Safety, Childhood

Deficient Knowledge: potential for enhanced health maintenance r/t parental knowledge and skill acquisition regarding appropriate safety measures

Risk for Aspiration (See Aspiration, risk for, Section III)

Risk for Injury/Trauma: Risk factors: developmental age, altered home maintenance

Risk for impaired Parenting: Risk factors: lack of available and effective role model, lack of knowledge, misinformation from other family members (old wives’ tales)

Risk for Poisoning: Risk factors: use of lead-based paint; presence of asbestos or radon gas; drugs not locked in cabinet; household products left in accessible area (bleach, detergent, drain cleaners, household cleaners); alcohol and perfume within reach of child; presence of poisonous plants; atmospheric pollutants

Risk for Thermal Injury r/t inadequate supervision

Readiness for enhanced Childbearing Process: appropriate knowledge for care of child

Readiness for enhanced Immunization Status: expresses desire to enhance immunization status


Ineffective Activity Planning r/t compromised ability to process information

Anxiety r/t unconscious conflict with reality

Impaired verbal Communication r/t psychosis, disorientation, inaccurate perception, hallucinations, delusions

Ineffective Coping r/t inadequate support systems, unrealistic perceptions, inadequate coping skills, disturbed thought processes, impaired communication

Deficient Diversional Activity r/t social isolation, possible regression

Interrupted Family Processes r/t inability to express feelings, impaired communication

Fear r/t altered contact with reality

Ineffective Health Maintenance r/t cognitive impairment, ineffective individual and family coping, lack of material resources

Impaired Home Maintenance r/t impaired cognitive or emotional functioning, insufficient finances, inadequate support systems

Hopelessness r/t long-term stress from chronic mental illness

Disturbed personal Identity r/t psychiatric disorder

Insomnia r/t sensory alterations contributing to fear and anxiety

Impaired Memory r/t psychosocial condition

Self-Neglect r/t psychosis

Imbalanced Nutrition: less than body requirements r/t fear of eating, lack of awareness of hunger, disinterest toward food

Impaired individual Resilience r/t psychological disorder

Self-Care deficit: specify r/t loss of contact with reality, impairment of perception

Sleep deprivation r/t intrusive thoughts, nightmares

Impaired Social Interaction r/t impaired communication patterns, self-concept disturbance, disturbed thought processes

Social Isolation r/t lack of trust, regression, delusional thinking, repressed fears

Chronic Sorrow r/t chronic mental illness

Spiritual Distress r/t loneliness, social alienation

Ineffective family Therapeutic Regimen Management r/t chronicity and unpredictability of condition

Risk for Caregiver Role Strain: Risk factors: bizarre behavior of client, chronicity of condition

Risk for compromised Human Dignity: Risk factor: stigmatizing label

Risk for Loneliness: Risk factor: inability to interact socially

Risk for Post-Trauma Syndrome: Risk factor: diminished ego strength

Risk for Powerlessness: Risk factor: intrusive, distorted thinking

Risk for impaired Religiosity: Risk factors: ineffective coping, lack of security

Risk for Suicide: Risk factor: psychiatric illness

Risk for self- and other-directed Violence: Risk factors: lack of trust, panic, hallucinations, delusional thinking

Readiness for enhanced Hope: expresses desire to enhance interconnectedness with others and problem-solve to meet goals

Readiness for enhanced Power: expresses willingness to enhance participation in choices for daily living and health and enhance knowledge for participation in change


Risk-prone Health Behavior r/t lack of developmental maturity to comprehend long-term consequences of noncompliance with treatment procedures

Disturbed Body Image r/t use of therapeutic braces, postsurgery scars, restricted physical activity

Ineffective Breathing Pattern r/t restricted lung expansion caused by severe curvature of spine

Impaired Comfort r/t altered health status and body image

Impaired Gas Exchange r/t restricted lung expansion as a result of severe presurgery curvature of spine, immobilization

Impaired physical Mobility r/t restricted movement, dyspnea caused by severe curvature of spine

Acute Pain r/t musculoskeletal restrictions, surgery, reambulation with cast or spinal rod

Impaired Skin Integrity r/t braces, casts, surgical correction

Chronic Sorrow r/t chronic disability

Ineffective Health Maintenance r/t deficient knowledge regarding treatment modalities, restrictions, home care, postoperative activities

Risk for Infection: Risk factor: surgical incision

Risk for Perioperative Positioning Injury: Risk factor: prone position

Risk for compromised Resilience: Risk factor: chronic condition

Readiness for enhanced Self-Health Management: desires knowledge regarding treatment for condition

See Hospitalized Child; Maturational Issues, Adolescent

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Dec 10, 2016 | Posted by in NURSING | Comments Off on S

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