Chapter 6 Reading helps you build the tools you need to become a better speaker. Keep a list of unfamiliar words handy. In your spare time, review them, pronounce them, and use them in a sentence. Research shows if you use the word seven times, it will become part of your vocabulary. Additional tips for building your vocabulary are listed in Box 6-1.
Speaking and Writing Professionally
Learn how to speak in a professional manner.
Communicate effectively through writing by using and following grammar and spelling guidelines.
Adopt a writing style that is suitable to your audience.
Learning Objectives for Speaking Professionally in Your Workplace
Recognize the value of speaking professionally at work.
Determine the difference between professional and casual speaking.
Use language appropriate for business and health care environments.
Learn new words and use them in everyday speech in the proper context.
Censor the content of your conversations at work.
Read to Speak, Read to Succeed
Read to Build Your Vocabulary
Learning Objectives for Writing, Grammar, and Spelling
Think about your audience before you write anything.
Learn to communicate concisely in your writing, respecting your reader’s time.
Use correct grammar and spell every word correctly.
Learn how to identify and create your individual style.
Understand how to adjust your tone so you convey the attitude you intend.
Arm yourself with email best practices.
Gain familiarity with writing for social media and cyberspace.
Speaking and Writing Professionally