Oral Care

Oral Care


  • Assess current dental care practices. If possible, observe the older child performing dental self-care.

  • Assess feeding practices (e.g., breast, bottle, cup), sucking practices (pacifier or thumb), dietary intake (what is consumed, amount of fruits, vegetables, foods with high sugar content), and oral hygiene practices.

  • Assess oral cavity for the following:

    • Integrity and color of the lips, tongue, gingivae, and mucous membranes

    • Irritations, potential infections, trauma, or other disease processes

    • Impending tooth eruptions and placement of present teeth

    • Child’s ability to salivate, swallow, and eat


  • Assess for any pain associated with oral cavity.

  • Assess caregiver knowledge base regarding tooth eruption and physical side effects (sore red gums, profuse salivation, slight temperature elevation, mild diarrhea, skin eruptions, fussiness).

  • Review child’s medical record for any current healthcare treatments that may impact oral health (e.g., chemotherapy, radiation, bone marrow transplantation).

Jul 9, 2020 | Posted by in NURSING | Comments Off on Oral Care

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