Phenelzine Sulfate

Phenelzine Sulfate

(fen’ el zeen)



Drug Classes



Therapeutic Actions

Irreversibly inhibits MAO, an enzyme that breaks down biogenic amines, such as epinephrine, norepinephrine, and serotonin, thus allowing these biogenic amines to accumulate in neuronal storage sites. According to the biogenic amine hypothesis, this accumulation of amines is responsible for the clinical efficacy of MAOIs as antidepressants.


  • Treatment of patients with depression characterized as atypical, nonendogenous, or neurotic; patients who are unresponsive to other antidepressive therapy; and patients in whom other antidepressive therapy is contraindicated

  • Unlabeled uses: Treatment of bulimia, PTSD, chronic migraine not responsive to standard treatment, social anxiety disorders, migraine prophylaxis

Available Forms

Tablets—15 mg



Initially, 15 mg PO tid. Increase dosage to at least 60 mg/day at a rapid pace consistent with patient tolerance. Many patients require therapy at 60 mg/day for at least 4 wk before response. Some patients may require 90 mg/day. After maximum benefit is achieved, reduce dosage slowly over several weeks. Maintenance may be 15 mg/day or every other day.

Pediatric patients younger than 16 yr

Not recommended.

Geriatric patients

Elderly patients are more prone to develop adverse effects; adjust dosage accordingly.


Route Onset Peak Duration
Oral Slow 1 hr 48–96 hr

Metabolism: Hepatic; T1/2: 12 hr

Distribution: Crosses placenta; enters breast milk

Excretion: Urine

Jul 21, 2016 | Posted by in NURSING | Comments Off on Phenelzine Sulfate

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