Terminally Ill Child/Death of Child, Parent

Compromised family Coping r/t inability or unwillingness to discuss impending death and feelings with child or support child through terminal stages of illness

Decisional Conflict r/t continuation or discontinuation of treatment, do-not-resuscitate decision, ethical issues regarding organ donation

Ineffective Denial r/t complicated grieving

Interrupted Family Processes r/t situational crisis

Grieving r/t death of child

Hopelessness r/t overwhelming stresses caused by terminal illness

Insomnia r/t grieving process

Impaired Parenting r/t risk for overprotection of surviving siblings

Powerlessness r/t inability to alter course of events

Impaired Social Interaction r/t complicated grieving

Social Isolation: imposed by others r/t feelings of inadequacy in providing support to grieving parents

Social Isolation: self-imposed r/t unresolved grief, perceived inadequate parenting skills

Spiritual Distress r/t sudden and unexpected death, prolonged suffering before death, questioning the death of youth, questioning the meaning of one’s own existence

Risk for complicated Grieving: Risk factors: prolonged, unresolved, obstructed progression through stages of grief and mourning

Risk for compromised Resilience: Risk factor: impending death

Readiness for enhanced family Coping: impact of crisis on family values, priorities, goals, or relationships; expressed interest or desire to attach meaning to child’s life and death

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Dec 10, 2016 | Posted by in NURSING | Comments Off on T

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