Chapter 6 Usha Chandran The aim of this chapter is to offer an introduction to shock, which can develop into a life‐threatening condition. The chapter considers pathophysiological changes and addresses the need for care to be offered in a safe and confident manner. Shock is a broad term describing a very complex syndrome that affects nearly every organ system of the body. We often describe the child patient as shocked, septic, or even sick looking. Recognizing the child in shock is vitally important as failure to do so has the potential to lead to a life‐changing outcome or may even be life threatening. This chapter aims to provide the reader with the information required to give them a good understanding of the pathophysiology of shock and its initial management. Normal metabolic processes depend on the delivery of oxygen to tissues and removal of toxic waste products to maintain normal function. The cardiac, pulmonary and circulatory systems are integral to these processes. This means good blood flow, sufficient blood (circulating) volume, an efficient cardiac system and the ability of the blood vessel to autoregulate according to need. Shock therefore may be defined as a state of acute circulatory failure. Shock can be defined at both the cellular level or by its clinical presentation. At the cellular level, it is defined as a state of inadequate substrate for aerobic cellular respiration and the accumulation of cytotoxic waste. In other words, tissues become hypoperfused and there is poor oxygen delivery for normal metabolic processes, and toxic waste products reach dangerous levels. At the clinical level, a constellation of signs and symptoms which you may be familiar with, for example, changes to the normal heart rate, cardiac rhythm changes, deranged capillary refill time, changes to mental state and muscle tone (floppiness), changes to skin colour and warmth, and other complications such as poor kidney perfusion leading to poor urine output, define shock. Shock is classified according to the cause or abnormality that occurs. Table 6.1 illustrates different types of shock depending on their pathophysiology. Sinniah (2012) found that out of 147 cases of paediatric shock with the highest mortality, 57% were septic shock, 24% hypovolaemic shock, 14% had distributive shock, and 5% cardiogenic shock. Table 6.1 outlines the classification of shock. Table 6.1 Classification of shock Distributive shock is associated with dysfunctional blood flow and intravascular volume. As blood vessels lose tone and become larger, this causes a relative hypovolaemia and blood does not flow efficiently. For various reasons, for example, toxins and inflammatory proteins (in septic shock) or allergens (in anaphylactic shock), the blood vessels widen to such as extent that they lose their tone and blood pools in the vessels rather than circulating normally. This manifests in symptoms of early shock as the body tries to compensate by increasing the heart rate. Three different types of distributive shock are described in the following sections. These are: sepsis and septic shock, neurogenic shock, and anaphylactic shock. Sepsis/septic shock is a serious type of distributive shock caused by a dysregulated and overwhelming host response to infection (Singer et al., 2016). In this type of shock, pathogens such as gram negative bacteria and their microbial products, for example lipopolysaccharides (LPS), cause a highly immunogenic and toxic molecule to activate the inflammatory system – the body’s natural response to injury (in this case injury to the endothelial system). However, microbial toxins and activated inflammatory cytokines from the inflammatory pathway cause vasodilatation and low systematic vascular resistance (SVR), i.e., poor vessel tone, which increases vessel permeability, causing fluid to leak out of the circulatory system. SVR refers to the resistance offered by all blood vessels to the aortic valve when it opens to eject blood. Low SVR can be caused by the host (child’s) own response to inflammation – the systemic inflammatory response syndrome (SIRS). Inflammatory mediators (e.g., cytokines, interleukins) and bacterial toxins (e.g., LPS) cause dilatation of blood vessels and lead to low SVR, also known as warm shock. In septic shock, 20% of patients will present with this type of warm shock. Other features of warm shock are tachycardia, bounding peripheral pulses, and a warm skin. Warm shock results in high cardiac output and low SVR. These children require proper management as they may decompensate into shock with hypotension secondary to low SVR. Alternatively, they may quickly decompensate into cold shock, which is more difficult to treat. Eighty percent of children in septic shock present with features of cold (or late) shock. In cold shock, the child becomes excessively vasoconstricted, skin is pale, cool or cold to touch with mottling as blood is shunted away and capillary refill time is prolonged. This sympathetically mediated response maintains the child’s blood pressure for a while until there is decompensation and the child collapses. By this stage, capillary blood flow becomes sluggish, capillaries become leaky and permeable, there is third‐spacing of fluid further exacerbating the hypovolaemic state, and metabolic acidosis. Cold shock is associated with low cardiac output, high SVR and poor outcome. Refractory shock is defined by irreversible shock, multi‐organ failure and death. Initially, as a compensatory mechanism, blood vessels try to maintain tone, which is one of the major differences between adults and children as children will maintain their SVR and blood pressure until the pre‐terminal stage. During the compensatory stage, however, you may observe a subtle increase in diastolic blood pressure and a subtle decrease in pulse pressure (difference between systolic and diastolic blood pressure), which results in a normal systolic blood pressure. Monitoring the trends in blood pressure is therefore an important nursing skill and a vital part of nursing practice, and such observations are key to identifying shock at an early stage. This is usually coupled with an early rise in heart rate (tachycardia) to maintain the circulating volume. In almost all types of shock, the body attempts to improve its cardiac output and circulating volume by activating the sympathetic nervous system and it releases endogenous catecholamines, such as adrenaline and noradrenaline, which increase cardiac contractility and heart rate. This is the reason for an early rise in heart rate. Thus a very obvious early sign of any type of shock is tachycardia. Other signs of early shock are warm skin tone, flushed appearance (usually also fever), flash capillary refill time, and bounding pulses. These are signs of a hyperdynamic circulation and fluid resuscitation during this stage may reverse these early symptoms. Here, the inflammatory response can become so extreme and the vessel tone so excessively dilated that it is not uncommon to volume resuscitate a child to over 100 ml/kg of fluid. This is severe distributive shock caused by sepsis and inflammation, and by this stage the child will have been referred to or transferred to the ICU for intensive care management. This life‐threatening emergency presents with features of cold shock: cool or cold peripheries, cyanosed or mottled skin, prolonged capillary refill, oligo‐anuria, metabolic acidosis, tachycardia and hypotension. These children are extremely ill and can develop a serious condition known as disseminated intravascular coagulopathy (DIC). DIC is an over‐activation of the inflammatory and clotting system. Any type of injury, including injury to the endothelial system as in shock, will activate both these systems. The inflammatory system aims to protect the organism while the clotting cascade aims to heal and seal the vessel or injured area. However, in DIC the clotting system also becomes deranged because sepsis is a condition of extensive and ongoing microvascular injury and clotting products become so quickly consumed that it becomes difficult to replace them. Another complication of DIC is not only the resulting coagulopathy but also the microvascular clotting and fibrin deposits that occur in the small blood vessels, which then occlude tissues from extracting oxygen. As aerobic metabolism requires oxygen, tissue dysoxia initially leads to anaerobic metabolism, metabolic acidosis and a rise in lactate – the by‐product of anaerobic metabolism – all of which will eventually lead to cell death. That is why DIC is a marker of poor prognosis and is associated with the mnemonic Death Is Coming (Moore, Knight & Blann, 2016). Thus DIC is both a clotting and bleeding disorder that is difficult to treat. The underlying condition, i.e., the stimulus for DIC, in this case sepsis, must instead be treated and controlled. Treatment of DIC is therefore only symptomatic and patients will require many blood and blood product transfusions. These patients are usually cared for in the paediatric intensive care unit (PICU). Fortunately, the majority of children with sepsis and septic shock do recover to lead normal lives. International efforts such as the Surviving Sepsis Campaign and Sepsis 6 (NICE, 2016) aim to improve diagnosis and survival rates of children with sepsis through early recognition and timely treatment. Thus, nurses and other healthcare professionals play a vital role in recognising and reporting the signs and symptoms of sepsis early so that children are given the best chance of survival. See Table 6.2 for an overview of SIRS to septic shock. Table 6.2 SIRS to septic shock Although the early signs of compensated shock may be short‐lived, the clinical features of decompensated shock are very obvious. This is due to the vasoconstriction that comes from decompensated shock. Blood vessels will constrict so that the circulating volume is maintained and to shunt blood to vital organs. Such vasoconstriction will manifest as cold, clammy skin, mottling, there may be floppiness and poor muscle tone in infants and young children, and persisting tachycardia. Tachycardia will decompensate further into bradycardia, a pre‐terminal sign, if this stage is not adequately or promptly managed. In decompensated shock, capillary refill time is prolonged and there may be low rather than high core temperature. Unlike adults who become hypotensive at an early stage, children will remain normotensive but significantly tachycardic until they become pre‐terminal. As blood flow is diverted from the kidneys to more vital organs, there may be oliguria or anuria and poor perfusion to other non‐vital organs, for example, gut. Urine output less than 1 ml/kg/h in young children and less than 0.5 ml/kg in older adolescents must be reported in a timely manner as this is a very serious but early feature of poor kidney blood flow and perfusion. Monitoring urine output and maintaining an accurate fluid balance chart is therefore a vital part of the nurse’s role. Cold shock from any cause is a more severe type of shock and is more difficult to treat. It is a life‐threatening condition, requires invasive monitoring and intensive care drugs only possible in PICU. Regardless of the type of shock, however, all patients suspected of being septic must have appropriate antibiotics administered without delay as this can be life‐saving (Dellinger et al., 2013). The clinical features of warm and cold shock are highlighted in Fig. 6.1. Figure 6.1 The clinical features of warm and cold shock. Life‐threatening complications related to septic shock are outlined in Fig. 6.2. Figure 6.2 Life‐threatening complications of septic shock. Another type of distributive shock is neurogenic shock. Neurogenic shock is caused by the sudden loss of autonomic control and impairment of autoregulation resulting from spinal cord injury (SCI) – especially above T6. Here, disruption to the descending pathways of the sympathetic nervous system results in unopposed vagal (parasympathetic) tone. Loss of tone and dilatation of vascular smooth muscles and an increased venous capacitance results in a decreased SVR. There will be a relative hypovolaemia, meaning that the circulating volume in itself is unchanged but as the blood vessel capacity enlarges, the existing circulating volume becomes inadequate to fill it. The relative hypovolaemia and the disruption to vessel autoregulation result in hypotension. Neurogenic shock is managed with fluids and drugs that aim to increase the tone of blood vessels. The treatment should support blood pressure until the patient overcomes and the body has time to adapt to the changed system due to the SCI. Bradycardia, another consequence of neurochemical derangement and autonomic dysregulation in SCI, should also be managed with drugs such as atropine or glycopyrrolate. These drugs can be given prophylactically prior to suctioning or turning the patient if they are particularly sensitive to these interventions, which may cause a vagal response. Other dysrhythmias are also possible in severe conditions and should be controlled for as cardiac dysrhythmias can cause poor ejection of blood out of the heart. Bowel and bladder care is important so that constipation or urinary retention, a distended abdomen and pain do not trigger an episode of neurogenic shock in these patients. Neurogenic shock can occur anytime following injury up to 6 weeks post‐injury (Mack, 2013). There is no diagnostic test for this condition so history, the nature of spinal cord injury, and exclusion of other causes for hypotension and bradycardia contribute to the diagnosis of neurogenic shock. Bradycardia in these patients is exacerbated by any condition that increases intra‐cranial pressure, such as suctioning, defaecation, coughing, turning the patient, and hypoxia. Initially, the skin can be warm and flushed in this condition but heat loss from profound vasodilatation can cause hypothermia. Anaphylaxis is a state of immediate hypersensitivity resulting in distributive shock due to loss of vasomotor tone and massive vasodilatation. The most frequent trigger for anaphylaxis is exposure to food allergens and medications such as antibiotics (e.g., penicillin allergy). The condition is caused by the release of mediators, especially histamine from mast cells and basophils. Histamine has a vasodilatory effect and increases blood vessel permeability. Typical signs of anaphylaxis are stridor, swelling around the mouth and face, wheezing, respiratory distress, vomiting, urticaria.
Distributive shock
Septic shock
SIRS is a response to a stimulus (inflammation), which results in two or more of the following:
Neurogenic shock
Anaphylactic shock

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