The Baby at Birth

Chapter 27 The Baby at Birth

A newborn baby’s survival is dependent on adaptations in cardiopulmonary circulation and other physiological adjustments to replace placental function and maintain homeostasis. Birth is also the commencement of the early parent/baby relationship.

Adaptation to extrauterine life

Subjected to intermittent diminution of the oxygen supply during uterine contractions, compression followed by decompression of the head and chest, and extension of the limbs, hips and spine during birth, the baby emerges from the mother to encounter light, noises, cool air, gravity and tactile stimuli for the first time. Simultaneously, the baby has to make major adjustments in the respiratory and circulatory systems, as well as controlling body temperature.

Respiratory and cardiovascular changes are interdependent and concurrent.

Pulmonary adaptation

Prior to birth, the fetus makes breathing movements and the lungs will be mature enough, both biochemically and anatomically, to produce surfactant and will have adequate numbers of alveoli for gas exchange. The fetal lung is full of fluid, which is excreted by the lung itself.

Cardiovascular adaptation

The baby’s circulatory system must make major adjustments in order to divert deoxygenated blood to the lungs for reoxygenation.

image With the expansion of the lungs and lowered pulmonary vascular resistance, virtually all of the cardiac output is sent to the lungs.

image Oxygenated blood returning to the heart from the lungs increases the pressure within the left atrium.

image Pressure in the right atrium is lowered because blood ceases to flow through the cord.

image A functional closure of the foramen ovale takes place. During the first days of life this closure is reversible and reopening may occur if pulmonary vascular resistance is high – e.g. when crying – resulting in transient cyanotic episodes in the baby.

image The septa usually fuse within the first year of life to form the interatrial septum, though in some individuals perfect anatomical closure may never be achieved.

image Contraction of the muscular walls of the ductus arteriosus takes place; this is thought to occur because of sensitivity of the muscle of the ductus arteriosus to increased oxygen tension and reduction in circulating prostaglandin. As a result of altered pressure gradients between the aorta and pulmonary artery, a temporary reverse left-to-right shunt through the ductus may persist for a few hours, though there is usually functional closure of the ductus within 8–10 hours of birth.

image The remaining temporary structures of the fetal circulation – the umbilical vein, ductus venosus and hypogastric arteries – close functionally within a few minutes after birth and constriction of the cord. Anatomical closure by fibrous tissue occurs within 2–3 months, resulting in the formation of the ligamentum teres, ligamentum venosum and the obliterated hypogastric arteries. The proximal portions of the hypogastric arteries persist as the superior vesical arteries.

Thermal adaptation

The baby enters a much cooler atmosphere, the birthing room temperature of 21°C contrasting sharply with an intrauterine temperature of 37.7°C. Heat loss can be rapid, and takes place through the mechanisms listed in Box 27.1.

The heat-regulating centre in the baby’s brain has the capacity to promote heat production in response to stimuli received from thermoreceptors. However, this is dependent on increased metabolic activity, compromising the baby’s ability to control body temperature, especially in adverse environmental conditions. The baby has a limited ability to shiver and is unable to increase muscle activity voluntarily in order to generate heat. Therefore the baby must depend on his or her ability to produce heat by metabolism.

The neonate has brown adipose tissue, which assists in the rapid mobilisation of heat resources (namely, free fatty acids and glycerol) in times of cold stress. This mechanism is called non-shivering thermogenesis. Babies derive most of their heat production from the metabolism of brown fat. The term baby has sufficient brown fat to meet minimum heat needs for 2–4 days after birth, but cold stress results in increased oxygen consumption as the baby strives to maintain sufficient heat for survival. Brown fat uses up to three times as much oxygen as other tissue, with the undesired effect of diverting oxygen and glucose from vital centres such as the brain and cardiac muscle. In addition, cold stress causes vasoconstriction, thus reducing pulmonary perfusion, and respiratory acidosis develops as the pH and PaO2 of the blood decrease and the PaCO2 increases, leading to respiratory distress, exhibited by tachypnoea, and grunting respirations. This, together with the reduction in pulmonary perfusion, may result in the reopening or maintenance of the right-to-left shunt across the ductus arteriosus. Anaerobic glycolysis (i.e. the metabolism of glucose in the absence of oxygen) results in the production of acid, compounding the situation by adding a metabolic acidosis. Protraction of cold stress, therefore, should be avoided. The peripheral vasoconstrictor mechanisms of the baby are unable to prevent the fall in core body temperature that occurs within the first few hours after birth. It is important, therefore, to minimise heat loss at birth.

Immediate care of the baby at birth

Jul 11, 2016 | Posted by in MIDWIFERY | Comments Off on The Baby at Birth

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