CHAPTER 16 Parkinson’s disease, multiple sclerosis and motor neurone disease
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The three neurological diseases featured in this chapter—Parkinson’s disease (PD), multiple sclerosis (MS) and motor neurone disease (MND)—are all progressive disorders of motor function with sensory function also affected in MS. Each disease also has specific non-motor symptoms. Study of these three neurological diseases reveals that they have some initial symptoms in common, especially those associated with movement, highlighting the need for careful diagnosis. Following a stressful and sometimes frustrating period of hypothesising and indecision, symptomatic people and their families are confronted with a devastating, often life-limiting diagnosis.
Progressive neurological diseases present unique lifestyle challenges for the person and their carers living in the community. Every case is different and each person has their own cultural and social understanding of illness, its impact and the eventual end-of-life process. People with the disease and their carers become very knowledgeable about disease management. This expertise must be recognised and valued by nurses and other members of the healthcare team (Forbes et al, 2007; Heisters, 2007). In this chapter, case studies have been provided to develop nurses’ insight into the individual manner in which each disease may affect a person’s life, their family and their relationships with the community.
In 1817, after the publication of his ‘Essay on a shaking palsy’, James Parkinson gave his name to the condition we now know as Parkinson’s disease. PD is a chronic, degenerative neurological disorder, the most common of a group of conditions called the movement disorders, and the second most common neurodegenerative condition after Alzheimer’s disease. At the time of diagnosis, there is an estimated loss of around 60% of dopamine-producing cells in the substantia nigra of the mid-brain, causing a loss of dopamine in the brain (Przedborski, 2007). Dopamine is an important neurotransmitter in the basal ganglia, a collection of very specialised brain cells at the base of the brain that are responsible for the modulation of movement comprising the extra-pyramidal motor system. The basal ganglia are responsible for the modulation of movement. Recent studies have also found loss of dopaminergic neurones in other parts of the body, for instance in the gut, adding to problems with gut motility, and in the olfactory tract, causing partial loss of smell (Micieli et al, 2003).
Despite extensive research, the cause of PD remains unknown. However, there are recognised risk factors such as ageing, exposure to certain pesticides, gender (more males than females) and genetics (Przedborski, 2007). Yet, coffee consumption and smoking have been reported as protective factors (Hernan 2002). There are several genes identified for PD, but these account for a small percentage of people, and more likely to be found in young-onset PD (Vila & Przedborski, 2004). PD is sporadic in more than 90% of cases, with no known familial or genetic risk factors (Przedborski, 2007). Although PD is seen in all age groups its prevalence increases with age. Recent conservative figures estimated that 54,700 Australians (Access Economics, 2007) and 8000 New Zealanders were living with PD (Parkinson’s Society of New Zealand, 2004).
At present medications are used to relieve some of the symptoms of PD, but they do not alter the course of the disease. Clinical trials are currently being conducted into the use of neuroprotective medications to slow the progression of PD (Ravina et al, 2003).
Acute admissions are very difficult for people with PD. Dom reported that he had been very frightened by how helpless he felt when he had been unable to move or even speak and he thought that he might die. Don says: ‘Before PD, I was very strong man!’ He was also upset that the nurses did not understand the ‘on’ and ‘off ’ phenomena of his condition. Maria felt that no one seemed to have any knowledge of Parkinson’s disease and therefore she had little confidence in those caring for him, especially when no one was willing to ask her any relevant questions despite the fact she had been caring for Dom at home for many years.
Fatigue is a common but not well-understood symptom of PD. Yet, it does not affect all people with PD and is not always directly related to function or stage of disease (Friedman et al, 2007). Sleep disturbances, the high incidence of depression and some PD medications can result in daytime tiredness. Therefore it is important to monitor and treat, where possible, these extraneous factors. Fatigue has to be considered, as well as ‘on’ and ‘off ’ states in planning daily routine.
Medications are commenced when disability affects quality-of-life or function. Dopamine replacement, in the form of levodopa combined with a dopa decarboxylase inhibitor to prevent the peripheral side-effects of levodopa (such as Sinemet, Madopar or Kinson), remains the first-line treatment for PD. At the onset of PD this medication often returns the person close to a normal baseline, but with disease progression many people find that the ‘on’ time shortens, leading to motor fluctuations complicated by chorea-like involuntary movements called ‘dyskinesias’. It is important to differentiate tremor from dyskinesia to ensure that correct treatment options are considered. Other PD drug therapies include synthetic dopamine agonists (pramipexole, available in New Zealand but not on PBS in Australia; pergolide; bromocriptine; cabergoline; and apomorphine), which act on the dopamine receptor sites with a similar but weaker action, except for apomorphine. Apomorphine, a by-product of morphine without opiate activity, is an injectable dopamine agonist that has a comparable effect to levodopa. It can be used as an injection to rescue the person from ‘off ’ states or as an infusion for management of symptomatology. Postural hypotension is common with this group of medications and they are more likely to cause hallucinations in susceptible patients. Obsessional behaviours such as hypersexuality, excessive eating and excessive gambling are recognised as side-effects of levodopa and dopamine agonist therapy in susceptible patients (Avanzi et al, 2006).
PD medications should not be stopped or drastically reduced abruptly, as this can lead to a rare but life-threatening condition called neuroleptic malignant syndrome (Ward, 2005). This syndrome is associated with worsening of Parkinsonian signs, altered mental state, hyperpyrexia, tachycardia, raised serum CK, renal insufficiency and a high mortality. Also there are many medications, including certain anti-emetics and phenothiazine medications, that may cause acute and severe exacerbation of PD and should be avoided.
Many changes occur with PD that can lead to an altered body image. A stooped posture, slowness in movement and gait disturbance ages the person. Drooling, reduced facial expression, unblinking eyes, slowness in thought (bradyphrenia) and voice disturbances not only lead to a loss of personal dignity, but also interfere with communication and the person may appear of low intellect. Social isolation for both the person with PD and the carer can ensue. People with PD may resent their wishes, feelings and opinions being interpreted and reported by others and may often feel shunned by previous friends as the condition progresses (Habermann, 2000).
Quality of life means different things to different individuals and is adversely affected in PD for a variety of reasons. Motor symptoms have an effect on areas such as role change, independence, working, driving and physical comfort, yet studies show non-motor symptoms as more troublesome (Heath, 2004). Pain and sexual limitations are non-motor symptoms that have a negative impact on quality of life (Mott et al, 2004, 2005). The incidence of depression in up to 50% of cases is much higher than in other chronic neurological conditions (Pirtosek, 2007; Ravina et al, 2007). Psychiatric complications can reduce quality of life in patients and family and require careful monitoring and expert intervention (Raymond, 2006).
A well-informed family is more able to assist the person with PD to make decisions about their care and solve many of the day-to-day quality-of-life issues. While direct caregiving may be exhausting in later stages of PD (see Case study 16.1), the family also carry the burden of the condition vicariously, as observers of the toll that PD is taking on their loved one (Habermann, 2000). Carers need support and time-out to avoid carer burn-out. Since this condition mainly affects the elderly, the carer’s health needs should also be closely monitored (Hirst, 2004).
Multiple sclerosis (MS) is a demyelinating disease affecting the nerve fibres in the white matter of the brain, the spinal cord and the optic nerve (Porth, 2005). Myelin forms around the axon as an insulator that interprets and conducts the message along the fibre tract. A process of acute inflammation causes demyelination to occur. In some instances the body remyelinates the axon and function returns. In other situations the myelin is lost and scarring or sclerosis occurs, slowing or impairing the transmission of the nerve impulse (De Souza & Bates, 2004). The size and distribution of the sclerotic plaques dictate the locations and types of symptoms experienced.
Geographical variations in incidence have led to several hypotheses about causal factors, including climatic influences, environmental factors and ethnically based genetic differences (Wallin & Kurtzke, 2003). Some researchers support the notion that demyelination is precipitated by an abnormal immune response of unknown origin, perhaps triggered by a virus in genetically susceptible people (Noseworthy, 1999).
Diagnosis is established through magnetic resonance imaging (MRI), evoked potential testing (measurement of sensory, visual and auditory nerve conduction) and examination of cerebrospinal fluid (Palace, 2001). This combination of testing is required because abnormalities in one test, for example the presence of lesions on MRI, are inconclusive and could be the result of other disease processes (Frankel, 2007).
Various presentations of MS are classified into four categories.
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