Fig. 14.1
Reflex arc
The efferent neurons have their cell bodies in the ventral (or anterior) horn of the spinal cord and carry impulses from the CNS to the effector muscle. An interneuron, which transmits the impulse from one neuron to another, may or may not be present depending on the location. Interneurons also rise from the dorsal horn of the spinal cord. Stimulation of the sensory neuron causes the flow of chemical transmitters across the synaptic space to depolarize the next neuron and continue the flow of the impulse to the muscle cell. The muscle cell sends a signal back to the sensory neuron that the action is completed, and inhibition occurs, creating relaxation. Spasticity occurs when there is an increase in activation of the reflex arc and lack of inhibition. This creates a loop which continues to stimulate the muscles fibers and may spread to other muscle groups (Moss and Manwaring 1992; Satkunam 2003).
Spasticity presents as an involuntary, velocity-dependent increase in tonic stretch reflexes, meaning that a sudden rapid stretch would elicit greater resistance to movement than a slow steady sustained stretch (Sheean 2002). Spasticity also manifests other symptoms including increased muscle tone, exaggerated reflexes, flexor and extensor spasms, clonus, and decreased coordination. The initial neural insult causes muscle immobilization and limb paresis. This immobility shortens the muscle’s spindles and increases the resistance of the muscle to passive stretch, resulting in joint and musculoskeletal deformity, contractures, and pain (Trompetto et al. 2014). In addition, many patients with spasticity experience fatigue, sleep disturbance, anxiety, depression, immobility, infections, and decreased cognitive development. Spasticity has devastating consequences affecting function, comfort, care delivery, and quality of life (Dietz 2000). Table 14.1 shows the clinical presentation of spasticity and the symptomatic and functional problems created.
Table 14.1
Clinical presentation and complications of spasticity
Clinical presentation | Complications |
Increased muscle tone, stiffness | Symptomatic problems: |
Increased deep tendon reflexes | Fatigue, sleep disturbance |
Persistent primitive reflexes | Stress |
Contractures | Bone deformity |
Clonus | Pain |
Clasp-knife rigidity | |
Decrease coordination, strength, and endurance | |
Functional problems: | |
Daily personal care | |
Difficulty with positioning and mobility | |
Impaired ambulation | |
Depression and anxiety | |
Psychosocial deficits |
Spasticity may have a cerebral or spinal origin, with damage located in the cerebral cortex, brainstem, or spinal cord levels. Cerebral causes of spasticity include cerebral palsy, intracranial hemorrhage, hydrocephalus, brain tumor, multiple sclerosis, stroke, or head injury. Spinal causes of spasticity include spinal injury, inflammatory disease, and nontraumatic conditions resulting in spinal compression (Vanek et al. 2010).
14.2.2 Assessment
Diagnosis and treatment of spasticity is highly dependent on the accurate assessment of the degree of spasticity and resultant effect on the affected limb or limbs. The effect of spasticity may not always have negative consequences. A degree of tone may be helpful in a weak or paretic limb to promote function by enabling standing, transfer, and even walking. Thorough assessment requires the use of standardized scales for both diagnostic and functional purposes (Rekand 2010).
The Ashworth scale or modified Ashworth scale is the most widely used scale to measure spasticity for diagnostic purposes for both children and adults. It measures the passive resistance of a joint subjectively from the examiner’s viewpoint. The Ashworth scale is a five-level scale that ranges from “no increase in tone” to “limb rigid in flexion and extension.” Another scale used for clinical diagnosis is the Tardieu scale which is also a subjective scale to measure passive resistance. The major criticism of these scales is that they rely on subjective perception of the examiner. These scales also have limited utility to assess functional effects of spasticity on the patient (Rekand 2010; Yam and Leung 2006; Awaad et al. 2003). Table 14.2 outlines the Ashworth scale and the spasticity levels.
Table 14.2
Ashworth scale
Score | Description of spasticity level |
1 | No increase in tone |
2 | Mild increase in tone, giving a catch when affected limb is moved in flexion or extension |
3 | More marked increase in tone, but affected limb can be easily flexed |
4 | Considerable increase in tone; passive movements difficult with affected limb |
5 | Affected limbs are rigid in flexion or extension |
14.3 Dystonia
14.3.1 Pathophysiology
Dystonia is defined as a syndrome that presents with sustained or intermittent muscle contractions resulting in abnormal repetitive, twisting, patterned movements and abnormal postures. Dystonic movements or postures are initiated or aggravated by voluntary movement (DiFrancesco et al. 2012; Lubarr and Bressman 2010; Roubertie et al. 2000; Madhusudanan 1999; Albanese et al. 2013).
The etiology and pathophysiology of dystonia are not clearly understood. Research suggests that dystonia is a motor system disease rather than disease within a particular motor structure (Lubarr and Bressman 2010). Historically, dysfunction of the basal ganglia was believed to be the cause of the condition, since the basal ganglia is responsible for integration of motor control. However, dystonia had been presented in patients with normal brain structure, with lesions in other areas of the brain or in association with other neurodegenerative syndromes or diseases. Studies suggest that the abnormal twisting movements may be the result of co-contraction of agonist and antagonist muscles. Electromyography (EMG) studies show that there are excessive and overlapping activities in the agonist and antagonist muscles that are not normally involved in a voluntary movement, resulting in prolonged and complex innervations of opposing muscles causing the involuntary dystonic movements and postures (Berardelli et al. 1998). Tempel and Perlmutter (1993) suggested that there may be a sensory feedback component in activation and suppression of dystonia. Vibrations of the dystonic regions can induce involuntary contractions to reproduce dystonic movements and posture. Sensory tricks, such as stroking or touching the affected body part, will reduce the contraction.
Dystonia may involve any body region or combinations of body regions, and the distribution may change over time and spread to previously unaffected regions (Albanese et al. 2013). The distribution of dystonia may be focal, affecting a single body part which often presents as cramps. Dystonia may also be segmental, involving two or more contiguous regions, or it may be generalized to one side of the body or the entire body (Albanese et al. 2013; DiFrancesco et al. 2012; Berardelli et al. 1998).
There are few methods proposed to classify dystonia; however, two classifications are commonly accepted at the present time, primary and secondary dystonia. Primary dystonia presents as the only clinical sign, whether there is a focal or generalized distribution. There is no evidence of an acquired lesion or trauma, and it is not associated with any neurological or metabolic disease or syndrome. (Albanese et al. 2013; Lubarr and Bressman 2010; Berardelli et al. 1998). A number of DYT gene abnormalities have been identified in relation to primary dystonia (Camargo et al. 2015).
Secondary dystonia occurs in association to another disease or is acquired via a lesion or trauma. There may be numerous other neurological symptoms such as spastic dystonia presenting in children with cerebral palsy. There may or may not be an identified gene associated with the condition (Lubarr and Bressman 2010; Albanese et al. 2013). Other methods to classify dystonia may be related to age of onset or associated condition. Table 14.3 outlines the proposed classification of dystonia.
Table 14.3
Classification of dystonia
Primary dystonia | Secondary dystonia |
Early onset | Dystonia – plus syndromes |
Onset in childhood or adolescence | Inherited syndromes but no evidence of neurodegeneration |
Mixed phenotype | Inherited disordered associated neurologic symptoms |
Onset in adolescence or early adulthood | Autosomal dominant disorders (i.e., Hunting’s disease) |
Starts in one body region and spreads | Autosomal recessive disorders (e juvenile Parkinsonism, Wilson’s, etc.) |
X-linked syndromes | |
Mitochondrial (i.e., lactic acidosis) | |
Late onset – adult | Acquired conditions and disorders |
Usually focal or segmental distribution | Perinatal cerebral injury (i.e., CP) |
Unlikely to spread | Infections, encephalitis, MS |
Stroke, tumor, CNS injury | |
Associated movement disorders | |
Parkinson’s disease, multisystem atrophy | |
Progressive; supranuclear palsy | |
Paroxysmal dyskinesia disorder |
Secondary dystonia may also be caused by preventable conditions related to dietary, metabolic, or chemical imbalances. For example, kernicterus is a condition caused by bilirubin toxicity in newborn babies. The developing brain is vulnerable to exposure to moderate – high levels of bilirubin over time. This exposure results in damage to specific structures including the basal ganglia and cerebellum, thus causing neurological deficits and movement disorders such as dystonia (Ross and Vasser 2015; Okumura et al. 2009). Kernicterus is preventable with careful monitoring and management of hyperbilirubinemia in the neonate.
14.3.2 Assessment and Diagnosis
The presentation of dystonia interferes with performance of general activities of daily living and may cause great pain and discomfort. Dystonia may be present alone or be the clinical manifestation of many associated neurological, metabolic, or acquired conditions. The treatment of dystonia is guided by a thorough history and careful assessment of both clinical and functional effects that include the topography of dystonia, severity of abnormal movements, functional impairments, and progression of disease (Roubertie et al. 2000). Screening tests, laboratory assessments, and diagnostic imaging are needed to distinguish associated diseases and rule out treatable conditions. A number of medications may induce dystonia such as various dopamine antagonists, antiepileptic agents, antihistamines, tricyclic antidepressants, adrenergic agents, monoamine oxidase inhibitors (MAOIs), and caffeine. Therefore, correcting or treating the underlying cause or condition may eliminate the dystonia (Albanese et al. 2006; Geyer and Bressman 2006).
The use of a standardized scale to rate and measure the degree of dystonia is helpful to determine the most appropriate treatment strategies and also to evaluate the effectiveness of treatment modalities. Several scales are used to measure dystonia. The most commonly used scale for primary dystonia is the Burke-Fahn-Marsden (B-F-M) rating scale, and the Barry-Albright Dystonia (BAD) scale is the most popular for secondary dystonia (Comella et al. 2003; Barry and Van Swearingen 1999). Each scale identifies body parts and an ordinal scale is used to rate the severity of the dystonia of individual patients. The scores measure dystonia of individual body parts and the overall total. The scores provide a standard to design treatment plans and offer comparisons to assess the effectiveness of such treatments.
14.4 Treatment Modalities
A multidisciplinary approach is required to manage either spasticity, dystonia, or both. Decisions are made with input from a diverse team that includes the patient, family, and members of the health-care team including medical provider, nurses, social worker, and rehabilitative team. The focus of care is on the needs of the patient. The primary goal of treatment for both spasticity and dystonia is to improve the quality of life for the patient and his/her family. Treatment plans will differ according to the underlying condition, severity of the disorder, and the debilitating effect of the symptoms. The objective of treatment may be directed to increase function and mobility, prevent further detrimental effects, prevent complications caused by the disease, promote comfort, and/or facilitate ease of care (Goldstein 2001; DiFrancesco et al. 2012; Yu and Neimat 2008).
There are various therapeutic treatment modalities focused on the management of spasticity or dystonia or both. There is no one single treatment that is appropriate for all patients. Some patients may require a succession of various treatments as they age or as the disorder progresses. Selection of the treatment modality or combinations of modalities should focus on what is most appropriate for each individual patient. All parties involved need to have a clear and uniform understanding of the objectives and expectations of the treatment (Steinbok 2006; Adams and Hicks 2010).
The literature suggests that treatment and management procedure should be the least invasive to meet the patient’s goals (Lubarr and Bressman 2010; Steinbok 2006). Treatment strategies include rehabilitative therapies, pharmacological treatments, denervation and neuromodulation, and invasive surgical procedures (Trompetto et al. 2014; Mullarkey 2009; Roubertie et al. 2000; Yu and Neimat 2008; Tabbal 2015).
14.4.1 Conservative Therapies
Rehabilitative services and pharmaceuticals are conservative therapies that are effective in management of spasticity and dystonia in the early and mild stages of disease. Rehabilitation with physiotherapy and occupational therapy are also important in combination with more invasive procedures to manage movement disorders. Pharmacotherapy is helpful for selected patients and easy to administer. However, both therapies lose effectiveness as the conditions progress, and increasing medication doses pose dangerous adverse effects that are hard to control making it necessary for more invasive therapies (Goldstein 2001).
14.4.2 Botulinum A Toxin
The use of botulinum A toxin (Botox) to treat focal spasticity and focal or segmental dystonia has been gaining favor over the past 10–15 years. Botox is a mildly invasive, non-neurosurgical, and temporary treatment for moderate movement disorder. Botox is injected directly into the targeted muscle and causes temporary paralysis of the muscle. It acts by inhibiting acetylcholine release at the neuromuscular junction and affects the muscle spindles and afferent nerve fibers (Koman et al. 2003; Ward et al. 2006; Wong 2003; Guettard et al. 2009).
The effects of Botox are temporary, with effects initiated within 1–2 weeks after the injection and peaking at about 4–6 weeks. The effects last about 4–6 months but are very individualized to the specific patient. The dosing of Botox is calculated by the patient’s weight. There is a mild risk for development of resistance to the toxin that is dependent on the interval and total dose administered. Administrations of doses higher than recommended may cause dysphagia, decreased gastrointestinal motility, and respiratory muscle compromise (Tabbal 2015).
14.4.3 Intrathecal Baclofen
Baclofen is recognized as a medication that is effective in reducing the tone and symptoms of spasticity. It is structurally similar to gamma-aminobutyric acid (GABA) which is the primary inhibitory neurotransmitter in the CNS that promotes relaxation. Baclofen is a GABA agonist and binds to presynaptic GABA receptors to restrict calcium influx at the presynaptic terminal, thereby inhibiting the release of excitatory neurotransmitters across the synaptic junction at the level of the spinal cord to decrease muscle tone (Albright 2003).
Baclofen can be administered both orally and intrathecally via an implanted pump. The primary goals for treatment with baclofen are to decrease muscle tone and improve the functional status of the patient. With dystonia, baclofen helps with relaxation and improves the pain sensation associated with the abnormal movements and postures (Tabbal 2015).
Major adverse effects of baclofen administered orally or intrathecally include sedation, somnolence, seizure activity, muscle weakness, orthostatic hypotension, dizziness, headaches, and ataxia. However, withdrawal of baclofen is the most serious concern related to treatment. Baclofen withdrawal may result in rebound severe spasticity, rigidity, tachycardia, hypotension, hyperthermia, and/or seizures. Thus, it is important that the medication be given at the appropriate dose, at regular intervals, and continuously without abrupt interruptions.
When baclofen is administered orally, the drug is rapidly absorbed and partially metabolized in the liver and then excreted in the kidneys. The half-life is about 3.5 h. Oral baclofen does not readily cross the blood-brain barrier and requires large doses to reach therapeutic concentrations in the cerebrospinal fluid (CSF) at the desired spinal levels.
Intrathecal baclofen (ITB) was first approved in the United States for use to treat spasticity of spinal origin in 1992 and subsequently to treat spasticity of cerebral origin in 1996 (Albright and Ferson 2006). ITB infuses directly into the CSF at the targeted spinal level at high concentrations, although the dose is only a fraction of the oral dose necessary to achieve the same therapeutic effects (Albright and Ferson 2006; Rizzo et al. 2004). Clearance of ITB is via caudal-cephalic bulk flow similar to the flow of CSF in the spine at about 30 ml/h. The drug concentration in the cerebral or brainstem levels is only about one quarter of the concentration found in the lumbar spine region following ITB administration. The risks of dose-related adverse effects and overdose are greatly minimized (Bergenheim et al. 2003; Fitzgerald et al. 2004; Vitztum and Olney 2000). Table 14.4 shows the characteristics of oral baclofen contrasted to intrathecal baclofen.
Table 14.4
Overview of baclofen
Oral baclofen | Intrathecal baclofen |
Lipophilic | Delivered directly into the spinal subarachnoid, intrathecal space |
Rapidly absorbed and partially metabolize in liver | No systemic effect |
Excreted by kidneys | Diffuses within the spinal canal |
Barely passes the blood-brain barrier | Low cerebral concentration; low cerebral effect |
Low concentrations in spinal cord and CSF | |
Large doses to achieve effect | Only fractions or oral dose to achieve similar or better effect |
Withdrawal occurs with symptoms relieved once medications reestablished | Withdrawal symptoms are more severe and may become life-threatening if left untreated for greater than 24–48 h |
Withdrawal symptoms are more severe and much more problematic with ITB as compared to oral administration. In addition, abrupt disruption of baclofen administration may result in rhabdomyolysis with elevated plasma creatinine kinase level, renal and hepatic failure, disseminated intravascular coagulation, and sometimes death, if therapy is not restarted promptly. This condition is also known as neuroleptic malignant syndrome and can be life-threatening (Douglas et al. 2005; Mohammed and Hussain 2004).
The literature highly supports ITB for the management of spasticity in both cerebral and spinal origin. Recent longitudinal studies support both efficacy and safety in the continuous use of ITB for children with spasticity or other movement disorders caused by various underlying conditions including cerebral palsy, stroke, multiple sclerosis, myelomeningocele, and head or spinal injury (Bergenheim et al. 2003; Krach et al. 2009; Morton et al. 2011; Ramstad et al. 2010; Ward et al. 2009). Intrathecal Baclofen Pump System
ITB therapy is administered via an implantable pump system. The implantable pump is inserted into the subcutaneous tissue of the abdominal wall. A catheter is connected to the exit port, then tunneled around to the back through the subcutaneous tissue, and inserted into the intrathecal space at the level of the lumbar spine. Once the catheter is in the intrathecal space, its tip is threaded up to the appropriate targeted spinal level predetermined by the neurosurgeon, usually within the upper thoracic levels. In the management of dystonia, the targeted spinal level is higher and may reach the cervical levels (Pin et al. 2011). Figures 14.2 and 14.3 illustrate the location of pump implantation and catheter placement.

Fig. 14.2
Pump implanted in the abdomen. The pump is implanted into the subcutaneous tissue in the abdomen. The catheter is connected to the exit port and threaded around to the back and inserted in the intrathecal space in the lumbospine (Courtesy of Dr. Drake)

Fig. 14.3
Catheter threaded into the spine. Catheter is threaded from the catheter exit site of the pump and runs across the abdomen to the spine lumbar site where it enters the intrathecal space and threaded upward to the appropriate predetermined thoracic or cervical levels. The targeted levels are higher for treating dystonia and lower for spasticity alone (Courtesy of Dr. Drake)
The ITB pump is a circular device that contains a reservoir to hold the medication and has both an injection port for instillation of the medication and a catheter access port (Fig. 14.4). Contrast may be injected through this access port to radiographically assess pump function and catheter integrity when complications are suspected. The pump is powered by a battery that lasts about 5–7 years. When the battery runs low, the pump would need to be replaced. An external handheld programmer (Fig. 14.5) that includes a computer, printer, and programming head is used to interrogate the pump or to program the pump to deliver desired prescribed doses of medication to meet the needs of the patient. The pump has programmable audible alarms that alerts when the reservoir is low and needs refilling and when the end of battery life is approaching.

Fig. 14.4
Photograph of Medtronic SynchroMed II pump (Photo courtesy of Medtronic, Inc.)

Fig. 14.5
Photograph of Medtronic SynchroMed II handheld programmer (Photo courtesy of Medtronic, Inc.)
Regular refills of ITB are required to ensure continuous supply of medication and should be scheduled 1–2 weeks prior to the low reservoir alarm. It is important to know the maximum capacity of the pump reservoir in order to facilitate appropriate refill schedules. There are two different-sized pumps which have the capacity of 20 ml or 40 ml. Care and adherence to sterile procedures are necessary during pump refill as there has been report of pump infections related to repeat refills (Dario and Tomei 2004; Dario et al. 2005; Vender et al. 2005). Patient Selection
ITB therapy is indicated for those patients with medically intractable spasticity or dystonia. Patients suffering from unacceptable adverse effects from doses of oral antispasmodics may also be considered for ITB (Dario and Tomei 2004). A severity level of three on the Ashworth scale or moderate dystonia is sufficient to consider ITB therapy. A baseline functional assessment and determination of level of spasticity and dystonia is helpful to compare effectiveness of treatment. Continuous education is provided to ensure that clear and uniform functional goals are discussed and established early to ensure success of treatment. The family needs to understand the probable complications if the patient does not get refills as scheduled, as well as how to recognize the signs of pump malfunction. The patient and family must accept the responsibility for continued repeat medication refills and assessment. Trial Dosing
Selected patients need to undergo a screening process or trial dosing to ensure they will respond positively to ITB prior to surgically implanting the pump. Traditionally, the child will be admitted into hospital for surgical insertion of a temporary lumbar drain and receive three consecutive increasing doses of ITB over 2–3 days. The test doses are usually 50, 75, and 100 mcg. The effects peaks at about 4 hours and the patient is assessed for any signs of improved spasticity or dystonia in response to the medication (Vitztum and Olney 2000). During this time, the child will be on bed rest which poses potential risks including leakage of CSF from the lumbar drain site, respiratory compromise related to bed rest, infection, and repeated admission for implantation.
The more recent approach to testing is a same-day admission where the patient receives a single ITB dose of 50–100 mcg via lumbar puncture. If there is a response, the patient is discharged to evaluate and prepare for pump implantation. This latter testing method is the current desired method for experienced practitioners as it minimizes potential risks posed by the traditional method. In addition, the test dose does not determine the eventual dosing for treatment but only that the patient shows a response (Keenan 2010). Complications of ITB Therapy
There are many complications associated with intrathecal administered baclofen. Similar to CSF shunts, ITB delivery systems are foreign devices with connecting parts and, therefore, pose inherent risks for complications. These complications can be classified into three categories: skin or wound related, catheter related, and pump related. Infection is a persistent risk and may be associated with all categories.
Skin- or wound-related complications are associated with the physical and overall health of the child. Many children with cerebral palsy or other movement disorders are malnourished, suffer physical deformities, and are immobilized or bedridden. These factors compromise skin integrity and predispose them to poor healing and wound complications. In many cases, a seroma (fluid or edema) develops around the pump pocket in response to inflammation after surgery. The seroma may become excessive and cause related problems such as skin breakdown, dehiscence of the incision, CSF leakage, and superficial or deep wound infection. Careful wound closure and minimizing the space of the pump pocket during surgery may decrease the risk of seroma formation. Pocket effusions can occur at a later date resulting in CSF tracking along the catheter to the abdominal pocket (Vender et al. 2005). Sometimes, wearing an abdominal binder for a short period of time helps prevent this risk. Skin breakdown or erosion of the skin around the pump can result from stretching and continuous compression of the skin by the implanted pump (Boviatsis et al. 2004; Atiyeh et al. 2006).
Catheter-related complications are by far the most frequent problems with baclofen pumps. These complications include catheter breakages, microfracture, puncture, kinking, migration from the intended spinal level, or disconnections, either at the port or connection sites (Dawes et al. 2003; Follett et al. 2003; Ridley and Rawlins 2006). These complications cause disruption of ITB flow to the patient. The patients usually presents in the emergency room with increased spasticity, decreased level of consciousness, pain, and other symptoms indicative of ITB withdrawal. X-rays can assess the placement of catheter and any disconnections or kinks within the catheter system. If no disconnections or possible kinking is noticed, then the integrity of the catheter should be investigated further by injecting contrast in the catheter access port to identify breakage or microfractures.
Pump-related complications are few but may be serious. There are reports of cases where the pump flips over in the abdominal cavity (Gooch, et al. 2003). The phenomenon is associated with the development of seromas creating a space for the pump to move from its implanted space. Other pump-related complications are linked to the electronic mechanism of the pump itself, resulting in pump failure and under- or over-delivery of the medication. Any confirmed catheter or pump complications necessitate surgical intervention to repair, reinsert, and reestablish appropriate medication infusion.

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