Serious Games in Rehabilitation

Laboratory of Anatomy, Biomechanics and Organogenesis, Université Libre de Bruxelles, Brussels, Belgium

Department of Electronic and Informatics – ETRO, Vrije Universiteit Brussel, Brussels, Belgium imec, Leuven, Belgium


Over the years, our patients have shared some amazing and emotional stories as they’ve recovered from an injury, illness, or surgery which required some degree of physical rehabilitation. For many of our patients, once they’ve experienced a disability, they work with unwavering strength and courage to return to the lifestyle of their choosing. Their stories are compelling and emphasize the perseverance of the human spirit. In sharing their experiences, our former patients are reminded of their own strength, and are benefiting those who are now in a similar situation. Reading these stories will hopefully provide inspiration to those who are at the beginning of their own physical rehabilitation process and others who are not sure what physical rehabilitation is all about. – Kathleen Yosko

4.1 General Discussion

The results presented in this chapter covered the work published in the field until end 2015 (meta-analysis). A systematic search was conducted to identify empirical studies that evaluated the effectiveness of commercial video games in physical rehabilitation programs (Bonnechère et al. 2016). Same methodology was used for serious games (specially developed games for physical rehabilitation).

Medline, SAGE journals online, and Science Direct databases were screened using a combination of the following free-text terms: commercial games, video games, exergames, serious gaming, serious games, rehabilitation games, PlayStation, Nintendo, Wii, Wii Fit, Xbox, and Kinect. The search was limited to peer-reviewed English journals. There beginning of the search time frame was not restricted because this is a fairly recent paradigm; the search time frame ended on December 31, 2015.

Before discussing the use of serious games from a medical points of view: advantages, limitations, risks, etc.—let’s have a look on the general use of the games in physical rehabilitation.

4.1.1 A New Trend?

We already discussed and presented the development of computer and technologies related to the games in the last decades (see Chap. 1). Therefore, it is not surprising to observe an important increase of the number of studies and publications since 2010 (the Wii was released in 2007 and the Kinect sensor in 2010). Before the commercialization of those popular commercial devices, the creation of serious games required development of both hardware and software.

Thanks to the large availability, and affordable price, of the sensors developed by and for gaming purposes, researchers and developers can easily develop specific games and solution for physical rehabilitation.

Since 2010, approximately one third of the tested games are specially developed exergames (Fig. 4.1).


Fig. 4.1
Number of publications about the use of video games in rehabilitation per year

4.1.2 Commercial or Specific Games?

Figure 4.1 presents the use of commercial (black) and specific games (white). 212 studies were included in this review. The repartition is two third about commercial video games (140 studies) and one third for specific solutions (72 studies). From a theoretical point of view both systems have advantages and disadvantages that are summarized in Table 4.1.

Table 4.1
Advantages and disadvantages of commercial and specific games for rehabilitation

Commercial games

Specific games

Motions to perform

• Based on speed

• Maximal range

of motions

• Configurable (speed, range of motion, etc.)


• Not based on rehabilitation schemes

• Designed for a particular rehabilitation purpose (balance, strength, coordination, dexterity, etc.)


• Risk of fall: difficult to estimate due to lack of existing date in the literature

• Risk of fall: difficult to estimate due to lack of existing date in the literature. However, since games are designed for rehabilitation it can be expected that this risk is lower since the motions that need to be performed by the patients are similar to those performed during rehabilitation


• Worldwide

• Large distribution

• Advertising and marketing

• Specialized center

• Internet


• Cheap

• In general, more expensive (market size)


• Very large number of users

• User friendly

• Stable

• “Niche” market

• More complex but closer to the clinics and rehabilitation


• Directly to customer (B2C)

• Clinicians are selling or renting the product (B2B)

4.1.3 For Which Patients?

Six main pathologies/conditions were discussed individually because there were enough studies in the literature in this field: aging, obesity and weight management, stroke, balance impairment, cerebral palsy (CP), and Parkinson’s disease (PD). The repartitions of the patients included in those studies are presented in Tables 4.2 and 4.3.

Table 4.2
Number of studies and patients’ repartition among the selected studies

Commercial games

Specific games

























































Table 4.3
Mean duration (session) of the studies by pathology

Commercial games

Specific games



20 (8)

21 (15)



59 (36)

43 (23)



16 (10)

13 (6)



19 (9)

14 (11)



23 (18)

18 (16)



16 (6)

14 (11)





Although there is almost the same number of studies about aging, for stroke rehabilitation the number of patients included is much more important for aging. The second most studied population are obese and overweighed subjects. Those numbers are relatively coherent and reflect the prevalence of these conditions/pathologies (see Table 7.​1).

The repartition of the patients in the different studies between commercial and specific games is presented in Table 4.2, in Fig. 4.2 for commercial video games, in Fig. 4.3 for specific games, and for both approaches in Fig. 4.4.


Fig. 4.2
Patients’ repartition for commercial games


Fig. 4.3
Patients’ repartition for specific games


Fig. 4.4
Patients divided by pathology

4.1.4 Number of Session?

Depending on the pathologies, and the severity of the disease, the duration of the rehabilitation varies a lot. Except for the management of obesity that required longer intervention for the other pathologies the mean duration is approximately 18 sessions which correspond more or less to the duration of the conventional rehabilitation treatment.

4.2 Aging

4.2.1 Clinical Presentation

Of course, aging is not a pathology by itself but aging is associated with physiological decline of various systems and functions.

The two main problems related to the elderly are: a significant increase of risk of fall and a natural decline of cognitive functions.

Since the population of developed countries is getting older, a lot of efforts are done and must be done to improve autonomy and decreased risk of fall. A dramatic statistic illustrates the importance of avoiding falls: the most common fractures in case of fall are wrist and femoral neck. In case of femoral neck fracture, the mortality rate after 1, 6, 12, and 24 months are 5%, 16%, 21%, and 30%, respectively (Meessen et al. 2014). Hip fracture incidence per 1000 persons of above 70 years old is 8.4 in women and 3.7 in men (Meessen et al. 2014).

Therefore, decreasing risk of fall and cognitive decline of the elderly is a major health care problem.

4.2.2 Rehabilitation

In order to prevent risk of falls, different approaches are possible in physiotherapy and rehabilitation: to increase coordination between legs, to increase the proprioception (i.e., sense of relative position of joints in space), to maintain “normal,” or at least functional, range of motion of the most important joints (e.g., hip and knee).

Dual-task training is another popular approach in physiotherapy to decrease risk of falls. Dual-task training consists in performing simultaneously two tasks—often a motor task and a cognitive task: the best-known case is to ask the patient to walk while counting.

Occupational therapists have also an important role to modify the living environment in order to be as safe as possible (e.g., avoid carpet, sufficient lights).

The vision, in particular the visual field, must also be checked since a lot of elderly patients have a visual field loss (i.e., scotoma due to macular degeneration).

Concerning the cognitive function, it appears that the best way to prevent cognitive decline is to train your brain and memory (reading, exercises, games), the famous quote “use it or lose it” is particularly true in this field.

4.2.3 Use of Serious Games Musculoskeletal Rehabilitation

Summary of the different studies included are presented in Tables 4.4 and 4.5 for commercial video games and specific ones, respectively. 51 studies were found in the literature. Repartitions of devices and approaches are presented in Fig. 4.5.

Table 4.4
Summary of studies about commercial video games included in this review on aging for musculoskeletal rehabilitation

Study and Year





Nacke et al. (2009)

Nintendo Wii

21 older adults

1 session of play comparing brain training™ and traditional calculation on paper sheets

The delivery of those VG training in digital form does not improve players’ effectiveness or efficiency, regardless of age. However, the VG form does make the tasks more exciting and induces a heightened sense of flow in gamers of all ages

Guderian et al. (2010)

Nintendo Wii

20 older adults

1 session of 20 min of games (6 separate aerobic and balance games).

Results indicate that playing VG is a feasible alternative to more traditional aerobic exercise modalities for middle-aged and older adults

Ackerman et al. (2010)

Nintendo Wii

78 older adults

4 weeks of training, 5 session a day, followed by 4 weeks of 4 weeks of reading (5 sessions a day)

Improvements on the Wii tasks, less improvement on the domain-knowledge tests, and practice-related improvements. No significant transfer-of-training from either the VG or the reading tasks to measures of cognitive abilities.

Rosenberg et al. (2010)

Nintendo Wii

19 community-dwelling adults

12 weeks of training, 3 sessions per week

Significant improvement in depressive symptoms, mental health-related quality of life, and cognitive performance, but not physical health-related quality of life.

Graves et al. (2010)

Nintendo Wii

42 participants (14 adolescents, 15 young adults, and 13 older adults)

1 session of games comparing inactive video gaming, active video gaming, and brisk treadmill walking and jogging

Heart rates and energy expenditure during VG aerobics exercises fell below the recommended intensity for maintaining cardiorespiratory fitness. Group enjoyment rating was greater for VG balance and aerobics compared with treadmill walking and jogging

Williams et al. (2010)

Nintendo Wii

21 community-dwelling fallers separated into interventions or conventional treatment group

12 weeks of training, 2 sessions per week

VG exercise is acceptable in self-referred older people with a history of falls. The games have the potential to improve balance

Ackerman et al. (2010)

Nintendo Wii

78 older adults

4 weeks of training, 5 sessions per week

Significant improvements during VG, but no significant transfer from either the VG or reading tasks to measures of cognitive and perceptual speed

Agmon et al. (2011)

Nintendo Wii

7 older adults

12 weeks of training, 3 sessions per week

Significant improve in the Berg Balance Score and in walking speed after intervention

Laver et al. (2011)

Nintendo Wii

21 older adults

5 sessions per week for the duration of patient stay

Following the therapy program, participants were more concerned with the mode of therapy and preferred traditional therapy programs over programs using the VG.

Lamoth et al. (2011)

Nintendo Wii

9 older adults

6 weeks of training, 3 sessions per week

Postural control improved during the intervention. After the intervention, period task performance and balance were better than before the intervention

Williams et al. (2011)

Nintendo Wii

22 community living older adults

4 weeks of training, 3 sessions per week

Significant improvement in balance after intervention

Hsu et al. (2011)

Nintendo Wii

34 older adults separated into intervention and standard exercises group

4 weeks of training and 4 weeks of standard exercises (crossing over)

Significant improvement for pain intensity, physical activity for both groups. Enjoyment level was higher is the intervention group

Bateni (2012)

Nintendo Wii

12 older adults separated in 3 groups: Physical therapy alone, games alone, or both games and therapy

4 weeks of training, 3 sessions per week

VG training appears to improve balance. However, physical therapy training on its own or in addition to games training appears to improve balance to a greater extent than VG alone

Daniel (2012)

Nintendo Wii

Older adults separated in 3 groups: Fitness classes, intervention, and control group (no intervention)

15 weeks of training, 2 sessions per week

Similar results for the intervention group compared to community-based senior fitness classes

Rendon et al. (2012)

Nintendo Wii

40 older adults separated in intervention or control group

6 weeks of training, 3 sessions per week

Significant improvement for balance and postural stability in the intervention group

Griffin et al. (2012)

Nintendo Wii

65 older adults separated into intervention and conventional balance therapy group

7 weeks of training

Significant improvement for both groups. Significant greater improvement in the intervention group. VG can provide an effective adjunct to standard rehabilitation

Franco et al. (2012)

Nintendo Wii

32 independent living senior separated in 3 groups: Intervention group, conventional balance program, and control group (no intervention)

3 weeks of training, 2 sessions per week

No statistical significant difference was found between the 3 groups (the duration of the intervention may have been too short)

Pluchino et al. (2012)

Nintendo Wii

40 elderly separated into intervention and conventional therapy group

8 weeks of training, 2 sessions per week

VG are as effective as standard balance exercises program

Toulotte et al. (2012)

Nintendo Wii

36 older adults separated in 4 groups: Adapted physical activities, intervention group, combined, and no intervention group

20 weeks of training, 1 session per week

The three intervention groups improved their balance. Adapted physical activities and combined group also improved dynamic balance

Padala et al. (2012)

Nintendo Wii

22 subjects with mild Alzheimer’s dementia separated into intervention program and walking program

8 weeks of training, 5 sessions per week

No difference was found between group. Use of VG resulted in significant improvements in balance and gait compared to those in the robust monitored walking program

Orsega-Smith et al. (2012)

Nintendo Wii

25 overweight older adults

8 weeks of training, 2 sessions per week

Significant improvement in balance, confidence, and activities of daily living

Chan et al. (2012)

Nintendo Wii

30 older adults from geriatric day hospital

8 sessions of training included into conventional rehabilitation program

VG can be used in geriatric day hospital, most participants accepted it and had more improvement in functional independent measure compared to conventional rehabilitation

Taylor et al. (2012)

Nintendo Wii and Xbox Kinect

19 community-dwelling

1 single session of play. 9 different games were tested in both sitting or standing position

No significant difference in energy expenditure, activity counts, or perceived exertion between equivalent games played while standing and sitting. Active video games provide light-intensity exercise in community-dwelling older people, whether played while sitting or standing

Kim et al. (2013)

Xbox Kinect

32 ambulatory older adults separated into intervention and control group

8 weeks of training, 3 sessions per week

The VG exercise program includes the role of supervisor and feedback, which is important for older adults. Therefore, a VR-based exercise program may be a useful tool to improve decreased physical function in older adults as a home-based exercise

Singh et al. (2013)

Nintendo Wii

36 community-dwelling older women separated into virtual reality balance group and conventional balance exercises

6 weeks of training, 2 sessions per week

No significant differences between groups, both group improved balance and functional mobility score

Chao et al. (2013)

Nintendo Wii

7 older adults

8 weeks of training, 2 sessions per week

Participants had significant improvement on balance. Although not significant differences, there were trends indicating that participants improved mobility, walking endurance, and decreased fear of falling

Jorgensen et al. (2013)

Nintendo Wii

58 community living older adults separate into intervention group and control group (daily use of ethylene vinyl acetate copolymer insoles)

10 weeks of training, 2 sessions per week

Significant improvement in maximal leg muscle strength and overall functional performance in the intervention group. No difference on balance between groups

Bieryla et al. (2013)

Nintendo Wii

12 healthy older adults separated into interventions and control group

3 weeks of training, 3 sessions per week

Significant increase in the Berg Balance Scale in the intervention group, no significant change for Fullerton Advanced Balance scale, functional reach or timed up and go

Keogh et al. (2013)

Nintendo Wii

34 older adults separated into interventions and control group

8 weeks of training, 3 sessions per week

Significant increase in muscular endurance, physical activity levels and psychological quality of life in the intervention group

Lee et al. (2013)

PlayStation 2

55 older adults with diabetes mellitus separated into interventions and control group

10 weeks of training, 2 sessions per week.

Significant improvement in balance, gait speed, cadence and falls efficacy, decreased sit-to-stand times in the intervention group

Cho et al. (2014)

Nintendo Wii

32 healthy adults separated into interventions and control group

8 weeks of training, 3 sessions per week

Significant improvement in the VG games compared to control group. VG training can be proposed as a form of fall prevention exercise for the elderly

Maillot et al. (2014)

Nintendo Wii

67 participants (32 young and 32 old adults).

12 weeks of training, 2 sessions per week

VG appears to be an effective way to train postural control in older adults. Because of the multimodal nature of the activity, exergames provide an effective tool for remediation of age-related problems

Jung et al. (2015)

Nintendo Wii

24 older adults

8 weeks of training, 2 sessions per week

Significant improvements in obstacle negotiation function after VG compared to the control group. Berg Balance Scale and functional reach test scores were greater in the lumbar stabilization exercise group, while timed up-and-go test time was significantly better in the VG group

Monteiro-Junior et al. (2015)

Nintendo Wii

30 older women with chronic low back pain

8 weeks of training, 3 sessions per week

Capacity to sit only improved in the VG group, significant decrease in pain, but no balance improvements

Fu et al. (2015)

Nintendo Wii

60 older adults

6 weeks of training, 3 sessions per week

Physiological profile assessment scores and incidence of falls improved significantly in both groups after the intervention, but participants in the VG group showed significantly greater improvement in both outcome measures

Nicholson et al. (2015)

Nintendo Wii

41 older adults

6 weeks of training, 3 sessions per week

Significant improvements in timed up-and-go, left single-leg balance, lateral reach (left and right), and gait speed

Chao et al. (2015)

Nintendo Wii

32 older adults

4 weeks of training, 2 sessions per week

Significant improvements in balance, mobility, and depression

Roopchand-Martin et al. (2015)

Nintendo Wii

28 older adults

6 weeks training, 2 sessions per week

Significant improvement in balance and reaching area. No significant change on the modified clinical test for sensory integration in balance

Höchsmann et al. (2016)

Nintendo Wii

12 diabetic older patients

1 session

VG offers training intensities that are consistent with established guidelines for older patients with type 2 diabetes

Karahan et al. (2015)

Xbox Kinect

100 older adults

6 weeks of training, 5 sessions per week

Significant improvement in balance, quality of life parameters of physical functioning, social role functioning, physical role restriction, and general health perception

Table 4.5
Summary of studies about specific rehabilitation games included in this review on aging for musculoskeletal rehabilitation

Study and Year




Szturm et al. (2014)

30 community-dwelling older subjects separated into interventions and control group

8 weeks of training, 2 sessions per week of computer games

Dynamic balance exercises on fixed and compliant sponge surfaces were feasibly coupled to interactive game-based exercise. This coupling, in turn, resulted in a greater improvement in dynamic standing balance control compared with the typical exercise program

Chen et al. (2012a, b)

40 community-dwelling older subjects separated into interventions and control group

6 weeks of training, 2 sessions per week of balance training

For clinical assessments (balance, mobility, and self-confidence), SG group showed significantly better scores. The movements in video game-based training mimic real-life situations which may help to transfer the training effects into daily activities

Lai et al. (2013)

30 community-living older subjects separated into interventions and control group

6 weeks of training, 3 sessions per week

SG training improves balance after 6 weeks of implementation, and the beneficial effects partially remain after training is complete

Duque et al. (2013)

60 community-dwelling older subjects separated into interventions and control group

6 weeks of training, 2 sessions per week of balance training

Balance parameters were significantly improved in the SG group. This effect was also associated with a significant reduction in falls and lower levels of fear of falling

Schoene et al. (2013)

37 older adults in independent-living units

8 weeks of training, 2–3 sessions per week of balance training

Step pad training can be safely undertaken at home to improve physical and cognitive parameters of fall risk in older people without major cognitive and physical impairments

Uzor et al. (2013)

48 older adults at risk of falling separated into interventions and control group

12 weeks of training age UK falls rehabilitation booklet (home-based rehabilitation exercises)

It is a feasibility study. The presented system seems to be a feasible tool for fall preventions at home

Gschwind et al. (2014)

160 community-dwelling older people

16 weeks of training, 180 min per week of balance training

It is a feasibility study. The presented system seems to be a feasible tool for fall preventions at home

Schwenk et al. (2014)

33 older adults with fall risk separate into interventions and control group

4 weeks of training, 2 sessions per weeks

Improvement was obtained for timed up-and-go test, fast gait speed, but not normal gait speed. Users expressed a positive training experience of sensor-feedback

Gschwind et al. (2015)

148 community dwelling people

16 weeks of training, 180 min per week of balance training

Compared to the control group, VG participants improved their fall risk score, proprioception, reaction time, sit-to-stand performance, and executive functioning


Fig. 4.5
Repartition of the devices for studies on aging for musculoskeletal rehabilitation

Most of these studies (72%) were done using commercial video games and especially the Nintendo Wii combined with the Balance Board (20 studies). We observed that the games were mainly used to increase balance and postural control. Results of these studies indicate that results obtained with video games are at least as good as the results obtained with traditional balance exercises for balance and reaching area (e.g., Agmon et al. 2011, Rendon et al. 2012, Bieryla and Dold 2013, Cho et al. 2014, Roopchand-Martin et al. 2015).

Sarcopenia is the degenerative loss of skeletal muscle mass, quality, and strength associated with aging. Sarcopenia is one of the main causes of the decrease of autonomy of elderly subjects and one of the factors responsible for the increased risk of fall. Two studies have shown significant improvement for maximal leg strength after 10 weeks of training (Jorgensen et al. 2013) and for muscular endurance after 8 weeks of training (Keogh et al. 2013).

It is interesting to note that the games are well accepted by the participants even though they are, usually, unaccustomed to video games. Elderly subjects accept to use this technology (the level of participation is high). The level of enjoyment during rehabilitation exercises performed with the games in higher compared to traditional balance exercises; therefore, those kinds of games could be used to motivate patients and increase the participation during the rehabilitation process (Nacke et al. 2009).

Another positive point is that playing games seems to increase subjects’ confidence during activity of daily living and decrease the fear of falling and the kinesiophobia (Orsega-Smith et al. 2012).

One last interesting point is that playing video games is a feasible alternative to more traditional aerobic exercises for older adults (Guderian et al. 2010). However, it is obvious that playing games does not equal the treadmill training, walking or jogging, and therefore video games training does not totally fulfill the requirement to maintain cardiorespiratory fitness in the elderly (Graves et al. 2010).

However for some specific patients and pathologies (e.g., diabetic older patients), the training intensity reached during the serious games are consistent with the established guidelines (Höchsmann et al. 2016). Therefore, the games could be an interesting alternative since patients seem to prefer to use VG for balance or aerobics training.

Since commercial video games are not designed for rehabilitation, the transfert between progresses in the games and during activities of daily living and/or the therapeutic relevance of such kind of approach may be challenged by some clinicians.

In order to be more specific and close to the clinics, rehabilitation games have been specially developed for elderly subjects. Significant improvements have been found for balance (Lai et al. 2013) and decreasing the risk of fall (Duque et al.2013).

A set of specific games have been developed to train real-life situation (obstacle avoidance, transfert from sitting to standing, etc.), after 6 weeks of training researchers found significant improvement in balance, mobility, and self-confidence but also significant improvement during activities of daily livings (Chen et al. 2012b). This study, and other works related to the integration of specific rehabilitation games within conventional treatment, underlines the importance of goal-oriented training to increase transfert between rehabilitation session at the clinic and activities of daily living. Cognitive Training

Although this book is about the physical rehabilitation, the problem related to cognitive decline is such an important health issue that we are going to discuss briefly the use of games for cognitive training of the elderly.

One meta-analysis has been published that summarized previous works performed in the field of cognitive training for elderly patients using video games. Twenty studies have been included in this study (only studies with a control group to compare the results of the intervention) (Toril et al. 2014). Results of the studies indicate that the games have a positive effect on different cognitive functions such as reaction time, attention, and memory. The authors conclude that the use of video games can be used to counter the natural age-related decline of cognitive function. However, further studies are still needed to determine which kind of intervention (type of games, number of games, number of sessions) is the best and which kind of personal factors (genetics, environment, education) may influence the results.

It has been shown that the progress in the games (and therefore in cognitive function) are directly correlated to the age of the participants and the number of session of gaming. It is now well accepted that cognitive video games have a positive impact on brain function with the elderly but there is still no consensus in the literature about the best use of these games.

A lot of questions still need to be answered. What is the influence of age of the learning effect? What is the best kind of games? What is the best duration of intervention?

A last interesting point has been highlighted over the last years. The learning capacity would not be affected by the cognitive decline. It is still possible to learn regardless age or cognitive level. Therefore, the same kind of benefice could be reached by elderly and by adults after a cognitive intervention program (Anguera et al. 2013, Bamidis et al. 2015).

4.3 Obesity and Overweight

4.3.1 Clinical Presentation

Obesity by itself is not a pathology but is a very important health-related problem that can lead to several pathologies such as hypertension, and hypercholesterolemia and therefore drastically increase the risk of stroke, myocardial infarction, diabetes, cancers, etc. Recent studies also demonstrated a link between obesity and Alzheimer’s disease probably due to the accumulation of fat tissues and the role of fat tissue on the hormonal system.

Overweight and obesity are defined as abnormal or excessive fat accumulation in the body that presents a risk to health. Simple indicator of obesity is the body mass index (BMI) that is equal to the weight (in kilograms) divided by the square of the height (in meters). A person with a BMI of 30 or more is considered obese. A person with a BMI equal to or more than 25 is considered overweight (WHO).

Obesity is a huge health care problem in the world; according to the WHO, it is estimated that 12% of the people (aged 20 and over) are obese and 35% are overweight1. Obesity is not any more a problem related to high-income countries; the prevalence of obesity and overweight exploding in emerging countries (Table 7.​1) presents the prevalence of obesity in different region of the world.

In some particular cases (2–3%), obesity is caused by endocrinal troubles (hypothyroidism, adrenal gland disease), but in most cases, it is caused by an excess of energy intake and insufficient energy expenditure (exercises).

4.3.2 Rehabilitation

Management of obesity and overweight problem is complex and requires a multidisciplinary team: nutritionist and food specialists to modify food habits, psychologists to modify body image and perception of the body, physiotherapists to promote physical activities, and medical doctors to control the associated disorders.

The aim of rehabilitation is obvious with obese patients: patients need to move in order to burn calories, physical activity also stimulates these patients and improves proprioception, the perception of the body, and increases self-esteem.

The power and strength of the group should also be considered in physical rehabilitation. It is important for the patients to work together, share their difficulties, and visualize their progresses. Group session are organized under the supervision of a multidisciplinary team to help those patients. Group therapy is also commonly proposed for patients suffering from low back pain, fibromyalgia, multiple sclerosis, cancers, etc.

4.3.3 Use of Serious Games

Obesity problem has been, partly, addressed by the industry of commercial video games since a lot of fitness games have been developed in order to make patients more active. Specific games have been created to develop fitness skills (e.g., Nintendo Wii Fit™) and thanks to the development of new way of controlling the games (mainly Nintendo Wii™ and Microsoft Xbox Kinect™) the energy expenditure have been increasing when playing video games (see Sect. 3.​1.​2.​2).

Summary of the different studies included are presented in Tables 4.6 and 4.7 for commercial video games and specific ones, respectively. 22 studies were found in the literature. Repartitions of devices and approaches are presented in Fig. 4.6.

Table 4.6
Summary of studies about commercial video games included in this review on obesity and overweight

Study and Year





Graves et al. (2010)

PlayStation 2

44 children

12 weeks of training

No significant body fat changes between groups

Maddison et al. (2011)

PlayStation 2

322 young adults

Active video games or sedentary video games (control)

BMI intervention no change, increase of BMI in control, decrease of body fat in intervention. Time playing active video games increase with decrease in time playing no active video games

Lyons et al. (2012)

Nintendo Wii

100 young adults (55 overweight)

1 session of games: 1 aerobic and 1 balance game

Aerobic games produced more energy that balance game but balance games are more enjoyable

Johnston et al. (2012)

Nintendo Wii

63 students in the interventions group and 108 controls

9 weeks of games

Physical activity level was significantly increased in the VG group and participants lost 1.5 to 2 kg after the intervention

Staiano et al. (2012a, b)

Nintendo Wii

31 low-income overweight or obese adolescent separate into competitive exergames or cooperative exergames

6 months of training, 5 sessions per week

Cooperative exergames play produced higher intrinsic motivation. Players with higher intrinsic motivation had higher energy expenditure

Staiano et al. (2012a, b)

Nintendo Wii

74 overweight students

26 sessions over 20 weeks

Significant weight reduction

Feltz et al. (2012)

PlayStation 2

135 students separate into 4 different experimental conditions

1 session of games under different conditions: (individual control or low-, moderate-, or high-partner discrepancy)

Virtually presented partners who are moderately more capable than participants are the most effective at improving persistence in VG

Quinn (2013)

Nintendo Wii

86 obese students

VG was incorporated into physical education class to increase student participation

Children were more active after interventions

Staiano et al. (2013)

Nintendo Wii

54 overweight or obese adolescent separate into cooperative, competitive exergames, or control group

20 weeks of training, 5 sessions a week

Cooperative exergame players lost significantly more weight than the control group and the competitive group, which did not lose weight

Tripette et al. (2014)

Nintendo Wii

34 postpartum women separate into intervention, or control group

40 days of training

Statistically significant reductions of BMI, waist and hip circumference, and body fat

Trost et al. (2014)

Xbox Kinect

75 overweight or obese children

16 weeks of training

Significant increases in moderate-to-vigorous physical activity. Both groups exhibited significant reductions in percentage overweight and BMI, but the VG group exhibited significantly greater BMI reductions

O’Donovan et al. (2014)

Nintendo Wii

55 overweight or obese children

1 session

Certain VGs, particularly those that require lower limb movement, could be used to increase total energy expenditure, replace more sedentary activities, or achieve moderate intensity physical activity among children with obesity

Lau et al. (2015)

PlayStation 3 and Nintendo Wii

21 children

1 session

VG could provide alternative opportunities to enhance children’s physical activity. They could be used as light-to-moderate physical activity, and with exergames, children can even reach the recommended intensity for developing and maintaining cardiorespiratory fitness

Table 4.7
Summary of studies about specific rehabilitation games included in this review on obesity and overweight

Study and Year




Jago et al. (2006)

473 boys (no weight criteria)

9 weeks of intervention though Internet for modifying food preferences and intake

No difference in body composition between groups

Doyle et al. (2008)

80 overweight or obese patients

16 weeks of Internet program for modifying food preferences and intake

BMI reduction after intervention but not 4 month after the intervention

Hung et al. (2008)

37 overweight patients

14 weeks of interventions program for modifying food preferences and intake

BMI, waist circumference, and triceps skinfold was reduced improve fitness, self-esteem, and self-efficacy

Jones et al. (2008)

105 subjects

16 weeks of Internet-based healthy weight maintenance program with mentor program

Reduction of BMI for intervention, binge eating behaviors, and weight and shape concerns but no change in dietary fat and sugar intake

Adamo et al. (2010)

30 overweight or obese adolescent

10 weeks, 2 sessions of 60 min a week of games, or a group of physical activity

No difference between group

Chen et al. (2011)

54 normal, overweight, or obese

Web-based information, diet, and physical activity

Decrease of waist and hip perimeter, modification of food intake

Christison and Khan (2012)

48 overweight or obese patients

10 weeks, 2 sessions of 60 min a week of games, or a group of physical activity

Significantly reduced television time and soda consumption while increased PA time and eating at the table. Significantly improved global self-worth and behavioral conduct

Wagener et al. (2012)

40 subjects

Supervised 10-weeks group dance-based exergame exercises or waitlist control group

No difference in pre-/post-test BMI improved self-perceived psychological adjustment and competence to exercise


Fig. 4.6
Repartition of the devices for studies on obesity and overweight

It is interesting to note that 40% solutions are specific games. Actually in this case, it is more accurate to speak of teaching and monitoring programs (in most cases via the Internet) for controlling and modifying eating behavior rather than developing solutions to make the patients more active (e.g., Wagener et al. 2012; Christison and Khan 2012).

The first question to answer is whether or not the active video games induce an increase of energy expenditure and if yes what is the level of physical activity reached during this kind of training. Many studies have been conducted in this field.

The level of energy expenditure reached is estimated between 2.7 and 5.4 metabolic equivalents (i.e., moderate intensity level of physical activity) when children and teenagers play active games. A study compared the levels of energy expenditure in an obese population and in a control group, surprisingly the author found that obese children burnt fewer calories than the control group (O’Donovan et al. 2014).

We already mentioned that playing active video games correspond to the same energy expenditure level as the level reached during walking and are therefore not enough to fulfill WHO recommendation (60 min per day of moderate physical activity) (White et al. 2011). Another study compared the energy expended during a fitness game and a balance game. 100 people, including 55 overweight people, participated in this study. The same levels of physical activity were found when playing the fitness game (still below the WHO recommendations) that in previous studies but lower energy expenditure for balance games but the patients preferred to play balance games instead of fitness games (Lyons et al. 2012).

Although we saw that the levels of energy expenditure reached are relatively low, could these games still be successfully integrated into the management of obesity and overweight?

The first large study was conducted in 2012, 171 obese students were included. They were separated into two groups: 63 people were included in the group playing video games and the other 108 in a control group. After 9 weeks of training, the level of physical activity was higher in the intervention group and patients had lost between 1.5 and 2 kg after this intervention (Johnston et al. 2012). An important point of the rehabilitation, besides weight loss, is to change the behavior of patients and empower them in the self-management of their disease. The previous study also shows that patients are more active after the intervention, proof that they have realized the importance of performing physical activity in order to control their weights. This effect was also demonstrated in another study where games were introduced in physical education classes. The authors showed that 86 obese children who participated in this study were more active after this intervention (Quinn 2013).

Another interesting study was conducted to compare which kind of games, competitive games and cooperative games, was the most effective. 31 obese subjects participated in this study. After 6 months of training (5 sessions per week), the authors found that patients who were playing games in cooperative mode had a higher intrinsic motivation and the level of intrinsic motivation was directly correlated with the level of energy expenditure (Staiano et al. 2012a, b). The same authors conducted another study with a control group. Patients in cooperative games group lost significantly more weight than both patients in the control group and those playing competitive games. Surprisingly, patients in the competitive group games did not lose weight (Staiano et al. 2013)!

It is also interesting to note that games can be used to help patients to control weight during temporary situations such as sports injuries, pregnancy, or postpartum (LeBlanc et al. 2013).

A study has been conducted on 34 women during the postpartum period. Subjects were divided into an intervention group and a control group. After 40 days of games, the authors observed a significant decrease in weight but also of the circumferences of the waist and thighs and the percentage of fat only in the intervention group. The authors also observed a significant decrease in calorie intake. The games could therefore lead to both an increase in energy expenditure and a decrease of energy intake. There is, naturally, a positive correlation between the amount of hours spent on the games and the weight loss. The authors concluded by stating that playing has fortunately (!) no influence on how the mother took care of their babies. (Tripette et al. 2014).

4.4 Stroke

4.4.1 Clinical Presentation

Stroke occurs when part of the brain is suddenly deprived of blood supply. This deficit causes a loss of function of the affected area of the brain. The severity of the disability and the degree of recovery depend on the extent, the localization of the lesions, and the time. Time is the key factor in the management of stroke. It is estimated that brain cells cannot survive for more than 3 min being deprived of oxygen without causing irreversible damage. Stroke is the third leading cause of death in the world and the leading cause of disability and long-term serious complications. It is estimated that 33 million of new cases of stroke are occurring each year (Samai and Martin-Schild 2015). Among the new cases about 10% of the patients will recover completely, 25% with mild deficits, 40% with moderate to severe deficits, 10% of these patients must be placed in specialized centers because of the functional impact, and 15% die shortly after stroke.

There are two types of strokes: ischemic and hemorrhagic.

Ischemic strokes are the most common (about 80% of cases); they are due to blood clots migration from peripheral artery to a clotted artery in the brain which will therefore become clogged when the diameter is too narrow. Most frequently, these clots are due to atherosclerosis: the accumulation of body fat (mainly cholesterol) in the arterial walls. This slowly causes loss of elasticity of the artery walls, a decrease in the light of the arteries (stenosis), and therefore blood flow reduction. This reduction may be up to the complete obliteration of the vessel (thrombosis) resulting in the death of the tissue located downstream of the thrombosis. Finally, the clot may crack and be released into the bloodstream.

The risk factors for ischemic stroke are age (75% of strokes occur after age 65), gender (incidence was 1.25 times higher for men), hypertension (80% of strokes occur in patients with hypertension [blood pressure greater than 140/90 mmHg]), diabetes (increasing the risk of a factor of 3.5 in women and 2.1 in men), hyperlipidemia and high cholesterol (HDL), smoking, sleep apnea, alcohol and drug use, and physical inactivity (low levels of physical activity) (Samai and Martin-Schild 2015).

Despite the fact that the majority of these risk factors are modifiable, and that awareness campaigns provide information on these risk factors, a significant increase in the new case of stroke is still observed (Stroebele et al. 2011). This increase is approximately 15% over the last 10 years.

Hemorrhagic strokes are due to a rupture of a cerebral artery. The major risk factor for hemorrhagic stroke is high blood pressure (Biffi et al. 2015).

4.4.2 Rehabilitation

Primary care, management, and rehabilitation after stroke are best examples of teamwork in physical rehabilitation. The first goal of rehabilitation is the autonomy.

Autonomy is defined as the right and/or the ability of a person to lead his life according to his free judgment. The second objective is to coordinate all measures to prevent or minimize the related functional potential consequences of the disease from a physical, psychological, social and economic point of view. The aim is to exploit and maximize the residual capacity of the patient. This approach differs from curative medicine by its multidisciplinary nature: the medical doctor has the role of coordinator of functional rehabilitation team, centered around participatory patient. The multidisciplinary rehabilitation team may consist of nurses, physiotherapists, occupational therapists, psychologists, speech therapists, social workers, dieticians, and neuropsychologists (Heuschling et al. 2013) (see Sect. 2.​1.​1).

Damages in the central nervous system causes spasticity in the limbs. Spasticity is an exaggeration of the tendon reflex activity. In case of voluntary contraction and motion, the muscle-tendon reflex activity is over exaggerated, muscles are too contracted, and therefore no more motion is possible.

During the rehabilitation, it is important to differentiate the acute phase (less than 3 months after the accident) and the chronic state. Treatment and recovery possibilities are indeed different.

In the acute phase, it is essential to start the rehabilitation process as soon as possible to avoid adverse effect as much as possible that could affect the function and limit the disability. The first month after the stroke is a crucial period during which brain plasticity and thus recovery capabilities are maximized.

One of the main objectives of the stroke care unit is to minimize the impact of the induced spasticity from a functional point of view. Spasticity is also responsible for vicious postures because the muscles do not relax sufficiently. Reduction of the spasticity can be obtained with oral medication (e.g., Baclofen), by muscular injection of Botulinum toxin, with intrathecal Baclofen (directly into the spinal canal), with casting or orthoses and physiotherapy. These approaches can, and should, be combined.

4.4.3 Use of Serious Games

Summary of the different studies included are presented in Tables 4.8 and 4.9 for commercial video games and specific ones, respectively. 53 studies were found in the literature. Repartitions of devices and approaches are presented in Fig. 4.7.

Table 4.8
Summary of studies about commercial video games included in this review on stroke rehabilitation

Study and Year





Yavuzer et al. (2008)

PlayStation 2

20 patients with chronic stroke separated into intervention and conventional therapy group

4 weeks of training, 5 sessions per week

Significant improvement in the functional independent measure. No difference in Brunnstrom stages

Yong Joo et al. (2010)

Nintendo Wii

20 acute patients (less than 3-month post stroke)

2 weeks of training, 3 sessions per week

Statistically significant improvement in Fugl-Meyer assessment and Motricity index score

Saposnik et al. (2010)

Nintendo Wii

20 acute patients separated into intervention and conventional therapy group

2 weeks of training, 4 sessions per week

Significant improvement in mean motor function and stroke severity

Hurkmans et al. (2011)

Nintendo Wii

10 patients with chronic stroke

1 session

Patients playing Wii Sport experiment moderate intensity exercises

Mouawad et al. (2011)

Nintendo Wii

7 patients with chronic stroke and 5 healthy control

10 sessions during 10 consecutive days

Significant and clinically relevant improvement in functional motor ability

Cho et al. (2012)

Nintendo Wii

11 patients with chronic and 11 controls

6 weeks of training, 5 sessions per week

Significant improvement in dynamic balance for chronic patient, no difference in static balance

Celinder and Peoples (2012)

Nintendo Wii

9 patients

3 weeks of training, 1 to 9 sessions

Increase motivation and may benefit patient rehabilitation directly

Lee (2013a, b)

Xbox Kinect

14 acute patients (less than 6-month post stroke) separated into intervention and conventional therapy group

6 weeks of training, 3 sessions per week

Significant improvement in muscle strength of the upper extremities (except the wrist) and performance of activity of daily living

Kafri et al. (2013)

Nintendo Wii and Xbox Kinect

11 patients and 8 healthy controls

4 sessions of training over a week

Playing upper extremities or mobility VG resulted in moderate energy expenditure and intensity

Peters et al. (2013)

Nintendo Wii

PlayStation 2

12 patients with chronic stroke

10 sessions of training

The number of repetitions is depending of the device (PlayStation > Nintendo Wii). Active gaming provided more upper extremity repetitions than for traditional therapy

Neil et al. (2013)

PlayStation 3

Nintendo Wii

10 patients with chronic stroke and 10 healthy controls

1 session

The number of repetitions is depending of the device (PlayStation > Nintendo Wii). Greater movement intensity was found for the PlayStation 3 compared to Nintendo Wii

Rajaratnam et al. (2013)

Nintendo Wii

Xbox Kinect

19 acute patients (less than 1-month post stroke)

3 weeks of training, 5 sessions per week

Improvement in functional mobility and balance

Sin et al. (2013)

Xbox Kinect

40 patients with chronic stroke separated into intervention and conventional therapy group

6 weeks of training, 3 sessions per week

Significant improvement in function of the upper limb

Bao et al. (2013)

Xbox Kinect

5 subacute patients

5 weeks of training, 3 sessions per week

Significant improvement in the Fugl-Meyer assessment and Wolf Motor Function

Barcala et al. (2013)

Nintendo Wii

20 patients with chronic stroke

5 weeks of training, 2 sessions per week

Significant improvement in body symmetry, balance, and function

Hung et al. (2014)

Nintendo Wii

30 patients with chronic stroke

12 weeks of training or conventional weight-shift training

The VG group shows more improvement in static balance than the control group. But the progresses were not maintained after 3 months. The exergaming group enjoyed training more than the control group

Choi et al. (2014)

Nintendo Wii

20 patients with subacute stroke

4 weeks of intervention (VG or occupational therapy), 5 sessions per week

No difference between group after intervention. These findings suggested that the commercial gaming-based VG therapy was as effective as conventional occupational therapy on the recovery of upper extremity motor and daily living function in subacute stroke patients

Subramaniam et al.(2014)

Nintendo Wii

8 community-dwelling individuals with hemiparetic stroke

VG training in conjunction with cognitive training, 110 min a day during 5 days

The results demonstrate good adherence and evidence of clinical value of this high-intensity, short-duration protocol for reducing cognitive-motor interference and improving balance control in stroke survivors

Morone et al. (2014)

Nintendo Wii

50 patient with stroke

4 weeks of balance training using VG or conventional balance therapy, 3 sessions per week

Wii Fit training was more effective than usual balance therapy in improving balance and independency in activity of daily living

Bower et al. (2014)

Nintendo Wii

30 patients with stroke

2 to 4 weeks of training for balance training (standing position) or upper limb rehabilitation (sitting position), 3 sessions per week

Wii use by the balance group was associated with trends for improved balance, with significantly greater improvement in outcomes including the step test and Wii balance board-derived center of pressure scores. The upper limb group had larger, nonsignificant changes in arm function

Shiner et al. (2014)

Nintendo Wii

10 patients with chronic stroke

14 days program of Wii-based upper limb rehabilitation with or without bilateral priming before the games

Bilateral priming before Wii-based movement therapy led to a greater magnitude and retention of improvement compared to control. Bilateral priming can enhance the efficacy of wii-based movement therapy

Viana et al. (2014)

Nintendo Wii

20 patients with chronic stroke

15 sessions of training using VG with or without transcranial direct current simulation

Both groups demonstrated gains in motor function. Wrist spasticity was significantly more decreased in the group with transcranial direct simulation

Fernandes et al. (2014)

Xbox Kinect

20 patients with stroke and 20 healthy subject

1 session

After the training, only patients with right brain injury improved their shoulder and elbow angles, approaching the left upper limb movement pattern of healthy subjects

Choi et al. (2014)

Nintendo Wii

20 chronic patients

4 weeks of training, 7 sessions per week

Significant improvement in Fugl-Meyer assessment, manual function test, box and block test, activities of daily living, cognitive function, and grip strength

Morone et al. (2014)

Nintendo Wii

50 subacute stroke patients

4 weeks of training, 3 sessions per week

Balance training with VG as a complement to conventional therapy was found to be more effective than conventional therapy alone in improving balance and reducing disability in patients with subacute stroke

Hung et al. (2014)

Nintendo Wii

30 chronic patients

12 weeks of training

Significant improvement in the timed up-and-go test, forward reach test, and fear of falling. The improvement in fear of falling was not maintained over time. The VG group enjoyed training more than the control group

Bower et al. (2014)

Nintendo Wii

30 acute patients

2–4 weeks of training, 3 sessions per week

Trends (not significant) towards improved balance and arm function

Lee et al. (2015)

Nintendo Wii

24 chronic patients

3 weeks of training, 3 sessions per week

Significantly more improvement in static balance and functional reach tests in the VG compared to control groups

Da Silva Ribeiro et al. (2015)

Nintendo Wii

30 chronic patients

3 weeks of training, 2 sessions per week

Significant improvement in Fugl-Meyer assessment and short-form health survey

Şimşek and Çekok (2016)

Nintendo Wii

42 acute patients

10 weeks of training, 3 sessions per week

Significant improvement in quality of life and daily living functions

Chen et al. (2015)

Nintendo Wii

24 chronic patients

8 weeks of training, 5 sessions per week

Significant improvement in Fugl-Meyer assessment. Patient enjoyment was significantly higher in the VG groups

Yatar and Yildirim (2015)

Nintendo Wii

30 chronic patients

4 weeks of training, 3 sessions per week

Significant improvement in balance, balance confidence, and activities of daily living

Omiyale et al. (2015)

Nintendo Wii

9 chronic patients

3 weeks of training, 3 sessions per week

Significant improvements in reaction time and balance confidence

Paquin et al. (2015)

Nintendo Wii

10 chronic patients

8 weeks of training, 2 sessions per week

Significant improvement in functional recovery, fine motor function, and quality of life

Song and Park (2015)

Xbox Kinect

40 chronic patients

8 weeks of training, 5 sessions per week

Significant improvement in balance, gait, and depression

Table 4.9
Summary of studies about specific rehabilitation games included in this review on stroke rehabilitation

Study and Year




Stewart et al. (2007)

2 chronic patients

12 training session over a 3 weeks period

Participants improved functional ability after training

Mirelman et al. (2010)

18 chronic patients

12 training session over a 3 weeks period

Subjects in the SG group demonstrated a significantly larger increase in ankle power generation at push-off as a result of training. The SG group had greater change in ankle ROM post-training as compared to the control group. Significant differences were found in knee ROM on the affected side during stance and swing, with greater change in the VR group

Ustinova et al. (2011)

13 patients with traumatic brain injury

1 session

Participants improved in game performance, arm movement time, and precision. Improvements were achieved mostly by adapting efficient arm-postural coordination strategies

Shiri et al. (2012)

6 acute patients

10 sessions of training

All participants succeeded in operating the system, demonstrating its feasibility in terms of adherence and improvement in task performance

Rabin et al. (2012)

5 chronic patients

6 weeks of training

Clinically significant improvements in their active range of shoulder movement, shoulder strength, grasp strength, and their ability to focus

Turolla et al. (2013)

376 chronic patients

20 sessions over a 4 weeks period

Both treatments significantly improved Fugl-Meyer upper extremity and functional independence measure scores, but the improvement obtained with VR rehabilitation was significantly greater than that achieved with conventional therapy

Orihuela-Espina et al. (2013)

8 chronic patients


Patients demonstrated significant behavioral improvements (Fugl-Meyer and Motricity index)

McEwen et al. (2014)

59 chronic patients

20 sessions over a 3 weeks period

Patients demonstrated significant improved mobility-related outcomes (timed up-and-go the two-minute walk test)

Shin et al. (2014)

23 acute or subacute patients

10 sessions over a 2 weeks period

The SG intervention improved the Fugl-Meyer and the modified Barthel index

Lee and Chun (2014)

23 subacute patients

15 sessions over a 3 weeks period

The combination of brain stimulation and peripheral arm training using SG could facilitate a stronger beneficial effect on UE impairment than using each intervention alone

Cho et al. (2014)

10 chronic patients

2 weeks of training

Significant improvement in proprioception after the training

Tsekleves et al. (2014)

3 chronic patients

2 weeks of training

Participants reporting better wrist control and greater functional use

Kiper et al. (2014)

44 chronic patients

20 sessions over a 4 weeks period

The Fugl-Meyer and the functional independence measure scores were significantly higher in the SG group after treatment, but not speed-related parameters

Iosa et al. (2015)

4 subacute patients

6 sessions of 30 min

Patients showed a significantly higher improvement in hand abilities and grasp force

Bower et al. (2015)

40 chronic patients

4 weeks of training, 2 sessions per week

Acceptability was high for the intervention group and improvements over time were seen in several functional outcome measures. There were no serious adverse safety events reported

Joo et al. (2015)

38 subacute patients

5 weeks of training, 3 sessions per week

Significant short-term effects of the SG program on pulmonary function in stroke patients were recorded in this study

Shin et al. (2015)

35 chronic hemiparetic patients

4 weeks of training, 5 sessions per week

SG rehabilitation has specific effects on health-related quality of life, depression, and upper extremity function among patients with chronic hemiparetic stroke

Standen et al. (2015)

17 chronic patients

8 weeks of training, 3 sessions of 20 min per day

A weak positive correlation between duration and baseline reported activities of daily living. Participants reported lack of familiarity with technology and competing commitments as barriers to use although they appreciated the flexibility of the intervention and found it motivating


Fig. 4.7
Repartition of the devices for studies on stroke

The most used systems are the Nintendo Wii and some specific solutions. Only three studies were performed using the PlayStation, including the first study in this area in 2008 (Yavuzer et al. 2008). Kinect was available only 5 years after the Nintendo Wii; therefore, there are fewer studies conducted with this device but there is a significant increase since 2013 and currently the recent studies are conducted with both devices equally.

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