Fig. 26.1
Comprehensive Surgical Checklist. Reprinted with permission from Copyright © 2016, AORN, Inc.: Denver, CO. All rights reserved
In particular, interventions to prevent or reduce never events include:
improving communication (e.g., nurses clarifying scheduled procedures with surgeons’ office staff as well as the attending surgeon),
complying with policies mandating the use of checklists (e.g., team members engaging in time-outs and surgical briefings and debriefings),
strengthening teamwork (e.g., engaging in simulation exercises to promote interprofessional behaviors), and
Additional strategies for reducing the risk of wrong patient /procedure/site surgery are listed in Table 26.1.
Table 26.1
Strategies to prevent wrong patient /procedure/site surgery never events
• Employ checklists not only for the OR, but also for OR schedulers and for Physician office personnel to ensure accuracy, consistency, opportunities for clarification (“possible” mini, endoscopic, etc.); see sample forms from Pennsylvania Patient Safety Authoritya |
• Do not start procedure until all questions, concerns, and/or confusion about patient/site/procedure are clarified and resolved |
• Ensure all necessary documents (e.g., consents, H&Ps) are available |
• Minimize interruptions during time-out (e.g., music, unrelated chatter, inattention, telephones/pagers) |
• Enact policies developed by an interprofessional team that are evidence based and applicable to every member of the surgical team; administrative executives and other nonclinical leaders must support such policies and foster a culture of responsibility among all team members and professional groups |
• Engage nurses as active and equal participants in strategic and cost decisions related to the use of technologies and tools that can reduce the risk of errors related to misidentification |
Medication Errors
According to Grissinger and Dabliz [38], Steelman and Graling [19], and others [39, 40], major issues related to medication safety include:
failure to confirm the identity of the patient with the right medication ordered for that patient
storage of similar-looking and same-sounding medications in close approximation (e.g., placed next to one another in a medication storage unit)
absent, incomplete, or inaccurate labeling of medications on the surgical field (including those transferred into metal or plastic basins—such as heparin solutions or normal saline)
verbal orders (e.g., unclear, inarticulate, incomplete)
lack of standardization (e.g., drug doses, names, routes)
excessive variability in available doses of medications
lack of unequivocal differentiation between medications (e.g., geriatric/adult/pediatric/neonatal; look alike/sound alike; packaging design, coloration)
lack of clear, direct communication about (e.g.) drug name/strength/amount between medication preparer (e.g., scrub person) and user (e.g., surgeon)
failure to fully read medication labels
acceptance of nonapproved medication abbreviations
inconsistent processes to remove outdated medications
reliance on use of surgeon’s procedure or preference card for drug preparation and use
staff fatigue
Ambulatory Surgery Centers (ASCs) have additional challenges as they may lack pharmaceutical resources compared to tertiary care settings [19, 38]. One comprehensive review of ambulatory surgery facility-related medication errors in the State of Pennsylvania ([38], p. 89) found that of 502 events, the predominant medication error types were as follows:
Drug omission (26.7 %)
Wrong drug (22.3)
Monitoring error/administering drug to patient with documented allergy (17.1 %)
Extra dose (4.2 %)
Wrong dose/overdose (3.6 %)
Wrong dose/underdose (2.2 %)
Other (14.1 %)
Of the classes of medications cited in the study ([38], p. 89), antibiotics were most often cited—33.9 % of reported errors. Ambulatory facilities that do not have an onsite pharmacy or pharmacist should have a process for communicating with pharmaceutical professionals for clarification, information, and education for all staff. It is especially imperative that anesthesia providers, surgeons, and nursing staff have clear, direct, and unambiguous policies and communication processes that reduce the risk of error—particularly those related to miscommunication (or lack of effective communication).
Medication safety applies to all healthcare settings—inpatient and ambulatory as well as clinics and physicians’ offices [41, 42]. Perioperative clinicians should consider safety considerations in the many expanding arenas of practice, notably the interventional suites where an increasing number of procedures are performed jointly by perioperative/surgical professionals and interventional clinicians (e.g., radiology, cardiac catheterization, electrophysiology, and gastrointestinal interventional suites). Grissinger and Dabliz [38] reported on deaths caused by the injection of the wrong medication. One event that was discussed occurred in an interventional suite where basins containing clear, but different, solutions were not labeled. The patient was accidentally injected with a topical antiseptic solution rather than the correct contrast material. These types of never events can occur in any setting and constant vigilance by all staff is as important as any one staff member feeling free to question (e.g.) which medication is in what container.
Medication errors can take place in a wide variety of settings and clinicians must not limit themselves to preconceived notions of where or what can happen [43]. Although the focus of medication errors tends to be on drugs, clinicians should use caution in relation to infusions of blood and blood products. Oxygen delivery (e.g., via nasal cannula) is another related consideration, particularly in patients who may be restricted in their oxygen use (e.g., patients with chronic obstructive pulmonary disease). Strategies for the prevention of medication error never events are presented in Table 26.2.
Table 26.2
Strategies to prevent medication error never events
Promote an interprofessional approach to medication safety |
• Support a medication safety committee that includes surgeons, anesthesia personnel, nurses, and pharmacists, as well as risk managers, purchasing personnel, information technology (IT) members, and administrative champions |
• Include patients and community members in medication safety initiatives |
Procure and store medications and related supplies in a safe and efficient manner |
• Have a contingency plan for ‘back-ordered’ medications |
• Ensure that out dates are monitored and out dated drugs are removed |
• Monitor temperature and humidity levels of areas where medications are stored |
• Consider automated drug dispensing storage systems to restrict and document access |
• Promote use of single- versus multidose vials of medications |
• Standardize medication carts and separate look-alike and sound-alike drugs |
Medication orders should be clear, accurate, and unambiguous |
• Limit verbal medication orders; when used, read back, and record |
• Computerized-provider order entry (CPOE) systems should be used whenever possible |
Actively engage pharmacists in perioperative medication ordering and dispensing |
• Have pharmacists review medication orders |
• Include pharmacists in grand rounds |
Clinicians should review the patient’s health record before medication administration |
• Before administering a medication, confirm patient’s identity, metric weight, medication history, current medication history, and allergies |
• Involve the patient (or surrogate), when possible, to identify current medications, allergies, and preferences (when applicable) |
Administer medications in a safe manner |
• Verify correct patient, drug, route, amount/dose, time, indications, and contraindications |
• Avoid interruptions during medication preparation |
• Have available weight-based conversion charts and other tools to ensure correct calculations |
• Encourage clarification of all medication orders |
• Label all medication containers (e.g., syringes, metal basins, plastic medication cups) |
• Make use of safety devices (e.g., infusion pumps, safety needles, sterile transfer devices) |
• Collaborate with IT to develop ‘prompts’ in the electronic health record for (e.g.) prophylactic antibiotic administration |
Monitor the patient for intended or unintended reactions to medications |
• Document reactions to medications |
• Collaborate with surgical colleagues to manage medication-related crises emergencies |
Pressure Ulcers and Related Positioning Never Events
Pressure ulcers occur as a result of skin compression, which impedes blood flow and damages underlying tissue; prolonged pressure can cause tissue decay. Although pressure ulcers are commonly associated with long-term care, extended periods of uninterrupted pressure and friction during surgical procedures put patients at risk for these injuries [44–46]. Table 26.3 lists the four stages of pressure ulcers according to the degree of tissue damage.
Table 26.3
Four stages of pressure ulcers according to the degree of tissue damage
Stage I: Observable pressure-related alteration of intact skin when compared to adjacent tissue and may include one or more of the following: skin temperature (warm or cool), tissue consistency (firm or boggy), and sensation (pain or itching). Most pressure ulcers that develop during a surgical procedure are stage I cases |
Stage II: Partial skin loss of the epidermis and dermis. The skin is eroded or blistered or has shallow craters |
Stage III: Full skin loss, possibly down to, but not through, the fascial layer, causing deep craters |
Stage IV: Extensive tissue loss. Muscle, bone, and supporting structures show |
The Braden Scale [44] is the most common tool used for assessing risks for acquiring pressure ulcers; however, the Braden Scale does not capture all the critical risk factors for the development of injury in surgical patients [45]. The Munro [46] scale was created by a perioperative nurse to capture factors specific to surgical patients and has demonstrated promise for predicting patients at risk during surgery.
Primiano and fellow researchers [47] studied the prevalence of, and risk factors for, pressure ulcer development during general, orthopedic, neurological, cardiothoracic, gynecologic, and vascular procedures lasting longer than 3 h. They and others [48–50] found several risks for the development of pressure injuries:
Male sex —twice as many males develop pressure ulcers
Positioned on thin (1.5″–2″) foam OR bed pads
Major skin abrasions
Older age (less elastic, smaller, more calcified blood vessels)
Obesity (more weight and pressure on bony prominences); morbidly obese patients (body mass index/BMI of 30 and above) are particularly at risk [50].
Malnourishment (increases the risk and can retard healing; albumin levels under 3.0 [normal albumin = 3.5–4.5 mg/dL] pose a risk for pressure injuries)
Diabetes mellitus or hypertension
Length of surgery (susceptible patients can develop ulcers during procedures that last only one half-hour to 1 h)
Moisture (e.g., pooling of prep solutions; staff not allowing prepping solutions to dry completely)
Shearing and friction (when outer layer of skin slides across a surface and the underlying tissues shift or move; can also occur if the patient is pulled or moved without being lifted)
Warming blankets (the risk of burns should be considered. For example, a warming blanket under the patient warms the tissue, therefore less blood travels to the warmed area, depriving the tissue of oxygen)
Guidelines for patient positioning in the OR from the National Pressure Ulcer Advisory Panel [51] and the European Pressure Ulcer Advisory Panel [52–54] recommend using a pressure redistributing mattress on the OR bed. Some organizations report insufficient evidence to recommend a specific pressure redistribution intervention or product [55, 56], but a randomized controlled trial [57] did demonstrate that viscoelastic polymer pads reduced the incidence of pressure ulcer formation (compared to the standard OR bed mattresses). Recommendations for the prevention of pressure ulcer never events are listed in Table 26.4.
Table 26.4
Recommendations for preventing pressure ulcer never events
1. Assess the patient’s skin continuously. Before positioning, assess the patient’s overall skin condition. Immunocompromised patients (e.g., diabetics, patients undergoing steroid, chemotherapy, or radiation treatments) are especially at risk |
2. Use a pressure ulcer assessment scale to measure the patient’s risk. The Braden Scale, the most widely used assessment tool (available at is made up of six subscales scored from 1 to 4 that measure a patient’s sensory perception, skin moisture, degree of physical activity, ability to change and control body position, usual food intake pattern, and amount of assistance they require for moving. Lower scores (less than 20) indicate higher risks of pressure ulcer development. Reassess these patients in PACU/ICU to ensure problem areas did not develop or preexisting skin conditions were not exacerbated during surgery |
A perioperative pressure ulcer scale has been developed by Munro [46] who identified a need for an OR-specific assessment tool |
3. Anticipate the patient’s position. The circulating nurse should confirm the patient’s surgical position with the surgeon and have necessary positioning supplies and devices |
4. Use thick gel pads. Thirty percent of patients in one study [47] who were positioned on thin foam table pads (1.5″–2″) developed pressure ulcers. Surface pads should be 3″–4″ thick to maintain skin integrity |
5. Keep OR bed sheets smooth. Wrinkles in sheets can cause skin breakdown; smooth OR bed mattress covers before placing patients on them |
6. Pad bony prominences with cushioning devices. Use appropriate cushioning devices/pads that maintain normal capillary pressure of 32 mmHg or less, are durable, resist moisture and microorganisms, are fire resistant, are nonallergenic, and are easy to clean and disinfect |
7. Keep pressure off heels. Use the foam heel protectors or place a pillow or positioning under patients’ heels to keep off the OR bed surface |
8. Avoid elevating patients’ ankles (this can actually increase pressure ulcer development risks). Brief periods of heel/ankle elevation may be required for prepping in certain procedures (e.g., saphenous vein removal during coronary artery bypass surgery) |
9. Apply sacral padding for patients undergoing prolonged procedures (e.g., greater than 2 or more hours) in the supine position |
10. Avoid leaning on patients during surgery. Surgical team members of the surgical team may inadvertently lean on the patient during surgery in order to improve the view of the surgical site or reach for needed instruments |
11. Move portions of the patient’s body when possible. This is challenging for prolonged cases (e.g., cardiac or other surgeries of 4–5 h or more) but there may be some opportunities to enhance perfusion to certain areas. For example, a staff person may reach underneath the drapes to gently shift a patient’s extremities several times throughout a procedure. Anesthesia providers may be able to briefly lift the patient’s head. It does not take long for circulation to return to potential problem areas and slight movements can reduce the risk of developing pressure ulcers |
12. Document the skin the pre-op and post-op skin condition. Additionally, document the positioning devices used as well as the protective devices. Observed injuries should be documented per institutional policy |
Although pressure injuries are often related to adverse events associated with positioning, another serious adverse event can occur when a patient falls during transfer from the gurney to the OR bed, during positioning on the OR bed, during Trendelenburg or reverse Trendelenburg positions, or when the patient becomes agitated, e.g., during induction or local anesthetic procedures. It is important to ensure that patients are secured with safety straps and that there are staff members on either side of the patient as well as the head and the feet during transfers and position changes [54]. Additional positioning considerations are listed in Table 26.5.
Table 26.5
Positioning considerations to reduce the risk of pressure ulcers and falls
• Supine Position. In the supine position pressure sores most commonly occur on the heels, sacrum and ischium, the back of the skull, and the shoulder blades. These areas should be protected with cushioning pads, and heels should be kept off the OR bed. Avoid elevating the patients’ ankles as this can actually increase pressure ulcer development risks |
• Lateral Position. Cushion the ear, shoulder, thigh, knee, ankle, and foot of patients in the lateral position; place pillows between legs; secure body with a safety strap |
• Prone Position. Place padding under the face, chest, and feet to prevent wounds on the nose, forehead, chest, feet, and toes |
• Lithotomy Position. Pad the lateral or posterior knees and ankles to prevent pressure injuries |
Surgical Site Infections
Surgical site infection (SSI) is an infection occurring in an incisional wound within 30 days of a surgical procedure, according to the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC) [58]. The occurrence of a surgical site infection during the postoperative period may significantly affect patient recovery and hospital resources leading to longer length of stay, readmission, and possible delay in resumption of normal daily activities and return to employment. This surgical complication can be devastating to the patient and family, as well as to healthcare institutions that can be penalized financially for SSI readmissions through decreased reimbursement and other financial penalties. There is no single factor which predicts whether a patient may develop a surgical site infection and plans developed to reduce SSIs should embrace a variety of factors along the patient’s continuum of care.
Individual patient characteristics may be associated with improved surgical outcomes. Four preoperative specific factors have been identified by the Strong for Surgery team in Washington State: adequate nutrition, glycemic control, smoking cessation, and appropriate medications [59–61]. Strong for Surgery provides a presurgery checklist to doctor’s offices to help with education, communication, and standardization of best practices, and hence to improved clinical outcomes. Other preoperative patient factors related to surgical site infection include specific medication use, such as steroids or immunotherapy which may naturally compromise wound healing, and colonization with Staphylococcus aureus, increasing chances of developing methicillin-resistant Staphylococcus aureus (MRSA) [62].
Bacteria are becoming increasingly resistant to antibiotics making SSI prevention even more challenging. The use of intranasal mupirocin ointment for Staphylococcus aureus decolonization has resulted in statistically significant reduction of S. aureus SSIs [63]. Staphylococcus decolonization is routinely used prior to cardiac surgery and total joint arthroplasty and is becoming more common in other procedures. Bundles comprised of decolonization, preoperative showers, and antibiotic prophylaxis should be considered [64]. Several protocols have specifically targeted decolonization of methicillin-sensitive S. aureus (MSSA) and methicillin-resistant S. aureus (MRSA) using intranasal mupirocin and chlorhexidine washes and demonstrate [65, 66] effectiveness for reducing MRSA/MSSA colonization.
Skin is a major potential source of microbial contamination in the surgical environment. When implementing a program to reduce SSI, one must look at the patient and the provider to manage reduction of skin flora. Evidence suggests that preoperative antiseptic showers reduce bacterial colonization and may be effective at preventing SSIs [67]. No one antiseptic has been found to be better than another for preventing SSI. A 2010 study by Edmiston et al. [68] provided clear evidence for using chlorhexidine gluconate (CHG) preoperatively to reduce the risk of surgical site infection. In a 2013 study, Graling and Vasaly [69] found that 4 % CHG delivered preoperatively by cloth bath reduced surgical site infections in general and vascular surgery. A recent study by Edmiston et al. [70] provides evidence for a standardized showering regimen to achieve maximal skin surface concentrations of CHG 4 % in surgical patients preoperatively.
The optimal use of preoperative antibiotics has been a focus in a number of major projects looking to reduce complications of healthcare. These include the Prevention of Surgical Site Infection , Institute for Healthcare Improvement , 5 Million lives campaign [71], and The Joint Commission’s Surgical Care Improvement Project (SCIP) [72].
The Centers for Disease Control and Prevention’s (CDC) classic 1999 Guidelines for Prevention of Surgical Site Infection [73] provide category IA evidence for preoperative antibiotic prophylaxis. Prophylactic antimicrobial agents should be administered only when indicated and should be selected based on the efficacy against the most common pathogens causing SSI for a specific operation and published recommendations. Appropriate and timely administration of preoperative antibiotics for routine surgical cases is also a perioperative patient quality measure defined by The Surgical Care Improvement Project (SCIP) , a national program aimed at reducing perioperative complications and is a quality benchmark metric for Centers for Medicare and Medicaid Services [72].
Antibiotics should be administered by the intravenous (IV) route and the initial preoperative dose timed to establish optimal tissue and serum concentrations prior to incision. Therapeutic levels of the antibiotic agent should be maintained in serum and tissues throughout the operation and until, at most, a few hours after the incision is closed in the operating room. Team members should standardize protocols using national guidelines, using preprinted or computerized standing orders, verify administration during time-out processes, and have the preoperative nurse or anesthesia professional assign dosing responsibilities [63]. Team members play important roles throughout the perioperative period; Table 26.6 identifies actions by patients and staff in the perioperative, intraoperative, and postoperative periods.
Table 26.6
Recommendations for reducing surgical site infection never events
Preoperatively |
Patient actions |
Perform preoperative antiseptic showers with prescribed cleanser |
Staff actions |
Assess patient predisposing factors; optimize risk reduction strategies for elective surgical procedures |
• Nutrition |
• Glycemic control |
• Smoking cessation |
• Steroid and/or immunotherapy |
• MRSA colonization |
Perform frequent hand hygiene |
Optimize incision site preparation with limited to no hair removal, preferably in preoperative area; use clippers if hair removal required |
Administer preoperative antibiotics within time frame to maximize tissue perfusion |
Intraoperatively |
Maintain optimal surgical environment (temperature, humidity) |
Use EPA-approved hospital disinfectant to clean surfaces and equipment; inspect surfaces, equipment prior to room setup |
Minimize operating room traffic (enter/exit through sterile core) |
Sterilize instruments according to manufacturer’s instructions |
Minimize the use of immediate use steam sterilization |
Don clean OR attire and personal protective equipment |
Cleanse (prep) skin with appropriate surgical antiseptic |
Adhere to standard principles of operating room asepsis and surgical technique (e.g., handle tissue carefully, eradicate dead space when closing incisions) |
Maintain normothermia |
Classify wound at end of case (i.e., clean, clean contaminated, contaminated, infected) |
Postoperatively |
Incision care |
Remove drains and catheters as soon as possible |
Provide adequate nutrition for wound healing |
Another safety measure is hand hygiene, which has been recognized as a primary method of decreasing healthcare-acquired infections [75]. Hand hygiene, handwashing, and surgical hand scrubs are the most effective way to prevent and control infections and represent the least expensive means of achieving both [76]. Despite this, studies have showed remarkably low hand hygiene rates by surgical providers as they enter in the OR to prepare their equipment, insert intravenous lines and catheters, etc. [77].
Preparation of the surgical incision site may include hair removal and application of a surgical skin antiseptic. Hair removal should only be performed when necessary. When hair removal is performed, clipping hair lowers the risk of SSI development rather than shaving hair with a razor [67]. The effectiveness of any skin antiseptic used for the surgical skin prep can be affected by a number of factors. The effectiveness of each solution depends on concentration, temperature, particular germ or virus, and contact time. Following manufacturers’ recommendations for use optimizes results. Skin antiseptics should be chosen for the individual patient based on patient assessment, the procedure type, and a review of the manufacturer’s instructions for use and contraindications [78].
Preparation of the surgical site is one factor in creating a safe environment. The physical environment within a surgical suite should support patient care to reduce the risk of developing a surgical site infection. The AORN Guidelines for a safe environment of care provide guidance for the design and maintenance of building structures to accommodate a perioperative procedure as well as guidelines for hazardous waste and storage conditions [79–81].
Another environmental concern is the movement of people and supplies. Traffic patterns should facilitate movement of patients, personnel, supplies, and equipment through the OR suite, with restriction levels intended to provide the cleanest environment possible. The number and movement of individuals during an operative procedure should be kept to a minimum. Evidence suggests that bacterial shedding increases with activity and that air currents may pick up contaminated particles shed from patients, personnel, and drapes and distribute them to sterile areas [82]. Additionally, an optimal surgical environment maintains temperature and humidity to deter microbial growth. Perioperative personnel should use an Environmental Protective Agency-registered disinfectant to clean surfaces and equipment, and physically inspect surfaces and equipment prior to preparing the OR for surgery [74].
There are several practices that reduce the spread of transmissible infections when preparing for surgery or working in the OR [83]. Perioperative personnel should don clean scrub attire and wear personal protective equipment (PPE) to protect both the patient and provider from microbial contamination and blood borne pathogen exposure. To deter passage of microorganisms, particulates, and fluids between sterile and unsterile areas, PPE should be resistant to tears, punctures, and abrasions [83]. Sterile drapes provide a barrier that minimizes the passage of microorganisms from unsterile to sterile areas and reduces the risk of healthcare-associated infections [73]. All surgical instruments should be sterilized according to published guidelines and manufacturers’ instructions. Instruments should be prepared using immediate use steam sterilization (formerly called “Flash” sterilization) only if they are required for immediate use and not for convenience, or to avoid purchasing additional instruments, or to save time. Implementing sterile techniques when preparing, performing, or assisting with surgical procedures is the cornerstone of maintaining sterility and preventing microbial contamination. Studies looking at colorectal surgery have shown that isolation techniques and the use of closing trays discourage the seeding of enteric contents to the incision site has been reported to reduce the incidence of SSI [83, 84].
Additional clinical trials have shown that hypothermia increases the incidence of serious adverse consequences including surgical site infections [85]. Several recent studies have shown the use of evidence-based surgical care bundles in patients undergoing colorectal surgery significantly reduced the risk of SSI; included in these bundles is maintaining normothermia [61, 84, 86]. Perioperative personnel should evaluate a patient’s risk for unplanned, inadvertent hypothermia and implement strategies such as temperature monitoring and patient warming in order to adjust environmental conditions according to patient needs [87].
Postoperative care considerations should be reviewed at the conclusion of the procedure by the surgical team using a debriefing process [23]. Additionally, determining the surgical wound class assists clinicians in gauging the risk for infection. Surgical wound classification is determined using the wound classification scheme from the CDC. The CDC recommends four surgical wound classifications :
- 1.
- 2.
- 3.
Contaminated, and
- 4.
Dirty or infected wounds [73].
This classification scheme reflects the probability of infection and should be determined by the surgeon at the end of the surgical procedure. AORN has developed the Surgical Wound Classification Decision Tree (Fig. 26.2) to assist in decision making for surgical wound classification [88].

Fig. 26.2
Surgical Wound Classification Decision Tree. Reprinted with permission from Copyright © 2016, AORN, Inc.: Denver, CO. All rights reserved
Wound classification is subject to change; therefore, it should be assigned in consultation with the surgeon at the end of the procedure and documented in the perioperative record ([89], p. 491–511). Postoperative incision care is a significant factor in reducing SSIs; practices include sterile dressing changes as needed and removal of drains (e.g., chest tubes) and catheters (e.g., urinary drainage catheters) as soon as possible [90].
Electrical and Other Energy-Related Never Events
A variety of energy sources and modalities are employed during surgery. Considerable information is available about energy modalities, their mechanism of action, their unique characteristics, and their safety risks. Ball [91] offers an extensive description (with illustrations) of the many modalities employed in the perioperative setting. Additionally, the Society of American Gastrointestinal and Endoscopic Surgeons (SAGES) created the Fundamental Use of Surgical Energy™ (FUSE) curriculum in 2010 to address the safe use of endoscopic energy sources [92–94]. Table 26.7 (Surgical Energies and Considerations) lists various types of energy sources and considerations for their safe use. These energy sources may be employed in the traditional ‘open’ surgical manner as well as the video-assisted, endoscopic, and interventional routes. Although there are extensive available information and initiatives developed by professional organizations such as SAGES [92] and AORN [96, 97], energy-related patient injuries continue to occur [98].
Table 26.7
Surgical energies and safety considerations
Energy type | Safety considerations |
General considerations: all energies | • Confirm that energy source is in proper working order |
• Have backups available if there is energy failure | |
• Employ the appropriate energy for its intended effect | |
• Be aware of energy-specific risks to patients and staff (e.g., ESU—burns; cryo—cold injury) | |
• Never silence alarms | |
• Maintain in good working order with regular scheduled checkups | |
• Know how to trouble shoot problems, or, whom to contact | |
• Remove from service when not functioning; send for repair promptly | |
Electrosurgery | • Conduct risk assessment for fire triangle (i.e., fuel, oxidizer, ignition source) elements |
• Attach appropriate size dispersive pad; avoid placing pad over metallic implants (e.g., prosthetic hip replacement, pacemaker generator) | |
• Unless certain that only bipolar energy to be employed, apply a dispersive pad onto the patient’s skin | |
• Check instruments for insulation integrity | |
• Ensure flammable prepping agents are completely dry before draping | |
• During head and neck surgery, ensure that moist sponges can be made available promptly to surgical team members (including anesthesia personnel) | |
• Holster active electrode (ESU pencil) when not in use | |
• Do not wrap cords around metal towel clips or clamps | |
• Keep electrode tip clean and free of eschar | |
• Ensure that appropriate personnel are available to reprogram implanted devices (e.g., ICDs, pacemakers) as needed | |
• Evacuate plume | |
Argon beam coagulator | • All ESU precautions |
• Vent laparoscopic entry sites | |
• Monitor intraabdominal pressure | |
• Be alert for gas embolism | |
LASER (light amplification by stimulated emission of radiation) | • Ensure eye protection for surgical team members (including patient) |
• Place moist towels around surgical field | |
• Place laser on standby mode when not in use | |
• Place ‘laser alert’ signs (on OR door) when in use | |
• Evacuate plume | |
Cryo energy | • Specify activation time |
• Have saline available to facilitate release of freezing probe to tissue | |
Radiofrequency ablation (RFA) | • Need multiple dispersive electrodes; 90° angle to current flow |
• Manage patient temperature | |
Endoscopy with monopolar devices (snare, hot biopsy forceps, sphincterotome, argon plasma probe) | • Assess bowel prep; want ↓methane gas |
• Remove jewelry | |
• Assess presence of CIED | |
• Concern for perforation and bleeding | |
• Use standby mode when not in use | |
• Ensure proper cleaning and sterilization of endoscopic devices and instruments | |
Endoscopy with bipolar (MPEC gold probe) | • May use needle for sclerosing agent |
• Ensure proper cleaning and sterilization of endoscopic devices and instruments | |
• Avoid placing cables with light activated on patient drapes | |
RF array for GERD | • Need dispersive electrode required |
Ultrasonic energy | • No dispersive pad needed |
• Handle blade carefully, holds residual heat | |
• Do not place on drapes | |
Microwave | • Often used with ultrasound guidance |
• No dispersive electrode required | |
• Monitor patient temperature | |
Pediatric considerations | • Choose pads according to weight |
• Place pad as close to surgical field as possible | |
• Neonate pads often placed on back | |
• Always protect pad from fluid exposure | |
Electromagnetic interference (EMI) (most commonly comes from a CIED) | • Have defibrillation and pacing equipment available |
• Use bipolar or ultrasonic over monopolar sources if possible | |
• Place pad nearest surgical site, do not cross CIED | |
• ECG lead placement does not affect EMI | |
• Pacer dependent patients most at risk | |
• May use magnet to go asynchronous | |
• Interrogate for proper function postprocedure |
One of the oldest and most common sources of energy is electrosurgery , which directs the flow of electrons from an electrosurgical unit (ESU) through a delivery device (i.e., the electrocautery pencil) to the patient’s tissue, where the tissue is either ‘cut’ or coagulated. Two modes can be employed:
Monopolar , wherein electricity flows from the source of energy through the ESU pencil to a specific area on or in the patient where heat is generated, producing coagulation or cutting. The electrical energy then passes through the patient to a dispersive electrode (i.e., the ‘Bovie’ pad) where the energy is returned to the generator and the electrical circuit is completed.
Bipolar , wherein electricity flows between one tip of an electrical device that looks like a pair of forceps, into the patient’s tissue, and returns to the other tip of the device, thereby completing the electrical circuit; a dispersive pad is not required because the electrical energy returns directly to the generator from the electrosurgical device itself [91].
It is not unusual to employ both monopolar and bipolar devices during one surgery—for example, performing simultaneous endoscopic vein harvesting with a bipolar device while dissecting the mammary artery with a monopolar device during coronary bypass grafting. Patients undergoing a procedure that employs monopolar energy would require the application of a dispersive pad, regardless whether other, bipolar, devices are also employed. When applying a dispersive pad, commonly performed by the circulating nurse, the clinician should place the pad on clean, dry skin overlying healthy muscular tissue (which conducts electricity better than adipose tissue), and as near as possible to the surgical site. Areas on the patient’s skin with excessive hair, scar tissue, tattoos, or over bony prominences or distal to a tourniquet should be avoided for pad placement because hair, scar, bone, or poorly vascularized (e.g., distal to the tourniquet) can increase impedance of electrical energy flow, create heat, and potentially burn tissue [96, 99]. If needed, hair can be clipped to access a suitable site for the pad. Surgery performed on more than one site may require the use of two dispersive pads. A common site that allows the placement of two pads is the buttocks; a pad on each thigh may also be feasible when performing surgery on both legs [96].
Electrical devices can cause burn injuries to both patients and staff. Patients undergoing head and neck surgery (where there may be accumulated oxygen under the patient’s drapes) are at especial risk for upper body and airway burns that can be triggered by the electrical energy device [100]. Electrical and other energy sources can also lead to fires that can threaten not only the immediate surgical team but also surrounding units. The subject of fire is only briefly mentioned in this section; the topic is more fully discussed by Bruley (see Bruley, Chap. 10).
Electrosurgical energy also presents nonthermal risks to patients. For example, the use of electrosurgical energy can interfere with a patient’s electrocardiogram (ECG) and potentially adversely affect the performance of a pacemaker or implantable cardioverter defibrillator (ICD) ; reprogramming of the device(s) may be required and the perioperative staff should have contact information for the device manufacturer’s representative. Shortly after surgery, the pacemaker and/or ICD function should be evaluated by the responsible implanting physician (or surrogate) and the manufacturer’s representative. A bipolar, or a battery-powered, cautery device may be feasible if more extensive cautery is not needed. Precautions related to interference with device function are applicable to many additional implanted electronic devices [101] (e.g.):
Deep brain stimulators
Spinal cord stimulators
Bone growth stimulators
Other nerve stimulators
Cochlear implants
Ventricular assist device
Ultrasonic devices employ mechanical vibration of high-frequency sound waves (greater than 20,000 Hz) that enable the user to cut and coagulate tissue. The tip of the hand piece comes in various shapes: blade, ball, and hook [91]. Some of the advantages of ultrasonic devices are as follows:
Adjacent tissue is damaged less than it might be with laser or electrosurgical energy
Nerve or muscle stimulation does not occur (due to the absence of electrical current in the tissue)
Absence of surgical smoke (plume)
Surgical smoke has become increasingly scrutinized for the hazards found within the plume—viruses; toxic gases; cellular (living and dead) contaminants; and vapors such as benzene, formaldehyde, and hydrogen cyanide [95, 96, 102]. Evacuation of surgical smoke increasingly is seen as a safety practice [91].
Another form of energy, radiation , is generally employed as a diagnostic imaging modality but is increasingly used as an integral component of therapeutic interventions performed in hybrid ORs and endovascular suites for repair of aneurysms and other cardiac and vascular abnormalities.
Radiologic energy/fluoroscopy is employed in a growing array of imaging-based procedures that carry their own inherent risks but also as a diagnostic tool to look for, and identify, possible retained surgical items. Radiation safety remains an important component of these newer, innovative technologies. Tracking and documenting radiation exposure levels as well as ensuring that surgical team members protect themselves (and the patient’s body parts not requiring radiation exposure) with lead barriers, glasses, and coverings (e.g., tops, skirts, gloves, and thyroid shields) is an important safety consideration [103]. Perioperative colleagues should also be considered by posting signs on the OR door(s) alerting staff members that radiologic procedures are being performed [104].
Although the various energies themselves (e.g., electricity, laser, microwave, radiofrequency) pose their own inherent safety risks, the surgical route and technique may create additional safety challenges. For example video-assisted laparoscopic and other endoscopic procedures differ from traditional ‘open’ surgeries in a number of ways. One is that when emergencies occur—e.g., sudden hemorrhage—there needs to be a prompt and efficient transition in technique and access in order to control the bleeding; this may require a new incision, a new set of instruments, and different mechanisms for controlling bleeding (e.g., placing a hand on the bleeding site cannot be achieved laparoscopically).
Additional considerations include the use of fluids or gases to distend the abdomen via the laparoscopic route and the potential risks to the patient that an overdistended abdomen may pose. These potential complications may not themselves constitute a never event but one’s awareness of risks and preparation for contingency planning to address complications is consistent with Kizer and Stegun’s [1] definition of an event that should never occur.
Retained Surgical Items
The study by Gawande and colleagues published in 2003 [105] was one of the first to illustrate the serious consequences of retained surgical items (RSI, formerly called retained foreign bodies); these included infection, prolonged hospital stay, reoperation, fistula, and death. The study authors reviewed medical-malpractice claims by patients with retained surgical sponges or instruments to identify the following major risk factors for RSI:
Emergency surgery
Procedures with unplanned changes, and
Patients with higher body mass index (BMI)
Interestingly, the patient’s sex, changes in nursing personnel, the presence of multiple teams, and the amount of blood loss were not associated in this study with an increased risk of RSI.
Lincourt et al. [106] and Wang et al. [107] confirmed the study’s [105] findings of significant increased risk for RSI in:
Procedures performed on an emergency basis
Procedures with unexpected changes during the surgery
Increased BMI was not a significant finding in the Lincourt [106] and Wang [107] studies, and Rowlands [108] actually found an inverse relationship between increased BMI and risk of RSI. Rowlands also found that complex procedures, an increased number of personnel, and a greater number of specialty teams posed higher risks for RSI. None of these findings is surprising to clinicians who have participated in a trauma or emergency procedures—and it would not be surprising if a blood-soaked, compressed sponge was not visualized in the retroperitoneum or pleural cavity of a patient with a small or large BMI—if surgical team members failed to follow policies or guidelines, or, if behavioral or environmental factors adversely affect team function.
Three behavioral and environmental categories were designated by Rowlands and Steeves [109], who reviewed the perioperative stories of perioperative registered nurses (RNs) and surgical technologists (STs) relating the counting procedures during surgery. These general areas and examples included:
- 1.
Bad behavior
- (a)
Lack of respect
- (b)
Sloppiness (e.g., sponges in disarray, counted items thrown into trash, inattention)
- (c)
Inconsistent practice
- (a)
- 2.
General chaos
- (a)
Loud noise
- (b)
Lack of preparation
- (c)
Assignment changes
- (d)
A fast pace
- (a)
- 3.
Communication difficulties
- (a)
Idle chit-chat
- (b)
Lack of proper equipment
- (c)
Resistance to sharing information
- (d)
Difficulty working together ([109], p. 413)
- (a)
Related causes of failure to prevent RSI were the focus of a healthcare failure mode and effect analysis by Steelman and Cullen [110]. They identified the following as the most frequently cited reasons:
Noncompliance with the facility’s ‘count’ policy
Time pressure ([110], p. 682)
Several recommendations address the underlying issues and risks:
Members of the perioperative surgical team should participate in team training that promotes active communication and collaborative practice [111–114].
When an RSI event occurs, an investigation should be carried out that reflects human factors considerations, e.g., communication failures, lack of situational awareness, mental fatigue [8].
Distractions should be minimized and team members alerted that the count is about to commence; interrupted counts should be restarted [19, 111–113].
The RN circulator should record the count immediately after each item is counted (e.g., blades, cautery tips, sutures), on a surface (e.g., ‘white board’ placed on the wall in the OR) visible to all team members [111–113]; if the count occurs away from the ‘board’ (i.e., next to the surgical table where the countable items are located), then the Circulator should document the count on paper and transcribe the numbers onto the white board. It is important for the counted items to be fully visualized when counting.
Create a no-interruption zone that prohibits nonessential conversation when counting [113].
Additional recommendations are listed in Table 26.8.
Table 26.8
Recommendations for preventing retained surgical items
All surgical team members |
• When possible, limit soft (e.g., cloth, plastic) items used to those that are radiopaque; items that are not radiopaque should be counted and documented |
• When counting, separate items (e.g., sponges) and visualize each item |
• When counting, verbalize that the count is starting |
• When performing ‘closing’ counts, avoid counting in a loud voice, but ensure that every counted item has been visualized |
• The process of selecting and purchasing products developed to prevent RSIs should include all members of the surgical team |
• Employ adjunct technologies (e.g., RF devices) per manufacturer’s instructions |
Surgeons and assistants |
• Be aware of items employed |
• Before the closing count begins, explore the wound methodically and completely |
• Notify team members when items that remained within the wound (e.g., for hemostasis) at the start of the final count have been removed and returned to the scrub person |
• If a suture needle or instrument breaks during use, retrieve broken parts and pass to the scrub person |
• Inform patients that a ‘never event’ occurred |
Scrub personnel (RN or ST) |
• Perform a baseline count |
• Be aware of items employed by surgeon and assistant |
• Whenever possible, engage in ‘exchange’ (e.g., hand new suture to surgeon after receiving used suture) |
• Arrange items on the field and back table, mayo tray near end of procedure in order to facilitate more efficient count |
• In situations where there is persistent, copious bleeding, initiate a count in order to be aware of the number of sponges used and remaining |
• Avoid altering counted items |
• Count the components of instruments with multiple pieces (e.g., retractors) |
• Upon verification of all counts being correct, clearly verbalize to the surgeon and team that there is a ‘correct count’ |
Circulating RN |
• Perform a baseline count |
• Maintain an awareness of the stage of the procedure and be alert to possible needs for (e.g.) extra sponges (with persistent bleeding); suture (for repairs or suture reinforcement |
• Avoid loud music |
• Request that pagers or other communication devices are off, on silent mode, or on standby |
• Provide dressing sponges only after the final count |
• Keep up with sponges that have been passed off the field; do not allow an excessive number of sponges to accumulate (prolonging the final count) |
• Employ sponge bags or other mechanism for separating and visualizing sponges |
Anesthesia personnel |
• Do not hesitate to speak up if there is uncertainty about removal of sponges or other items |
• Maintain ‘situational awareness’ |
• Do not use counted items for (e.g.) line insertions or other anesthesia procedures
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