Substance Abuse

CHAPTER 6 Substance Abuse

Clinicians are becoming increasingly aware of the staggering numbers of social and health problems created by substance abuse (SA). Much more is known about how drugs affect the brain, body, and behavior. Those who work with children and adolescents are responsible not only for understanding and teaching these facts, but also for accepting the challenge of identifying and preventing abuse. Effective intervention requires realistic, practical solutions for difficult emotions, peer affiliations, and self-defeating behaviors that can lead to SA.

SA is a major concern in our society. Not only is it prevalent among adolescents, but many more elementary-age children are now involved in substance abuse. Temporary or permanent changes in the chemistry of brain cells, associated health problems, loss of productivity, and suicide are only four of the possible devastating effects of substance abuse. The nurse can be a key person in initiating steps to remedy the problem.

The information in this chapter enables the nurse to understand the devastating effects that occur, identify at-risk students, and engage in effective interventions for drug-related health concerns and emergencies. The various categories of drugs are presented, as is the latest information on chemical interactions in the brain; but because alcohol is extensively abused, socially acceptable, and easily accessible, an entire section is devoted to it.

SA prevention programs are widespread in schools through health education and Safe and Drug-Free School programs. Although school nurses are important partners in such prevention efforts, they are crucial when individual students show symptoms of SA, or when an overdose occurs. Thus, this chapter focuses on providing basic information about drugs that are abused and defines the role of nurses in assisting individual students.


Reinforcement is anything that increases the likelihood of a future recurrence of a given behavior. Reinforcement and drug addiction are closely linked, because they share a common brain pathway. The basic neural pathway for reinforcement involves the projection from the ventral tegmental area (VTA) of the brain to the nucleus accumbens. The VTA sends fibers along a pathway called the medial forebrain bundle. When neurons in the VTA increase their activity, the neurotransmitter dopamine is released onto cells in the nucleus accumbens. This activity is believed to be primarily responsible for reinforcement. Therefore, any behavior that causes a release of dopamine in the nucleus accumbens is more likely to occur in the future.

A variety of behaviors can cause a release of dopamine. Behaviors that release dopamine vary among individuals and might include eating, skydiving, jogging, weightlifting, or even reading, depending on what the individual’s brain perceives as rewarding. When this happens, the individual tends to continue that particular behavior, because it is reinforced by the release of dopamine and the resulting good feeling. Many forms of drug addiction work in a similar manner. For example, cocaine, amphetamines, nicotine, and alcohol consumption all cause an increase in dopamine in the nucleus accumbens. Therefore, the behaviors that are responsible for the delivery of the drug (e.g., snorting cocaine, smoking cigarettes, drinking alcohol) are reinforced. This reinforcement can be so powerful that the individual continues to engage in these behaviors even when they become destructive. In essence, this drug addiction is not an addiction to the drug but to the behavior of administering the drug. Research indicates that the anticipation of consuming the drug can also release dopamine and that the anticipation of taking the drug is a big part of drug addiction.


Positron emission tomography (PET), functional magnetic resonance imaging (fMRI), and single photon-emission computed tomography (SPECT) imaging scans allow scientists to view the brain and learn how drugs affect neuronal activity. Drugs are carried to the brain through the bloodstream. They stimulate a region of the brain that releases neurotransmitters, such as dopamine, in response to pleasurable experiences. Box 6-1 describes the different types of neurotramsitters and actions involved. Through various means, abused drugs increase the concentration of dopamine in cells located in the brain’s pleasure and reward system in the limbic area. Many scientists believe this process is the basis of all addiction.

Box 6-1 Neurotransmitters and Actions Involved

Two key areas in the management of the pleasure circuit are the nucleus accumbens and the VTA. The pleasure circuit is connected closely to the pathways and nuclei that manage pain, fear, anger, and gratification of hunger, thirst, and sex. Because this circuit is considered a part of the brain’s control center of behavior, it also is connected to the frontal cortex and areas that assist movement. Addictive drugs produce their rewarding action by increasing dopamine in the nucleus accumbens and the VTA. Two other neurotransmitters play a role in drug abuse: endorphins and norepinephrine. The basal ganglia, which manage movement and repetitive tasks and play a role in compulsion, and the amygdala, which helps the body to respond to stress, also are believed by neuroscientists to be involved with addiction (see Figure 6-1).

Toxic substances found in illicit drugs and pharmaceuticals have mind-altering effects and can cause cell damage and death. Technology has allowed discovery of those neurotransmitters in the brain that are affected by these substances. A basic knowledge of the function of these chemical transmitters is necessary to understand the role of drugs in addiction, drug dependence, tolerance, and withdrawal.

Figure 6-2 illustrates the influence of different chemicals on brain function. All brain activity is a result of communication between neurons, which is accomplished by transmitters that are released from a neuron and change the activity of another neuron by stimulating a receptor on that neuron. Stimulation of a receptor by the transmitter requires the transmitter to have the correct chemical “shape,” so that the transmitter fits neatly into the receptor. When the transmitter fits into the receptor, a process known as binding, it stimulates the receptor and thus allows one neuron to influence another neuron.

Some drugs block this activity. A blocker can bind to the receptor but is not similar enough in shape to stimulate the receptor. However, because it is bound to the receptor, the blocker prevents the neurotransmitter from attaching to the receptor and thus influences normal brain activity. Other drugs are similar enough to bind to a receptor and activate it. These activators influence normal brain activity, because they stimulate receptors in the absence of regular transmitters.

All neurotransmitters, except acetylcholine, can be classified in one of three categories: amino acids, chemical compounds that form the building blocks of protein; amines, derived from amino acids—occasionally called neuromodulators; and peptides, a chain of two or more amino acids.

Addiction is a molecular process and physiological and behavioral dependence is produced by neuronal changes. Physical dependence means that the body develops a dependence on the continued presence of a substance and reacts negatively when the drug is removed. This process is known as the withdrawal syndrome. Psychological dependence prompts a persistent desire or even undeniable compulsion to obtain and take a substance to experience satisfaction and pleasure or to avoid discomfort. The body develops resistance to the effects of a substance by requiring progressively larger doses to produce the same desired effect. This drug tolerance develops as the result of chronic drug abuse.


Stimulants are drugs that stimulate the central nervous system (CNS), and they can have neurotoxic effects (see Table 6-1). These drugs are used by the individual for weight control, pain control, and for alertness and feelings of calmness. Users risk a high potential for psychological dependence as tolerance develops. Commonly used stimulants are caffeine, found in coffee, tea, cocoa, and cola drinks; nicotine, found in cigarettes, cigars, pipe tobacco, chewing tobacco, and snuff; amphetamines, such as benzedrine, dextroamphetamine (Dexedrine), and dextroamphetamine with amobarbital (Dexamyl); and cocaine, (see Table 6-2 and Table 6-3).

I. Caffeine

II. Nicotine

III. Amphetamines

IV. Cocaine

Table 6-2 Stimulant Effects

Physical and Behavioral Symptoms Toxic Effects

Amphetamine: jerky, flailing, writhing movements, extreme nervousness, plus general listed symptoms


Hallucinogens are drugs that act primarily on the CNS and profoundly alter sensory perception. Individuals see images, hear sounds, and feel sensations that do not exist but seem very real. Rapid and intense emotional swings occur, and changes in feelings and thoughts are exaggerated and magnified. Hallucinogens are usually taken orally. Effects of these drugs vary greatly from person to person and from one episode of drug use to another episode, making “bad trips” unpredictable. Users develop psychological dependence and can develop tolerance. No withdrawal symptoms for hallucinogens have been documented, and effects can last for 12 hours. Currently no accepted medical use for these drugs exists. Commonly abused hallucinogens are lysergic acid diethylamide (LSD), derived from a fungus; psilocybin, derived from mushrooms (found in 90 species); mescaline, derived from the peyote cactus; cannabis, the plant source of marijuana and hashish; and methylenedioxymethamphetamine (MDMA), Ecstasy, and methylenedioxyamphetamine (MDA;see Table 6-4).

Table 6-4 Hallucinogen Effects

Physical and Behavioral Symptoms Toxic Effects
Increased heart rate and blood pressure Decreased awareness to touch and pain
Sleep disturbance, sweating, dizziness, tremors Seizures
Sparse and incoherent speech Flashbacks leading to unpredictable behaviors, accidents, panic, and suicide
Disturbances in body heat regulation, loss of appetite  
Lethargy, fatigue Behavior similar to schizophrenic psychosis
Inability to feel pleasure  
Changes in perception, feelings, and thoughts Catatonic syndrome: mute, lethargic, disoriented; repetitive, meaningless movements
Decreased motivation, personality change, memory impairment, sense of distance Kidney and cardiovascular failure
Confusion, suspicion, and loss of control  
Depression, anxiety, and paranoia  
Violent behavior  

Hallucinogens disrupt the interaction of nerve cells and the neurotransmitter serotonin to produce their effects. Serotonin is found throughout the brain and spinal cord and is associated with the control of the regulatory, perceptual, and behavioral systems.

Dissociative drugs include phencyclidine (PCP) and ketamine. These two drugs originally were used as anesthetics, general (PCP) and veterinarian (ketamine). They affect many neurotransmitter systems, including those of norepinephrine and dopamine. They also alter or affect the distribution of the neurotransmitter glutamate, which is involved in memory, responses to the environment, and the transmission of pain signals. Dissociative drugs can interfere with glutamate signaling, leading to a sense of detachment or dissociation, hence the term dissociative drugs, not hallucinogens.

Sep 16, 2016 | Posted by in NURSING | Comments Off on Substance Abuse

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