CHAPTER 39 Soft Tissue Set A soft tissue set is instruments used on the skin, subcutaneous tissue, and muscle to expose the bony structures. There are also some minor bone instruments included in the set. 39-1 Left, top to bottom: 1 mayo dissecting scissors, straight; 1 Bard-Parker knife handle #7; 2 Bard-Parker knife handles #3. Top right: 2 Adson suction tubes, curved, with finger valve controls, and stylets. Bottom, left to right: 1 mayo dissecting scissors, curved; 1 Metzenbaum dissecting scissors, 7 inch; 2 Adson tissue forceps with teeth (1 × 2), front view and side view; 2 thumb tissue forceps with teeth (1 × 2), front view and side view; 2 thumb tissue forceps with multiteeth (4 × 5), front view and side view; 2 Ferris Smith tissue forceps, front view and side view; 6 paper drape clips; 4 Halsted mosquito hemostatic forceps, curved; 2 Backhaus towel forceps; 4 Crile hemostatic forceps, inch; 4 Crile hemostatic forceps, inch; 2 Allis tissue forceps; 4 Ochsner hemostatic forceps, short; 2 tonsil hemostatic forceps; 2 Crile-Wood needle holders, 6 inch; 2 Crile-Wood needle holders, 7 inch. Only gold members can continue reading. Log In or Register to continue Share this:Click to share on Twitter (Opens in new window)Click to share on Facebook (Opens in new window) Related Related posts: Arthroscopic Carpal Tunnel Instruments Medtronic Midas Rex Electric Drill Minor Plastic Set Arthroscopic Anterior Cruciate Ligament Reconstruction with Patellar Tendon Bone Graft Instruments Stay updated, free articles. Join our Telegram channel Join Tags: Instrumentation for the Operating Room A Photographic Manual Mar 16, 2017 | Posted by admin in NURSING | Comments Off on Soft Tissue Set Full access? Get Clinical Tree
CHAPTER 39 Soft Tissue Set A soft tissue set is instruments used on the skin, subcutaneous tissue, and muscle to expose the bony structures. There are also some minor bone instruments included in the set. 39-1 Left, top to bottom: 1 mayo dissecting scissors, straight; 1 Bard-Parker knife handle #7; 2 Bard-Parker knife handles #3. Top right: 2 Adson suction tubes, curved, with finger valve controls, and stylets. Bottom, left to right: 1 mayo dissecting scissors, curved; 1 Metzenbaum dissecting scissors, 7 inch; 2 Adson tissue forceps with teeth (1 × 2), front view and side view; 2 thumb tissue forceps with teeth (1 × 2), front view and side view; 2 thumb tissue forceps with multiteeth (4 × 5), front view and side view; 2 Ferris Smith tissue forceps, front view and side view; 6 paper drape clips; 4 Halsted mosquito hemostatic forceps, curved; 2 Backhaus towel forceps; 4 Crile hemostatic forceps, inch; 4 Crile hemostatic forceps, inch; 2 Allis tissue forceps; 4 Ochsner hemostatic forceps, short; 2 tonsil hemostatic forceps; 2 Crile-Wood needle holders, 6 inch; 2 Crile-Wood needle holders, 7 inch. Only gold members can continue reading. Log In or Register to continue Share this:Click to share on Twitter (Opens in new window)Click to share on Facebook (Opens in new window) Related Related posts: Arthroscopic Carpal Tunnel Instruments Medtronic Midas Rex Electric Drill Minor Plastic Set Arthroscopic Anterior Cruciate Ligament Reconstruction with Patellar Tendon Bone Graft Instruments Stay updated, free articles. Join our Telegram channel Join