Oxytocin challenge test

Oxytocin challenge test


  • To evaluate the respiratory function of the placenta and provide an indication of how the fetus will tolerate the stress of labor

  • To provide further information when a nonstress test is nonreactive

Patient preparation

  • Explain the purpose and procedure involved with the oxytocin challenge test (OCT).

  • Instruct the patient that her contractions and the status of the fetus will be monitored electronically.

  • Assess the patient for possible contraindications such as unexplained third-trimester bleeding, preterm labor, placenta previa, multiple gestation, and a classic cesarean birth incision.

  • Tell the patient that an I.V. line will be started to administer the oxytocin.

  • Assess baseline maternal vital signs and fetal heart rate (FHR).


  • Place the patient in a semi-Fowler’s position or lateral tilt position with a pillow beneath one hip.

Jul 26, 2016 | Posted by in NURSING | Comments Off on Oxytocin challenge test

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