Question External Directives

Chapter 16 Question External Directives

Sometimes other health care professionals or managers make decisions which adversely affect patient care or staff. Sometimes you may feel that you are pressured into making decisions which you do not feel are appropriate. The message here is don’t always accept that others’ decisions are the right ones.

Don’t hesitate to challenge people just because they are more senior or are more knowledgeable in certain subjects than you. Trust your instincts. You are an experienced professional, and sometimes have more insight than they do. Often it is not what you say but how you say it that makes sure you are heard. If you find that certain performance indicators are reducing the standard of patient care or that undertaking audits is taking your staff away from patient care, you have a duty to speak up: ‘You are personally accountable for actions and omissions in your practice and must always be able to justify your decisions’ (Nursing and Midwifery Council (NMC) 2008).

Is another link nurse role really needed?

Link nurses are a good way of maintaining links between the ward and various nurse specialists and people who are employed to enable the organisation to meet a particular quality indicator. The problem is that the number of nurse specialists and quality indicators is continually increasing. Some ward managers are now finding themselves in the position where the number of link nurse roles required is far greater than the number of staff they have on their team. Box 16.1 includes a small selection of the link nurse roles required from today’s nurses.

Has the bed manager considered all other options?

Work with your bed manager. You may dread them coming on to your ward or ringing you up every 5 minutes, but they have to know what is going on everywhere and place patients in beds as soon as possible. They are under constant pressure and sometimes do not realise the pressures you have, especially those who do not have a clinical background.

Jun 15, 2016 | Posted by in NURSING | Comments Off on Question External Directives

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