Developing B cell leads to B lymphocyte. An arrow from antigen points toward B lymphocyte, followed by the formation of plasma cell. Antibodies are secreted.

Fig. 18.2 Formation of antibodies and sensitized lymphocytes by a lymph node in response to antigens. This figure also shows the thymic (T) and bursal (B) lymphocytes that, respectively, are responsible for the cell-mediated and humoral immune processes. (From Hall JE, Hall ME. Guyton and Hall Textbook of Medical Physiology, 14th ed. Elsevier; 2021. p. 460, Fig. 35.1.)

Immunoglobulins, once secreted by the plasma cells, protect the body against invading agents with the following three mechanisms of action: (1) attacking the antigen; (2) activating the complement system, which results in cell lysis; and (3) activating the immediate hypersensitivity reaction, which localizes the invader and may negate its virulence. More specifically, antibodies can inactivate the invading antigen with precipitation, agglutination, neutralization, or complement fixation. Precipitation occurs when an insoluble antibody forms a complex with a soluble antigen, such as tetanus toxin, and the resulting antigen-antibody complex becomes insoluble and precipitates. When antigens are bound together and react with an antibody, agglutinated aggregates occur. Neutralization is achieved when antibodies cover the toxic sites of an antigenic agent or when antibodies counteract toxins released by bacteria. Rarely are the potent antibodies able to attack a cell membrane directly and cause lysis. However, one of the powerful effects of the binding of the antigen-antibody complex is the activation of complement, which serves to amplify this interaction. More specifically, when IgG or IgM, discussed later in this chapter, binds to an antigen, the complement system is activated, and a cascade system of nine different enzyme precursors (C1 through C9) reacts sequentially. The final result of the activation of the complement system is puncture of the antigen’s cell membrane (cell lysis) and rupture of its cellular agents.

The immunoglobulins are large proteins (molecular weights from 150,000–900,000 Daltons) with specific structural arrangements of polypeptide chains with specific amino acid sequences. The immunoglobulins are divided into five primary classes on the basis of structural arrangements: IgA, IgD, IgE, IgG, and IgM. Each of the immunoglobulins is described as follows.

IgA is a small molecule that constitutes approximately 15% of the total immunoglobulins and is present in most body secretions. Secretory IgA is effective against viruses and some bacteria that invade the mucous membranes. Secretory immunity is also mediated by IgA. The secretory antibodies are found on the mucosal surfaces of the oral cavity (saliva), the lungs (sputum), and the intestinal and urogenital tracts and in mammary secretions. This secretory IgA differs from other antibodies in that it has a protein molecule, called a secretory piece, attached to it. IgA activates the complement system through a particular sequence of events called the properdin pathway. The complement system is a complex cascade of activations of more than 20 proteins that result in the improved ability of phagocytes’ cell killing.

IgD constitutes about 1% of the total immunoglobulins. The exact function of IgD is unknown. Similar to IgA, IgD is situated in the upper respiratory mucosa and works to activate B lymphocytes. IgD has been described as “an ancestral surveillance system at the interface between immunity and inflammation.”2 IgD has also been suggested for relationships in antibody activity directed toward insulin, penicillin, milk proteins, diphtheria toxoid, thyroid antigens, and the products of abnormal tissue growth.

IgE is present in minute quantities (approximately 0.002% of total serum immunoglobulins) and is associated with type I immediate hypersensitivity reaction.

IgG is the smallest antibody by size but constitutes approximately 75% of the total plasma antibodies. The complement system is activated when an antigen binds to IgG. IgG is the only antibody that can cross the placental barrier and thus confer passive immunity to the fetus. IgG is the primary antibody involved in the secondary response. It is active against many bloodborne infectious agents such as bacteria, viruses, parasites, and some fungi.

IgM is the largest antibody by size; it constitutes approximately 10% of plasma antibody. IgM is found almost exclusively in body serums because of its large size and inability to cross membranes; it is the first antibody that responds to an antigen. IgM is involved in the primary antibody response, effectively marking antigens for phagocytic destruction. In addition, IgM is effective in the activation of the complement system.

Cellular Immunity

Cellular immunity is the second type of specific immunity; it uses T lymphocytes and macrophages. Some specific functions of the cellular immunity system are protection against most viruses, slow-acting bacteria, and fungal infections; mediation of cutaneous delayed hypersensitivity reactions; rejection of foreign grafts; and immunologic surveillance.

The T lymphocytes, like the B lymphocytes, originate from primitive stem cells and go through stages of maturation (see Fig. 18.1). When the immature lymphocyte leaves the bone marrow, it migrates to the thymus gland where it is acted on by the hormone thymosin. The T lymphocyte then becomes mature and immunocompetent. The origin of the name T lymphocyte is derived from this thymus-dependent maturation. These mature T lymphocytes can circulate in the blood and lymph, or they may come to rest in the inner cortex of the lymph nodes where they may form subgroups of T lymphocytes.

These T lymphocytes function overall in the immune system by serving in regulatory, effector, and cytotoxic capacities. The regulatory T lymphocytes are the helper or suppressor T lymphocytes. These lymphocytes amplify or suppress responses of other T lymphocytes or responses of B lymphocytes. The helper T lymphocytes produce a soluble factor that is necessary, in some instances, for antibody formation by B lymphocytes. This helper action is most important for IgE and IgG production. The underproduction of helper cells is associated with AIDS. The suppressor T lymphocytes appear to regulate or suppress the activity of B lymphocytes in the production of antibodies. Evidence indicates that the suppressor T lymphocytes can become pathologically active against helper T lymphocytes and other aspects of cellular immunity. For this reason, these suppressor T lymphocytes may have a role in immune tolerance and in the development of autoimmune disease such as myasthenia gravis. Effector T lymphocytes are probably responsible for the delayed hypersensitivity reactions, the rejection of foreign tissue grafts and tumors, and the elimination of virus-infected cells. Effector T lymphocytes have antigen receptors on their surfaces that are significant in the initiation of cellular immunity.

When an antigen enters the body, it undergoes processing by the phagocytes. The antigen then travels to the regional lymph node, which drains the area of antigen invasion. In this lymph node, the T lymphocyte recognizes the antigen, binds to the antigen, and proliferates. The T lymphocyte becomes sensitized when it comes into contact with the antigen. In addition, memory T lymphocytes result from this interaction. On a second exposure to the antigen, a more intense, efficient, and rapid cellular immunity results. This contact also results in the release of lymphokines by the T lymphocyte. Some of the lymphokines are (1) chemotactic factor, which recruits phagocytes into the area; (2) migration inhibitory factor, which prevents the migration of phagocytes away from the area; (3) transfer factor, which induces noncommitted T lymphocytes to form T lymphocytes of the same antigen-specific clone as the original cells; (4) lymphotoxin, which is a nonspecific cellular toxin; and (5) interferon, which inhibits the replication of viruses.

The direct cellular cytotoxicity mediated by cellular immunity involves cytotoxic lymphocytes or killer cells and macrophages. The role of these cytotoxic T lymphocytes is not well established; however, they are believed to be involved in nonspecific killing of viruses, rejection of allografts, and immune surveillance of malignant diseases.

Hypersensitivity reactions

The immune system serves mainly as protection from harmful substances; however, in some instances, the activation of the immune system can cause deleterious effects, which are termed an allergic response or hypersensitivity reaction. This response represents a magnified or inappropriate reaction by the host to an antigenic substance; it can result in immunologic disease. Hypersensitivity reactions are divided into four major categories: type I, type II, type III, and type IV hypersensitivity reactions (Table 18.1).

Table 18.1

Categories of Hypersensitivity Reactions
Type Mechanism Outcome Reaction Time Examples
I (Anaphylactic) Antigen-IgE reaction at surface of mast cells and basophils Release of mediators Immediate Asthma, hay fever, systemic anaphylaxis
II (Cytotoxic) Binding of IgM or IgG with antigens on surface of cell; enhanced by complement fixation Cell lysis and tissue damage Variable Hemolytic anemia, Goodpasture disease
III (Arthus) Microprecipitation of immune complex formed by antigen and IgM or IgG; enhanced by complement fixation Tissue damage and release of vasoactive substances 4–18 hours Serum sickness, farmer’s lung, allergic alveolitis, glomerulonephritis, SLE
IV (Delayed) Direct interaction of antigen with sensitized T lymphocytes Release of mediators and tissue damage 24–48 hours Contact dermatitis, tuberculosis

Ig, Immunoglobulin; SLE, systemic lupus erythematosus.

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