Osteoporosis is a condition in which the bones become so weakened that the slightest injury can cause a break in the bone.
• Hip and wrist fractures are the most common, with vertebrae following.
• Eight out of 10 people affected with osteoporosis are women.
• It is estimated that 50 out of 100 women will have an osteoporosis-related fracture after age 50 years. There are no warning signs of osteoporosis such as pain, stiffness, or joint swelling. You may not even know you have osteoporosis until you break a bone!
• 9 out of 10 women don’t get enough
• 99% of calcium is stored in the bone
• Needed for strong teeth and bones, for muscles, blood clotting, the heart, and the nervous system.
• Found in milk (300 mg in 1 cup of milk), yogurt, sardines, tofu, salmon (60 mg/cup), cheese (around 250 mg/ounce), collard/turnip greens and kale, and broccoli (150-250 mg/cup serving).
• Vitamin D (400-800 IU/day) needed to absorb calcium properly. We get vitamin D from sun exposure and supplements.
• The typical American diet does not have enough calcium or vitamin D.