Job title
Facility type
What is your biggest daily administrative challenge?
OR Schedulera
Academic Medical Center
Predicting future busy caseload days to ramp up physician and nursing staff ahead of time
Anesthesia staffing for emergent cases outside of the OR
Medical Director Perioperative Services
Academic Medical Center
Managing long e-mail queue, answering to all stakeholders
Addressing patient safety reports (especially MD problem behaviors)
OR Schedulera
Academic Medical Center
Dealing with last-minute issues getting patients into OR (e.g., after an unexpected early case finish—logistics of getting next case from waiting area to holding to OR expeditiously)
Nurse Patient Care Manager
Academic Medical Center
Filling open salaried assistant nurse manager positions
Filling open OR nurse positions
OR Data Analyst for Strategic Development
Academic Medical Center
Redistribution of block time to support institutional growth
Aligning perioperative services to match hospital priorities
Estimating resource needs to support strategic vision
Senior Resident Scheduler
Ambulatory Surgery Center
Dealing with add-on (nonscheduled) cases
Adjusting the schedule to accommodate cancellations
Nurse Patient Care Manager
Ambulatory Surgery Center
Training new RNs for high complexity cases
Having enough high priced equipment (e.g., microscopes) readily available when needed
OR Schedulera
Community Hospital
Allocating OR time to services and making time for new surgeons
Scheduling inaccuracies: case booked for 90 min but takes 3 h causing the entire schedule to go out of sync
OR Schedulera
Community Hospital
Retention of staff and having appropriate staffing levels
Ensuring the entire perioperative process goes smoothly (e.g., have every patient go to preoperative clinic)
Medical Director
Freestanding Surgery Center
Reassigning cases based on daily OR efficiency
Stopping sick patients from being inappropriately scheduled when are better served at a hospital OR
The goal of this chapter is to address the daily challenges and to summarize key aspects of OR management. Topics of interest include defining basic OR terminology, discussing case duration predictions, addressing OR utilization and staff management, and exploring measures of OR efficiency.
Basic Definitions [1–4]
Since OR managers can come from different departments, it is imperative that communication occurs using precise vocabulary to ensure that there are no misunderstandings. Below is a list of common OR management terms with generally accepted definitions.
Staffing : The process of calculating the number of OR teams that must be available at each time during the week. For example, there may be staffing for four ORs Monday through Thursday, 7 AM–3 PM, and 7 AM–12 noon on Fridays.
Regular Scheduled Hours : The hours that an OR team member works on the days when not on call (e.g., 7 AM–3 PM).
Master Surgical Schedule : A cyclic timetable that defines how many ORs are available, the hours that the ORs are open, and the specific OR times for individual surgical groups. Many surgical suites use a schedule that repeats every 1 or 2 weeks.
Allocated OR Time : Specific OR time slot that is assigned to a surgical group. For example, a specific group of neurosurgeons may be allocated OR time from 7 AM to 3 PM every Tuesday. This allocation does not mean that additional cases would be turned away if the group could not finish them by 3 PM. Instead, OR time allocation indicates that the regularly scheduled hours planned for the surgeons are between 7 AM and 3 PM.
Block Time : A category of allocated, protected, OR time. Procedures are electively scheduled during a block only if they are predicted to finish within the block.
Open Time : Hours of unreserved OR time during which any service/surgeon can schedule cases/procedures.
Released Time : Hours of OR time released from a service/surgeon’s block time and converted to open time. This usually occurs when it is known in advance that block time will be unused e.g., due to vacation or meetings.
OR (case) Time: Time span from when a patient enters the OR, until he/she leaves the OR.
Turnover Time : The time from when one patient leaves the OR until the next patient enters the OR.
Early Start: When a patient enters an OR before scheduled start time.
Late Start: When a patient enters occurs after scheduled start time.
Productivity Index : Percent of total elapsed time that a patient is in the OR during prime time (i.e., the first 8 h of the day) shifts.
Raw Utilization : The total hours of elective procedures performed by a surgeon or surgical group during allocated OR time, excluding turnover times, divided by the allocated OR time.
Adjusted Utilization : The total hours of elective procedures, including the corresponding turnover times, performed within allocated OR time, divided by the allocated OR time. For example, if allocated time is 8 h, case time is 6 h, and turnover is 2 h, then the adjusted utilization is 100 %.
Underutilization : Reflects how early a room finishes and becomes idle. If OR staff are scheduled to work from 8 AM to 5 PM and a room finishes at 2 PM, then there are 3 h of underutilized time. The excess staffing cost would be 33 % (3 h/9 h). Excess staffing cost is one metric for assessing how well a surgery suite is being managed.
Overutilization : The hours that ORs run beyond allocated time. For example, if 11 h of procedures (including turnovers) are performed with staff scheduled to work 9 h, then there are two overutilized hours. Overutilized hours are at least twice as expensive as regular hours because of the additional monetary and morale cost of staff staying late unexpectedly. The excess staffing cost here would equal 44 % (2 h/9 h equals 22 %, then is multiplied by 2 to account for the incremental cost).
Case Duration Predictions
Predicting case durations is a difficult and frustrating task . Even with large amounts of data regarding a surgeon’s case performance history, duration predictions for cases that have already begun and for those yet to start are still poorly estimated [5]. In fact, when graphing case duration data, the distribution is not a standard bell curve as might be expected (Figs. 20.1 and 20.2)1 [6]. Unusually long cases will increase the average case duration estimate and skew the results to the right. This occurs because case distributions do not provide a single point value for how long a scheduled case will last but, rather, provide a probability estimate [6]. Therefore, when questioning how long a case has left, the answer is better given as a percentage estimate. For example, “There is a 62 % chance that the case in room 6 will take another 30 min.”

Fig. 20.1
Case duration data have non-bell shaped distributions making it difficult to choose a specific number for how long a scheduled case will last. The figure shows differences in duration of scheduled Hip procedures (Originally printed in “Anesthesia & Analgesia” Vol. 108, Issue 3, Jan 1, 2009)

Fig. 20.2
Case duration data have non-bell shaped distributions making it difficult to choose a specific number for how long a scheduled case will last. The figure illustrates scheduled Whipple procedures . On the left are cases in which the operation was aborted; on the right are cases that were fully performed (Originally printed in “Anesthesia & Analgesia” Vol. 108, Issue 3, Jan 1, 2009)
How to Make Duration Predictions
One method available to determine the duration of a case already under way is through Bayesian analysis . Bayesian analysis refers to the use of previous observations and current information to help determine future events. A computerized scheduling system that employs Bayesian analysis can transform scheduling by creating real-time decision support for the OR manager. Such a system may be able to make recommendations to an OR manager, such as: “Move the last case from OR 3 to OR 10” or “Have the on call team take over in room 8” [6].
Current real-time estimates can be supplemented by maintaining continuous communication with OR staff on the status of ongoing cases [6]. Regular updates are particularly valuable for longer cases and those with few historical comparisons [7, 8]. Approximately 20 % of surgeries in the United States are performed fewer than 1000 times per year and 36 % are performed less than once a year per surgical facility [6]. Therefore, building a database with enough prior historical case duration data becomes difficult.
Last 5 Case Estimate is a method of predicting durations when there is limited historical data [8]. This procedure-surgeon specific method averages the durations of the last five similar cases performed. For instance, if the surgeon has completed at least five similar cases in the past year, or barring that, if any surgeon has performed the same case, then those estimates are used to make current predictions. Over- or underestimations are closely associated with certain factors, such as if the case is an add-on, is performed after 5 PM, or is an outpatient procedure [8].
Another method of predicting case durations is to ask the surgeon to generate a time estimate [5]. However, their estimate may be biased due to a facility’s scheduling policies. For example, at some hospitals, surgeons may think it is necessary to provide shorter case time estimates to ensure that scheduled durations do not exceed the end of the regularly scheduled block time. Conversely, at another institution, a surgeon may be biased to lengthen case estimates to ensure that he/she does not lose block time to another surgeon.
Improving Duration Predictions
One approach to improve inaccurate case duration predictions is to first identify high volume cases with highly variable case duration estimates (e.g., spine surgery or sinus surgery) and compute the percent deviation of actual time from scheduled time. The next step is to define the source of this variability. In other words, determine if the variability occurs due to clinical differences in surgery or if the data is inherently flawed. It is also imperative to investigate how the data is collected. Some electronic systems consider incision time to close time as the case duration, which then leads to future predictions based on that time frame. However, duration estimates should include a patient’s room enter to room exit time as well [5]. Defining the nonsurgical time frames, room in to incision and surgical closure to room out, can help improve scheduling accuracy.
Inaccuracies may also result from improper scheduling of the procedure type. Each case is defined not only by the type of procedure and the surgeon, but also by the facility site. This is because case times for the same procedure can differ in an ambulatory center versus an inpatient hospital surgery suite. Therefore, understanding the terminology used (e.g., are there incomplete procedures codes), having an appropriate user interface in computer scheduling programs, and adequately training scheduling personnel is imperative in accurately scheduling cases and producing time estimates.
Improving surgeon time estimates may occur by giving surgeons their own historical summary data and ensuring that they understand the terminology and the appropriate time frame estimates to use [5].
OR Block Time and Utilization
One of the most important OR management decisions is to allocate the right amount of block time to each service on each day of the week. This allocation is based on historical usage by the surgeon and computer analysis of data from similar cases. The goal is to minimize the amount of underutilized time and, the more expensive, overutilized time.
Figure 20.3 illustrates how allocated OR time is broken down by cases performed, turnover times, and resulting utilization patterns. In each OR, allocated time is 8 h. OR 1 has 1 h of underutilized time. In OR 2, the case time and turnover time lead to an hour of overutilization. Determining causes of this inefficient OR time is an important method to evaluate how well a surgical suite is being managed.
Surgeon Block Time
Generally, block times are given out in half or full block intervals that can range between 4 and 12 h [10]. Block lengths of 8–10 h are recommended, though, to allow for more cases to be accommodated and to improve overall efficient use of OR time [11]. Block time can be given to individual surgeons or surgical subspecialties as a whole [12]. However, assigning blocks to surgeons instead of whole services can increase efficiency and give surgeons a sense of ownership that encourages them to utilize their assigned time efficiently [11]. Other advantages of surgeon-specific block times include [10]:
The ability to ensure, in advance, that clinic days do not conflict with OR time.
Availability of appropriate surgical assistant staffing for given OR block times.
The ability to book the appropriate number of procedures according to case length and complexity.
Surgeon-specific block time can also be used to promote surgical growth by recruiting new surgeons and offering them dedicated block time. From a hospital’s perspective, block times for different surgeons can be spread out during the week to accommodate the use of limited surgical supplies (e.g., if there is only one robot, then surgeons who use it can be given blocks on different days so there is no conflict in use) [10].

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