Sedation, Procedural

Sedation, Procedural


  • Determine whether the patient’s status fits the criteria for American Society of Anesthesiologists class I (normal healthy patient) or class II (patient with mild systemic disease) candidate, frequently considered appropriate candidates for moderate or deep sedation. Children who are class III or IV require additional consideration.

  • Assess the child’s and family’s understanding of sedation and the subsequent procedure. Preparatory interventions such as careful explanation of the procedure and the effects of sedatives before the procedure are helpful in alleviating the child’s distress and family’s concerns.

  • Ensure that informed consent has been obtained (see Chapter 51).

  • If appropriate, invite the family to stay with the child and instruct them on their role to soothe and comfort the child (see Chapter 92).

  • Complete the pain assessment with the child and the family. As needed, review age-appropriate pain assessment scale with the child and family to assist in postprocedural pain evaluations.

Jul 9, 2020 | Posted by in NURSING | Comments Off on Sedation, Procedural

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