18. Patients requiring surgery on the renal and urinary tract
Janice Minter
Anatomy and physiology of the urinary tract349
Renal and urological investigations352
Nursing assessment of the individual requiring surgery for a urological condition357
Surgical interventions on the kidney358
Surgical management of bladder cancer367
After reading the chapter the reader should be able to:
• give an overview of the anatomy and physiology of the kidney and lower urinary tract
• list the functions of the kidney
• discuss renal and urological investigations and the preparation required by the patient
• describe the pre- and postoperative care for individuals undergoing surgery on the kidney and lower urinary tract
• discuss discharge advice that would be given to individuals following surgery on the kidney and urinary tract.
During the last 25 years the field of urology has undergone extensive growth as a surgical specialty. As technological advancement has occurred, surgical intervention has moved away from conventional open procedures to minimally invasive and non-invasive surgery for a variety of nephro-urological conditions. The use of improved screening and diagnostic tools has, however, seen surgery for certain conditions become more radical, with an overall improved prognostic outcome. This chapter addresses the management and treatment of individuals with specific renal and urological conditions and explores the nursing interventions and care.
Anatomy and physiology of the urinary tract
The urinary tract consists of:
• two kidneys
• two ureters
• the urinary bladder
• the urethra.
The kidneys
In addition to their primary function of urine production, the kidneys perform a number of other vital functions:
• maintenance of fluid, electrolyte and acid–base balance
• assist the liver to detoxify poisons infiltrating the body
• excretion of drugs and poisons
• produce the hormone erythropoietin
• metabolize vitamin D to its active form
The kidneys are situated on the posterior abdominal wall on either side of the vertebral column, between the twelfth thoracic and third lumbar vertebrae. The right kidney is normally slightly lower than the left due to displacement by the liver. The kidney is approximately 14 cm long, 6 cm wide and 3 cm thick, and weighs between 135 g and 150 g in adults. The adrenal glands are situated immediately above each kidney.
Each kidney is surrounded by a protective capsule made up of fibrous connective tissue, along with an additional layer of perinephric fat; these layers help to cushion and protect the organ against direct trauma. The renal arteries, renal veins, lymphatic supply and the nerves both enter and leave the kidney at the renal hilum, which is recognized as an indentation on the medial, concave border of the kidney. The funnel-shaped upper end of the ureter also enters at the hilum and expands to become the renal pelvis.
Two distinct areas lie beneath the capsule of the kidney: the outer cortex and the inner medulla body making up the renal parenchyma. Within the medulla there are 8–18 wedge-shaped structures evident, called the medullary pyramids. These drain into minor and then major calyces, which are hollow protrusions of the renal pelvis. The calyces distend as the urine collects within them, leading to peristaltic contraction of the smooth muscle in the walls of the calyces and renal pelvis. The urine is then projected forward from the renal pelvis into the ureter.
The nephron
The nephron is the functional unit of the kidney and each kidney contains approximately 1 million nephrons. The nephron consists of a ‘tuft’ of capillaries called the glomerulus and the renal tubule. The renal tubule can be subdivided into five distinct regions:
• The Bowman’s capsule forms the spherical, dilated upper end of the tubule, which surrounds or invaginates the glomerulus. The glomeruli lie in the cortex of the kidney and originate from an afferent arteriole; once filtered, the blood then leaves the glomerulus via the efferent arteriole. The efferent arteriole, in turn, branches into a thick capillary network which surrounds the renal tubule and is involved in the reabsorption process. The entire structure is 150 mm in diameter with a vast glomerular capillary surface area of approximately 5000–15,000 cm 2 per 100 g of tissue. It is suggested that the glomerular capillaries are far more permeable to water and solutes than are the extra-renal capillaries. The capillary endothelium lies on a basement membrane and on the other side of the membrane rests the epithelium which lines the Bowman’s capsule. The glomerular epithelium has foot-like structures projecting from it known as pedicles; they lie on the basement membrane and are separated by filtration slits. Selective filtration is achieved within the first part of the nephron. In total, 170–180 L of plasma in 24 hours is filtered by the glomerulus at a rate of 125 mL/min; thus, the filtrate within the Bowman’s capsule is an ultrafiltrate of plasma. The glomerular membrane is permeable to water and other small molecules but is not permeable to blood cells or to proteins, which are only filtered if the kidney is diseased. The glomerular filtrate has approximately the same pH, osmolarity and solute concentrations as plasma.
• The proximal convoluted tubule extends from the Bowman’s capsule for a length of 12–14 mm and is lined throughout its length by columnar epithelial cells. These cells are adapted on the inner surface to create a border of microvilli (finger-like projections), which increases the surface area inside the proximal tubule, where most of the solute reabsorption takes place. The volume of glomerular filtrate is reduced by 75–80% in the proximal tubule, and active reabsorption of glucose, sodium, phosphate, chloride, potassium and bicarbonate occurs.
• The loop of Henle extends from the proximal convoluted tubule, dips down as the descending limb into the medullary region of the renal parenchyma, and forms a U-shape before coursing back up into the cortex via the ascending limb. The columnar cells within the loop of Henle are flatter and have fewer microvilli on the internal surfaces. Passive reabsorption of water, sodium and chloride takes place in the loop of Henle.
• The distal convoluted tubule extends from the ascending limb of the loop of Henle and is 4–8 mm in length. Reabsorption of water is controlled here by antidiuretic hormone, a secretion from the posterior lobe of the pituitary gland. The reabsorption of sodium is controlled by the secretion of aldosterone, a hormone secreted by the adrenal cortex.
• The collecting tubule – the distal convoluted tubule leads into the collecting ducts which pass through the renal medulla. Antidiuretic hormone secretion regulates reabsorption of water from the collecting tubules and is independent of sodium reabsorption.
The result of this complex process of filtration, selective reabsorption and secretion is the production of urine.
The ureters
The two ureters are hollow muscular tubes which extend from the renal pelvis to the posterior wall of the bladder, entering the bladder at its base. Each ureter is approximately 30 cm long, 6 mm in diameter and lies behind the peritoneum.
The wall of the ureter is composed of three layers:
• inner layer of transitional epithelium
• middle layer of thick muscle
• outer layer of connective tissue.
Peristaltic contractions in the muscle layer of the ureter propel urine forward which has drained from the calyces into the renal pelvis and down the ureter into the bladder. The ureters enter the bladder at an oblique angle, thus preventing reflux of urine back along the ureter and into the kidney.
The bladder
The bladder lies low in the pelvis, expanding upwards and forwards in the abdominal cavity during filling, and is held in place by strong ligaments. In males, the bladder lies in front of the rectum and the bladder neck surrounds the prostate gland. In females, the bladder lies in front of the vagina and uterus (Richardson, 2007b).
At the base of the bladder is a small triangular area known as the trigone, representing the area between the two ureteric orifices and the internal urethral meatus. This area changes little in size during the filling stage but is highly sensitive to stretch and is the area irritated by the presence of foreign bodies, e.g. indwelling urinary catheters (Fillingham and Douglas, 2004).
The bladder is a smooth, distensible, muscular sac lined with mucosa that stores urine temporarily. It is lined with transitional cell epithelium which acts as a protective barrier and allows a stretch facility as it fills with urine. The second submucosal layer is constructed of connective tissue and is known as the lamina propria. The third layer consists of smooth muscle bundles, known as the detrusor muscle. The detrusor muscle contains both longitudinal and circular fibres, which are thought to be distributed throughout the bladder wall rather than arranged in one layer (Bullock et al, 1994). The detrusor muscle has a unique function, as it facilitates stretch during the filling phase of the bladder with little or no change in internal pressure (Berne and Levy, 1999); there is also a voluntary component in controlling the storage and emptying ability of this muscle. The superior surface of the bladder is covered by the peritoneum when empty, but during the filling phase the peritoneum lifts upwards and backwards and is therefore not a ‘true’ layer of the bladder.
The bladder and the urethra function together as a complex unit for the storage and expulsion of urine. The bladder neck differs in males and females and its role in the maintenance of continence is not clearly understood; however, it might have some impact on maintaining closure pressure while the bladder fills with urine.
The urethra – female
The function of the urethra is to convey urine from the bladder to the exterior. The female urethra is approximately 3–5 cm in length and lies anterior to the vagina. The external urethral meatus opens between the clitoris and vaginal orifice. The urethra is lined with transitional epithelium and with squamous epithelium nearer the external meatus. The external sphincter mechanism is made up of musculature within the urethra in conjunction with the levator ani muscle of the pelvic floor; these combined structures are paramount in the mechanical maintenance of urinary continence. The integral urethral muscle maintains urethral closure, and the pelvic floor muscle increases that closure capacity during a raise in intra-abdominal pressure, e.g. on coughing, laughing and jumping. It is important to note that urine is only found in the urethra during micturition, and during the filling phase of the cycle it remains empty and closed.
The male urethra will be discussed in Chapter 19.
The complex process of urine storage and micturition is controlled by the coordinated activity of parasympathetic, sympathetic and somatic nerves, with control by higher centres in the brain (Blandy, 1998).
Renal and urological investigations
Simple urinalysis is a non-invasive test using a chemically impregnated strip to measure the urine pH and to detect the presence of blood, glucose, protein, bilirubin, urobilinogen, ketones, leucocytes and nitrites (Beynon and Nicholls, 2004). It is important to use a clean container to collect a fresh specimen of urine for testing, so avoiding contamination of the specimen. The colour, consistency and smell of the urine should also be noted during routine analysis, and the findings documented. Some things to observe for are a cloudy appearance, an offensive or ‘fishy’ smell, blood and possibly mucus-like strands, which may all be indicative of a urinary tract infection.
Urine specimens for culture
If a urinary tract infection is suspected, the collection of urine for culture to identify the offending organisms is indicated. Ideally, a specimen should be obtained before antibiotic therapy is commenced. Urine specimens for culture are usually either a midstream specimen of urine (MSU) or a catheter specimen of urine (CSU) and should be collected in a way that avoids contamination of the specimen with new bacteria.
Midstream specimen of urine
The procedure should be explained to the patient to gain consent and to provide reassurance. The patient is asked to clean the prepuce or vulva (according to local policy), and then to collect the middle part of the void in a sterile container; this is to reduce the number of contaminants in the specimen. It is argued by a number of researchers that cleansing prior to collection is unnecessary, as routine cleansing appears to make little difference in contamination rates (Leaver, 2007). It is also suggested that many patients fail to understand what is required, making the specimen invalid (Fillingham and Douglas, 2004).
The urine should be sent to the laboratory as soon as possible, with the specimen labelled correctly and accompanied by the appropriate investigation request form. Rapid growth of microorganisms will occur at room temperature and lead to an invalid culture; therefore, specimens should be kept refrigerated at 4°C if transport is delayed.
Catheter specimen of urine
A specimen of urine is obtained by withdrawing 3–5 mL of urine via the ‘sampling port’, found in the catheter drainage system. The equipment used must be sterile and in most instances a needle and syringe is required. The specimen is then transferred to a sterile container for transit to the laboratory. Some local policies recommend that a sterile swab (chlorhexidine based) is used to clean the sample port before and after use (Fillingham and Douglas, 2004).
Early morning urine
The first urine voided in the morning is collected for three consecutive days. Early morning urine (EMU) is more concentrated and therefore provides a better medium to locate specific types of cells, e.g. tuberculosis or malignant cells.
24-hour urine collection
This is the collection of the total volume of urine voided in a 24-hour period and is of value in the diagnosis of a number of renal and urological conditions, e.g. renal calculi/stone disease and impaired renal function. The patient is asked to void, the time is noted and this first specimen is discarded. All urine voided for the next 24 hours is collected in a large specimen container. The patient is asked to void at the end of the 24 hours, and this specimen is included in the collection. Care should be taken not to spill any preservative present in some of the containers, as it may be corrosive.
It is essential that ‘all’ the urine collected in this time frame is kept, as the overall results will be invalid if an incomplete picture is presented. It is important that the nurse and patient have a full understanding of the procedure.
Urinary flow rate
This measures the rate and volume of urine voided in millilitres per second and is an important investigation in the individual with urinary outflow problems (Schafer et al, 2002). Various types of equipment can be used to measure the flow rate, e.g. rotating disc or dipstick, and all entail the individual voiding into the funnel of a monitoring machine.
Preparation of the patient involves:
• full explanation of what the procedure entails
• ensuring a comfortably full bladder, but avoiding overdistension and consumption of large volumes of fluid prior to the investigation
• instructing the patient to void into the flow rate machine
• maintaining privacy while the patient voids.
Ideally, patients should produce a series of three successive flow rates in order for a more accurate assessment (Fillingham and Douglas, 2004).
Blood tests
Blood analysis is an important part of the investigation of the individual requiring surgery for a renal or urological condition. Blood tests commonly performed are shown in Table 18.1.
Blood test | Rationale |
Haemoglobin | Reduced in anaemia, which may occur as a result of urinary tract bleeding, e.g. in bladder or kidney cancer |
White blood cells | Raised in infection, e.g. urinary tract infection |
Urea, creatinine and electrolyte estimation | Relates to renal function: e.g. creatinine is raised in renal impairment or failure |
Prostate-specific antigen | Raised in prostate cancer |
Liver function tests | Performed in suspected liver metastases |
Calcium | Raised levels may correlate with stone formation |
Blood group | Blood transfusion may be required before, during or after surgery |
Clotting screen | Particularly important if patient is taking anticoagulants |
Renal function studies
Evaluation of renal function includes measurement of plasma urea and creatinine. Renal damage may occur before plasma urea and creatinine levels rise; therefore, creatinine clearance (normally 125 mL/min), which closely correlates to the glomerular filtration rate (GFR), is a more reliable indicator of renal function. This is calculated from measurement of urine volume, plasma creatinine and urine creatinine. Twenty four hour urine collection and a blood sample are also required.
Radiological investigations
Plain abdominal X-ray of kidneys, ureters and bladder
A plain abdominal X-ray is taken, to include the kidneys, ureters and bladder (KUB). This is particularly useful for detecting urinary calculi (90% are radio-opaque). It is also useful immediately prior to surgery for stone removal, to check on stone location.
Intravenous urogram
An intravenous urogram (IVU) is a commonly performed urological investigation for the individual with renal stones, haematuria, urinary tract infection or a urinary tract tumour. Following a plain abdominal film, contrast medium containing iodine is injected intravenously and a series of films taken as the contrast medium is excreted by the kidneys and through the urinary tract.
The preparation of the individual varies between departments. It is also dependent on the individual’s general health and whether other medical conditions are present, e.g. diabetes, impaired renal function. A full explanation of the procedure must be given and time taken to answer any queries. Patients are normally fasted for 4–6 hours and the bowel should be clear of faecal matter to avoid obscuring the film with air and colon content. If bowel preparation is required, the method employed should follow individual patient assessment and local policy/protocol.
Renal scanning (renogram)
In this procedure, radioisotope-labelled substances that are known to be selectively taken up and excreted by the kidney are injected intravenously. The compound used is then detected and measured by a gamma camera, and information regarding kidney function is obtained, e.g. structure and function of the kidneys and differential kidney function.
The patient should be given adequate information and support prior to undergoing the procedure, and instructions regarding disposal of urine following the scan must be made clear to the patient and ward/departmental staff. Most nuclear medicine departments will provide instructions on the appropriate disposal of urine.
Computerized tomography
In computerized tomography (CT) scanning, specific areas of the body are X-rayed at different angles using high-resolution imaging. Two-dimensional cross-sectional images are reconstructed by computer. In urology it is a particularly useful investigation when planning management/treatment of renal, prostate, testicular and bladder tumours.
Patient information prior to the procedure is of the utmost importance, as the machinery used can be very claustrophobic due to the confined space, and many patients find this distressing.
Ultrasound scan
High-frequency sound waves are transduced through a probe over the area being investigated, e.g. kidney, bladder. The reflected image is analysed by computer and displayed on a monitor.
Ultrasound scanning is a useful and valuable diagnostic investigation as it can differentiate between solid and cystic masses and is used to assess urinary tract obstruction, e.g. hydronephrosis, urinary outflow obstruction.
Patient preparation for ultrasound is minimal. An explanation of the procedure, which is non-invasive in most instances, must be given. When undertaking bladder ultrasonography, it should be noted that the bladder lies low in the pelvis when empty and expands upwards and forwards in the abdomen when it fills; a full bladder is therefore important in order for the sound waves to be transmitted. If the patient has a urinary catheter in situ, it should be clamped for approximately 1 hour prior to the investigation and the patient asked to drink moderate volumes of fluid to aid the bladder-filling process.
Retrograde pyelography
This procedure is usually performed under general anaesthetic following cystoscopy. A small-bore catheter is passed up the ureter to the renal pelvis; contrast medium is injected into the upper renal tract and X-rays taken of the renal pelvis and pelviureteric junction (Beynon and Nicholls, 2004).
Retrograde pyelography is a useful investigation in the management of patients with a suspected obstruction within the upper urinary tracts. It may also be used to obtain urine samples from each kidney, e.g. for cytological analysis in patients with suspected renal carcinoma.
Preparation of the patient is as for a general anaesthetic. Following the procedure, the patient should be observed for any signs or symptoms of urinary tract infection, which can occur as a result of instrumentation of the urinary tract: i.e. loin pain, pyrexia and pain on voiding. Allergic reaction to the contrast medium also needs to be observed for.
Antegrade urography
Antegrade urography is performed when an obstructed ureter has been diagnosed or is suspected. Ultrasound is used to locate the renal pelvis. A fine-bore needle is inserted into the renal pelvis and a cannula passed over the needle to allow contrast medium to be injected and X-rays taken. If an obstruction is diagnosed, a nephrostomy tube can be placed to allow drainage of urine from the renal pelvis. If a patient is nervous, a pre-procedure sedative may be given, and analgesics will be required afterwards (Fillingham and Douglas, 2004).
Renal arteriography
Renal arteriography involves injection of contrast medium through a fine catheter, which is inserted into the femoral artery and passed via the abdominal aorta to the renal artery. A series of X-rays can then be taken. The films give an outline of the renal blood supply and are useful in the diagnosis of renal artery stenosis and renal tumours.
Although the procedure is performed under local anaesthesia with sedation, it is highly invasive. If complications arise, further intervention may be necessary; therefore, the patient is fasted for 4–6 hours. A full explanation of what to expect is given to the patient and informed consent obtained. Following the procedure, bedrest is maintained for up to 12 hours, as there is a risk of haemorrhage from the puncture site. If leakage occurs at the femoral artery puncture site, a longer period of bedrest may be necessary. Pedal pulses in the foot are checked to evaluate peripheral blood supply, and blood pressure, pulse, puncture site and capillary return are monitored ½ hourly initially until stable (Beynon and Nicholls, 2004).
Renal biopsy
Renal biopsy may be undertaken in the assessment of the individual with renal disease. The procedure can be performed under X-ray control, ultrasound or CT scanning, and a local anaesthetic is used to anaesthetize the area down to the kidney capsule. Preparation of the patient involves obtaining informed consent following a full explanation of the procedure.
Blood specimens pre-procedure are obtained for:
• full blood count
• clotting screen
• blood group and save serum for crossmatch.
In some centres it is advocated that bedrest is maintained for 24 hours following the procedure. Blood pressure and pulse are recorded ½ hourly initially and at reduced intervals thereafter if within the patient’s normal parameters. A good fluid intake should be encouraged following the procedure (if not medically contraindicated) and observations made of urine output, noting any haematuria.
Cystoscopy involves direct visualization of the bladder and urethra and is undertaken in the individual with a urological problem: e.g. haematuria, lower tract obstruction, or follow-up check cystoscopy for bladder cancer. A rigid or flexible cystoscope is used, and the procedure is performed under either a local or general anaesthetic. The bladder is examined and, if abnormal, biopsies are taken for histological examination. Preparation of the patient involves obtaining informed consent following a full explanation of the procedure. The patient is prepared for either a general or local anaesthetic. Following the procedure, patients might experience urethral discomfort and voiding difficulties. The patient is encouraged to drink 2–3 L in 24 hours (unless medically contraindicated), and the urine should be examined for evidence of haematuria. Any pre-existing urinary tract infection is treated with prophylactic antibiotics.
Specific investigations relating to surgical interventions are summarized in Table 18.2.
Surgical intervention | Investigation |
Pyeloplasty | Intravenous urogram – this will confirm diagnosis by demonstrating hydronephrosis on the affected side Renogram – this will measure overall contribution of the obstructed kidney to renal function Urea and electrolyte estimation – to determine renal function Full blood count – to exclude anaemia and treat infection prior to surgery Group and crossmatch – blood will be available if required |
NephrectomyNephrectomy(continued) | Blood – group and crossmatch 2–4 units – urea and electrolyte estimation – full blood count – clotting screen Midstream specimen of urine Intravenous urogram Ultrasound Renogram Computerized tomography (CT) scan |
Laparoscopic nephrectomy | Blood – group and crossmatch 2 units – urea and electrolyte estimation – full blood count – clotting screen Intravenous urogram Ultrasound Midstream specimen of urine ECG |
Percutaneous nephrolithotomy | Urea and electrolyte estimation – to assess renal function Full blood count – to exclude anaemia Clotting screen – it is important to establish prior to the procedure that the patient does not have a clotting disorder nor is taking aspirin/anticoagulants regularly Group and crossmatch 2 units of blood – blood will be available should the patient require transfusion Midstream specimen of urine – if a urinary tract infection is present, the appropriate antibiotics can be prescribed Intravenous urogram – this will demonstrate the location and size of the stone and whether it is causing an obstruction Plain abdominal X-ray – this is done prior to the procedure, to show location of the stone |
Extracorporeal lithotripsy | Blood clotting screen, urea, creatinine and electrolyte estimation Midstream specimen of urine Blood pressure recorded Kidney, ureter and bladder X-ray to locate current position of stone |
Cystectomy and ileal conduit urinary diversion | Blood – urea and electrolyte estimation – liver function tests – full blood count – group and crossmatch 6 units – blood glucose – clotting screen Urine – midstream specimen of urine – cytology Chest X-ray ECG Ultrasound of kidneys/bladder or intravenous urogram CT scan |
Nursing assessment of the individual requiring surgery for a urological condition
The initial patient assessment provides an ideal opportunity for the nurse to establish the nurse–patient relationship. The way in which the patient is approached when the patient attends the preadmission clinic or on admission to the ward is extremely important. The patient interview and collection of patient information should be done in an environment that provides privacy and maintains confidentiality. The nurse must use good clear communication, as this may be able to allay fears, minimize discomfort and enable individual adjustment (Dougherty and Lister, 2008).
An assessment should explore the patient as a ‘whole’ being, addressing physical, psychological, emotional, social and cultural needs; the impact of the patient’s urological condition on these needs should then be established. Patient assessment is usually performed using a ‘model of nursing’ and various assessment frameworks that are relevant to the patient experience and/or need.
The assessment undertaken will gather information that includes the following.
• Recording of baseline observations:
– temperature
– pulse
– respirations
– blood pressure
– urinalysis
– weight.
• Relevant personal details, including past medical and surgical history.
• Current health status: how well does the patient feel?
• Breathing: does the individual have any respiratory problems? How much exertion causes breathlessness?
• Eating/drinking: is the patient overweight/underweight? What is their usual fluid intake in 24 hours, and what type of fluid do they normally drink? Fluid intake is particularly important for the individual experiencing urinary frequency and urgency, or those with renal stones and/or recurrent urinary tract infections.
• Level of independence/dependence and home circumstances: it is important to establish whether help will be required during the convalescent period after surgery, so that the best possible arrangements can be organized.
• Is the urological condition causing/contributing to mobility problems? The individual with carcinoma of the prostate might have metastatic bone disease causing pain and often restricted mobility.
For many patients this is a very sensitive and often embarrassing subject to discuss, but one very much impacted upon by urological disease. A voiding history should be undertaken, which includes information on patients’ experiences of urinary frequency, urgency, hesitancy, dysuria, nocturia and haematuria. Patients should be asked to describe their urinary stream when voiding: is the stream strong, do they have to strain to void, do they feel empty on completion? Is urinary leakage or urinary incontinence a problem? Many patients find this a disturbing disease symptom and hide their problem from society, family, friends, and even from themselves (Fillingham and Douglas, 2004). Patients often need support, empathy, clear guidance and good clinical advice when tackling this urinary symptom. Signs and symptoms of urinary tract infection also need to be observed for, e.g. pyrexia, dysuria and offensive-smelling urine. Bowel habits/function should also be assessed, as constipation can be a major contributing cause of urinary symptoms.
Sleep is often affected in some patients experiencing urinary tract disease. In the initial assessment it should be established if sleeping is interrupted by the need to void, and, if so, how many times does the patient need to get up at night?
Body image/expressing sexuality
Urological disease and incontinence can have a significant impact on the quality of life of a patient (Morrow, 2008), as it can affect both their physical and psychological needs. Sensitivity is required when exploring this issue, although it is paramount that the nurse addresses and guides the patient through this care activity and does not take the easy route of avoidance. It should be established if the patient is sexually active, as some minor and intermediate urological procedures can have a direct impact on sexual function. Retrograde ejaculation is often experienced following transurethral resection of the prostate gland or bladder neck incision, which could render the patient infertile. There is also the risk of impotence/erectile disorder following surgery to combat both bladder and prostatic cancer. Having a urethral catheter in situ following surgery impacts on sexual function, but also might have a more profound effect on the patient’s personal body image. Sexual function and activity, and the impact of surgical intervention, are topics that the surgical nurse should be able to tackle with all patients in their care (RCN, 2000).

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