Ratios and Proportions

Ratios and Proportions

Objective 2

Most people do not become excited when they hear the words ratio and proportion. Moans, groans, and looks of defeat quickly spread across the room. I once asked some students, “What is it about ratios and proportions that is so intimidating?” Answers included, “I never can set the problem up correctly,” “I’m not sure if I am supposed to reduce the ratio prior to cross multiplying or if I have the problem set up correctly,” and “I never remember how to get ‘X’ by itself in order to solve the problem.” Do you have the same concerns? In this chapter, we will discuss different ways to set up and solve ratio and proportion problems. I hope that you will find a strategy that reinforces your knowledge level and allows you to be confident in these basic algebra equations.

Objectives 2, 3, 4


By nature, human beings love to compare objects. Take a minute and list different activities in your daily life that involve comparisons.

When you think about it, a ratio is simply a comparison between two objects or amounts.

Health care uses ratios in determining medication dosages and additives to IV solutions and in reporting laboratory values and disease statistics. Once a ratio has been identified, it is easy to write a proportion to find a solution or the answer to a question.

Ratios can be written either as a fraction or with a colon to separate the items being compared. In word problems, you will commonly see the word to between the two items of comparison.

The shelter houses 15 dogs to every 7 cats.
15:7, 157image, or 15 to 7

There are 7 boys and 12 girls in the class.
7:12, 712image, or 7 to 12


Look at the medication labels in Figures 5-1, 5-2, and 5-3. What are the examples in these three figures comparing? If you said medication per milliliter, you are correct. Each of the labels compares the medication dose to a specified amount of liquid, expressed in milliliters (ml).

Now look at the labels of medications that are dispensed as tablets (Figures 5-4, 5-5, and 5-6). The labels express the dosage per tablet.

Objective 4


A proportion is a mathematical equation that compares two equal ratios. Proportions can be written as fractions with an equal sign (=) between the two ratios or can be expressed by the use of double colons (::) between the ratios.

12=36image or 1:2 :: 3:6


The key to solving a proportion problem is how you set up your problem. Refer to the box Strategy 5-1 for steps in setting up a proportion.

Is there a different way to solve this problem? You might think it would have been easier and just as accurate to reduce your fractions before multiplying. As previously stated, there is more than one way to solve a math problem. Yes, you would have come up with the same answer if you had reduced 36image to 12image; then your answer would have been 12image = 12image. Again, the answer to the problem would be, “Yes, this is a true proportion.”

Objective 5

Solving for “X”

In the real world, we encounter proportion problems when we try to compare similar measurements but do not have all the information. Most common proportions involve the distribution of medication, laboratory result measurements, and concentration of medication in fluids.

The key to solving these problems is to set up the problem so the same measurements are in the same location on both sides of the equation. It is common to use the letter “X” to represent the unknown.

Apr 17, 2017 | Posted by in NURSING | Comments Off on Ratios and Proportions

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